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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1680061
The adventure continues... now with imps!
Chapter 4:

"The Kingdom of Crim welcomes you brave adventurers home."

The group had returned to Crim and was rushed into the king's throne room. The large room was laced with red. Everyone's eyes were focused on the large throne whereupon sat Alus, who was stroking his short beard. "Tell me, was your mission a success?"

"Yes Master Alus." Shadowmurk stepped forward. "We have retrieved the gemstone. These brave men helped just as you believed they would."

"Indeed. Show me the stone."

Shadowmurk pulled the pulsing ruby from a pouch and approached the throne. Slade's eyes dashed feverishly from the stone to Alus to Shadwomurk. Nearby members of the Royal Guard stepped closer to Alus. "Such beauty. Such splendor." He grasped the gem in his hand before holding it up into the light. "Perfection at its finest. This is just what is needed to save his Royal Majesty. You all have done well. Here is your reward." With a clap, one member of the guard approached each of the group offering a small brown sack. Everyone but Iyouboushi took one.

"I did not do this for money," he said. "My reward is the honor that comes from serving Crim."

"Can I have his reward if he doesn't want it?" Slade asked while looking inside the sack he was given. Twenty gold coins sparkled under the light.

"Once again, the honor is mine, but as you wish." The guard finished his task and returned to his post. Alus stood up from the throne to address the group. "Your service to Crim will not soon be forgotten. With your task at hand, I--"

Before Alus could finish speaking, ten women pushed themselves past guards and into the throne room. They were all crying, sobbing, and had bloodshot eyes. "Sorry Master Alus," one guard said, trying to restrain the mob of women. Alus held his hand up.
"Please, let them speak."

"Our children," they sobbed. "Our children have been taken from us in the middle of the night."

"Who? Who kidnapped your children?" Shadowmurk took over the speaking.

"We don't know," words barely forming in between sobs, "they were short and cloaked in black."

"Short and cloaked?" Shadowmurk scratched his chin in thought. "Short figures in black eh? Stealing children? I only know of one group that would be brave enough to do this to us here in Crim. Imps. They're small, they're ugly, they're vicious. They steal children and brainwash them or, most of the time, eat them. They've been waging a war with the Kingdom of Crim for years now."

The women, hearing that their children may be eaten, broke down into uncontrollable wails. Iyouboushi and Kaiten walked over to them and tried to calm them down.

"This is troubling indeed," Alus said finally when the women's wails stopped. "Brave adventurers, might I enlist of your services once more?

"Of course!" Iyouboushi stepped back up away from the women. "I will help save these children."

Slade sighed. "If money is involved then I will lend my services."

Taylen looked at Slade. "What kind of services would that be? Did you even do anything to help us last time?"

With an angry glare, Slade moved forward and withdrew a small hidden knife. "Would you like to see first-hand what I can do?"

"Enough," Kaiten stepped forward and stood in between the two. "We have more important matters to handle." Eisen screeched behind him.

Aolos closed his eyes, "imps, huh?"

"We're going to save some children Quaram. Isn't that exciting?" He received no response.

After a moment of silence Iyouboushi spoke with a question that was on everyone's mind. "How will we find these imps?"

"I will have the royal mages discover the location of the imps and will devise a plan. This will take a small amount of time." Alus stepped down from the throne.

"Time we do not have." Iyouboushi's voice filled with worry. "Those children's lives are in danger."

"Do not despair," Shadowmurk said, "imps will not eat their prisoners on the first night if that is indeed what they will do with them. We have time."

"As Shadowmurk said, we have time. Please, I will send Shadowmurk to gather you when it is time. Until then, feel free to visit with Crim or retire to rooms we will have prepared for you." Alus nodded to Shadowmurk and together they exited the throne room. Guards walked over to the crying women and escorted them out, leaving the group to themselves.

"I believe I shall retire to my room and await." Iyouboushi said, and exited

"Indeed. I will do the same." Kaiten and Eisen left the throne room with Eisen screeching.

