Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1711166-The-Clock
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Comedy · #1711166
A boy shares his thoughts on life, school, and the best friend he probably loves.
One look at the clock and I knew something was wrong. There in flashing neon blue were the numbers “4:30”. Yeah, I woke up early. Two hours early. Why I didn't wake up an hour before school like any normal human being, I couldn't say. All I knew at the moment was that it was annoying and that I was going back to sleep.

Except I couldn't go back to sleep. I tried for 15 minutes before giving up. So, I just lie there, staring at my clock for I don't know how long. Well, eventually I'd know, but at the time I was gone. I had drifted off and was thinking about something completely different. What I was thinking about is none of your concern, there's just some things I like to keep to myself.

Oh, but her eyes. The way they seem to look into my soul. I mean... There I was staring at the clock. It was about 5:30 when I snapped back to reality. Only I kind of snapped a bit hard because I somehow managed to sling myself out of bed and onto the floor. This wouldn't be too bad, but then again, you've never seen my floor.

So, there I was, on a hardwood floor covered with all sorts of junk. I happened to be lying on a few empty soda containers, a sword or two, and maybe a golf club. At least I hope it was a golf club... I really hope it was a golf club because otherwise I'd like to know what object I have that can bury a shaft into your back and a head in your ass.

See? Exactly why I want it to be a golf club. I'd be pissed if it were a pole and... a TV remote I suppose. Well, either way I'd be pissed, I don't appreciate things being in my ass. Speaking of ass, that girl has a very nice one. I mean, wow, I should probably turn off my television, its very distracting at the moment.

Alright, so once again, there I was staring at my clock. Oh shit, its 6:50. Oh well, 20 minutes later than I wanted. So I won't get to school by 7:20, I won't be missing much. Only 20 minutes of... Stuff...

So, I took my shower, accidentally burned myself, and came out of the bathroom all nice and pretty and slightly pink. I don't know how I overheated myself that quickly, but I have the sneaking suspicion that it was the lack of any cold water that may have contributed. I really should remember to turn the cold water knob the next time I take a shower.

Oh yes, if you haven't noticed yet, I can be very forgetful. Honestly, who burns their skin with boiling hot water and doesn't try to cool it down? Sometimes I think my friends are being sarcastic when they say I'm a genius. Maybe that's just me.

Alright! Time to move on, I'm starving. Okay, there I was, eating corn flakes. Why was I eating corn flakes? They are cheap, tasty, and I can eat them very quickly. That's why the Hell I was eating corn flakes. Oh my, they were tasty. A little extra sugar makes it wonderful. I apologize to all health freaks out there, but I don't like artificial sweetener, tastes a bit... artificial.

Okay, so I've woken up, washed myself, and eaten breakfast. What am I forgetting? Oh shit, I'm naked. That's why it was freezing cold when I opened the refrigerator... Okay, objective something or other: Find clothes. Mission Status: Complete. Oh yeah, I clothed myself so quickly, you barely got to read about it.

Let's see here... I use the same beginning quite a bit. Oh wait, no I don't, I just use alright and okay more often than a few other words. Wow, I thought I used them, like, fifty times already. I should probably pay more attention to that.

Once again, oh shit. I'm taking far too long. So, I pop a few pills, I mean I take my prescribed dosage of however many milligrams of whatever particular medicine I'm supposed to be taking. I kind of lost track a few months ago, my doctor has me taking a new prescription every six weeks. Something about pathogens becoming immune over time or some such medical babble.

So, now that I've wasted enough time, I'm heading to my car and I'm going to move on to school now. Alright, well I'm listening to Hawthorne Heights which is pretty awesome. Don't judge my band choice, I probably hate yours too. Okay, now that all that crap is over, I've finally gotten to school.

I walk in, say hello to a few people, and I go immediately to the same place I always do. Only, I'm a bit disappointed. It would seem that this is one of those rare occasions where everyone has walked off. Well, at least she's here today. By “she” I mean this girl that I like. By “girl that I like” I mean she doesn't know.

