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Rated: E · Short Story · Supernatural · #1649565
Native-Dominican backwards feet women freedom fighters during colony days
The Ciguapas. A Caribbean Legend

The Dominican territory, two thirds of a 75,000 sq. miles Caribbean island, has a central 10,000-feet high mountain, the Cordillera Central, plus another one, yet half the size, along the north coast.

Dominican historians estimate that in the 15th century, native population should had been around 200,000 individuals. A mix of 'Arawaks', 'Cibayos', 'Tainos' and 'Caribes' tribes lived in the island divided in five kingdoms: 'Marien', 'Magua', 'Maguana', 'Higuey' and 'Jaragua'. The last two kinddoms occupied the south coast -some 200 miles by 50 miles- known as the 'Guavatico' savanna. The now Dominican Republic's capital, Santo Domingo, is the limit to the west, Punta Cana to the east.

History books indicate that 'Conquistadores' exterminated almost all natives in less than 20 years. One of the reasons for bringing in thousands of African slaves: they were stronger, obedient and with lower operational costs, plus fringe benefits from the slave highly lucrative business. Native Dominicans were weak, passive and barely resistant to European diseases like Siphilis, Gonorrhea and Malaria. Besides, some opponents to the Columbus family started a strong movement to defend natives from the voracity of those men looking only for gold. Father 'Las Casas' or Frey 'Anton of Montesinos' impacted the Spanish court -Columbus’ quest capitalists- with field reports (they lasted almost a year to reach the Spanish Queen, personal supporter of Mr. Columbus…) from the colonies. At the time she ordered some retaliation, gold mines and crops were in the hands of African slave’s manual labor.

The atrocities of 'Conquistadores' in 'La Hispaniola', one of the worst genocides of all times, were especially cruel among native women and their children. Horrible stories of babies dismembered by soldiers and threw to their attack dogs as meat. The systematic torture of men and women –day after day- by impaling, fire or medieval machines… ended in natives's massive suicide, escaping and later, war. Native Dominicans run to hide into the westbound mountains (known now as 'Haiti', then was the turn to African slaves in the early 19th century) where they resisted Spanish Army attacks for years. Actually, it was the first guerrilla warfare movement in the so named ‘new world’…

In the 16th century, women were, perhaps, a commodity. They were mere sexual objects, fountains for bearing new manual labor and domestic servants to 'Conquistadores'. However, native women had a significant role in tribe kingdoms. They fought in native wars, managed territories and acted as judges and legislators. In fact, native men were criticized for their laziness and understanding with the enemy…

As well as the 'El Dorado' story in South America of lakes and cities of gold, presumably made it up to bring into the jungle the more 'Conquistadores' as possible to die… a terrifying story of bloody native women warriors with their foot backwards was spread among the Spaniards in the –then- 'La EspaƱola' island.

It is important to understand that people at those times feared of monsters and ghosts all the time. From dragons in the sea swallowing ships and sailors, in one bite… to horrible criatures inside caverns waiting for soldiers. Giants, decapitated ghosts that will chase you along desert roads after six and...naked, long black hair, sharp teeth, evasive to arrows or swords, fierce…CIGUAPAS!

Ciguapas will sing to you –same with half-woman half-fish sirens over sea waves- from the bushes, and show themselves to attract you to her side to have sex…but then eat you alive. It was impossible to resist. You will end cut in pieces. Your… manhood, first.

It was possible that some native women warriors could actually conformed small, guerrilla-style, bands looking after revenge. In the desolated mountains, valleys and savannas of the island, the best hour to attack could possible be at dawn or dusk. The profound believe in the hour of the dead -not day nor night- time, was certainly a moment not to stay outside! It was taken by those warriors to kidnap men, tortured them and disappearing them. About their feet, backwards, it was possible that they walked…backwards, trying to avoid been followed. It is an old guerrilla tactic: your steps are confused, difficult to understand or to be tracked. Walking backwards along narrow paths in the jungle, yet familiar territory for the women -in absolute silent- had to be developed as part of their guerrilla warfare. These women knew how to handle bows and arrows for sure, yet historians are not sure if they were capable of sustain for a long time their attacks against the invaders. Spanish infantry soldiers, veterans of European wars, with better equipment, training, personal armor and horses, finally defeated mostly all Native Dominican defenses.

In the deep heart of the thick Caribbean jungles, inside obscure and humid caves, the Ciguapas warriors could possible survived the massacre.

However, at the end of the day, well over 6 o’clock coming into the night, I’ll assure you that you still can hear them –only males though- whistling.

People say is only the wind…

Is it?

Robert Dietsch
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