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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1681479
One way I thought of for Sheruta to gain her ferrdom, but I decided on a better way
And On it Goes…
By: Alissia Cassell

                Jagena had found Sheruta in her cursed form and state.  Forced to live as a mere mortal, no powers, no sisters, no freedom; nothing.  Sheruta was merely walking along, singing, as usual, and Jagena waited until she was alone and out of everyone else’s sight.
                As if it were an act of fate, Sheruta was traveling into the woods alone.  She liked the forest, and it was the closest she could get to feeling back home on Nori.
                Jagena leaped down from the tree in which she was hiding and landed right in front of Sheruta.  Startled, she stopped singing, and for a brief moment she questioned at what was now bowing before her.  Until it hit her head like a brick.
                “Jagena, to what do I owe the honor of your visit?”  Sheruta spoke clearly and formally as though she hadn’t forgotten, trying to keep her cool and poise.
                “Princess Sheruta,” Jagena started.  “I have traveled beyond my boundaries to bring you good news.  I am hosting a festival in this world, and I would like you to be the guest of honor.  However, I cannot guarantee your sisters arrival; you must find a way to summon them if you should so wish.  I believed that this would be a good loop hole for you, if given the chance.”  Jagena bowed her head lower to show that she was finished.
                Sheruta got down and lifted up Jagenas head.  “You need never bow to me Jagena.”  Jagena looked up at Sheruta in surprise as they both stood up.  “I would very much like to attend your festival, and I am honored that you would invite me personally.”  Sheruta smiled as though she were speaking to her best friend.  “And I already have the perfect song in mind.”
                “Jagena nodded, “You have one week, the night of the full moon shall then rise.  At dusk, meet me here, and all will go well.”

                Since that night, Sherutas spirits had lifted, her hope had been restored.  She spent that whole week working on, not only her singing, but also on the gown that she wished to wear.  The black to show her pain, chains to show her curse, yet blue to show her royal stature, and purple for elegance and grace.
                She arrived promptly at dusk, and found that Jagena had arrived earlier.  They both knew that the festival would soon begin…

                “Thank you for those among you who have us tonight.”  Jagena was speaking through a microphone to the large crowd that had showed.  They were in a clearing in the middle of the woods.  Jagena was standing on a large flat rock in front of everyone.  Not tall, but long.  Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves already, as large long tables bordered the edges of the clearing with all sorts of different foods on them.  Everyone looked up as Jagena continued.  “Now I know it’s unusual to have a festival away from Nori, but I have a very good reason to do this, and I think you’ll find my reason to be more than acceptable.”  Jagena looked around to see if she still had everyone’s attention, when she was sure she had it, she spoke a little louder.  “Look around you and take note on all others who have come here tonight.  Warriors of every race and class, a few of Korirus huskies, dragons, unicorns; even a few members from my own Cat Clan.  Of course all of the rest of the party guests have arrived, but there is still one person missing.  Someone who hasn’t been able to attend any festival, ritual, party, or meetings, in who knows how long?  But tonight will change everything; fate will be altered this night.  For I have found her, and brought her back to where she belongs by her own birthright.”  Jagena raised her voice to say, “Give it up to the lost princess of Nori, Sheruta!”
                The crowed roared with excitement and amazement, half not being able to believe what they were hearing.  All were in shock as the sister who they had been unable to see in centuries came out and stood before them.
                As Jagena handed Sheruta the mike, the crowd settled down and Sheru began to sing softly, no music was playing.

                "As the sun begins to set
                And the fire begins to die
                The world shall start a-new.
                But when the clouds cave in-
                And the rain falls
                The life stops living-
                The clock stops ticking-
                The earth quits spinning,
                Yet still the violin plays
                Solemn in its beauty
                And constant in its sound"

                Soft music started to play, as Sheruta sung the chorus alone and began to move with the mood of the music.

                "On it goes the music plays
                We hear the voice of angels
                They sing upon the clouds above
                To whom we give our praise.
                And through our words the darkness fades
                The shadows of the end erased
                So hear our voices clear and strong
                For this is our hearts song."

                The music fell dark, and not even a moment was lost in the song as black smoke rose up from the stage.  It was parted by none other than Shinya, Noris third princess and one of Sherutas sisters.  With a dark smile and a glance toward Sheruta, she sang her verse as darkly as she could.

                "As the days pass, and the nights roll
                We see the lightning crack-
                And hear the thunder roar
                You know that the time has come
                Past and present have been undone
                But the future shall always rise
                For it is your solemn demise"

                Shinya raised her pitch.

                "But don’t be in doubt or shame
                They shall rise to save us again!"

                Sheruta and Shinya sang the chorus together, and even though it had been a long time since they seen each other, they sung in harmony as though they had never been apart.

                "On it goes the music plays
                We hear the voice of angels
                They sing upon the clouds above
                To whom we give our praise.
                And through our words the darkness fades
                The shadows of the end erased
                So hear our voices clear and strong
                For this is our hearts song."

                A voice then began to sing as though the person was there from the start.  Sheruta and Shinya both looked back in shock and awe.  As the figure stepped out of the shadows, the crowd became silent in shock.  The one who stepped onto the stage was none other than Noris first princess in command, Usuakari.  The two sisters stared at her in disbelief; she was rarely anywhere where she didn’t have business to deal with.  The music was again dark, and Usuakari had sung in a deeper, darker, more accursed voice than Shinya had just done.

                "Your world has been engulfed by flame
                The life that once was is now gone
                Hope you’ve enjoyed this life of yours
                For the darkness’s reign has finally come"

                Steadily, Usuakaris pitch began to rise to high-pitched.

                "Everything shall wither and die
                And forever be lost in space and time
                No matter how much you beg and plea
                This darkness’s time was meant to be!"

                All three sisters sang now to pounding rock music.

                "But on it goes the music plays
                We hear the voice of angels
                They sing upon the clouds above
                To whom we give our praise.
                And through our words the darkness fades
                The shadows of the end erased
                So hear our voices clear and strong
                For this is our hearts song."

                Now a voice in the crowd took over, when the guests herd the words, they parted, and Ryusei worked her way to the front and eventually got on stage.  The pace was still medium fast, and the pitch was medium high.  The fourth and final sister had finally arrived.

                "They sing for you and they sing for me
                Saving the world that was meant to be
                So believe in them with all your heart
                To stop our world from falling apart
                If you don’t you shall surly see
                What a cruel world this has come to be!"

                The music once again changed to rock and the sisters had a moment to bask in there glory.  This was a first in many years that the sisters had been together, and Sheruta was glowing with triumph as the song she had picked worked at bringing them together.  Sheruta snapped out of it as the song continued, now being a sad, slow part of the song.  Shinya started.

                "Still on it goes the music plays
                We hear the voice of angels"

                Ryusei continued, keeping the slow and sad pace.

                "They sing upon the clouds above
                To whom we give our praise."

                Usuakari took over, lifting the pitch just a smidge.

                "And through our words the darkness fades
                The shadows of the end erased"

                Sheruta was next, keeping with the tone Usuakari set.

                "So hear our voices clear and strong
                For this is our hearts song."

                Not even a second passed before the music bursted with rock again, and the four sisters sang in harmony together as loud as they could.

                "And on it goes the music plays
                We hear the voice of angels
                They sing upon the clouds above
                To whom we give our praise.
                And through our words the darkness fades
                The shadows of the end erased
                So hear our voices clear and strong
                For this is our hearts song!"

                With a big bang and the stage exploding with smoke, the music ceased, and the four sisters breathed heavily as the crowd roared.
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