Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1665325-Naya-Moon
Rated: · Serial · Action/Adventure · #1665325
Moon Na ya is a creature unknown by all.

I was doing some laps around the special force's training camp when team leader showed up with the chief of the research department in tow.

"Naya" his tone and face drained of expression as if he was nothing but an empty shell. That is why he scared me so much. in the other hand the head of the research department always held himself with a smirk on his face and an easy posture that screamed 'confidence'.

"Yes, sir. Anything you need from me, sir?"

"Follow me" His tone cold and clipped. He did not wait for me to answer, he turned around and headed towards the woods with the chief of the research department trailing after him and throwing me that sickening smirk over his shoulder. I was already freaked out by this lot, but just then goose bumps ran all over me. I followed with as much enthusiasm as eating poop, since that was not my usual diner; it was with very little enthusiasm. Since I was wearing my usual Chinese work out clothe it was a little bit inconvenient to have a hike in the woods, but I did not say anything nor did I play my usual smart ass act, because I was having a really, really bad feeling about this turn of event fate has taken on me.

«Bits anxious aren’t we?" The world-wide-jerk said while inching his hand where it had no right to be.

"Of course not, I always get asked by you and team leader to go hiking in the woods in some extremely mysterious circumstances»

"No need to be sarcastic marshmallow, we just need to talk to you in private." just then i knew he was going to say something cheeky

" We could do a lot more than talk, you know all you need to do is ask "
See, I knew it!

"Why don't you just tell me what you have to say Clinton?"

"Now now it’s not something I should say, why don't we let that task to Jin-sa-woo"
I turned to give him something to chew on and came up face to chest with team leader jin-sa-woo.

"Oh yeas of course, would you be so kind sir? "

" Okay then, no more sweet talk Naya. Professional teams has been reading your file and we got some contracts if you would only choose a team and - "

" With all due respect sir, but I think we have already had this discussion and I will not join any special team for any one sake but mine. "

" Naya, this is no longer a matter of doing what you feel like doing, people need your skills and knowledge. "

" If that's all you have to say I will be going back "
I walked around him and got maybe ten feats away from him when with unexpected speed he caught my shoulder and turned me to face him.

" Naya listen well, you have to understand that people like you are rare and we need every one of them "

" What I understand sir, is that I have free will and that means I will not kill on any one's command will it be for a professional team, the president, Justice league or whatever. I will NOT break my motto. "

" Leave her be Jin-sa-woo, she will come to us sooner or later "
I turned on him glad he interrupted Jin-sa-ho's response because I could see the frustration turning to anger and I really didn't want him angry with me.

" Great! Then why don't you wait till that day comes? I’m sure it will be soon, now if you will excuse me "

" You should have appreciated it while we were playing nice Naya, I’m sure you don't want us to be rough from this point on. Think about it, we give you till dawn to decide. Sleep well- Ho wait, you won’t be having any sleep."

" What is that suppose to mean?"

" I heard that you're smart. I really hope you're smart where it matters "

I started walking past him when I sensed something pike me in the neck. Suddenly everything became blurry, when I looked down the last thing i saw was a dart. Then everything went black.


When I regained consciousness, I was completely drained of energy to a point that opening my eyes was a painful task. My body wouldn't move. Even with all the training I went through, I couldn't summon the energy to think about what happened or what will happen. I heard him steps before he even walked in the room and shattered the peaceful silence.

" Good morning sweet heart. I guess you still can't talk, don't worry it will hang of in an hour or so. You can't move so don't trouble yourself with useless escape attempts and stay in bed"

While he was talking rage boiled in me. How could he and Jin-sa-woo betray me like this? And why would they do this? Did they know what I was? My heart started beating to wildly I thought I was having a panic attack. If they discovered what I was then it is the reason why they shot me with a tranquilizer and then kidnap me. Was I an animal, to be held like this? Yes I guess that's what I am to them, a lab subject. Even if I am not completely humane I am still a living being, do they care or are they just going to dissect me or keep me for experiments? No, they will not get the opportunity. I will not be object to their amusement. When Clinton started talking I did what I wanted to do the first time he opened his mouth and addressed me.

"You know we can do a lot of fun things in that bed-"

Before he finished the sentence my hand was fastened around his throat. When I put pressure on his windpipes with both, hand and air, he screamed like a home room sissy and dropped to the flour. The instant my eyes flew open, a small army barged into what seemed like a hospital room with plain pastel pink walls and simple white furniture that was over stocked with monitors and computers. My forehead creased with the effort to concentrate on hearing the air come and go out of every human in the room. With enough concentration I grasped that slight change in the air and stopped it, with this no one but me in the room could breathe. Everyone started choking and dropping like flies. I dragged myself up painfully and knelt next to Clinton to question him. To his credit he didn't try to run when I allowed him to breathe again, well that might have been because he couldn't get enough oxygen to his brain so he could actually think about doing it.

