Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1682693-Guardians
by Belle
Rated: · Draft · Other · #1682693
An elite group of soldiers must expand to protect their country.


Andrei Markov stared down the long line of prisoners. Most were women and children, but a few elderly men were in the bunch. King Ivan Stanimir ordered the town evacuated. All able men were put into his majesties armies while the rest were to be divided into service needs across the country. Andrei sat on his horse, Katria, and watched Captain Lucian Dumitru hand out orders for the prisoners.

“Anya Oskana. The Royal Castle. Queen’s maid.”

A pretty, young girl took a scroll and was shoved off towards the other people being transported to the castle. A defeated woman watched her walk away, tears in her eyes.

“Sasha Oskana. The Royal Castle. Cook’s helper.”

The woman gratefully took her scroll and rushed after her daughter, crying and shouting ‘Anya!’ Andrei smiled to himself.  As Head Guardian, he knew the King’s reasoning behind the evacuation. In two weeks, this town would be overrun by the Daishadian soldiers, and their elite guard, the Bolshevik Guard. The King of Daishad, Nikolaos Odalrik, was a ruthless dictator with no love of his people. Andrei knew that King Ivan wasn’t the most loved ruler, but he cared deeply for his people. Hence, Andrei’s presence.

“Larissa Vanya. Royal Castle. Guardian Apprenticeship.”

Larissa accepted her scroll. A devilish smile played across her face as she joined the others at the head of the line. A frail girl stepped up in line.

“Nina Belikov. Agathon. Fabric Weaver.”

Nina simply looked at the scroll outstretched to her. Lucian looked up at the girl in surprise.

“Excuse me,” she said, rather politely. “But I want to fight.”

Lucian snorted.

“You fight? Now that’s a laugh. Take your scroll and go to the Agathon line.”

Nina held her head high. She repeated herself more forcefully.

“I think you misunderstood me, Captain. I want to fight.”

“And I think you misunderstood me. Get in the Agathon line. Now!”

Nina took a few steps back, holding back tears, but held her ground.


Andrei had dismounted from his horse and approached the table. Captain Dumitru snapped to attention. He muttered ‘Guardian Markov’ and stared straight ahead. Andrei snatched the scroll from his hand and whisked the girl away from his table.

“Next,” he called as he walked away. The young girl was frightened. She had heard of the great Guardian Andrei Markov. Her frightened eyes stared somewhere at his chest, not meeting his eyes. He lowered himself to her eye level, making her look into the pacific blue of his eyes. Crinkles line the edges of his eyes and his face had a serious but good-natured look. His long black locks framed the serious face, making him seem older than he was.

“Nina Belikov. Do you know who I am?”

Nina nodded.

“You want to fight?”

She nodded again.

“How old are you?”


“Are you aware that the fighting age of girls is 20? With training?”

She looked down at her hands and nodded, defeated. Andrei pulled out a quill and ink, jotted something down on her scroll and blew on the ink. Once it had dried, he rolled it back up and handed it to her. He patted her shoulder and walked back to his horse. Nina opened her scroll and found he had scratched out the previous assignment on the bottom and wrote:

‘Guardian Markov’s personal assistant. Report to my office first thing, after you get settled. ~Guardian Markov.’

Nina looked up at the retreating figure of Guardian Markov. Tears of joy ran down her dirty face as she turned and ran to the line going to the town of Rozen, where the castle awaited her.

Andrei reached the captain’s table and found his horse right where he left her. He re-mounted and watched the next girl step forward.

“Sonya Belikov.”


Captain Dumitru was a mean man with a hardened soldier’s air to him. His face was scarred and his temper was short. I had bit my tongue hard while he yelled at my sister, Nina. She was only twelve, and was still very naïve. When Guardian Markov stepped in, I wasn’t sure whether to be relieved, or scared. The older man was a legend. For the last thirteen years of my life, I had heard stories of the great Guardians, and their leader, Andrei Markov. I had trained hard in our village lessons, hoping one day to be accepted into the Guardian ranks. It was a great honor, only bestowed to those who were worthy. It was an even greater honor if given to a woman.

“Sonya Belikov.”

I stepped up to the table. I took a deep breath and held it.

“The Royal Castle.”

I stared at him.

“Guardian Apprenticeship.”