"If I have the time, I want to go visit my parents before we leave." Taylen said, mostly to himself. "They will want to hear about this and," he whispered as he left the throne room, "we may need their help." Slade followed and vanished into the shadows without a word.

"I guess that just leaves Quaram, Aolos and myself." Kurando turned around to see Aolos already leaving the room. "Correction, just us. Come on Quaram, I think I saw someone juggling fire when we rode into town."

* * *

"Mom! Dad! I'm home. And you won't believe what I've been through in the past couple of days." Taylen rushed into his parents' home. Everything was silent. Taylen walked around, looking. Everything seemed to be in order. There was no sign of a struggle or forced entry. "Mom?" he took a few more steps. "Dad?"

He approached an oak table and saw an envelope bearing the king's seal. Curious, he picked it up and opened it only to discover the letter inside was missing. "That's odd. I wonder if Alus could explain this." He pocketed the empty envelope and turned to leave the house.

* * *

"Step right up and watch the amazing Don Kerse juggle a huge plume of fire." A short man was waving at a passing crowd as a tall man juggled several dancing pieces of fire in front of a small booth. "Watch as the amazing Don Kerse plays with fire and is not burned. Isn't it amazing? Don't you wish you could do this?"

Kurando stepped forward and smiled widely. "I can do that too you know."

"Yeah right kid. It takes years of practice to master the ability to juggle flames of this magnitude."

"You call these huge plumes of fire? They're so tiny it's amazing that you can even see them." His eyes sparkled, mischievously.

"If you think you can do better I'd like to see you try." He gave a distasteful laugh.

"Very well. Observe, how a true fire dancer would do it." Both Don Kerse and his loud friend stopped what they were doing and watched as Kurando lit a huge fire ball. With ease, Kurando had it dancing in the air.

"I don't believe it."

"How is this possible?"

The fireball grew bigger and bigger, then split into two. Then into four. Suddenly Kurando cried out and the flames split into so many that he could not count. To make matters worse, they began to fly uncontrollably everywhere. Several slammed into the booth and lit it on fire. Others landed on Don Kerse and his partner. Both went into screaming fits of panic.

"Uh oh. Quaram, I think we might be in trouble. Let's get out of here." A small amount of dust was left behind when Kurando took off into a full run back towards the castle.

* * *

"It is time. Alus awaits you in the throne room."

The group wandered back into the throne room where, once again, Alus sat on the throne itself. Alus stood up to welcome them.

"Say," Taylen whispered over to Iyouboushi, "is it just me or does Alus look slightly younger than last time?" He adjusted his goggles and took a good look. All signs of gray in Alus' black beard were gone. Several wrinkles seemed to have been lifted slightly. He looked five, no, ten years younger.

"Now that you mention it."

"The imps have been located" Alus stated. He nodded to Shadowmurk, who continued.

"They have set up camp in the Woods of Madness to the east of Crim. This is not surprising, as the woods have served as their shelter for years. More specifically, the imps have taken up camp on a spot known to us as the Mark of Crysonis, named after the one who discovered it many years ago."

"Mark of Crysonis?" Everyone mouthed and looked at each other.

"Yes. For some odd reason, there is a spot in the woods where a circle of grass on the the ground is a shade lighter. Monsters seem to be drawn to it." Shadowmurk stepped back, allowing Alus to talk once more.

"The area that is marked seems to be very reactive to magic. It is my belief that using a certain potion will cause the mark to be lit like a beacon. Imps cannot stand the light." He nodded to a guard nearby who carried over a small vial of white liquid and a small rolled up piece of parchment. "Throwing this potion onto the mark will cause the explosion of light. Now for your actual mission."

The guard walked over to the group and offered the vial and scroll. Kaiten and Slade both reached for the vial but Kaiten retrieved it first. Slade's eyes shifted and narrowed as he grabbed the parchment. Kurando eyed the vial and began to sweat.

"You are to go into the Woods of Madness and rescue the children. Once the children are safe, throw and break the vial on the mark. The mark will light up which will blind and incapacitate the imps. A strike force will then march in and dispose of them. Understand?"

Everyone nodded. Shadowmurk raised his voice and spoke as everyone turned to leave.

