Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1681472-Tidbit-of-Book-2--2
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1681472
Another small sample of book two, also is informational
         “Hey Sheruta!”  Kashimiya called as she headed to the lunch table in the cafeteria.
         “What?”  Sheruta called back as Kashimiya sat down. 
                “I want you to have this, it might come in handy.”  Kashimiya took a ring off her finger.  It had a purple heart stone wrapped between what looked like Demon horns.  The band was silver, but the whole thing itself was small.  “The stone will glow when you’re near a Demon Portal, and the horns will glow yellow when you’re right in front of one.  It will also open and close them, since you’re not a Demon that will come in handy.”
              Sheruta knew that the Demon Portals were the way Demons got around, either from place to place, or world to world.  They remain invisible, but when opened, who ever is opening it can make it visible if it helped them get through.  Sheruta never saw a real one for herself, but she heard that they were like large mirrors, without the glass.  Instead in the middle its just a swirling vortex of colors, but surrounding this open area that you enter is a statue of a Demon.  It’s a different kind of Demon for every portal, incase you use certain ones all the time, then you can recognize them.  It was rumored for a time that some of these portals were on Nori, but when the Norikaes found out about them, they quickly sealed them off years ago.  One however can be locked and unlocked.  They did this incase they gained the power to travel using them as it would be to there best interest.  But this was long ago during the war.
                Sheruta took the ring and looked at it, “You sure?”  She questioned, knowing full well that Kashimiya used this herself a few times.
                “Of course I am!  My training covered the Demon Portals, so now I don’t need it.  I can open and close them at will, and I can sense them, almost see them really.  I can even control where they connect to now.”  Kashimiya explained proudly.
                “Oh wow that’s neat!  This would be cool to explore if I ever get out of that dang house…  But anyway!”  Sheruta wanted to get to the point of something else before she forgot.  “At home on Nori, were having another festival, and I wanted you to attend!  It’ll be your first REAL visit to Nori and you’ll be able to see how awesome it really is!  Instead of having to sneak in and deal with poopy-head”
                Kashimiya smiled, “I’d like to, I’ve wanted to see it again for a while now, and with my new skills with the Demon Portals, it’ll be a snap getting away from Foxy!”  Kashimiya laughed a bit.  “So when is it anyway?”
                Sheruta squirmed a bit, “Tonight, but I couldn’t help the short notice!  I begged Usuakari till my face turned blue!  I wanted it to be a surprise but she didn’t give me an answer till last night!  I’m sorry.”  Sheruta hoped that Kashimiya would still come.
                “Tonight then.”  Kashimiya agreed nodding her head.  “Foxy will just have to wait…  Maybe I should stay there for a few decades.”  She joked.  They both laughed as they herd the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over.
                “Hey, we didn’t even do anything yet!”  Sheruta complained.
                Another boy walking by seemed to mock her, “Ya, that’s why it’s over, so you can’t do anything.”  He didn’t even look over or stop, he just kept on walking to clear his tray.
                “Jerk.”  Sheruta said under her breath but loud enough for Kashimiya to hear.
                “That’s Earth for you.”  Kashimiya remarked.  “Well I’ll see you tonight then, I can’t be late, and my English teacher is really strict.”
                Kashimiya raced off, she had two flights of stairs before she reached the floor she needed.  Sheruta on the other hand couldn’t care less as long as she was walking in the classroom as the bell was sounding.
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