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CWG loot-fest
So many things have been said about CWG which is going to held on New-delhi from 3oct-14oct. For this 11 day circus

too many ringmasters trying to tame the 'SHERA' from the public money.For sure these 11 days will be taken as great

success in Indian history for holding the CWG first time in INDIA by the govt who was selected by common men (either

by casting the votes or spending the voting day as HOLIDAY). But the real drama will start after shutter is down.

Again all opposition party leader will be shouting in parliament and speaker will be asking to sit-down,sit-down,silence

please with a smile on her face :). After hectic 30 mins of shouting and giving some arguments oppostion will walk-out

for whole day for some refreshment. While having cofee tea some party will decide to go for a "BAND" or show there power by jamming

the traffic. AS CWG loot could be big issue for these regional small parties to show there power. They jam the traffic on flood,

jam the traffic on kissan-ralley, jam the traffic on reservation. For this they bring large number of people to delhi

roads out of which 90% come for money they get and few for picnic in delhi and few can been seen with "jam" while

jaming the traffic.

So are you ready to cheer up the loot and after loot hearing/reading the walk-out news and within a week gettign stuck

in traffic jam ?

I am not going to blow the truimph about how messed up CWG are but sure not gonna support it. What i can remeber is

CWG is the bggest corruption of indian history. AS I said before govt. will use all his power,money influence to make this

game successfull. All the stadiums will be filled in by young blood at the time of play to cheer up all those 2nd grade

athelets.As Famous athelets are not coming to participate because of security reasons.

In few days you will be seeing a campaign from lots of celebrities on tv,newspaper, radio to save the india image and

make the games BIG SUCCESS as INDIA image will be on stake at the time of games.

I think this is the right time to tell govt. enough is enough and should not support the CWG and should walk out of it.

If our beloved politicans can walk-out for there salary appraisal we too can walk out from venues,not seeing in TV and

not supporting in any manner for our hard earned money. Cant let our money go to few bunch of jokers who dont know

how to do there job.
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