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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fanfiction · #1646844
Naruto fanfic, experiments get loose at Orochimaru's place and Midnight is trouble.
~read What happens~

3rd Pov<----)

Midnight momentarly haults at the bashed open door to the lab, she loers her long elf like ears, the most recent human experiments should be in it. But from the looks of it, most have escaped. Midnight slowly wonders into the room, the lights flicker, then shut off. Sasuke wonders in behind Midnight, Shaningan activated. Midnight looks around, feeling her way around. She switches back to night vision (gold eyes). She franticly stummbles back.

"Holy shit!" she hushed to herself and she fell against the wall. Sasuke carefully watched the creature. It was a human corpse with burned, rotting skin, missing hair, and a odd slouch as it wavered side to side.

Midnight slow stood again and Sasuke flicked on the lights.

There were more of them.

"Midnight to Kabuto.."

"Kabuto here."

"There's more."

Kabuto looked back at the screens he had over him for his computer, "I see. Try your best not to destroy the bodies, I can use the organs."

"10:4" Sasuke replied. He lowered his hand, Midnight raised hers.

Midnight rushed forward, chakra built in her feet. She leaped into the air, sliced the head off the first one, bounced of its shoulders and her feet stuck the the ceiling, she swong around and grasped Sasuke's hand as he bound foreward. She swung him to the left, he used Chidori Stream and killed the rest. Five creatures down.

~~~~~~~~~~ >Midnight's POV

Later that day, Sakon and Ukon found me sitting on the hidout's roof, staring off into the woods.

They sit and comment, "So you keep getting knocked off your wheels?"

I shrugged, "No." and lied.

Ukon looked up, for once they were apart, "Kay, what keeps setting your fear off?"

"Why do you care?"

"We don't, but Kabuto said that if you keep getting scared and unsure, then there isn't a point of you staying."

Sakon pipes in, " He thinks that you'll squeel under pressure."

"I'm not a traitor."

"Eh, not our problem."

Ukon warns, "But we won't let you put Lord Orochimaru in harm's way."

They stand and drag me to one of Kabuto's labs. 'Oh, goodie.'

Now sitting on one of the gernies I sit and swing my legs. While I wait for Kabuto to come back I meditate. Calming myself and clearing my head, I'm ready for any question..... Well almost any.

/\~ Clang!~/\  I flinch and look under  me. I see a snake, large and red. I watch it as I lay on my belly. It glances at me and continues to slither about.

My ears twitch as I hear footsteps stride into the room, "Hi four eyes."

I sit back up and watch as Kabuto wonders over in a long white lab coat and elbow long purple gloves.

As he looks at a clipboard, " Before we begin, take care of the swine stalking me. Very poorly at that."

I glance around his head and see a double? No, not again. That idiot never learns.

I wave to him, "Kanichiwa Mr. Artist!"

Mr. Artist scrables away very scared as Kabuto turns to look at him, "Ah-ahhh!" he shreeks as he runs away.

If your wondering, Mr. Artist is a totally obsessed, non-ninja, artist the trys to stalk Kabuto and usually is escorted off the property by Sasuke. Well Kabuto usually beats the crap out of him first. Last time, Mr. Artist got a picture of Kabuto-sensei getting out of the shower. That was nasty, I didn't think he'd make it.

I slowly follow the screams as I wonder out of the room.

I pass Sasuke who cought the little bugger, "I'll do it this time." I say as I pull this brown haired poperatize down thte hall. Along the way he starts to ask question after question, leaving his face blue from talking too fast, or was it that we just pasted Lord Orochimaru?

"So, Midnight was it? How are you connecter to Kabuto-samma? Is he doing well? What happened this morning? What awsome new jutsu is Kabuto working on? How come-"

"Just stop!" I commend as we pasted Sakon and Ukon. I can't let them know I'm helping Mr. Artist.


Now in Kabuto's room Ilet go of his wrist as he squeels like a fangirl.

"WOW!! I've never been in HERE!!" he kisses the floor. "Whao, Kabutp SLEPT here!" he warships the bed.

I yank him of it and say, "We don't have any time, pick a few of his things and then let's go."

He smiled bigger. I didn't think you could realy smile ear to ear, but he could. Creepy.

He rushed around the room, "Scapl, weird kunai, OH!! his hair brush!" He tucked many things into his long brown coat.

"Okay, time to go!" I ordered. He whined and slowly wondered over to the door. I held his hand and whispered, "Now be very quiet, I have something for you." He gazzed at me confusedly, I told him to close his eyes and I tied Kabuto's old head band around his head. He open his eyes and touched it.

"HOLY CRAP!!!" he screamed. I slam my hand over his mouth and hissed, as he glomped onto me with excitment, "I told you to be quiet!! Now we'll be lucky if He didn't hear you!"

I slowly pull the teen through the door, he clung to nearly everything he grabbed in his arms. I look one way and well... I stopped turning my head when I felt very angery chakra beside me. 'Shit!' tear drop.

I glance to see Kabuto towering over me and Mr. Artist. His arms crossed, and chakra flaming on both hands. There was a shine on his glasses so you couldn't see his eyes. At this point I didn't want to.

"I knew you where up to something. I just didn't think you were stupid enough to do THIS!"

He grabs both of us and glares more at my than Mr. Artist.

"I thought this worm would do it, but I didn't think you'd help Midnight." I lower my ears, this is going to hurt.

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