" Now where is that smirk that I love so much? Ah, I guess it's worn out huh? Well to be honest I’m kind of glade it’s worn out because if I saw it now it would have been too tempting to make it disappear for good. Now if you would answer some questions I will think about letting you bargain for your life, How about it? "

" Naya, don't do this you really- "

" Don't you dare say it, if you do I will have to prove otherwise without getting answers to my questions. Why am I here Clinton and tell me the truth because you can’t lie to me. "

He lay there, shooting daggers with his eyes. " what did you do to them ? "

" I can see that you’re not going to make it easy but neither will I. "

I grabbed him by the hair and banged his head twice against the cold tailed floor. The contracts between the blood that flooded from his wounded scalp and the white tails was startling. His eyes rolled in their sockets then blinked up dizzily at me.

" I’ll ask you again, why did you bring me here? What do you and jin-sa-woo want from me ?"

When he didn't answer i grabbed his arm and twisted. It broke with a loud crunch that was followed by a screech so loud my ears rang.

" For every wrong answer I’ll break something, got it ? Now answer the questions correctly so we can get on with it, will you "

When he only stared at me I grabbed his other arm and he immediately started tripping over his words, " He was going to sell you, I swear I didn't want to do this but he threatened me-"

" Who's he ? "

" I don't know, he only contacts us by phone-"

" What do you think you’re doing ! "

The booming voice echoed in the room like thunder. It startled Clinton into jumping surprisingly high even while lying down with that cracked head of his. I stood up slowly completely unfazed by his not so dramatic entrance since I heard him walking down the hall.

" Jin sa woo! To what do I owe the pleasure "

He looked from the men laying on the floor like broken dolls to Clinton, who was looking at jin sa woo with pleading eyes that were completely dismissed by him, then to me again with what I assumed was his version of a poker face, he had on a relaxed expression that gave a feeling of indifference that he did not feel.
My amusement must have shown because his composure fell and I could see the scowl that showed me clearly how displeased he was about the new Naya he saw.

" you may make yourself comfortable, this may take a while. " in a civilized way I grabbed Clinton by his shoulders and he started screaming again. My ears rung because of his screech but I still hauled him up the table and propped him against the wall, I figured he couldn't get down without losing his balance, falling down and spilling his brains out sins his arms were hanging in a funny angle. I sat on the bed, put that poor-excuse-of-a-pillow behind my back and pulled the covers in my lap. All the while jin sa woo was looking at me as thought I just spouted horns and a forked tail.

" You heartless bitch- "

" Wait, say that again. Who the fuck drugged me and was about to sell me to some sadist-next-door? " I said with a voice that was chilling even to my own ears.

He stared at me with a jumble of emotions playing on his face: disgust, curiosity and terror then he said " Who are you ? "

I was expecting him to throw some more insults to my fragile heart so when he said that, i laughed so hard I rolled of the bed to fall on the floor. I lay on my stomach and rolled some more while clutching my tummy. Before the fist connected with my jaw I turned my head a fraction so that he hit the floor instead of me. I grabbed his arm with one hand and with the other hand I put pressure on his upper arm so that any more force and his elbow would break.
" Are we going to talk jin sa woo, or do I need to remind you of the information I need. It would be my pleasure to accompany you in a trip down your memory lane. " with what I knew was a dazzling smile, I broke his elbow. Yeah, I know I’m such a sweat heart, but then I knew from experience that simple talk will bring me nowhere and it would only hurt the person due to questioning. He screamed and cradled his arm.

" Look it's nothing personal, but if you were threatened you surly know where I could start looking. Why don't you tell me who threatened you and ordered you to take me, I take him out and we all get what we want we want. No? " I walked back to the bed and sat crossed legged with pillows squeezed in my lap. I looked at him and saw him looking at Clinton. Clinton had his eyes open and was ridiculously trying to tell him something with his eyes. I mean how stupid can they be ? I picked up one of the many mugs on the bed table and threw it at Clinton, it hit the wall inches from his head. He gave a little squeak and curled his body in a ball. I glanced at jin sa woo and said " what were you going to do ? I mean if you understood what that little shit was trying to tell you. You know you can’t get out of here until you have my okay. So just talk, will you. "

" He really will kill us Naya. Just like you, what we did it was nothing personal it's just survival. You don't know what kind of world we really live in. Ignorance is a bliss trust me. " He looked so solemn, like his life ended a while ago. Even with the earnest damsel in distress behavior I couldn't help but laugh because he had no idea who he was talking to right now, and he thought he knew about the world. I was still chuckling when I asked him where could find some decent clothing. " there isn't anything you could wear except a paper gown. " The bastard said it with a smirk that just about made me smack it of his face. I sighted and went to help him up.

" Let's cooperate, all right?" I didn't wait for him to answer just went on. " we'll go drink some rice wine and discuss our case. " I left him standing there with his mouth going slack. " You, Clinton, will have to walk. Unless you want me to carry you. No, better than that maybe I should just leave you here. After all I only need one person to tell me the information I need. "

Jin sa woo glared at me and went to help Clinton down the table with his good arm. we stood there looking at each other for a second and then i said " Come on " and walked out of the room. As soon as i rounded the corned an explosion went of in the room i was in. Luckily, Clinton and jin sa woo were at my heels and they started running as soon as i did.

" listen up boys, that was a bomb they threw in. They still didn't get in but i bet the're waiting for us to get out, so it will be safe to presume that they're blocking every exit. Clinton, is there a sewer tunnel here ? "

" Yeah, there's one in the kitchen, we will only have to get the lid off and drop down "

" then move you're ass and lead the way "


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