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Onyx and Xavier fall in love. There is something weird bout him. Secrets and truth unfold. |
Part 1 Chapter 1 Every moment I lay in his arms I remember my journey. It was the first day of school and I was roaming my closet for something to wear. I usually don’t care, but my mom is a total freak when it comes to this stuff. I just decided to settle for my jack skeleton t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Just as I was exiting the bathroom I herd, “ Oh honey! It’s your first day of school, don’t you want to wear something more lady like! Or I could do your hair. You would look so pretty in braids!” My mother never understands me. “ Mom, I know you mean well but I really don’t want to be something I detest, I just want to do this one by myself.” “ Oh, okay sweetie ” I could tell her feelings were somewhat hurt. As I took my first step on the bus I noticed that the air was horribly muggy, and the bus was filled with other disoriented teens like myself. I look at the faces of my peers, they stare at me as if I were and outcast and they don’t want me near them. So I took my seat at the back of the bus. The ride was as torturous as my lovely wake up call. As we approached the school, we had one more stop. As I looked around, I saw that the last seat was beside me! I thought oh no, who is going to be stuck beside me! As I watched the doors open, I saw him. At first he didn’t seem like much, until he sat down. I was dumbfounded! What was I supposed to say? “ Hi “ I managed to mumble. To my surprise, the bus had come to a stop. Before exiting he turned to me and said, “ Salutations, my name is Xavier. “ Before I could grab my backpack, he was gone. I stepped off the bus and started to my first class. My first class was Geography. All through class I was completely out of it. I kept thinking of Xavier’s perfect features. His ghost white skin, midnight black hair, light pink lips, and best of all, his striking hazel eyes. How have I never heard of him before? Is he new? I need to talk to him again! I thought as everything in my head was blurring around. “ Ms Night. It’s not good to start off your first day back day dreaming.” “ Sorry Mr. Wright.” I said. I must be in one of Xavier’s classes! The day kept droning on. In every class it was the same. I just couldn’t get my mind off of him. He had left an image in my head, and a print in my heart. I know he is special. My last class was history. Today we were having our lesson in the park across the bridge. As I approached the park I felt a presence. Leaning up against a tree was Xavier. He didn’t acknowledge I was there, but I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. This wasn’t normal for me. I have never been hit this hard with cupids bow and now I can’t take it out. Suddenly, he looked over at me. I thought, Oh no! He’s looking! What do I do? Should I look away? No, that might be rude! Come on! Pull it together! He’s coming over here!, I just stood there. As he walked by, I felt a surge of electricity. Then, I noticed everyone was leaving. Class was over. What felt like two minutes, ended up to be fifty. Chapter 2 I gathered up my book and started my way back to the school. I thought, I had my chance! I should have went up to him and talked! But no! Instead I stood there and drooled like and idiot! I need another chance. I was just about to cross the bridge when on the ground I found his leather studded bracelet! This was perfect! I can just talk to him when I give it back! Finally life was on my side. I put it on. It didn’t look as good on me as it did on him. As I was just about across the bridge, I was violently shoved by an impatient peer. I started to trip over my own feet! My books fell, I was tumbling and fell off the side of the bridge. I grabbed onto the ledge. I was trying the best I could to pull myself up, but I couldn‘t do it! Why didn’t I participate in gym more? Suddenly as my fingers were burning, I let go. I was falling into a giant death pool. I had never learned how to swim when I was little, I usually just tried to avoid the water. After I hit the water I bobbed back up long enough to yell, “ Help! I can’t swim!” Then I started to sink into the icy blue. I tried to remember anything I could to save myself, but since I couldn’t swim and I can’t breath underwater, I pronounced myself dead. My lungs were on fire! With every second that passed, I was falling deeper into unconsciousness. The last thing I saw was the face of an angel. The face of my precious Xavier. Everything went