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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Dark · #1660952
Continuation of part1. I've rewrote it, nothing sex like in it. Before it was very poor.
(read part one)

The Gaurdian glared at the man behind her and continued to talk to the man she was talking to before, "Do you have a solution in mind, other than beating him?"

"Nothing that the man will agree to."

"I see."

The teen stands back a bit, "In order to stop demestic violance, I can't let the people kill eachother... What to do, what to do?..."

She struck an idea, "I know how to fix this.." She turned to the worm behind her, he just broke free of her grasp. A lightning fast snag to the back of his collor and he was thrusted back. She whispered into his ear, "You give them all the money in your bank accounts and leave this town for good. I'll alert the other Gaurdians of you."

Strangely the man in her grasp nodded and grumbled about damning her, but other wise, later that night/early morning, wired the money from one account to another and the worm was shipped out to a few towns over.

The rest of the night was peaceful. The teen went around and gave money to the poor as usual, and gave blankets to the ones who needed it. Winter would be coming soon. The sickness would return to the people. Near dawn, the tired girl wondered back to her master's home.

She slowly opened the door, set her staff to the side of the door and sighed, "Geeze, this is getting hard to do.."

She closed the door, slipped out of her boots and coat. While she let her hair down she listened, Master is asleep. She crawled over to the sofa and sprawled out onto it, not wanting to disturb the man in his bed. She rested an arm over her eyes and breathed, relaxing.

... A soft energy loomed over her and a body pressed down. She opened her eyes and found Master laying on her, smileing. She raised and eye brow and stroked his shoulder long, black hair while she gazed into his blue eyes,

"Feel any better?"

"Yeah, and horny."

The teen breathed slowly, being a virgin was dangerous around him. Many times a loft he cooed her into it, but never seemed to be able to get her out of her clothes, just got her horny. She moved under him, not wanting any sex, ususally stepping around the subject. Due to being a gaurdian, she couldn't, as in inable to,  get pregnent or catch anything, but she still didn't want to do it.

His smile was flawless, he was hot and elegant, his intentions well and his heart strong, the girl wrapped her arms loosly around his neck as he rested his head on her chest.


"Yes Master?"

"What's bugging you?- other than being tired?"

The girl stroked his hair and closed her gold eyes, "Nothing, it's just I'm proud of myself for helping the city, but it's getting hard."

"Can you still tell if they're telling the truth?"

"Yeah, but now my emotions are starting to get into the way, I know that I'm breaking the oath, so I'm going to meditate more often and if I have more problems, I'll come to you..."

He smiles slightly, "Good girl, your keeping to your heart, just don't let it loose and make the wrong desisions."

"Yes, Master." she sighed and held him there.

After a while the man sighed and told her that his lover was comeing over later that week. Midnight rolled her eyes, 'Oh, goodie...' she thought sarcasticly. She didn't like Sensei that much, he was extremely sexual and alluring, it was hard for her to keep control with him around, she usually slept or watched the city more.

Master slowly tangled his fingers into her hair, relaxing her, then slowly kissed her with passion. Midnight blushed as she kissed back with the same love. She slowly pushed closer, the fire inside lit and burning red hot.

No, stop it.

Midnight came back to her senses, this would lead to his bed. Midnight pulled back and gasped for air, Master biting her neck, 'No, don't do that!' Midnight blushed deeper as she pushed him up some,

He slowly stared to nibble on her neck again, raling her up. She swollowed hard and gasped as his hand roamed her inner thye. She tried to squirm away, but her body dissmissed the idea. She growled in disaprooval, but her body was weakening from lack of energy to refuse.

Master slowly pushed himself closer, his hormonzes raising. Midnight felt her body long for the lust. She turned her head away, looking at the wall, gathering power to push her emotions back.

He started to pull her shirt up as Midnight quickly shrugged it down and glared,

"Master, you need to learn personal space." She coldly stated that when she said no to this kind of thing, she ment it.

Master watched her as she slipped her boots back on and grabbed her staff...

As she opened the door his hushed voice called to her. She hesitated and felt him float to her and wrap his arms around her shoulders. She lifted his arms off of her slowly. She gazed  at the ground for a moment. Turning, she kissed him on the check, to say she still loved him and closed the door behind herself, leaving Master alone.

Wondering her streets, she slowly let her emotions flood her mind, sorting them.

