Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718915-Freeze-Frame
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Other · #1718915
The monster that has been building inside of Hannah Lynn Smith for 14 years is released.
Rip and tear and throw it away. Watch out Hannah, I'm coming out to play.
These words played over and over again in Hannah's head as if someone was whispering them into her ear. Whenever she heard the ominous whisper, she asked anyone near her if they had said something. Three weeks ago Hannah had convinced herself that someone was playing a terrible joke in her. As the hours passed, Hannah lost faith in her theory and began to accept that something was wrong.
Rip and tear and throw it away. Watch out Hannah, I'm coming out to play.
There was that voice again. Hannah screamed inside of her head out of frustration. It would not stop! She didn't think it ever would.
"Bree? Do you think I should go to the doctor? Or a psychiatrist or something?" Hannah asked her Bree, her best friend, even though she knew she wouldn't respond because she was sound asleep next to her and wouldn't even know about the voice because Hannah had not told anyone.
That night Hannah disappeared. The monster inside of her had taken over and would disguise itself and kill everyone around it.

2 weeks later...

"Hannah, breakfast is ready." Her mother called blankly from the kitchen.
"I already ate." Hannah replied with the same blank tone.
Mrs. Peterson sighed deeply because she knew her daughter had not eaten for two weeks. What Hannah didn't know was that she was planning on taking her to the doctor's office this afternoon.
"Mom?" Hannah interrupted her mother's daydream, "I'm leaving. Bye."
With that, Hannah slammed the door shut and started towards S.F. Franklin Middle School 3 blocks form her house.
Well done Hannah. She can't see me yet.
"You just wait. I can't hide you much longer. Your getting to strong."
Keep trying Hannah. If she sees me I kill her and you know that. Hide your emotions.
"She's my mother!" Hannah was getting angrier with Eyo by the second. He didn't understand. Hannah wanted him to leave. She hated him.
Hannah, Hannah, Hannah. Listen to me and listen close. You are mine now, whatever I command, you will do.
"Just shut up, Eyo. We're at school."
Hannah entered the building with the same emotionless expression she always wore to hide Eyo so he wouldn't kill anyone. She knew he was dangerous and would kill anyone who saw him.
"Hannah? Come sit with us. Okay?" Lisi walked up to Hannah and grabbed her hand. Hannah slapped it away and Lisi saw the glint of red run over Hannah's usually brown eyes. "A simple no would've been fine, Hannah." Lisi said with a hurt expression in her eyes. Hannah wanted to burst into tears and go sit by Lisi and the rest of the gang but if she let slip the slightest bit of emotion, Eyo might attack.
Hannah walked to her locker, grabbed her books, and walked to Algebra.
"Good Morning Hannah! How was your weekend?" Mrs. Ay, her overly enthusiastic and extremely annoying math teacher, questioned.
"Well." Hannah said with no emotion although, if her classmates weren't there, she might've let slip a little bit of emotion just so she could be done with Mrs. Ay.
She took her regular seat in the desk farthest from Mrs. Ay's.
"Today we will be learning slope and intersection of lines. I have a funny video to share with you guys before we begin." By this point Hannah had blanked out. Mrs. Ay put on the video of the two sailors trying to solve an algebraic equation. Hannah happened to glance up at a funny part and laughed, just a giggle, and then she blacked out.
Hannah woke up at home. She was sitting on the couch watching TV. Her mom was sitting in the recliner crying.
"Mom? What's wrong." Hannah asked, dreading the worst.
"Like you don't know Hannah." Her mom snapped viciously, "Algebra? At the end of class you walk out and onto your next class without paying any mind to the 24 kids and Mrs. Ay sitting dead, on the floor, in one big bloody pile. Does that ring a bell? Oh and now the police are calling you in for questioning. Good job, Hannah, good job." Her mom snapped sarcasticly.
© Copyright 2010 Cherish (runbabyrun at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1718915-Freeze-Frame