black. Suddenly, I awoke. I was choking and coughing up water. I opened my eyes to see Xavier’s worried face staring at me. Oh my god! It’s him! He saved me! He’s so brave and strong! This isn’t the way I wanted a chance to talk to him, but I’m not going to be picky! It took him a second to say something but then his luscious voice rang in my ears, he asked, “ Are you okay? “ I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded. “ We’ve got to get you back to the school, an ambulance will be waiting for us.” suddenly I found my voice. “ Your Xavier. “ I said. “ Yes, and your Onyx. I heard you scream, and saw your books on the ground, so I came for you.” “ When I was walking, I found your bracelet.” I said as I raised my arm to show him. “ Oh, it must have fell off. “ You.. You saved my life. Hey, how did you know my.. “ before I could finish my question, he picked me up and said, “ You should save your breath, I just gave it back to you. “ “ When I was walking, I found your bracelet.” I repeated. He looked down sheepishly and said, “ I want you to keep it.” “ Really? Thanks.” Naturally I blushed . As he carried me back to the school I thought, maybe it’s not so bad not knowing how to swim. When we got back to the school there was an ambulance waiting for us just like Xavier said. What he didn’t mention was the hoard of kids waiting for us. As soon as we were in sight the paramedic and a handful of my worried peers raced up to get me. “ What happened? “ asked the paramedic. Xavier explained for me as they helped me into the ambulance. They were just about to close the doors when suddenly I yelled, “ Wait! “ everyone stared at me. I must have yelled louder than I thought. “ What is it? “ the paramedic asked. “ I want Xavier to come with me! “ “ We cant do that, but” I cut him of. I wasn’t going down without a fight! “ He saved my life! If it weren’t for him, I would be dead at the bottom of the river right now! “ “ Well okay, I guess that’s a different matter then. Come on son. “ As Xavier approached, I noticed something. “ Your eyes were hazel this morning, and now they look a light shade of blue. “ I was astounded of my discovery. He looked down. “ You must be water logged or something, how could someone’s eyes change colour? “ I never noticed before, but he had a light British accent. His shaggy black hair was in his face when he looked back up. I realized that he was waiting for my input. “ Right, how preposterous of me to think someone’s eyes could change!” I chuckled. Through his hair I could see his hazel eyes, staring into my own. No, not exactly my eyes, but my soul. It was like he was trying to read it. After the doctor said I was free to go, my mom started to drive me home. “ How did you fall? “ my mother asked. “ Well I started to trip. I don’t really know who it was, but I think someone knocked me off my balance.” For some reason, it wasn’t the fact that I almost drowned that was annoying me, but that I didn’t know who pushed me and didn’t try to help. “ Tripping, yeah, that sounds like you. Who would just push someone off a bridge though? If you find the person who pushed you, I want you to tell me. I have a few words I would like to say to them!” oh no! again with being over motherly! “ Mom, it’s okay, I’m alive, anyways, I doubt that I will find them.” “ Well if you do then tell me.” “ Okay mom.” Chapter 3 As soon as I walked in the door, the phone rang. “ Hello?” I herd my dad ask. “ Ah, yes she just walked in the door. Onyx, it’s for you!” “ Who is it? “ I asked. “ It’s Ryan.” Ryan has been my best friend for 10 years. I am constantly getting him out of trouble, he worries me sometimes. “ Hey Ryan.” “ Are you okay? I just herd about the accident and I had to check on you.” “ Thanks, I’m fine. So have you checked that new kid out yet?” “ How could you just say your fine? You almost drowned!” “Ryan, it’s okay. I’m here alive. I need to know about Xavier.” “Who is he?” “I’m not too sure who he is, but I met him on the bus this morning and he is the one that saved me.” “I want to meet this guy. For now I want to check his records. I would like to know what his background is.” Ryan is totally obsessed with knowing how people were raised and where they came from. I never did understand him, but I put up with it. “ Well I need to go, I still need to get changed.” “Alright, I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” “Bye Ryan” “See you later.” sometimes I can’t help to think he is holding something back from me. Like some sort of hidden secret. The next morning I once again took my seat at the back of the