Sighing, she sat next to the friendly bum she was talking to earlier. He could tell something was wrong, but he didn't bother asking, he knew she'd talk if needed.

After a while, just before dawn, that was about an hour, she sighed and told the bum not to worry, being near him had a tendencey of helping her think without talking to him. He smiled and patted her back, "Things will get better, just don't be so afraid, your strong and giving, and don't you Dare put yourself down, Miss."

She smirked, "Yeah, I guess.. I mean what could go wrong?" her fangs gleamed in the morning light.


Wandering into the back alley and into the house, she slipped her boots off and rested the staff, next to Master's. She spotted the smoker on the back of the couch, back to the door... 'Well, he looks sad..geez.'

She wondered over and watched him, his body was tense and cold, he looked so hard on himself... She wavered from one foot to another then finally broke down into tears, she lunged to Master, clinging to his side, slowly he rested his left arm around her, listening to her gasp for air.

"...stop, just stop." he commanded as he finished his smoke, "I understand what you feel, I've noticed you haven't said anything about your family in months, you cry yourself to sleep after a long day, I understand I went too far. I also understand that you love for me at times, wracks your body. I.. I know that your stressed beyond the point of screaming... I'm-" He was cut off by pink lips crasing to his,

"Don't ever say your 'sorry' to me Master, that makes things worse." She kissed him again, this time to get the point across, she didn't want pitty, she wanted him.

"I'm glad you understand."

He pulled her closer into the kiss, he cleared the tears from her face. She smiled and slipped her tongue into his mouth, his met it in return.

Midnight gasped, "Oh, and thanks for the hicky from earlier.." she smirked and pulled down the collor of her top.

He frowned, "I didn't.."

She winked, "You may not of, but I have."

He looked at her questioning, and eye brow raised.

She laughed and sucked on his neck, leaving a red stop. She thought if she lifted his mood, he'd shut up.

"Are you fine with me now?"

"Maybe. maybe not." She smiled

"Oh, play fair hunny." Master pleeded as she pulled him back outside.

Arriving on the roof top, Midnight pulled him to the center and ordered him to saty put. While he crossed his arms and was tempted to lite a fix, all the lights in the city flicked off. Concern exploding he asked, "Midnight? What's going on?!"

Midnight appeared at his side, "Just calm down, look at the sky."

He glanced up to retake the imge he ignored. The sky was littering with millions of stars of every color thought of. He slowly sat down, his arm around the girl. To his amazment he felt so small but so important none the less.

