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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · War · #1662058
A soldier recieves three letters from strangers. A fun short story with a few twists.
James sat slumped in the corner, a cold frothy beer in one hand and a crumpled hand of cards in the other. It had been a very long and exhausting day and it felt good to finally kick off his boats, sit back and joke with the lads. He could feel the shooting  pain of every aching muscle as he rustled in his pocket for more money. Betting and beer were his only vices these days he thought quitely to himself although in all honesty he could do with  a cigerette. Much to his annoyance  he'd had to quit when he'd enrolled. He could barely clear the obstacle courses back then without doubling up and coughing. Now his body was stronger than he'd ever imagined and he was almost ready to go into combat. Maybe he had spent these past months training to simply run to his death. It suddenly seemed much more real and although he wouldn't admit it to the lads, absolutely terrifying. He wasn't ready to die. He was only twenty seven. He hadn't ever been in love. He had no children to speak of and he'd never held down a job. He'd joined the army in a last ditch attempt to make something of his life.
'Ere Jim. You've got mail!' John ran into the room a big smile plastered over his face. His eyes crinkled in delight.
'Mail?'james looked up in surprise, a dart of terror consticting in  his chest. He'd only received a letter from home on Tuesday. Another so soon could surely only spell bad news.
'Ere you go laddie. I aint got all day...' John handed three envelopes over to James and sat down in a rush  'What's the price lads? Count me in!'
James' eyes narrowed as he took in the three familiar blue airmail envelopes. He peered closely at the one on top of the pile. It was a crunched up shaky handwriting that he didn't recognise. Relief then confusion flowed over him in waves.
'Who the bloody hell is this from?'
'Just open it. You big girl!' Gary chuckled pointing in frustration to the envelope and swiftly dealing a fresh hand of cards to John
'But...who knows my address?'
John and Gary glanced at one another clearly trying to control withheld laughter. John sighed and reluctantly admitted 'We put a lonely hearts ad in The Sun. Lonely soldier. Never gets letters. That sorta thing...'
'What? James could feel a sudden redness rushing to his cheeks.' I do get letters! '
Ýeah from your mum!'Gary let out a loud splurt of laughter. 'Come on open it. I can't deal with this sorta suspense!
James shrugged his shoulders and tore the envelope open before  cautiously pulling  out the letter.
'What the hell !?!'
'What does it say?' John and Gary asked in unision.
James glanced back at the letter, cleared his throat and began to read aloud;

Dear Mr James Groves,

Lat week I was perusing the daily newspaper when my eye was drawn to your rather interesting letter. I simply felt the need to write to you.  My husband George  was killed during the Second World War. I have never forgotten him and I expect you also have loved ones who would be devastated if they were to lose you. Please reply so that I know you are keeping well.

Kind regards,

Mrs Wilma Jones

'Wilma?'John exclaimed. 'We were trying to get you laid not advertising for Grab a Granny!'
James couldn't help himself as he joined in the laughter, clutching his sides.
Gradually the laughter died down and all three lads turned their attention back to the letters.
'Hmmm...clearly a mature lady' James grinned indicating to the balloon style writing with hearts dotting the eyes on the second envelope.
'Doubt she's as mature as Wilma'Laughed John, tears forming at the edges of his crinkly eyes.
James quickly opened the second letter.
Ýou have GOT to be kidding me...'
'Worse than Granny Wilma?'
'Maybe I should open the other one first...' James quickly began to stuff the second letter in his pocket. John quickly snatched it out of James''hand and began to read. James held his head in his hands, too embarrased to look up as John burst into pearls of laughter.
'Now this one you've got to hear Gary' John smoothed the letter down on his lap and began to read;

Hiya James,

My name is Gemma Louise Anderson. I am eight years old and three quarters. In three months time I will be nine years old. That's right I'm almost a grown up.
I saw your letter in the Sun and I thought it would be lots of  fun to write to you. I've never spoken to a real life soldier before. I guess you could say this isn't actually speaking to you but it almost is.
I got a pet gerbil yesterday. His name is Harvey. He is brown and white.
I am going to send this now. I'm very proud of myself. I am using paragraphs and everything. My English teacher said I'm very good at writing for my age.
Please write back. I never get letters.
Lots of love from
Gemma xxx'

John laughed 'Wilma is more promising!'
'Oh come on...James felt quite defensive 'It's quite sweet. I like kids.'
'Yeah but you'd have to wait ten years for a date'
'Ha ha. That's not what I meant. You're such a moron, John'
'Get on with it' Gary piped in 'Read the last letter. We've got an early start tomorrow'.
'Alright' James ripped the third envelope more enthusiasticly. Maybe this would be from a nice girl. His own age. Or closer at least.
'Third time lucky?'
James sat upright, his eyes wide 'No I wouldn't say so. come on, let's leave it for tonight lads...'
Gary held out his palm. 'Come on Jim. It's my turn to read one out!'James swore he could hear relish in Gary's voice as he reluctantly handed it over.

Hello James,

My name is Adam. I was very pleased to see your letter in The Sun Newspaper. I am planning to join the army next year and I would really like your advise. Do they really  shave your hair short? I mean I have really cool dreadlocks that took a long time to grow out. My girlfriend says they are really cute. What if she doesn't like me anymore without them?
I'm also pretty puny. How heavy is a rifle exactly? It is a rifle you use isn't it? I'm just asking because I did some crossbow shooting recently and you had to prop it against this wooden rest to use it and even that was too heavy. What if I was trying to shoot an enemy and I couldn't hold the rifle to shoot it?
I'm looking forward to your reply,

'A lad?'Even John hadn't  expected this response. James looked from Gary to John and then back again in confusion.
'What exactly did you put in that advertisment?'
'We told you already' John smiled.
'Lonely hearts? I don't think so...'
'Our covers blown...'John opened a near by drawer and uncrinkled a small newspaper cutting. 'Here Jim, this is the ad...'
Curiously James held out is hand and read the advertisement quitely to himself:

Hello my name is James Groves. I am a soldier. I would really like to hear from penpals of all ages. It would be nice to hear from ordinary people to give me something to look forward to. Please send all letters to the address below.

'Alright lads, one more game before lights out' John shuffled the cards  expertidly.
'Penpals!  Guys!' James pulled a new beer from the crate in the fridge and smiled to himself. One good thing about the army was that the lads sure knew how to have fun.

© Copyright 2010 Christine Reniers (creniers at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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