bus. This time I was filled with questions for Xavier. As he hurried onto the bus I caught his wondering eyes peering into mine. He gave me a brief smile and sat down beside me. “Good morning sunshine!” he appraised. “Good morning” I said to him bewildered as he smiled at me once more. This had been the first time I seen him smile. Even in our greetings yesterday he had a calm looking face. “ Onyx, would you mind if I walked you to your first class?” Xavier questioned. “Not at all” I replied. As he walked me to Geo., we passed Ryan. “Good morning Onyx.” Ryan said with an always cheerful grin. “Good morning” I replied. “Ryan, I would like to introduce you to Xavier.” they looked at each other like they had just started a duel. “Hello” Xavier said “Hello” Ryan said as he looked like he wanted to get out of this hallway as soon as possible. “Well Onyx and I must be on our way. I don’t want to be the cause for making her late for class.” “Very well then. I will talk with you at lunch Onyx.” As I waited for the lunch bell to ring, I was slightly uplifted by the fact I was soon going to see just my Ryan. I don’t know what could have got over him! He was so confused when I came down the hall with Xavier. Both of them stared like they were about to attack with ethics beyond normal human comprehension. Finally the lunch bell rang. I hurried to my locker to find Ryan waiting for me. “ Hey Onyx.” “ Hi Ryan” I exclaimed with a smile. “ So how has your day been?” he asked me. “ Long and boring, how about you?” “ Just about the same” he answered with a light laugh. “ I was wondering, why were you so upset? You looked like a sudden spark of realization hit you, like you were going to kill him.” “ Oh, I don’t know what you mean.” “ You both were staring at each other like you were trying to read each others minds. Kind of like there was an uncontrollable urge keeping you in silent conversation.” “ I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. Anyway I have something I need to tell you.” “ Okay, shoot” “ Well I have wanted to tell you this for a while, and I think it’s about time I just came out with it. We have been friends for years now, and sometimes emotions for friends like us grow stronger. Look, I really” “How is everyone?” Xavier intercepted. “Well, I was good.” Ryan said. “ Well, I’m wonderful.” I answered with a sheepish grin. “ If you don’t mind Ryan, I would like to accumulate Onyx for the rest of the day.” “Oh, but Ryan was about to tell me something.” “What were you going to tell her Ryan?” “Oh, nothing important.” “Alright then, we should be on our way.” “ So where did you come from?” I asked “What do you mean?” “Well, you like popped out oh nowhere and startled me.” “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you” “Oh no, it’s alright. I just scare easy.. Is there something you would like to say?” “How did you know?” “I can read people, it’s a gift.” I smiled as I said the word gift. “Well, I was wondering if you would grant me the privilege to escort you to the dance?” “Oh, I’m speechless. Of course I will go to the dance with you!” “Wonderful! Would you like me to pick you up at 7:00 then?” “Sure” I said “I will see you tomorrow my sunshine.” he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and then fled. He had a kiss like an angel. When I got home, I started to look through my closet like I had the other day. I went for an exploration through the dense mass of clothes. As I came to the middle, I heard the phone ring. “Honey, it’s for you!” I heard my mother call “Hello?” I asked “Hi” I herd Ryan reply. “How is it going?” “Good, now about the thing I was going to tell you at lunch.” “Yes? I have been wondering about that.” “I really need to say this. Onyx, we have been friends for a long time and I love you. Will you go to the dance with me?” “Oh, um, I’m well, I said that I would go to the dance with Xavier. I’m sorry. I really do like you, but I think we should wait” “Oh. Well. I guess that would be alright.” “I’m so sorry.” “No it’s okay, I got to go, bye.” “Bye Ryan.” I hung up the phone and continued my exploration. As I searched, I thought, how could I have not figured this out before! I’m so stupid! The next morning I awoke. I got ready for school as usual, but I felt different. As I got off the bus with his arm around my waist, I felt like I was being watched. I turned my head, I saw Ryan’s green eyes staring at me. I went for a double take, and he was gone. All day while I was with Xavier, I couldn’t help but to think of Ryan. As X walked me to lunch, I saw the same thing I did this morning. I