I let out my breath in a silent whoosh. I accepted my scroll and walked towards the line going to Rozen. Nina spotted me and ran hard and fast to me. I dropped to one knee and embraced her. She was crying uncontrollably. I smoothed her golden curls and whispered in her ear. Finally, she stopped her sobs, and I led her back to the line. Larissa, my best friend, was waiting in line. She waved us over.

“Hey, Sonya! Let me guess… Guardian apprenticeship, too?”

“Yeah. You, too? Lucky odds.”

“Yeah. What assignment did you get, Nina?”

Nina looked sheepishly up at Larissa. I prodded her arm and she looked at me. She unfurled her scroll and handed it to me. I read the scribbled assignment aloud.

“‘Guardian Markov’s personal assistant. Report to my office first thing, after you get settled. ~Guardian Markov’”

Larissa grabbed the scroll from my hands and read it herself. I looked at Nina. Her eyes were bright with joy. I could tell she desperately wanted my approval. I was in shock. Nina was going to be a very dangerous guy’s personal assistant. My twelve year old sister.

“Nina! Do you know who Guardian Markov is? Guardian Andrei Markov? He’s only the best Guardian of Krazhiai in history!!” Larissa’s voice was oozing with amazement.

Nina nodded.

I opened my mouth to say something, but three short horn blasts brought my attention back to the crowd of people. Guardian Markov rode his horse at the front of our line. He spoke out in a loud, clear voice.

“We will begin our journey to Rozen shortly. It is a three day march, and it will be tiresome. Tents will be distributed at night and picked up in the morning. Anyone unable to make the walk will speak with Captain Dumitru. Any questions, feel free to ask either the Captain or myself.”

Guardian Markov then dismounted and walked alongside the horse, a feat that was almost unheard of. No men in powerful positions walked like the rest of the people. They rode their horses to show how superior they were to us. Guardian Markov was showing a great respect for our people, and our people murmured their respect for Guardian Markov. Suddenly, the great wagons followed after him. Then after some time, the people formed a line in the wake of the wagons. Guardian Markov led a great mass of people towards a new home. It was frightening, and exciting.

Larissa, Nina, and I walked along in silence. We listened to the other people chat. We listened to the children wailing, longing for their mothers. We listened to mothers, crying for their children. We listened to sibling calling out for each other. It was a sad and depressing sound. Hundreds of people marched on, in the silence that was only broken by the sounds of their feet shuffling and the cries of anguished people.

The first day was long and hot. Time crawled by. I focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Larissa looked fine walking in the heat, but Nina was taking a heavy toll. Her blonde ringlets were drenched in sweat. Her brow was shiny and her face was red. Her breathing was labored and her walk was slowing.  After another three hours passed, Guardian Markov called for an hour rest.

I pulled Nina down onto a blanket and she fell instantly asleep. Larissa went to the food wagon to get a meal for us to share. She returned with a loaf of bread and some fruit, as well as a canteen of water. I split the bread into thirds and Larissa and I devoured our pieces. We drank water but left plenty for Nina when she woke. Guardian Markov was patrolling around, bringing water and food to those too tired to get any themselves. When he reached us, he saw Nina’s prone form.

“She is not used to this heat.”

I looked into the strong face. His black hair curled at the ends, framing his masculine face. Gray streaks tore through the black of his hair, making him more distinguished. Pacific blue eyes shone out from a pale face with dark brows. His nose was long and ended in a neat point. It fit his face well. There was an imperfection in his nose, though. It looked as if it had been broken. A bump marred the straight line of his nose. His jaw line was hard and it ended in a nice chin. He looked genuinely concerned about Nina.

“No she isn’t. She worked with our father in the factory. They had a nice room in doors. Out of this heat.”

He nodded his understanding.

“But what about you?”

“Me? I worked with Larissa, out in the fields.”

I left it at that. Who was he to pry into my life? Or what it was. He was the one who just uprooted it.

“I see. It’s best if you keep your head down and out of the sun’s glare.”

“Yes, Guardian Markov.”

He smiled at us and moved on to check on other people. The man was nice. The stories from my childhood though were filled with the tale of Andrei Markov. A man, so fierce, he could sever a man’s head without thought. This noble man led the Guardians into battle. They would come parading in and save Krazhiai from eminent destruction. They were any child’s dream. Mine especially.

After a short rest, Guardian Markov set off again. Nina had woken and was walking slumped down.

© Copyright 2010 Belle (marleybelle at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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