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Chatper 3 of New Life: hope you all enjoy!
Chapter 3: Blood Lust

    After we let Jade sleep some more, (yes the convention has bedrooms, it’s like a dorm). Vinny and I went hunting. We decided to bring Jade hunting after she woke up, she looked like a ghost. Trust me, that’s not good for a vampire.
‘’Izzy, have you ever considered joining a coven?’’ Vinny said
‘’What!? I will not ever join a stupid coven. Even if we did, we’d be treated badly, and like little kids. How can you ever think about that?’’
‘’Easier protection, group huntings. Main reason is, we don’t have to worry about being hunted by humans.;;
‘’Yeah but we still have to follow their rules, and obey them just like parents. Vinny, you know I absolutely hated being a human. And reenacting the scene of being a human with guardians looking after you is not going to be fun! So no. Heck no. A thousand times no.’’
    Okay, I admit it, I am stubborn. But how can he think of joining a coven! I can’t even remember how painful being human was. And by that time we were both sitting on the floor outside of Jade’s room was her door burst open.
‘’Help! Get Veronica! I had another vision!’’ Jade gasped out before she collapsed
  With our vampire senses, Vinny reached Jade before she hit the floor. And he threw Jade over his shoulder to Veronica.
‘’Veronica! Jade said she had another vision!’’ Vinny said
‘’What! What happened to her? Oh, sweet girl, she has been through a lot since she was changed.’’ Veronica said
‘’Do we just wait for her to wake up or what?’’ I said
‘’Jade, dear, wake up. We need to hear your latest vision.’’ Veronica said very concerned.
    Jade woke up immediately after that and wanted to sit down. She described the vision as more fighting but more vampires.
‘’But this time I saw who was leading them. What’s his name-?’’ Jade was cut off.
‘’Simon? Right, I know it’s Simon.’’ I said.
‘’Is it that guy who created me, then yeah. Veronica do I still have to listen to him?’’
‘’You never had to listen to him honey. What did he tell you?’’ Veronica was angry by this point. Simon didn’t have the right to make Jade do what ever he wants.
‘’Simon said even if all hell breaks loose, listen to him no matter what. Even if the elders say not to. No circumstances.’’ Jade said. She looked a bit confused.
‘’Honey, he’s lying to you. Simon knows you’re a powerful resource and will use you to fulfill his plans.’’ Veronica said
‘’Maybe he’s looking at world domination, but this isn’t some bad cartoon! Seriously maybe he’s trying to take control of the elders. So he can rule the east and then west of the country.’’ Vinny said
‘’Veronica, Jade still needs to hunt. Simon didn’t let her hunt yet. Can we take her? I mean, we already hunted but we can still take her. You’re probably busy.’’ I said
‘’Yes, you’re right. I must speak with the other elders’’ Veronica said

  After that incident we brought Jade to her first hunting trip. It was a step process. Follow your instincts. Find a scent you like, and hunt the human that smells the best to you. Vinny and I were always naturals, and are good teachers, but Jade was a vegetarian as a human. This was hard for her. The three of us had to go out of state because she felt guilty that she might hunt one of her friends or family. The meeting is always held in Georgia, so we went into Alabama. I’ll admit, your first hunt is scary. But not that scary.
‘’Are you sure I have to?’’ Jade said
‘’Sure! If you want to go crazy. Go ahead. Simon will be very proud of you.’’ Vinny said sarcastically
‘’Ugh. Fine. I want this to be noted that this is by force.’’ Jade said. Apparently the lack of blood is making her cranky.
‘’Just hunt!’’ I said.
    Since it was about twelve in the morning, Jade decided to break into a house. Don’t ask me why though. She broke into some teenagers room and we came in with her. The three of us used the window, not the door, this family could have a scary dog. The girl was asleep by the time we got in there. Jade was in the middle of drinking and she suddenly stopped.
‘’I can’t do it! It’s just so bad to think about it!’’ Jade exclaimed
‘’Jade, don’t you understand! By stopping the drinking you just changed her! Damn it! We’ve gotta get her out of here! Now!’’ Vinny said angrily
    Jade looked confused. She also looked guilty. ‘’What! She’s a-a-a- vampire?’’
‘’She’s going to be! She’ll wake up and want to kill one of her family! C’mon Jade help me and Izzy get her out of here.’’ Vinny said. He was good with bad surprises. Vinny would always take charge. I can see him as an elder some day.
      The girl woke up. That’s two newborn vampire Vinny and I have to look over. What are we? Babysitters or something?
‘’Where I am?’’ the girl said.
‘’I’m sorry. I am really sorry!’’ Jade said while crying. Again.
‘’You’re a newborn vampire. And your in Georgia. You’re out of Alabama. Forever.’’ I said. I sounded really harsh.
‘’Out of Alabama? I’ve lived there my whole life. But who are you?’’
‘’I’m Vinny, fifteen, well I look fifteen. This is Izzy, or Isabelle. She’s thirteen. Izzy is my creator. And this is Jade, also a newborn, she’s twelve, and she’s your creator. What’s your name? Well, you’re a vampire now, so if you don’t like your name, you can change it.’’
‘’My name is Valerie. I’m fourteen. And I like my name. I will not change it. And why did this Jade person change me?’’ Ugh, I thought to myself, another diva vampire.
‘’No one told me the mayor of cranky town was visiting.’’ I said
‘’Izzy! What is wrong with you! Every newborn is a bit,’’ Vinny struggled for the right words ‘’moody, when they wake up. Apologize. ‘’
‘’I’m sorry’’ I mumbled
‘’Whatever. Can I eat now? And yes I mean humans. I need not to be corrected.’’
‘’Sure. Whatever you want. Izzy and I will brief you on how to hunt.’’
‘’I think I’ll just need your help, cutie’’ Valerie winked at Vinny.
‘’Oh no, you didn’t! My territory sister!’’ I yelled. Then, I leapt at her like I was hunting. I knew very well her senses would kick in. But I didn’t care. I wanted a fight with her.
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