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Rated: 13+ · Other · Fanfiction · #1719331
Its halloween in Quahog and gun shots are fired!
Family Guy:
Halloween Gun Shots

It was Halloween in Quahog and Lois, Stewie and Brian were preparing for trick or treat.
“Lois do I really have to wear this? I mean I look like an idiot!” Stewie shouted.
“Stewie you’re meant to be a ghost and you do so let’s go.” Lois replied as she picked Stewie up and gave him a hug.
“Damn it woman, I’m going to make you a ghost tonight” Stewie whispered
“Yeah just like every other night you say that” Brian laughed. He was wearing a big long black coat and had plastic vampire fangs.
“Shut it count douche bag!” Stewie cursed

The rest of the family had already gone.
“OK Brian you start with Quagmire, me and Stewie shall go this way to Joe's” Lois explained
As they separated Brian saw a strange figure in a long black coat. However this coat had a hood and the figure was carrying a scythe.
“Death is here!” Brian gasped
“Oh, hi Brian!” Death said as he turned to Brian
“Err hi Death. Erm what you doing?” Brian asked
“Don’t worry I’m not here for you! I’m here because it’s my day off!” Death explained
“Well it’s a coincidence that your day off is on Halloween. I mean you have a good costume plus you’re dead so…” Brian replied
“Yeah isn’t it just. Hey if you want you can trick or treat with me!” Death implied
Brian hesitated before replying “Err OK”
Death and Brian walked up to Quagmires house and knocked on the door.

“Oh good the party has arrived” Quagmire giggled then answered the door.
“Trick or Treat” Brian and Death said in unison
“Oh hi Brian who’s you friend?” Quagmire asked
“Oh err this is... err, Fred” Brian replied
Death turned to Brian. “Fred?”
“Just go along with it!” Brian whispered
“Cool costume” Quagmire complimented and he gave them sweets from the basket next to his door.
“Thanks Quagmire” Brian said as he and Death walked away.
“Which one shall we go to next?” Death asked
“How about Joe’s?” Brian replied
“Alright” Death replied and they both headed towards Joe's house.

Meanwhile Lois and Stewie were inside Joe’s house and Lois was talking to Bonnie.
“So Lois how have you been?” Bonnie asked
“I’ve been fine what about you and Joe?” Lois replied
“We’ve been good. Joe caught a dangerous criminal yesterday and got a medal for it” Bonnie explained as she poured them a drink.

Stewie was upstairs and was inspecting Joe’s police equipment.
“Boring handcuffs, police helmet, oh what do we have here?” Stewie spoke to himself as he pulled out Joe’s utility belt.
“Oh wow a desert eagle. Now I could use this.” Stewie continued

“Bonnie could I use your toilet please?” Lois asked
“Of course. It’s just up the stairs and on your right” Bonnie replied

Stewie heard someone coming up the stairs and hid the pistol in his top. As he looked through the gap in the door he saw Lois going into the toilet.
“Oh perfect!” Stewie laughed quietly and he hid behind the door as he waited for her to come back out.

At the same time Brian and Death arrived at Joe’s house and knocked on the door.
Bonnie answered the door and saw Brian then looked at Death and fainted.
Brian quickly ran to her side and gasped. A few seconds later Joe also came to her aid.
“What happened?” Joe asked
“She just fainted when she saw my… friend Fred” Brian replied
“Err you… err hesitated there Brian” Joe said as he turned his attention to Brian
“Yeah I was just a bit concerned about Bonnie. I’ll go and get a jug of water” Brian replied
When he had made sure Brian had gone, Joe came over to ‘Fred’.
“So Fred I haven’t seen you around here before. Are you new to Spooner Street?” Joe asked
“Oh err yeah” Death hesitated
“Where do you live then” Joe asked as he slowly got suspicious
“Well at the moment I’m living… over there” Death replied pointing at Cleveland’s house.
“You’re living with Cleveland?” Joe asked
“Oh err no sorry over there!” Death pointed to Herbert’s house.
“With Herbert?” Joe asked
“No sorry” Death replied cautiously
“Let me see your face!” Joe insisted
“Are you sure you want to see it” Death asked
“Got some Joe” Brian said as he entered the hall
“OK Brian put some on her face” Joe insisted as he watched Death take of his hood.
Brian put some water on Bonnie’s face and she sat up again.
Death revealed his face. Joe gasped and Bonnie saw it then fainted again.
Brian looked over towards Death and Joe to see why Bonnie had fainted again then he saw Death had taken off his hood and was showing his true face. It was a skull with maggots, spiders and loads of other insects running around on it.
“Brian, why did you bring Death to my house?” Joe asked keeping his eyes fixed on Death in front of him.
“It’s his day off today Joe and he wanted to go trick or treating so I thought he could go with me!” Brian replied.

