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These are the characters of Emma, my novel
Emma: the Characters

1.          The Stephensons
>>Blake Stephenson: father, thinning red hair, blue eyes, tall, skinny; age 48; static, kind, gregarious
>>Leah Stephenson: mother, short dark brown hair, brown eyes, petite; age 45; static, motherly, worry-wart
>>Emma Stephenson: elder daughter, shoulder-length brown wavy hair, brilliant green eyes, petite; age 16; (fairly) static, curious, romantic, wanting
>>Danielle (Danny) Stephenson: younger daughter, long curly sandy blond hair, grey eyes, short; age 7; changes, outgoing to shy, curious to fearful, brave to slow trusting
2.          The Nicholson twins
>>Noreen Nicholson: elder twin, curly blond hair, blue eyes, petite; age 16; static, attention drawer, friendly, flirty
>>Norman Nicholson: younger twin, curly brown hair, blue eyes, slender, short; age 16;  static, arrogant, Drew Griffin with a girlfriend, more lighthearted
3.          Greg Martin: straight brown hair, brown eyes, tall and slender; age 17; very outgoing, friendly, loyal, gregarious
4.          Eva Handel: tall, slender, wavy red hair, brown eyes
5.          Allen Foreman: tall, thick, grey hair, blue eyes
6.          Kelly Petite: petite, long and straight dark brown hair, glasses, blue (Sarah Palin look-a-like)
7.          Meredith Marks: blond hair, green eyes, short, slender

1.          Ian McCulloch: tall, skinny, black hair, purple eyes, pierced ears
2.          Christopher Pierce (Chris): brown hair, brown eyes, short, skinny
3.          Nathan Peters (Nate): blond hair, blue eyes, tall, muscular
4.          Julianna Marks (Jules): red hair, brown eyes, tall, slender
5.          Lillian Marks (Lilly): blond hair, green eyes, short, slender    (looks like her momma)
6.          Katie Blackshear: brown hair, brown eyes, petite
7.          Orion Blackshear: bleached blond hair, pale blue eyes, tall, muscular

Primary characters

Secondary characters

Tertiary characters

Just-There-for-Plot-Support characters
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