Alright, now I'm a bit anxious. None of my friends are around and she's not too far away socializing with her friends. Oh yeah, she looks really amazing talking to her friends. What? Do you expect me to describe her? I'm not doing that, you'd probably get some mental image in your head and masturbate to it. Don't think I'm not on to you, I follow you around after school every day.

Okay, that's a lie, but I don't want to ruin this girls looks by writing them down. She is so wonderful, you can't describe her. I swear, she's one of those girls that words fall short for. Now that I've gone on for way too long about this girl, my friends are coming closer. Finally those bastards show up. Must have walked off when they saw I wasn't here.

Oh yeah, I just remembered something. Notice how I'm not being very descriptive? Well, I want you to get a view like none other. Maybe see things through your own eyes, only from my perspective. You get my view, and you can set up your own details. I like it that way, makes it fun.

Oh damn, would you look at that. Time for class already. I barely got to ogle this girl... I mean, admire her from a distance. Yeah, that's what I mean. I swear to God, I was not thinking any perverted thoughts. Except for the fact that, oh my God, that girl has a nice ass. Not the girl I was admiring, the girl that just walked in front of me. Keep up here.

So, I went to my first class for the day, sat down, and listened to this boring lecture about some sort of equations. I think I heard something about e, pie, log, sine, cosine, and tangents. Maybe I was mixing lessons together, I don't know, Trigonometry bores me. You have to have the teacher's answer or you're wrong.

Alright, I worked on whatever assignments I had, which were a lot, believe me. You don't just take Trig and expect it to be a walk in the park. You expect it to be a walk in Central Park at midnight when you owe that one guy money. For future reference, don't owe that one guy money, he's a dick.

Now for the wonderful world of tracheotomy! Well, not really. I'm just bored at this point. There's fifteen minutes left of class, 75 of which I spent doing work and talking to this other girl. The one with the nice ass, who incidentally has a very cute face. By cute, I mean she's not one of the “Oh my God! I want to ravish her immediately!” girls, but one that you'd like to get to know on a really personal level.

Enough of my philosophizing, class is over, I'm looking at her ass. Okay, now that I'm done with that, I only have a few minutes to get to my English class. Oh joy, English. My teacher sees that I'm writing in my journal, and I know what she's thinking. She's thinking I'm a wonderful writer and that its a damn shame that I have an F in this class.

Well, she'd be right, unfortunately. I am a wonderful writer, but it isn't a damn shame that I have an F. I just got bored and didn't feel like doing some of my assignments. That, and I didn't bother to turn in a few of them. Why? I don't know, like I said, I was bored, shit happens.

Okay, so English is continuing and its pretty cool. We had to do some vocabulary for this one book, then there's a writing assignment, and to top it all off, a grammar packet. I knew I shouldn't have taken the Honors course. I often ask myself, “Why did I take higher level classes?” I'll tell you why, I was freaking bored and when I get bored, I do stupid things.

It is now 10:30. Which means we have roughly 45 minutes left of class. I've already read this book, I did it the first day it was assigned because I had nothing better to do. Oh yeah, I never told you what the book was. Well, its Catcher in the Rye. I'm not going to talk about it because I expect you to go out and read it if you're that damned curious.

Its fifteen minutes later. I've got the vocab done. It was pathetically easy. Well, I knew the words because I read the book. If I didn't know a word in the book, I didn't hesitate to open my laptop and consult good old Oxford. You should try that, Oxford is a pretty cool guy. Well, its a dictionary but I prefer to think of Webster's as a girl and Oxford's as a guy. It just makes for good conversation, okay?

So, there I was, listening to +44, talking to the girl who has a nice ass and cute face on IM, and last but not least, not paying attention to a damned thing the principal was saying. Looking back, or forwards, either way, looking in some direction, I could see my mistake. Well, never mind, he was talking to the athletes. I'm not an athlete. I may get bored, but I'm out of shape so me and sports don't mix.

