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story of infatuation between teenagers in an Indian school |
He was captivated. But he did not know how to approach her. He was a budding teenager, just 13 and had woken up to the world of Girls. The first time he saw her he got a lump in his throat. Wow ..Who is this ? Never seen someone as beautiful as she was. Was it fascination? He was born into a family of boys and had never known any thing about girls except motherly affection or anger. The brothers had only known to fight with each other or play cricket, football or fly kites. She was attractive and 12, was learning to dance and had attained some proficiency. She had a younger sister and she would often play badminton with her outside her house. Her father was a local retailer who had a burgeoning business as he received a good patronage from the community. He was also busy socially and the household was left to the care of his wife who brought up the daughters. He was in Std.8 and was bright, smart and a good student. He had a flair for singing too. Often his friends would ask him to sing songs as they were walking to school or later when they met during breaks. He would start solo and then his friends would join in and sing along. One day there was a notice asking for interested boys to join NCC. He enrolled and was happy when he got his uniform and kit. He took great interest in polishing his shoes and belt and would practice marching in his house. He attended aero-modeling classes and even got a basic glider assembled. He was involved with his new hobby and was soon to attend a camp. She was developing into an attractive lass and was aware of the notice she was receiving. Her mother, orthodox and nervous by temperament was over protective, breathing down their necks, not allowing them the slightest freedom to make friends in the neighborhood. She would spend her time immersed in school books or GK at home and worked hard at dancing. She would listen to Radio…Binaca Geet Mala with Amin Sayani’s “Bhaiyo aur Beheno” refrain and would sing along with Geeta, Lata or Asha much to the annoyance of her mother. Constraints at home were overcome at school where She was happy and carefree in the company of her class mates. She too joined NCC. He was pleasantly shocked to see her in the parade ground one day, practicing… marching past, he caught her eye for a fleeting moment and then She was gone, Left.. Right.. Left.. Right. They were practicing for the Republic day parade. They were nominated by their respective schools. She was tall and slim and the uniform was a good fit. She looked smart. At the end of the grueling routine as He was making his way past the crowd of dispersing cadets, He chanced upon her again…at a stall, sharing a cold drink with a girl. Both were talking animatedly and giggling. She was looking gorgeous without the beret, with her hair kind of mussed up. He was confused, whether to meet her and say Hello. Will She laugh? run away? Will she rebuke me? He could not muster the courage to go and meet her. So he slinked by slowly mesmerized by her beauty, her poise, her laughter and then she melds in the sea of cadets. Later, as he was walking he kicked a stone, admonishing himself. He had a chance and yet…. Dattereeeki He went away to his NCC camp after the final examination. By now it was April and the heat was unbearable. The route marches were long and tiring. But her lovely face kept him going. He longed for her photograph to keep under his pillow at night while he struggled to sleep in his tent. He would think of her in the glow of the camp fire and sing romantic songs imagining her by his side. The summer holidays are long and unending. He wished to see her in the neighborhood as he had done in the past, but to no avail. His classmate had a sister who was in the same school, in a junior class. He approached his friend and asked him to find out about Her through his sister. Friend laughed and made a mockery of his Crush. Forget it he said. Girls are funny. They will spread rumors. He will not ask his sister. But he let him know about her father’s shop He was desperate. He wanted to get hold of her address…to visit her. He didn’t even know her name! Can I wait near the shop? Will she come there? He had an idea. He got the shop owner’s name by lounging around the shop on a holiday. Some body obliged him. He then rushed to a Tel Directory, where there were six people registered under the same name. He eliminated four as their addresses were far away from school. Should I call the other two? He was confused. His mother called out and wanted him to do a chore. He shouted at her saying he was attending to something important. Some school work. His thoughts were broken by this intervention. He chucked the directory aside and slumped in the chair, dejected. Meanwhile, She had managed permission from her father to go on a school tour with her class mates. They went to a nearby hill station. The accompanying teacher put her in charge of all the entertainment in the evenings and She excelled. They put on shows… singing and dancing, quiz programs, and so on and She delighted her classmates and teachers with her talent, knowledge and sense of humor. She is the darling of the crowd and She is the queen bee. She likes the attention. It gives her a high End of summer a new session was in progress, the boy in Std.9 and girl in Std 8. One day there was sensational news in the neighborhood that a male teacher from the boys’ school had eloped with a girl studying