Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1687051-The-Story-of-David-and-Goliath
Rated: E · Other · Other · #1687051
This is the story of David and Goliath from a bird's eye view. :)
  It was sun high and the Israelite camp was just beginning to stir from their sleep.  As I stretched my wings I noticed a young male human strolling past my tree and heading toward the Israelite camp that was nestled in a clear dusty plateau.  In front of the camp was a steep valley. Nothing green grew in that valley, only some dead and leafless shrubs.  I locked my sharp eyes on the boy and watched as he tripped over a root.  I chirped in delight as I recognized him.  A couple of days ago, I remember that I was getting ready to enjoy a live worm that I found, until this runt slung a rock at me and made me lose it.  As I watched him get up and study a scratch on his bony knee, I couldn’t help but laugh at him.  The boy recovered in no time, and was off once again toward the camp.  I decided to follow him and see what he was up to.  As he neared the camp, some huge boys came to greet him.  They took some parcels from him and led him into camp.  The boys all sat down and began to talk among themselves.  I soon got bored and was about to leave when I heard a booming voice echo from across the valley where the Philistine’s camp was set up.  I turned my head to look at a gigantic human.  (Ok so all humans are gigantic to me, but this guy was way bigger that all the rest of the men in the Israelite camp)  I heard that this human’s name was Goliath and he was mean.  Every day he would go out of his way to shout insults at the Israelite camp and to the living God.  I could tell that the young boy was shocked that no one had fought this giant yet, even when he put down God’s name.  Had these people no faith?  David went to visit a guy named Saul, who was the king of Israel.  I did not hear what they said, but by the way that Saul was piling armor on David, I figured that the pea brain had decided to fight the giant.  Little David rejected the armor and said that he would fight bravely and that God would be there beside him.  With that, he took a trip to the river that flowed near the camp and picked out 5 rocks, and then he came back and accepted Goliath’s challenge.  Both the humans walked down into the valley and faced each other, and after exchanging a few words they began the dual.  I covered my eyes with my feathery wings.  I didn’t like the boy any more than Goliath, but I couldn’t sit there and watch him get torn up.  At the last minute I decided to be brave and watch Goliath finish the fight.  At that moment, David took his sling shot and used it to hurl a rock at Goliath.  The bystanders of the Israelite camp cheered as the giant tumbled to the ground dead.  I think that David did an awesome job that day.  He showed us that God can do anything through us if we absolutely put our trust in him! But hey! What do I know about humans?  I’ m a bird.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1687051-The-Story-of-David-and-Goliath