"One last thing and I cannot stress this enough," he started with a very serious tone. "You must not engage the imps. I know you all have very impressive fighting techniques and that worked well for a single enemy of Loud Mouth Willy's size, but imps are far more numerous. They will overrun your defenses and destroy you."

Kurando gulped loudly.

"We believe there are at least thirty of them in number. Rumor has it imps have a way of communicating via telepathy so you must not be seen. Be careful and good luck."

"You're not coming with us, Shadowmurk?" Kaiten asked.

"I will lead the strike force. My men and I will be half a day behind you to give you time to complete your side of the mission."

"Very well then. Be off now. Time is wasting." Alus had dismissed them.

At the entrance of the Woods of Madness, the group stopped and stared. The massive amount of trees and diminishing light gave a foreboding aura. Taylen had heard rumors all his life about the thick forest and how people would first lose their ways, then their minds. Beasts of unimaginable hunger and strength lived inside the forest just waiting for the opporunity to eat anyone who crossed their paths. He never thought he would willingly be walking into the forest himself.

Slade removed the parchment from a hidden pouch and unrolled it. It displayed a small map of the woods, with distinct positions marking the path to the Mark of Crysonis. "Here." He thrusted the map at Taylen, who took it and looked it over.

"At least we have a map."

A light breeze blew leaves across the entrance of the forest.

"These children won't save themselves. If you're not going to lead, then I shall. Hand me the map." Iyouboushi stepped forward. Taking the map and glancing it over a few times, he began to walk. The others followed.

All the remaining moonlight was extinguished once inside the woods. Taylen reached in his toolbelt and removed his light. With a click it came on, lighting the area enough to see their surroundings. Aolos rushed forward to Kaiten. "What do you think of all this?" he asked. "By this I mean the vial of liquid and the mark."

"I do not know. The whole situation seems odd to me." A snake hissed nearby as it was nearly trampled by the line of men.

"It's going to be okay Quaram, you'll see." Kurando's shaky voice came from the back. He seemed to be petting the helmet, which was totally unresponsive.

"The winds carry a warning about the mark. I do not believe we should do anything to it."

They came to a fork in the path. Iyouboushi stopped to study the map.

"If the imps are as formidable as Shadowmurk makes them out to be, we may not be able to escape should we choose not to follow the plan."

Taylen stepped up next to Iyouboushi. "Need help with the map?"

"That would be welcomed, yes."

"Despite that," Aolos said with a heavy sigh, "I still believe we should not mess with the mark. As Alus said, it reacts to magic. We do not know what will truly happen. If Alus made one slight miscalculation it could incernate us all."

"I never thought it that way."

Bushes nearby rustled loudly. Everyone stopped talking and looked. In the distance a loud roar was given, sending chills up everyone's spines.

"W..what was that?" Kurando held the helmet closer to his chest. "I don't like the sound of that."

"Nor do I." Taylen feverishly looked over the map. "This map is so poor, it doesn't even show a split in the path. But if I'm reading this right," he adjusted his goggles, "and I think I am, we need to head down the left path."

"Good enough for me." Iyouboushi took off running down the left path. The others fell into a pursuit, lest they be left behind to deal with the beast that caused the roar.

As they ran it grew darker and then lighter as they came to a clearing. Inside the clearing was one very large tent. The grass under the tent was a shade lighter than the rest of the grass surrounding it. They had reached it. The Mark of Crysonis. Inside the tent they heard muffled cries of "mommy" and several whispers in a language they did not understand. The group took a position behind a large overgrown bush for cover.

"I thought the imps were telepathic?" Taylen whispered.

"Perhaps they only alert others with telepathy?" Kaiten suggested.

"Does anyone here know Imp?"

"Quaram does." Kurando took the helmet off his shoulder and held it out to the group.

"Right. Does anyone sane know Imp?"

Aolos shook his head. "Not I. Elves do not bother with menial creatures such as these."

"And yet here you are, involved." Slade said. "How ironic."