in Std 10. He was also her tuition master. It was rumored that both were seeing each other secretly. The girl stopped attending school and the tuition master was missing from school. A police complaint was lodged by the girl’s parents. As the news trickled down from Std 10, the girls in 9 & 8 were also affected. Being adolescent they were confused and at the same time angry with “Boys”. They knew that whatever happened was not good and some shed tears. The boys were sitting in a circle after their game of football. One or two were smoking and coaxing others to try. Those who were forced were coughing uncontrollably. They started talking about the affair. Some amongst them took pity on the girl, yet others laughed, joked about it. They were curious to know where he would have taken her, what he would have done to her. Will they ever come back? The boy talked to his elder brothers at home in the hope that they would share some news with him. But they just brushed it aside and told him to concentrate on studies. The incident had a telling effect on the relationship between the two schools. Whereas earlier they would collaborate and allow interaction during special occasions such as Annual days, Sports days and such now the Girls school decided to break with this tradition. Security was tightened and no boy was allowed entry into the Girls school anymore. There were many views and opinions. None mattered as far as the Girls school Principal was concerned. She wanted to shut the Boys out. Her view was final. She did not vacillate. Majority of the senior girls agreed with her. News came around that She was to show case her dancing talent in an Arangetram. They came to know of it through notices at shops & restaurants. Having got to know about this He wished to find out what it was all about. He approached his mother asking for details, curious to know about Arangetram. Mother did not suspect anything. Simply told him that it was a girlie affair, not interesting for the boys, and that even she was not planning to attend it. He was crestfallen. The function was to be held at the Girls school which boasted of a large auditorium. She would practice there after her classes. She was keen to excel and put in her best efforts. One or two classmates stayed back with her to watch these sessions and to escort her back. She was happy to hear from them that her dance was full of grace and expression. Her Guru had spoken to her mother about her talent and how well She was shaping up. She would listen to her mother with pleasure, glad to be able to satisfy the expectations of people and yet not without feeling that she was the best! Was it conceit? His goal was to attend the dance performance. He was relentless in his pursuit of the means. But none of his friends agreed to watch a girlie show. A Magic show or Drama was different they said. Fun. But not dance. In his excitement He picked up a pamphlet detailing the function, venue, time. It had a picture of his girl. He kept it hidden within the covers of his songbook, a book that was filled with lyrics of songs that He liked to sing.……. On the day of the function He reached her school in the evening eagerly looking forward to her arrival. She had come prepared. She had worn a lot of make up and jewelry. He caught sight of her as She walked past him. He could not believe his eyes. Her face looked different. It was heavily made up. She looked artificial with all those flowers and jewelry and his heart which was going thump…thump…thump till a few moments ago quieted and He had an utterly strange feeling towards her. He could not bear to see her like this. She was satisfied with her performance that evening and there was also praise for her from the connoisseurs. Her choice of costume, facial expressions, hand gestures and the “steps” combined very well they said. The school Principal who was a special invitee was overjoyed. She presented a memento and spoke many good words about her dancing abilities. A brief mention was also made in a leading Newspaper. She enjoyed every bit of the adulation. He was restless and could not sleep. He could not believe it was the same girl He had adored and worshipped. Now there was a kind of revulsion. He could not accept her as she was that evening. She was so artificial. He was relieved that he did not attend the function He was selected in the class football team and was busy with his preparation for the football matches. He gave a lot of time to practice in the evenings and took part in NCC and Aero modeling during week ends and holidays. He worked on his fitness and running skills. He was shaping up to be a strong, determined lad. As time sped by, She was just a passing fad, a haze and every time She would come into his thoughts He would shake out of his reverie and tell himself to be alert about things that mattered His football match for his class team was a great success. He had “arrived” and his friends said that he would definitely make it to the school team. He thanked them for their good wishes and hoped to do his best. Relations continued to be strained between the two schools in spite of the Boys school Principal taking initiative. It was time for yet another final examination Std.10 for him and 9 for her… The deteriorating relations between the schools was a matter of debate and reflection in various forums in the society and during the summer break, the managing committee of the Girls’ school convinced the trustees about getting a new Principal, and at the beginning of the next session the