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Rated: XGC · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1677943
Jody gets even after being beat up by his sister's husband
WC 1838

Petra, Episode 6 Jody’s revenge.

Jody was angry at his sister. She told their mother some of the shenanigans he had played growing up and his mother was furious. His Dad wasn’t so happy either…neither was Betty’s husband, Alfred, a guard at the compound.

He picked Jody up by his collar and threw him into the wall. "If you ever come near my wife," he threatened, "if you so much as look cross ways at her, I swear I’ll kill you."

Jody wiped the blood off his chin and without a word walked away, but in his mind he was saying plenty. “I'll get even with you," he muttered and meant every word of it.

At the Compound there were two distinct lines of custodial authority. There were the Keepers and the Jailors. The Keepers were responsible for the health and welfare of the Goldens and did the milking. There was a Head Keeper, Junior Keepers, Milkers and the Janitorial Staff. The overall security, both inside and outside the walls was the responsibility of the Director, sometimes referred to as the Jailor who was assisted by Wardens and Guards. Both lines reported to Creedor as the Compound Commander.

Jody became even more furious as he walked to work and a plan began forming in his mind. He decided he was going to humble Alfred in front of his friends. He was going to need a little help but if he played his cards right....

Alfred was the guard at Creedor’s office, during the day shift. He liked to peek in and watch while Hilda milked Petra. As he did he’d play with himself. Jody had caught him at it one day while dropping off some paperwork and Alfred was humiliated. Jody had made some flip comment and it had festered. It was more this than his wife's claims that fueled his hatred for the Keeper.

Jody was beside himself with rage when he finally arrived. He decided to use Hilda to implement his plan.

In the climate of the Compound there was a game that went on called "Back and Forth." It helped set the informal pecking order. A trickster would pull a little prank and the recipient would find a way to get even. It was a mean spirited game that was designed to denegrate the trickee. A person set someone else up for a laugh and the butt of the joke would try and get even. It went on and on and helped break the monotony of a boring routein. However, what Jody had in mind went far beyond the usual scope of this practice and any humor that derived, was purely unintentional.

He walked into Creedor’s office and went over to the confinement cage. Hilda had just arrived and was getting Petra ready for her morning milk.

“You mind stepping outside for a moment?” he inquired.

“Can’t you see I’m busy right now?” she answered not realizing his vile mood.

He slammed his fist down on the table. “I hired you Bitch, and I can fire you…now get your butt out here.”

Oops, Hilda thought. Moving quickly she unlocked the door and stepped outside.

“Sorry.” .

“Damn right you’re sorry…CHUBS! When I tell you to move, you get that pimpled ass of yours in motion."

“Yes Sir,” she replied, fuming. She looked over at Petra who stared wide eyed.

“Has that Bozo Alfred, showed up yet?”

“Should be here any time now, Sir.”

“Is he still wacking off when you do Petra?”

“Nothing’s changed on that.”

“Good! Then I have a little favor to ask…you do like doing me favors, don’t you?”

“Yes Sir.” She knew plenty about those favors he kept demanding. She walked over and started to kneel down.

“Not this morning,” he said looking towards the door. “Sorry to disappoint you.”

“Then what do you want…..sir?”

“When Alfred comes in this morning, I want you to invite him into the cage…if he starts to play with himself, tell him you‘ll do the business once you finish with Petra…offer him one of those classic hand jobs. Strap him up, give him the Go Juice and start him on the Lotion. When it begins to kick in…I’ll come in and take over."

“Please Jody, don’t make me be a part of this.”

He showed her the back of his hand, wiggling it back and forth.

"OK, I’ll do it.”

“I’ll be in the Observation Booth.” He walked over and let himself in. Hilda walked back into the cage and locked the cell.

“What was that all about?” asked Petra.

“The boys are feeling frisky…Jody wants to play a little joke on Alfred.”

“What kind of Joke?”

“Never mind…Now, after I finish with you, I want you to go over and sit down in the corner. Face the wall, close your eyes and try not to listen. This is going to get real ugly…”

“Big deal, so you’re going to give Alfred a massage and when you’re done, Jody will jump out of the booth and say surprise!…how bad can that be?”

“Do as I say, Petra, I'm in no mood for questioning.”

“Yes, Matron Hilda.”

Behind them they heard the door close as Alfred walked in.

“Up on the table,” she ordered. Petra pulled her gown off and did as she was told. Hilda gave her the cup, and began to apply the lotion. Hearing a board creak, she looked casually over her shoulder. Alfred pulled his head back where he’d been peeking around the corner.

“Alfred, I see you,” said Hilda, "If you’re so interested, why don’t you just come on inside and get an eye full?"

“Can I?” replied Alfred, beside himself with anticipation. “You wouldn’t mind?”

“I don’t mind and Petra here, doesn’t get to vote.” She walked over and unlocked the door letting him inside. “You can look but stay out of my way.” As she began getting into the massage, Hilda Inquired. “Ever had this done to you, Alfred?” Her hands were applying the lotion rubbing hard into the young woman’s thighs. One of Perta's breasts hung over the side. It glistened, slick with oil.

“Can’t say as I ever have,” he answered, reaching for his fly.

“I don’t want you wacking off in here like you do in the hall…it isn’t sanitary. If you want I’ll give you a hand job when I finish Petra.”

“That would be great. I hear you have soft fingers.“

She continued, turning Petra over, doing her front side. The Simian became more and more aroused and began having an orgasm. Placing the cup between her thighs Hilda began to milk. With a final groan, Petra arched up and the last drops fell into the collection vessel.