saw Ryan staring at us, but when I looked again, he was gone. His expression was one of pain and it tore through me like a chainsaw. I only saw Ryan once more before school ended, once again, he said nothing then disappeared without a trace. Part 2 As soon as I got home, my girl impulse took me over. I couldn’t stop myself from getting ready. I wore my grey jeans, with a black t-shirt, and a misfits hoodie. I did my make-up twice over. Applied red lipstick and black eyeliner to my pale face. The only thing I had left to do was to do something with my hair. After fiddling around for a little while, I had an idea. “Mom!” I shouted, my mom raced up the stairs and asked, “What would you like?” “Well, I was wondering if you would braid my hair for me” “Oh honey! Of course I will!” I knew I had made my mom so happy. I had just got completely ready when I heard three taps on the door. Before I could race down the stairs my dad had answered and was talking to Xavier about curfew. “Ten o’clock is absolutely reasonable Mr. Burke.” “I’m glad we have come to an agreement.” my father said to X. As we rode to the dance, I couldn’t help to feel that we were in danger. I just kept thinking that it wouldn’t leave my home. When we got to the dance, we were astounded at how many people came. In our school, not many come to the dances. Tonight however, the gym was packed. As we were dancing, Xavier had this odd vibe. It was like he was paranoid. I knew he had the same feeling I had earlier in the night. As the night grew old, people started to settle down. Out of nowhere, smoke started to arise from the middle of the dance floor. Everyone was astonished. As Xavier and I made our way through the crowd, we herd a loud booming voice say, “I want Xavier!”. We got to the front and to my surprise, standing in the middle of the floor, was Ryan! His eyes were red and I could feel evil lurking from everywhere. He looked demonic. Xavier left my side and went right to him. “I knew it was you. Why here though?” Xavier said. “I wanted to show everyone that evil will always prevail. Do any of you notice Xavier is different? Odd in ways? Like how he has no former records. No one here, or anywhere on earth knows who he is.” “Stop, you know this is not allowed.” X sternly said. “Yeah, but when have I ever followed the rules? I have been waiting so long for you to come and try to steal her away from me. Now I am ready. We battle now, and whoever wins gets the girl.” the crowd started to boo. Ryan looked at everyone and said, “Don’t worry. It’s a fair battle. I may be a demon, but what Xavier doesn’t want you to know is that he is an angel. He had the nerve to come down and try to save Onyx form me.” “Shut up and fight!” Xavier yelled The fight was on! They started to battle! As flames of blue and red, soared throughout the gym, the students started to scramble. X and Ryan were flying through the sky. I couldn’t tell who was winning, they were moving so fast all you could see were the blue and red streams. I was so worried. I didn’t know who for though, even though Ryan is evil, he had still been my best friend for years, but I’m totally in love with Xavier. Suddenly I saw my loving blue bolt fall onto the gym floor. As I ran up to get him, I felt a tight grip on my arm. “Now I can have you. No more complications. You will be one with me.” I looked at X, hoping he would arise and save me. “Oh just forget that one, in a few moments, you will be mine forever.“ Ryan started to chant, I feel drowsy, but I cant stop fighting, I mustn’t go to the dark side. “Two more minutes. I told you I loved you, now I can’t wait.” as I tried to struggle Ryan fell back. I looked to where Xavier was. He was gone. I looked back at Ryan. Xavier was on him, throwing hit after hit. All of a sudden everything went black, and quiet. “ No, you mustn’t give in, your strong,” I felt something clutch my hand. “You can do this, I know you can.” as I started to fall gently asleep, I felt warm lips press against mine. I then let go. I woke up. I looked into familiar looking blue eyes. “I thought I had lost you forever! I love you so much!” Xavier gave me a huge hug. “I will never be lost with you be my side.” I whispered to him “Through the darkest days I will always be there for you. You are the one I want to be with forever.” that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me. “Ryan is gone. Everything can be normal.” “But you’re an.” “I know, that’s why all the things you noticed were true.” I finally understood. X picked me up into his arms and carried me home. That is my story. |