"I wanted to show you how I feel when you are near my side." Master hugged her tightly, but she quickly stood after to turn the lights back on before the cops came after her. She wondered back to the man's side and leaned on her back, watching the bats fly overhead.Master leaned down and rested on her breast, still in awe.
Midnight stroked his hair and tried to gather words again, but just gave up and breathed. She listened to him take sharp breaths until his body calmed.  Master slowly flexed his fingers, slowly getting tangled in her hair. She leaned closer, relaxeed.After a bit of gazing up at the blank sky, he felt the girl's energy drop. He knew she had fallen asleep when her hands stopped messing with his raven hair. He slowly and with great care, pulled her up into his arms. Back inside the house he set her onto the bed.He rolled over on his back, on the outside and rolled her onto her side. He knew she couldn't breath well on her back. He glanced to the window, yellow streams of light greeted the room. He smiled and traced the sleeping body next to him.
He curled closer and hugged the body with protection. He closed his eyes and drifted off as well.

~~~~~~~~~~~ The next night.

Opening her eyes, Midnight waited for her vision to clear as she slowly sat up. She listened, she could hear the shower running and Master singing badly to Basshunter. She could hear him drop the soap and swear at it, then continue singing.

Smiling to herself as she listened she checked the time, nearly seven, it's getting dark now. She felt a cool draft and realized the window was propped open. She watched the steam flood from the bathroom, as she gathered clothes to wear. She kneeled on the sofa, waiting for her Master to hurry up in the shower, recalling the night before. She smiled and listened to the squeeky nob in the shower as he shut off the water and wondered around the bathroom. She laughed as she heard him drop things and swear at them, then again as he grumbled about his tangled hair. She drapped her house coat around herself as a cool draft hit again. A while later, the alarm clock went off, the moon was out and time to go to work.

"Hey, Master, hurry it up," Midnight said, knowing he could hear her from the other side of the door. She leaned on the door frame as he replied,

"Yeah, yeah, I know."

She smiled again, as he opened the door, kissed her and rubbed her butt.

"I'll see you as usual,"

"Yup, on top of the Drug house down town."

"Right, tonight we're tracking that nasty drug dealer."

"Okie dokie boss." Midnight yawned and half saluted as he smirked and wondered over to the door, grabbing his black staff.

After a quick shower and a cleaning, Midnight wondered out of the tub and blow dried her hair.

Getting dressed and ready to go, she locked the door and wondered down the alley, across town, solving short disagreements among the people and scaling the side of a tall building. She arrived at the Drug house, mildly disgusted with the men walking into the place. She climbed the fire escape and leaped into the roof. She wonders to the back of Master and glomps onto his arm. She's quite clingy.

He chuckled as she stereotyped the people walking in. As they watched from the roof, Master pointed out the men that he needed to get. Midnight picked out a few targets of her own and a young teen dressed, well not really 'dressed' in anything. The drug house also sold beings for sex.

The same girl paid her toll at the door and meandered in. Midnight stood in the corner, watching her look around, 'She looks like she's looking for someone..'

Midnight, even through her clenched teeth, due to what she was clothed in (not much), greeted the girl and lead her away from a group of older men. She convinced her to follow her to the bathroom. Once inside, Midnight kicked out the couple stripping for sex and locked the door behind them. Turning, she glared at the girl,

"Don't you seem a little young to be doing this?" Midnight was about the same age, but from the mature mind, came the body of an older teen.

"You have no Right-" Midnight cut her off,

"I do have the right to make sure this city is safe, along with the stuborn teens in it... So why are you here?"

"I need money... lots of it." The blonde in a pink bra and high leather boots sat on the sink and opened her legs, "If you pay, you can have."

Midnight blinked as the girl continued, "I swing both ways."

Midnight felt like throwing up, 'How could she do that?!'

"Gross kid! No, I want you to find a better way of getting money."

The sexual blonde slid off the sink and gropped Midnight's breasts,

"Why would I? I love the sex, everynight, with anyone, it's thrilling!"

Midnight pushed the girl off her, "What are you going to do when you get pregnant or your condom fails or you forget your pills?"


"What about when one of the guys gets the idea to bring you home?"

"I run."

Midnight face palms, "Wake up, you could DIE doing this, then what money are you going to get?!"

"Die? Nah, that only happens to the stupid ones."

Midnight stepped closer, anger rising, realizing this, she sighs and calms down, instead she tranfers fear into the young teen and asks,

"What are you going to do, once you get a disease that has no cure and kills you from the inside out? Which one? AIDs, cancer?"

"You can't get Cancer from sex!" she protested,

"Yes you can. You can die from having the inside torn and bleeding to death, that's painfull. Or from some sick bastard who thinks it's a good idea to cut you up and string you from the walls, listening to you scream in agany." She pulled out a picture of that from her bra, showing the blood and little life left in a girl. The photo was from the Gaurdian's Admidristation.

The blond scrammbled back, the fear was sinking into her well, "No way!"

Midnight nodded and showed her more picture of different girls dead from rape and murder.

"NO!" the girl screamed, histeria sinking in, Midnight stopped transfering energy at this point.

"I'm not going to end up like that!!"

Midnight sighed and stood with her hands on her hips, "You'll be fine as long as you leave with me and let me get you a job in the bakery near your house."