"Everyone be quiet, I'm trying to think of a plan." Taylen scratched his head and peeked over the bush. The tent was now emitting a small plume of smoke and the smell of something delicious being cooked was carried in the air. Taylen's stomach growled. "I don't see any guards." He ignored his hunger pain.

Kurando sunk back away from the group and held the helmet up to his ear. "What's that Quaram? You say they're talking about being paid for the job well done? Oh don't be silly. Why would humans pay imps to steal some children in the middle of the night?" Everyone stared at Kurando. "Well that's what he says. He also said he has a plan."

"Oh? And what plan would a helmet come up with?"

"This!" Kurando took off into a small run and threw the helmet towards the tent. It disappeared into the darkness.

"You idiot! You're going to alert them and give away our only hiding spot." Taylen fumed and hit Kurando over the head with his light.

"Uwaah!" Kuroando fell over in a slump, unconcious.

"Anyone else have an idea?"

* * *

Quaram landed on the side of the tent and immediately sprang to life under the cover of darkness. Two tiny little eyes peeked out from beneath the helmet. He heard an imp from inside say "what was that noise?" and heard the tiny pitter-patter of feet heading towards the tent entrance. Taking this opportunity, he waited until the imp came outside.

It was a nasty creature, with a hooked nose too large for its boiled-covered face and sharp ears and bright yellow eyes. It wore a raggedy cloak, no doubt to protect it from the sunlight despite it being night. Strapped to its side was a hooked knife. How he hated imps. Quaram snuck behind the imp and waited. The imp, unable to see what may have caused the tent to be hit, turned to head back inside. Now was his chance. He leaped up and landed on the imp's back with careful skill. The imp was not even aware that he was carrying Quaram inside the tent.

The tent was gigantic on the inside. There was plenty of room, almost like a small house complete with wooden dinner table. Quaram quickly counted how many he would have to deal with. Ten imps were asleep, ten were preparing a large four-legged beast over an open flame, five were working on keeping the fire going, and five were standing in front of a large cage that contained six children.

With grace, Quaram leaped off the back of the imp he was riding on and landed unnoticed in a corner of the tent. Now he just had to decide what his best plan of attack would be. He knew they had to be taken out all at once or else they would be alerted. Shadowmurk was right, he knew, they would speak to each other telepathically to alert of an intruder. They would then act as one deadly unit with undeniable force. Thankfully Quaram knew the habits of imps and had just the thing.

With amazing speed, Quaram dashed to the table unnoticed and leaped up. He knew imps liked a special seasoning on every meal. Sure enough, sitting on the table was a small bowl of a green, foul-smelling seasoning. This was his chance. Seemingly out of nowhere, Quaram began to sprinkle dust onto the seasoning. He then leaped off the table, ran to the side of the tent and climbed up the wall to hang on the ceiling.

"The lithor is finished," one imp declared. All ten of the imps that were dedicated to keeping the fire and food going now stopped to remove the large beast. With some effort they were able to move it towards the wooden table. They grabbed the seasoning by the handful and sprinkled it all over the roasted beast. When they finished they ate as if they had never eaten a meal before in their life.

Thud! All ten imps fell over and did not move again. Ten imps down, ten asleep to go. They would easily be dispatched. He leaped off the ceiling and landed back down on the table. A shiny dagger appeared floating in front of him. Quickly he finished the job and set his eyes on the children.

The children were of varying age but it seemed that none of them were over the age of six. All of them were crying, many for their mothers. One of the younger girls with blond pigtails saw Quaram and giggled. "Kitty!" she said.

"Not quite" Quaram said, "but it'll do." Click click. He began to pick the lock using his little dagger. With a final twist, the cage flew open and the girl grabbed Quaram and squeezed. "O..ow."

"Kitty kitty!"

"G..go outs..side. Can't..breathe."

The kids sniffled loudly and began to run outside of the tent, Quaram in hand of the girl.

* * *

"Did anyone else hear that thud?" Taylen asked. He had been unsuccessful in figuring out a plan to get into the tent without being brutally slaughtered. Kurando groaned behind him, finally awakening from being hit over the head.

