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political thoughts
         President Obama recently gave a speech to tell how he was to hold BP (British Petroleum) responsible for the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.  In the speech he talked about setting up a fund to be distributed to victims of this oil spill.  He also talked about making new environmental laws.  It may seem logical to ask the president how much money he is asking BP to deposit and is it going to be enough or even too much, but that is not the important question at this time because there is no way of answering it.  The reason is that the oil is still gushing.  The leak has not been sealed.  The more important thing would be to ask the president, “What is being done to stop the oil from gushing?”  There is something else to look at also.  Is this thought pattern for problem solving prevalent in the president’s way of doing things.  The basic thought pattern for this crisis seems to be to tie up loose ends and not stop the oil from gushing.  How does that apply to other things that he has done in the past or is working on now?
         When the president first took office there was another crisis.  That crisis was the economy.  He spent money to help banks and other businesses out.  He has also made new governing boards to monitor the financial industry.  This again ties up loose ends, but did he solve the problem?  The problem was the collapse of the housing market.  People could not make their house payments and there were too many foreclosures.  What had caused so many people to be in houses that they could not afford?  It was the federal mandate signed by President Clinton.  President Obama did not rescind this mandate; rather he added to it to allow more people to be able to buy houses that they cannot afford.  In this case, even though we do not see it now.  The oil still gushes.  In the future we will have the same problem again because the president did not actually solve the problem, but was just tying up loose ends.
         The next big crisis on President Obama's plate was health care.  He passed health care reform.  He gave the federal government power over health care and mandated that insurance companies insure every one.  The main problem with health care at the time was the cost.  What he did again was tie up loose ends.  It is not that what he has is not a good idea, but he did nothing to stop the rising cost of health care.  The oil still gushes.  We do not know how much the price of health care is going to rise.  If it ever stops rising though we know that everybody will be covered.  This is just another example of him not actually solving the problem.
         President Obama has also talked about illegal immigration.  He has talked about making a path to citizenship for those in the country illegally and establishing a guest worker program.  These may be things that are needed, but again they are just loose ends.  People still cross into the country illegally.  The oil is still gushing.  If the flow of these people is not stopped, then why have an immigration policy at all.
         We seem to have a president that is very good at finding out what to do after a crisis has been solved, but does not show that he is concerned about solving the actual problems.  The oil still gushes.  Do we have a president that is capable of solving the problem and stop it from gushing?
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