new Principal was installed in office. New practices were set up soon to bring out the best amongst students and teachers. Participation of the Boys school was sought in extra-curricular activities. She wanted her girls to interact with the boys, to broaden their views & perspective and not be stymied. At first the girls were surprised and averse to this plan. Some senior teachers even scoffed at the suggestion, albeit silently. But the Principal vowed to create an open atmosphere and lift the veil of apprehension hanging about the girls’ heads The use of the auditorium was thrown open to the boys once again. Girls were allowed to use the Boys’ school ground for sports & NCC. Boys and Girls participated in Quiz programs, debates and dramatics. She was drawn to him as she watched him closely at all these events and shows. She thought he was as outstanding an athlete as He was in debates and Quiz. His maturity and breadth of knowledge was exceptional. She wanted to be near him, around him, watch him compete in athletics, see him play on the field. His unassuming manner and friendly banter with other girls irritated her. She was annoyed and temperamental at home He was the talk of the girls’ school. They would eagerly look up the notice board for news on forthcoming events in which the Boys’ school would participate. They were dressed in their best and tried to catch him before or after the program for a word or two. But She was swollen with pride and would not care to meet him. She would always look for opportunities to upset him, hurt by the attention he received. He watched her in a group dance where She participated in the leading role. He went ahead after the program and congratulated them on the performance. The girls were very happy and chattered, very excited to be in his midst. She was aloof and a feeling of inferiority crept in perhaps challenged by his personality and the ease with which he mixed and laughed together with the girls. She would bellow at the girls when talk veered in His direction. Did She not want to share him with anybody? Was he her exclusive property? Then it was time for his final football match in school and the girls were all there rooting and drooling. He played a great game and his team won. They take the trophy. She did not attend. She waited to hear about it from her friends later, How,, What , Where, When …eager to know all. The Std 10 Boys held their farewell party in school before their final exams. Sr. Girls were allowed. She thought she will give it a miss, but then…. On the day of the program after a great evening of fun and frolic, the boys pushed him to the stage to sing some songs. He said he was honored. He was a great fan of Hemant Kumar and would sing one of his all time greats. Unfortunately, it was a duet that HK had sung with Lata and he may have to do both the male and female here. He started, looking at his song book Dekho….. a loud cheer Dekho wo..o.. chaand chhupake karataa hain kyaa ishaare…Dekho And then in the audience, She murmured… Shaayad ye kah rahaa hai, hum ho gaye tumhaare--e—e..e hogaye tumhare-e- Dekho Her friends sitting next to her heard this, cajoled and then pushed her to accompany him on the stage. She refused and then stood up…not knowing what to do He had paused, noticing the disturbance in the audience. He saw her standing there…hesitant. He smiled and gestured to her to come to the stage and she came over amidst great applause. He shared his song book with her and they completed the song to tremendous ovation. One more…One more… the students shouted as the Boy & Girl looked at each other. And they sang some more with great joy and fervor. They were a big hit! Later, they walked back together, on that moonlit night, talking excitedly about the function. “You sing well” she said noticing the thick song book in his hands when they reached her house and were standing on the steps underneath the street lights. “You are no less...You not only sing well you dance well too” he replied “ Thanks…May I see your song book? ” she asked extending her hand. “Oh Sure” he replied and gave it to her. As she was thumbing through the pages she saw lyrics of many songs written neatly in English, Hindi & Tamil …and then something fell out. He quickly realized what it was and went to grab it but she beat him to the draw She picked it up and while inserting it she noticed it to be the year old pamphlet of her Arangetram!! She looked at it and then quickly turned to face him. He had a nervous smile on his lips and was wondering why he had not disposed it. She said “Oh, my God! you have been preserving this, have you? Did you attend the function? Did you like it? I am glad that you were able to appreciate Bharatanatyam. I had to work hard for it. How did you like my dress…My” “No, I did not attend the function” he cut her off…and the excitement drained from her face “No?” she said disappointed… and was intently looking at him and the paper in her hands. A moment later… “And yet??!!” she smiled and went closer “You don’t understand” he mumbled…totally lost by her beauty and the mischievous smile playing on her lips now. She put her arms around him and pecked him on his cheek and said “Good Night and Best of Luck for your exams” and ran inside “Thanks” he mumbled as he stood staring at her, stunned, rubbing his cheek. He then turned and slowly made his way to his house. He could not sleep that night. Was it the sensation in his cheek? Was revulsion changing to attraction once again??. Let’s wait for the exam results!! |