Finally we're through with English. Well, its not like I'm really glad its over, but I am a teacher's aide so I get to sit around and do nothing. See, the girl with a nice ass is named Hannah. Yeah, I know, common name. Do I care? No. She has a nice ass and cute face. Which doesn't help you any because there's like eight Hannah's in this school and each one of them has a nice ass and cute face.

Okay, enough about Hannah, and holy crap I just realized, first person I named today was Hannah. Nice. In any case, there I was, sitting in this Forensics class, which is a public speaking and acting class. You do all these different events which are pretty cool. Now, some people aren't good at finding pieces for their events or writing their speeches and so on. That's where I come in.

So far, I've written four informative speeches, fifteen oratories, and have cut and polished about a hundred different works for the acting events. Oh yeah, then there is prose and poetry. I also collected a few things for those. Such a nice guy I am, right? Wrong. Hannah told me to help out, and when she asks, I listen. I swear, I must be a puppy or something...

Alright, so today I don't have much to do. All those peons have finally left me to my own devices. Which means I'm bored. Damn those plebiscites. Well, its not all that boring. The teacher may be off helping a few people out, but I've actually got something to do.

You see, Hannah decided I wasn't participating enough. So, she printed off a few scoring sheets and gave them too me. I made sure to give her one of those stupid looks that basically says “What the Hell do you expect me to do with these?”. She just grinned at me, and told me to score everyone's pieces or she'd do you know what to you know where. In other words, it was something like this, “Do as I tell you or I'll kick you in the testicles.”.

Well, she wasn't going to go that far, she and I both knew that. Though she would make sure that there would be Hell to pay, so of course, I relented. I'll have you know that scoring your peers on how well they did isn't a particularly fun thing to do. You're always tempted to give people you like good scores and people you dislike horrible scores.

Fortunately for me, I was rather well of with everyone in the class. Well, I guess that's more fortunate for them rather than anyone else. There was this one girl in the class, she is really shy. When I say shy, I mean she doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't look at anyone, and for all intents and purposes, makes it seem like she doesn't exist.

Now, from what I've told you, you may think she's just a loser who no ones likes. Now, a loser who no one likes would probably be pissy if you talked to them. This girl went blood red and would not, for the life of her, stop blushing. Let me tell you, it was cute. I gave her the best score. Not because her shyness was cute, but because she did a very remarkable job of giving her oration on... yaoi manga.

Yes, my ears bled, but I was convinced for a few moments that homosexual (male/male) Japanese comics were the coolest thing on Earth. It was freaky. The other freaky thing was that she was so stunningly good at her speech, no one could remembered that you're obligated to poke fun at people who read that kind of thing. I swear, if she gave an oration about anything else that girls would find fascinating, I would have died from both utter amazement at her speaking ability, and blood loss from my bleeding ears.

Okay, now that I've either excited you or bored you, its time to move on. Why? Its time for lunch, that's why. Well, its supposed to be time for lunch. I just bought me a bag of chips and ran back to class. You see, I ate my lunch with this girl every day. It was pretty cool because we were pretty much alone in a classroom and neither of us really cared for eating with everyone else.

Although, one thing that sort of bothered me was that this girl would not eat. Well, she would eat, but not during lunch. I know for a fact that she eats at some point, we hang out after school every day. Which reminds me, I keep forgetting to buy her that Kingdom Hearts poster she's been ogling...

Oh yeah, that reminds me. You might be wondering what this girl's name is. Well, I'm not going to tell you. I already ruined it by letting Hannah's name slip, I'm not doing the same with this girl. Kind of strange though, isn't it? Most of my friends are girls. Actually, all of my friends are girls. Thats a bit weird because I'm a guy and I'm heterosexual.

So, there I was. Eating my chips and sharing my Coke with this girl. Why she stole my drink every day, I may never know. All I know is that her lip gloss is pretty damn tasty. Yeah, I drink regular Coca-Cola, and this girl's lip gloss makes it Cherry Cola really freaking quick. Its pretty awesome.

