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Rated: E · Draft · Family · #1714219
Things i wish i said but held back .........untill now
Growing up as a young child for most kids is the best time of their  lives. And as this was also true for me , it was somewhat different then all the other kids around the ages 10-18. Yes, that is a rather big age range, but it did last that long. I, Kaylee, grew up a sheltered child. No not sheltered as in abused or unloved, sheltered as in what kids would say about the kids who had strict rules provided by their parents. That was me. I was the one that had to be home on a friday night by 8:30, an in bed by 9:00pm. Then get up an doing house or outside work early in the morning. To most kids my age, this was just as bad as being unloved, I was no diffrent. My parents loved me unconditionaly, and that wes clear to every one but me. In my head, I thought if they loved me why wont they let me sleep past 8:15 an stay out past 9? Why wont they let me lay on the couch, watch TV cartoons all day, and eat junk food.

      As the years past, it stayed the same, no friends over on school nights,homework completed in front of mom and dad at the dinner table with no tv,radio, or any entertainment before dinner every night, even weekends. Saturday and Sunday were two days of catching up on things around the house, such as cleaning my room, laundry, yard work and chopping wood with my father. I thought I was a slave. I used to try anything to get out of the smallest daily jobs around the house. My parents, being the babies of many children of both of their families, saw right through my act every time. They said that work would make me a stronger an more independent when I grew up.

    This year, I turned 20 years old. I just recently moved out of the house and on my own. Looking back now I stop an think once in a while how lucky I am to have the parents I got. They showed me that you can never look to someone else to get the things you need. I would like to take a moment an thank my parents for everything they have taught me, morals,independence, and self value. I know now that they were not trying to be hard on me, they were trying to teach me some good old fashtion manners an respect. So, thank you Mom an Dad for grounding me everytime i failed a class, an spanking me every time I lied. Thank you for not buying that toy for me just because you wanted me to stop making a scene in the store. Thank you for never leting me give up on even my more crazy dreams. Thank you for making me who i am today........ME!
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