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Rated: 18+ · Other · Drama · #1647627
Short Story - Mystery/Drama
He stood waiting with the knife in his hand. The blood drops slowly mixing in the rain puddles. He stares at the body, his mind racing with the events of the last 24 hours. What will he do now? Who will save him?

         Cassidy is waiting at the diner. She was supposed to meet him at nine and it is almost 10. She decided to have a grilled cheese and a coffee. It was clear he had broken another promise.

         The knife has to be gone. It will be the only think that can link him to Nate’s murder. How can he destroy it for good? No traceable evidence can be left behind. All the items found at the scene can be explained by regular everyday job duties. The lab is only six blocks away and Nate’s body will fit in the bed of the pick-up.

         Desperately he shoves the knife into the lining of his leather coat and searches the premises for a tarp or rug he can use to transport Nate to the truck. He remembers there are supplies in the closet off the conference room in Telecom Room 3. He runs down the south hall and swipes his badge… Agent Tom Pattison… APPROVED!

         It was 8:45 p.m. and Cassidy would be waiting for him but Tim knew he had to clean up this mess or it would cost him everything. He knew he would be able to fix this with her once the secrets about her and Nate were exposed. How could she deny anything that he had recorded directly from Nate’s mouth?

         Cassidy got on her motorcycle and headed to the hills. The drive was fast and loud. She knew she was lied to again. It seemed that Tim had a knack for pushing her buttons. There was something about him that just set her on fire. A passion she could not quit and an anger that would not stop. Her addiction and motivation. Tim had a way of making her feel alive when Nate had spent so many years torturing her.

         Standing on the side of the freeway, she sings to the top of her lungs while her bike sits idle. She does not want to go back home. Knowing that another night will be filled with a rant about how a “lady” should act. The expectations of a scientist’s wife and not just any scientist, but the wife of the world renowned Doctor Nathaniel Evan Milan would be what she would hear about tonight. The party expectations, formal appearances, fundraisers, and political functions. Resenting that she gave up the only part of her she ever loved.

         Tim has finally gotten the crime scene cleaned and the body wrapped tightly and ready for transport. Dr. Wonderful will never be a condescending asshole again. His days of torturing Cassidy were over. It is almost 2 a.m. and he should be able to dispose of this bastard once and for all.

         There is nothing in the world like waking up happy in the morning. Cassidy was still groggy but she realized quickly that Nate never made it home last night. Certain he had spent the night at the lab tinkering with the next useless theory on whatever he was working on. Quite frankly, she had gotten bored listening to all of his incessant chatter. He knew she did not care yet he continued to talk. Why would he be so foolish? Why would she?

         After a workout in the gym, she went back upstairs to dress for her required lunch performance. She never realized how much she would hate this life. In the early years, it was ok but now it was beyond what she could tolerate. Nate had long lost interest in her and she had an appetite than not any man could satisfy.

         Nate was notorious for being on time and meticulous to details. Cassidy knew that if she were one minute late for today’s award presentation he would be furious. She was still not sure why he would not have come home last night and gotten his new tux but he was doing things his way, as usual. Her driver pulled around the limo just as she crossed the foyer… excellent timing Cass, she thought! In her finest eggplant suit, she gets in and heads toward the university on schedule.

         Cassidy is in her assigned seat, fidgeting with her pearls. There is no sign of Dr. Milan, which is very unusual. For the first time since last night, she was missing him. Tim had not even called to apologize or ask her to meet him. She was angry again but she longed for his touch or just to hear his voice. Just then, she realized that the President was in front of her asking about Nate. Quickly she comes back to reality and responds to Dr. Vizzini that she has not heard from Nate since Thursday morning when he left for the lab. He did not return home last night and that was not unusual therefore she was not alarmed.

         Quickly the room begins to buzz like a beehive. Noticeably, individuals with the staff are moving with purpose and concern. Cass is thinking how amusing it is to watch others suffer before this event while she had relaxed all morning in his absence. Preparing for his inevitable entrance and speech, she began looking for the champagne bar. As usual when she was up to move about someone offered to get it for her and she was put back in her place.

         Suddenly Cass realizes that it is ten minutes past one and the event has yet to start. Her heart sinks and she knows something is wrong. What should she do first? Just then, the Chief of University Police is standing in front of her asking her to come with him. Cassidy demands to know where Nate is and what they have done with him. She was sure he was in the lab. Chief Thompson insists and Cassidy goes with him to the University Police office and the interrogation begins.

©Denise Stover 2010
© Copyright 2010 JustDenise (justdenise at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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