You know, I just noticed that I've been going on for quite awhile about this class. Probably because its got Hannah and these two other girls that I talk to on occasion, and that really amazing shy girl, and then this really amazing girl. Yeah, I've got a class with four amazing girls. Yeah, I'm using that word a lot, but you'd understand if you knew them.

Anyways, once lunch finally ended, we went our separate ways, and then we met up again for our next class. Yeah, I know, very dramatic right?  So, now we're in French. I don't know why I'm taking this class. Probably because it has that one really and awesomely amazing girl and my best friend. I don't know, I'm not a doctor. So, the teacher has us socialize, but if she hears English, she'll make the rule breaker do an essay or two in French, so none of us are gonna risk it.

Anywho, I'm listening to this band called A Day To Remember. I like them quite a bit. This song “If Looks Could Kill” is pretty sweet. That's besides the point though. I'm talking to my best friend. I'm gonna call her Adelaide. Why? Because its not her real name. Ah Hell, that is her real name. So that's why she picked it!

If you ask me, it sounds a bit boyish for some reason. Probably cause its from some German name. Yeah, German is a bit too masculine. I wonder if there are any gay Germans... Okay, I've decided I don't want to wonder that any more. A bit too masculine if you ask me. Okay, I've been detracting from my conversation with Adelaide for a bit too long now.

Well, its not like it was too eventful. We mostly talked about... Life, The Universe, and Everything. Oh yeah, a Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy reference. I am good. Anyways, that's what we talked about. The everything part, not the book. In fact, I don't believe I've mentioned that to her in a conversation.

Oh great, I got distracted again. You all suck. Okay, so I gaze into her eyes, right? Its all, this deep blue and all. Kind of reminds me of the ocean. In a sense, its like peering into eternity...

Yeah, some deep shit there, isn't it? That's probably because you're stoned or something. You really should lay off the marijuana, there's plenty for tomorrow, don't waste it today. Alright, I think that's a bit odd. I just gave drug advice in a personal journal. Pretty strange...

So, while I was contemplating the unfathomable infinity of Adelaide's eyes school sort of ended. Forgot to mention that. Since school's over, I went to Adelaide's. I always go there. Its kind of habit by now. You know, one of those things that you do so much, you kind of forget why you started doing it. Except I haven't forgotten.

You see, we started hanging out a long time ago. I mean, it'd sort of have to be a long time ago for us to be as intimate as we are. So, it was preschool. That's what it was, we were in preschool and it was snack time. You know what happened? She freaking bit me. So, I took her cupcake and shoved it in my mouth.

Alright, so there I was. I was practically choking on a cupcake, and she kicked me in the balls. Why? I don't know, she just freaking kicked and it hit my jewels. So, I threw up her cupcake, and then I laid down on the floor in agony. She felt sorry for me and demanded that I come over to her house so she could feed me cupcakes to make up for it.

Yes, our friendship began with a kick in the nuts. The irony of it is still killing me... Oh yeah, that one event doesn't tell you why it continued. Well, let's just say this. She brought me over for cupcakes to apologize and then demanded that I take her to my house the next day. We kept trading off until about first grade. That's when we decided we were just going to go to her house. It smells pretty... Just like her...

Okay! So, now I'm at her place. You wouldn't believe how big her room is. Well, right now we're not even in her room. You see, her house isn't a mansion or anything, but her room is practically a dormitory. Only bigger.

See, she's got a living room area which has the huge TV that I swear I'm going to steal some day. Then she's got these bean bag chairs set up so we can play video games. To finish off the living room, there's an entertainment center and a couch. Maybe I should explain. By entertainment center, I mean she's got surround sound setup with all the different media players she needs set up right there. Then there's the couch. Its more of a love-seat and its placed against the wall. Very nice for watching movies on.