"You know where I live!? Stalker!!" The girl glared at the Gaurdian.

"No, I'm the Gaurdian of this city, I want to help you get a better life."

Hearing that the brown haired teen was a Gaurdian, the blonde stopped and bowed her head in shock, 'Really?! I made a fool of myself in front of a Gaurdian?! I even offered her sex! Oh, my God! What if she tells my parents!?!'

Midnight hands the girl a long jacket and orders her to follow her home.


Midnight and the teen in trench coats stand in the living room with the blond's parents, the girl in tears and her parents in shock, mouths open.

Midnight frowned as the girl tried to explain. After a while, Midnight leaned on the door frame and listened to the girl's punishment.

'Wow, and I thought Master was hard with punishment...' The girl ended up under house arrest until she was 18. Gonna be long 4 years.

Midnight glanced at the fuming parents as they yelled their child to go up stairs. Midnight's long elf like ears twitched.

"Miss Guardian, thank you for finding her." the mother said.

Midnight nodded and said, knowing what could happen, "Watch her closely, teens tend to go to irrational extreames."

The parents nod as Midnight leaves the house. A twisting feeling forming in her chest as she stops at the nearest coffee shop and wonders to the cpunter and ordered a coffee.
Not finding Master back at the Drug house, Midnight wonders to the popular club on the other side of town.

Arriving at the Disco Club, Midnight finds Master in the far back, talking to DJ Antany. Midnight leaned on the controls to the sound system, reading the labeled discs.

"Sooo, your the chick I've heard so much about."

Midnight turned and winked at the man and watched the club bounce. She watched the other Gaurdian talk with the DJ, not caring what the conversation was about.

Antany poked Midnight in the side, "You can go down and dance."

She shook her head, "I don't dance."

"Why not? With a body like yours I'd show it off."

She breathed, "No thank you." slightly irritated. She never really liked dancing.

She smiles at Antany, "I would, but I have to continue my night watch." she half saluts him and disapears into the shadows of the wall.

She slowly forms on the other side of the building, she drops from the shadows and starts to wonder the streets. She turns her Ipod on and leans on the pawnshop's wall. After watching the people that wondered inside, she shadows them. Listening, she heard this:

Gruffy voice, " Not you again...- What do you want now?"

The man that wondered in, points gun and commands, "Diamonds, gold and all your cash." he clicks the gun.

The man behind the counter glares and starts pulling something out from under the counter.  Watching closer she noticed that this shop was more about kerosene lamps. Which made sense, most of the city was decaying and a lot of the street lights were out. She's seen people with lantern wandering the streets aimlessly.  Then while she thought, out of the blue she heard the robber scream as the store owner used a tranquilizer gun. She half laughed at the defense but blinked when the gun trigger was pulled and hit the barrel of the year supply of oil for the lamps. Midnight blinks and gasps, no time to grab anything, she vanished into the shadows and ran to the other side on the street. It's the middle of the night, so not many people were out, thankfully.


Midnight was knocked off her feet.
Normally with an explosion would leave a ringing in human ears, but with Midnight's nearly sonic hearing, she found herself having a lack of it. Panic slowly washed over, she didn't know how to read lips or sign language.
'Just great!!' she yelled in her mind.

Running far and fast, she found Master who heard the blast a block away. She leaped into his arms and hid her face. He slowly realized that she couldn't communicate. It was kinda noticable, she covered her ears and was crying, he could feel her energy, rapid and panicked.

He breathed, transmitting calming energy into the crying teen, "Shh, it's okay.."

He patted her head. He watched the building down the street burn, focasing on diminishing the screaching flames. In a flash the flames seemed to be darwn back into nothingness.

"I told you she would be a hand ful, but noooo, you didn't listen did you?" A tall man, looked about his early 20's, albino, so his hair was white and he's cut it short, ragidy and just below the ears. He smiled, his fangs slowing. Master glanced at this guy and glared slightly,

"This is not the time to be rubbing it in."

The albino rolled his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, but I was still right."

Master continued to glare, he didn't seem to like this other Gaurdian, at the moment.

Back at the house, Master restored Midnight's hearing after a bit of searching about is his casting book. But as soon she thanked Master so ignored Masion, and it was obvious she didn't like him what so ever.

After a few moments, ahe gave up and watched the two from the top of her laptop. The  albino's name is, Masion. She lowered her ears and surfted the chat site for Gaurdians that are off duty. She spoke to whomever would say hello. Masion looked at Master with a lustful glance. Masion groped Master and it took off from there.

Midnight tried her best to ignore them, but it got to the point where she was turned on so bad, she had to leave the house.

"Are you going to the Gathering Of Gaurdians, miss?" The bum asked,

"I'm not so sure about that."

"I take it, Masion showed up today?"


"What happened at the lantern shop?"

"A burgulary gone wrong is all, I couldn't do anything about it.." She looked at her hands.

"I know you can do it."

She smiled at the man's advice, she patted the man on the shoulder and asked, "When's your birthday?"

"In a few days."

"Okay, make sure that you look to the stars for me." She smiled and pulled herself up, then disappeared in a flash of light.
© Copyright 2010 Banished Shadows (aaronxmidnight at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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