Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1646167-What-happens
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1646167
A Naruto fanfic... It starts off in Orochimaru's hideout where some experiments get loose
"Hey, hey, hey! Sasuke!" I egerly wrap my arm around him as we wonder through the halls of Lord Orochimaru's hide out. The silent Uchiha glares at you and bothers asking,

"What Midnight?" heavy venom in his voice,

"Kanichiwa Sempi!" I responded. He and I are on about the same level of skill and everything, but I like to still call him sempi, to annoy him.

He shrugs me off his shoulders as Kabuto-sensei wonders by. I disattach myself from Sasuke- sempi and cling to Kabuto's arm, reading over his shoulder. Kabuto closes the book and states, "You stoll more of my Medical books."


"Don't you learn?"

"Yup, but I refuse to listen, unless it's Lord Orochimaru."

Kabuto glances at my face, "How'd you hurt yourself this time?"

I touch the deep gash on my cheek, "I got too close to one of the experiments. Nothing major, I checked."

Kabuto slowly pulled his arm from my grasp, he wondered into his room and closed the door behind him.

Now standing in the hall way, not feeling like doing anything,I deside to check on the caged experiments, I have to make shure that they're all there.

I keep a microphone strapped around my neck at all times, just in case.

I bet your wondering how I'm connected to all this, well long story short:

Lord Orochimaru kidnapped me, unlocked the seal on the gold chakra and I've stayed ever sence.

Entering the musky room filled with chemicals and explosives, I checked to mack sue nothing outstandingly dangerous was missing. I held my hand to my throte and spoke into the mic, "Lord Orochimaru?"

His voice slowly piped up on the other end, "Yeah?"

"Did you take any C4 or Nitrogliserin?"

"Yeah, Kabuto needed it for something. Your checking invitory?"

"Yup. Then I'm going to check on the experments."


Orochimaru seemed to be thinking, "Oh, Kimimaru wanted to talk to you."

"Alrighty then, Thank you Orochi."

I finished checking the shelves. Standing on a stool I looked behind some crates, I froze and slowly watched what was slithering behind one. My eyes turned gold as I used night/chakra vision. It was an average green snake.

"Come here," I cooed as I left my hand on the shelf and is slowly read my thoughts. It slithered up my arm. I smoothly pet it and I climb down from the shelves I was perched on.

As I turned around I sensed a different chakra, opening my eyes I see a volger, grotest, zombie like thing in the door way, snarling and faoming at the mouth.

'Shit' I thought as is stared at me. I was scared, really scared.

I climb into an empty space on the shelves over my head and whisper into the mic, not lossing eye contact with this thing, "A-ah, Orochi, one of the experiments are loose.. A.. and it's wondering to me. What do I do?!"

Slowly I heard the others put the mics on, then Kabuto's vice piped over the mic, "Don't move. They run purely on instint."

"O-okie... dokie.." I cower deeper inside myself, I was always afraid of the experiments. Hurting humans and animals, mulipulating, lying, I hated it, and loved it at the same time.

I wrapped my snake around my neck, safest place at the moment. I slowly pull out a chakra sticker and peel the back off it.

I spoke slowly to the creature, "This will block all your chakra and kill you so Kabuto can find out what hapened to you." The creature could understand me?

It screamed/snarled, "I don't... WANNA-"


"DIE!!" It launched forword.

I screamed and lounched the sticker onto its forehead, it fell dead to the ground.

Panting I stared to the cripled body, I think I thought it would awake and kill me.

I'm in so much fear I can't get my legs to move.

I see a shadow at the door, it took all my might to look up. I saw Sasuke standing there with a scowl on his face as usual, hand o his hip and sword drawn. He glanced to the body then at me, trembling, "Others got loose, let's go."

I nodded and leaped over the body, still worried. I landed next to him and the fear slowly melted away. I cleared my throte and pulled out one of my large kunais and pulled his sleeve as I started to run down the hall, my chest felt heavy.

'No, I can't and won't cry,'

I frowned and became more like myself when I was truely pissed. I let got of Sasuke's sleeve and darted forward, taking longer strides, charka building in my hands and power behind my legs.

~~~~> Sasuke's point of view

'She's starting to build her energy up.. she's not scared anymore." I set my hand on the mic as I follow Midnight in the twisting halls, alert for and experiments,

"Kabuto, how many got released?"

"Four-ish, Orochimaru killed one, Sound 5 got two, "

"Then Midnight killed the last one."

"She what?!" Kabuto stopped his protrol and staggered. "Whao."

"Whatever, Midnight seems to sence another one, she won't slow down."

"Alright, see you back with Lord Orochimaru then."

I didn't answer, but Orochimaru piped in and said calmly, not bothered by the excaping experiments, "Keep and eye on her, she's breaking."


Orochimaru won't shut up. "You know she only trains at night, alone."


"Don't loose her in the dark, she's a natrual at stelth."
© Copyright 2010 Banished Shadows (aaronxmidnight at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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