Lois came out of the toilet and looked to her left.
“Oh it looks like Bonnie forgot to shut her bedroom door. I best shut it for her” Lois told her self as she walked towards the door. As she reached out to shut the door Stewie came around the door wielding the desert eagle he found in Joe’s utility belt.
“Hello mother” Stewie spoke in his most sinister voice.
“Stewie what are you doing with a gun?” Lois shrieked.
“Something I should have done a long time ago!” Stewie replied

Suddenly 3 bangs sounded from upstairs and Brian ran upstairs to see gun shot holes in the wall and blood droplets on the upstairs hall carpet.
“Hello? Is any one there?” Brian called as he cautiously entered the room in front of him. “I saw some blood on the floor. Are you OK?” As he entered the room another 3 gun shots hit the wall to the left of him as they just missed his nose. As he immediately looked to his right he saw Stewie next to a badly injured Lois who had been shot in the shoulder and both her knees.
“Don’t move dog! I may have missed the first time but I won’t miss again!” Stewie insisted.
“What the hell are you doing Stewie? You shot your own mother for god sake! She has got you to where you are now! If you kill her, who will look after you?” Brian explained
“Well I have managed to make my own time machine, I can fire a gun and I can walk, talk and reason with, so I’ll find a way!” Stewie replied.
“Stewie aimed the pistol at Brian once again. Brian shielded his face with his paws, closed his eyes and looked away. As Stewie was about to fire Lois used all her body strength to push Stewie to the floor. As the pistol hit the floor it fired and hit the wall. Brian quickly ran towards the pistol and dived towards it. Stewie quickly turned around and grabbed the pistol and re-aimed it at Brian’s head.
“Nice try dog!” Stewie grinned
“I’m sorry Lois” Brian said as he turned his attention towards her.
“How touching the family pet says his last words!” Stewie laughed.
Brian quickly returned his attention to Stewie. Then as Stewie was about to fire the pistol again Brian bit Stewie’s leg and forced him to the floor. As Stewie fell to the floor Brian pinned him down and knocked the pistol out of Stewie’s hand.
“Lois try to get those handcuffs over there” Brian ordered as he struggled to keep Stewie on the ground.

Lois began to pull herself over towards the cupboard whilst Stewie began to push Brian off of him. Stewie hit Brian in the nose and caused him to stagger backwards. Stewie yet again ran towards the pistol but Lois grabbed his leg which made Stewie fall on the floor. Brian then ran towards the pistol and grabbed it.
“Brian you wouldn’t shoot your friend Stewie would you?” Stewie asked in his attempted cute voice.
Brian aimed the gun at Stewie’s head.
“Brian?” Lois gasped
Brian looked away then fired the pistol until there was no more bullets left.

Later that night, the Griffin family were sat on the living room couch and were watching a late night movie.
“So Lois are you OK now?” Brian asked
“Yeah, but I feel bad about what happened to Stewie!” Lois replied
“It’s OK! He’s in a better place now!” Brian replied as he looked up towards the ceiling.

“DAMN YOU DOG! DAMN YOU TO THE BLOODY DEPTHS OF HELL!” Stewie shouted as he rattled the bars of his prison cell.
“Hey quiet in there” The prison guard shouted
“Sorry” Stewie whispered
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