"Why am I laying on the ground?" He struggled to get back to his feet. "And is the world spinning or is it just me?"

"Sorry about that," Taylen admitted, "but you left me no choice."

"I should set you on fire for that." He cackled then suddenly realized he was missing something. "Quaram! Where's Quaram?"

"The helmet? You threw it towards the tent."

"Oh that's right. I do hope he's okay."

"Shh.. something is happening." Iyouboushi whispered, peeking over the bush.

They heard the sounds of metal clanking and giggles coming from inside the tent. After a moment they began to see children file out of the tent, one by one. A little girl with pigtails was holding the small bucket as she emerged from the tent. The group came from behind the bushes and rushed towards the children.

"I don't believe it. I can't believe it. How did this happen?" Taylen's jaw dropped open. "It's impossible." Several of the children saw Taylen and began running circles around him while laughing. "Hey, don't do that."

Slade readjusted the bandanna surrounding his mouth as a child leaped up on him and was pulling at it. "Stop it brat."

Kurando approached the girl with pigtails. "Quaram, you're safe." There was no response. He reached out and took the helmet away from the girl, who began crying.

"Kitty! Mine!"

"Quaram is my friend and he needs to come with me."

"Shh, make her be quiet. She'll alert the imps inside."

"No she won't," Kurando stated. "Quaram told me that he already took care of all the imps."

"I count twenty bodies inside the tent" Iyouboushi said, coming back from inside.

"Twenty? Shadowmurk said there were at least thirty." Kaiten said, drawing his polarm. "We need to be very careful."

"There, look." Aolos pointed towards the right side of the tent. Several imps were returning from the forest holding firewood in their hands.

"Great. Just great." Taylen tried his best to get the children to stop running circles around him.

"Make her stop crying" Kurando said, "it's starting to hurt my ears."

The group tried their best to pull back towards the path into the forest, leading the kids the best they could. Many began to start crying at the sight of the dark path.

The imps made their way back into their tents. Loud horrible cries of anguish were heard and echoed.

"I think they have seen what has happened" Iyouboushi said. "I suggest we leave now."

"I have a better idea." Kurando said. He stepped forward, his eyes twinkling mischeviously. With a huge spark, the tent caught on fire, lighting up the area for a split second. The ten remaining imps flew out of the tent, several on fire. They began to yell in their language, desperately trying to find something to put the fires out.

"Burn burn my little imp vermin. Burn!"

"What are you doing?" A commanding voice came behind the group. They recognized it to be Shadowmurk's. "You were told to light the mark with the potion, not to set the tent on fire."

"Shadowmurk? I thought you were half a day behind us." Taylen turned to see Shadowmurk standing with ten other men all dressed in the same armor.

"I had a feeling you would need my help earlier so I rushed these men and came straight away." He stepped forward and withdrew his giant sword. "I think it's time we clear this mess up. Take the children and wait further back."

Shadowmurk led his men towards the burning and panicked imps. It did not take them long before they were wiped out. The knights gave a cheer and threw the bodies into the tent, to be burned.

Together the group walked with Shadowmurk and his knights out of the Woods of Madness and back into Crim. The children were reunited with their mothers, who were overcome with joy. They promised to praise the names of the group so that everyone everywhere would know them.

Once again the group found themselves in the throne room, addressing Alus who still sat on the throne and looked even younger than the time before.

"Welcome back great adventurers. I already know that your quest was a success. The townspeople of Crim are singing your names on high. You all have done well."

"Thank you." Taylen smiled for the first time in days.

"You will also be interested to know that the king has regained human form and is currently resting. With luck he shall resume his place on the throne soon."

Alus clapped his hands and once again a guard walked over and handed each of them a small pouch of gold. Iyouboushi refused just as before.

"Now, unless you have some other business to address, your service with Crim has come to an end. I suggest you all return to your homes. Shadowmurk, I must speak with you alone once they have left."

Taylen reached into his pocket. It was now or never. With a deep breath he stepped forward and withdrew the envelope bearing the king's symbol. It was time to find out what happened to his parents.
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