“Get over on your cot.”

Petra crawled off the table, put on her gown and went over to her pallet. She sat on the other side facing the corner

“Your turn Alfred,” said Hilda with a smile. “You know the drill?”

“You mean with the restraints?”

“Guards are too big to take chances with…sorry.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Get naked,” and I’ll cinch you in.

Alfred was not shy and was eager to get started. In no time he was bare assed. In the center of the cell hung the ceiling restraints and beneath on the floor were the recessed retainers for the ankle straps. Hilda got the leather anklets and secured them to the floor.

"Step over here and put your feet in the footprints." Painted on the floor were two footprints indicating where the restrainee was supposed to stand. She cinched his ankles tight. Taking the stool she stepped up and secured his wrists. Pulling the bindings tight, she snapped them, one after the other into tension, with a “Kerr Thunk!”

“You have to drink this first,” she said holding the cup to his lips. Then she started applying the lotion. She began at his neck, then his shoulders and arms, then down his torso. She applied it to his lats and abs, then his buttocks and thighs. A warm sensation began spreading over his body as the arousal began to take effect. His manhood became erect and he began to squirm about.

At that moment, Jody stepped out of the booth. He was joking with several people inside and their laughter spilled into the cell. It sounded familiar. Oh my Gawd! thought Alfred as he realized the situation.

The door closed and Jody walked into the cage.

“What have we here?“ he inquired in mock amazement. “My! My! brother, you’ve gotten yourself into quite a pickle."

He looked closely as he bent over examining Alfred's erection. In a loud voice, so those in the booth could hear, he inquired? "Is this your Jerkin.... I mean your Gurkin? I wonder why it has that bend in it?" He smiled back at the glass and pointed down knowingly. "He must be a lefty, I can spot 'um every time."

Jody took the lotion and began to rub Alfred’s phallus. The touch excited the arousal that was already well advanced. He began stroking it back and forth as he generously applied the goop. "You really hurt my feelings today, in front of my sister," he said nonchalantly.

Alfred groaned.

“The least you could do is apologize…”

Jody picked up the salve…He took a dollop and began rubbing it into the head of Alfred’s erection. Sweat began pouring from the Jailer’s brow.

“I’m waiting.”

“I’m sorry Jody, I really am; don’t know what came over me.”

“You spineless lily pad,” he continued…“You remind me of a PUSSY. Can you say Meow?"

“Don’t do this,” he pleaded.

"I want to hear you say it....say Meow!"


"Not like that....you have to draw it out...Meooooow!"

"Fuck you Jody.."

"Oh, so that's how its going to be?" Jody took a dab of the salve, the most concentrated form of the aphrodiasic, and dabbed it beneath Alfred's nostrils. "We'll let that take effect for a minute. Hilda, Honey, my sweetheart here, forgot his makeup this morning. Would you mind helping him with some lipstick.” He winked over at the glass.

“Alfred's lip began to quiver.”

Hilda climbed up on the stool and began applying it. It was a bright shade of flaming red.

“Tell him to mush his lips together.”

“I’m sorry Alfred,” Hilda whispered, “I really am.” Much louder she continued, “Do your lips like this,” she demonstrated.

“Alfie, you are one ugly woman…what you need are some more cosmetics and eye shadow…show him how Hilda.”

Hilda began applying the make-up. When she finished his eyes were shadowed and lashes brushed.

“Much better Alfie, if you’re going to be a sassy broad you need to look the part, however, there’s one thing missing.” He tossed a wig to Hilda and she pulled it over his head.


Jody took another dollop and walked behind. Spreading the guard’s cheeks with one hand he began applying it into the anus with the other.

Alfred strained on his toes and his sphincter drew tight. His body began to shake.

You’re nothing but a big sissy. I bet you think I’m good looking.

Alfred was breathing hard and his body started to really tremble.

Jody unbuckled his pants and let them fall to the floor.

The Guard thrashed, writing against the restraints, his eyes rolling back.

“Is there something I can do for you back here?”

“Yes, yes,” Alfred pleaded. Saliva was running down the corner of his mouth.

“Yes what?”

“I want you to do me…do me!”

"Say Meooow!"


“I thought I heard you right,” said Jody, as he thrust deep and began stroking in and out. With hands on hips he began working with a deliberate and measured stroke. You really like this Alfie, don't you...

Alfred was panting and grunting.

I can't hear you...!

"Yes! Yes!"

"You want me to stop?"

"No! No!"

Jody reached a finger beneath his testicles stroking back and forth. "You like it when I touch your cunt?"

The passion became unbearable... Alfred began to writh and his heart threatened to burst.

Jody reached around and began jerking Alfred quickly back and forth. It was a practiced movement, his signature, in synch with a steady hand to the waist and hard driving hips.

With a cry Alfred exploded, tears flowing down his cheeks.

"I'm not through with you Bitch! I hate it when a whore pops off and leaves me in the lurch."

Alfred continued flopping, his essence spent, exhausted...hanging loosely in the restraints.

Jody pulled out in disgust." I was aftaid you were going to do that.. You are the sorriest piece of ass I ever had.. A disgrace to your sex....No wonder Betty is such a bitch!"

Still hard, he poked himself back into is britches. "Anyone else interested in this sorry ass?" he inquired towards the glass. "No takers? No surprise there." He walked out leaving his brother-in-law sobbing .

© Copyright 2010 percy goodfellow (trebor at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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