Now that you know about the room I'm in, I'll tell you this. There is a bathroom connected to this room. There is also a kitchen and her bedroom attached to it. Let's expand, shall we? She has a huge closet in her room and a private bathroom. From the kitchen, you can head into a private dining room or a laundry room. Yeah, needless to say she's rich and I end up sleeping here quite a bit.

Yeah, I wouldn't blame you if you're jealous. If you're reading this, and you shouldn't be because this is private, but if you are, and you're saying to yourself “She's practically dirt poor.”, I will beat you to death. For the Hell of it. Okay, I'm done with that.

Oh yeah! I don't think I've mentioned much how fun it is to hang out with Adelaide. Well, I'm going to go with... Harry Potter for example. Now, this is only an example which means it applies to Harry Potter and damn near everything else. Okay, she asked me who my favorite character was. I told her it was Snape. You know what she said to me? “If you change your mind, I will hunt you down and kill you.” Yeah, I love her. In a platonic way of course. I think...

So yeah, there we were, at her house. She was drinking some sort of energy drink, and I was sipping my tea. Yeah, fuck you too. I happen to like tea thank you very much. Okay, we were sitting on her couch watching TV. I couldn't tell you what we were watching because I was talking to her about that Forensics class.

Just to let you know something about the multitasking skills of women, she was txting, watching TV, and talking to me at the same time, and she could tell you every detail about all three of them... I think she just has a good memory. Don't tell her that though, she hit me.

Alright, so we were talking about Forensics, right? Yeah, she wants me to a DI. That stands for Dramatic Interpretation for those wondering. Like I've said for awhile now, no one should be wondering, but I do so love to annotate my journal in case someone steals it. Yes, I am talking about you Adelaide. I know what you did. It was hot.

So, she wants me to do a DI. I ask her what piece she wants me to do, and she tells me to figure it out. Well, naturally I want to know why she wants me to suddenly do a DI. I don't like the answer. She says I'm emo and should do something that is as sad as I am. I swear, she's using my insecurities against me here...

Okay, so I'm going to do this DI. Unfortunately, I don't know what I should do for the DI. Well, she did say it should be sad. There's two things that are sad about that. First off, I can only remember one book that is sad. Second, its really freaking sad. I'm not getting into details here, she wants me to do a DI over it, I'm going to do it, but I'm not going to talk about. Ever.

So, its been a few hours now. Apparently I spaced out or something. By that, I mean I fell asleep. When I woke up, I found myself in a rather awkward position. Now, it wasn't exactly awkward because I've been in the position before. It was awkward because I don't remember being there when I fell asleep.

To abate the curiosity all of you must be feeling, and to piss off all the people who are thinking “I knew it! He's gay!”, my head was in Adelaide's lap. It often finds its way there, but this time I suspect I fell asleep sitting up, and she was too lazy to get a blanket. Since I am the warmest thing outside of a blanket in the room, I was the obvious choice. I don't know if I've mentioned it before, but she smells pretty...

That reminds me! Its Thursday, that means I won't be able to stay here overnight... Well, I will be able to stay here overnight, but there's a catch. You see, there's this very good saying, “Ask no questions, get no answers.” Very good saying. See, if I ask whether or not I can stay overnight, the answer will be no. It is my responsibility to act like I am part of the family, or Adelaide's parents will send me home. I quite like their rules... Oddly, it also applies to my parents.

Now, here's something that probably hasn't crossed your mind. I know it hasn't, because there shouldn't be a “you” in the equation. Anyways, why hasn't Adelaide stayed overnight at my place? Well, I ask myself often, such is why I write it down now. You see, its not very complicated. Its really freaking simple. Her house smells pretty... And there's a lot of crap on my floor...

Oh my, that was a rather amazing feat. Not really, but still, I was not expecting it. How did I end up in her bed? I mean, its not like I haven't been here before, but usually I can remember why I'm there. Wait, okay, yeah there's a thunderstorm going on. Yeah, it might seem a bit crazy, but both of us are scared like Hell of thunder and lightning. We have been known to cuddle in the middle of a thunderstorm.
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