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enter my world of warriors to discover and find out the past of one of the clans |
Wandering through the forest, my paws baerly touching the ground i followed the fresh scent of fox, pricking my ears as a twig cracked i felt a paw as sharp as a thorn jabbed my side... "Fallingkit wake up" complained my sister Snowkit. I was back in the nursery safe and sound. I had always since i was born had ominous dreams of the forest even though i hadent a clue what it looked like. "Its time for our apprentice ceremony!" said Snowkit jabbing my flanks once more. "Great " i replied, "Lets go!" bounding into the clearing i let my nose take control, a familier smelling cat nudged me away from a close tree i hadent noiced and was about to bang into . it was my father Stormwhisker, A yowl echoed through the clearing. it was time giving myself a few swift licks across my sides i shuffled to the base of the huge rock. spottedstar looked around the clearing before booming " fallingkit snowkit", "come here" "star clan look down on these to kits and accept them into our way of life, you to shall now be known as 'paws' until you get your warrior name, your mentors shall be Dawnsky and rushingwater" so my mentor was Dawnsky, i suppos it makes sense , were both stelthy , paitent , sleek , we trekked into the forest side by side both wondering what our first session together would be like . SUDDENLY..... CRASH..... something was wrong in the training hollow... the sour stench of blood filled my nose andthe peircing shrieks of hostile cats echoed on my ears. every instict in my body pursued me to unsheath my claws and jump in to the battle, but i was young and uexperianced, i was going to die... Dawnskys yowls errupted in my ears as i leaped into the battle , i didnt no what i was doing or who the enemy was but i was alert and strong , my claws scratched unfamilier ginger pelts and my razor teeth snapped at white tipped tails. soon the yowls faded away as the enemy backed of and ran to one of the borders, older warriors approched me and gasped in shock as they relised i was an untrained apprentice , each one had been impressed with my brilliant fighting skills, dawnsky came up to me and told me that the enemy was a Fox. i suddenly relised my dream had come true , my mind wander as i relised that only leaders powerd by starclan and medicen cats possesd with magic had this wonder, what did that mean! ![]() to be continued if demanded or if i want to lol |