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A story about how a girl sets off to find a new home in the depth of our universe. |
Chapter 1 How it all began It actually started a long time ago, when the human race started to develop and create destructive machine that polluted our mother earth and of course we knew all along something bad was going to happen. But what could we do? It was already to late when we tried to save our planet and the only thing useful we could do was to get away and find a new home which we would destroy again. My journey starts with a bang. Not the big bang of course. I’m talking about the bang that woke me up this morning. You see I was supposedly a normal teenager in my home town, Burlox. It’s a small town where nothing really happens. We always hear stories of how nothing special happened in their town and how bored they were so they decided to set off on a dangerous journey with no regrets. I truly liked the fact that there was nothing to do. It’s a quiet town with 3 month of summer and 9 months of snow. The street are quiet and you can see the stars at night shining like they always do. Burlox doesn’t have a big population so we all know each other and I’ve had the same friends since kindergarten. But before I tell you my incredible adventure I should probably tell you who I am. My name is Aguathe and I’m a 15 years old girl who doesn’t have the courage you usually read in classics. In fact, I’m easily scared which is a running joke with my friends. You must think “Since she doesn’t have courage she must have another quality that distinct her from the others”. Well, no. I’m not stupid but I’m no Einstein. I’m not beautiful like a Greek goddess and I’m sure you would pass me on the street and you wouldn’t even give me a second look. Don’t be sad for me, I think gorgeous is passĂ© anyway. As I was saying, the bang that woke me up this morning was my mother screaming that I was going to be late AGAIN for school. My mom is a very intriguing creature and I don’t mean that in the weird type of creature. I mean it in the way she’s a history teacher at my high school but she hates history. The history of the human race for her is like mathematics for me, they don’t go well together. My guess is she was forced to become a teacher by her evil parent or she just drank to much “ apple juice” the night she decided what she was going to do with the rest of her life and was either too embarrassed or lazy to change it afterward. And there she was at the bottom of the stairs with her arms crossed on her chest looking at me like I was an alien from another planet: -I called you half an hour ago, she said with fire in her eyes. What took you so long? - Oh! You mean the weird screeching noise I heard was you! - Aha. Very funny young lady, we’ll talk about this later. Now go wait outside your bus will arrive in a few minutes. I know what you’re thinking (again) “How come you take the bus and if your mom goes to the same place as you?” To tell you the truth my friend, I just don’t want to be seen with my mom the evil school teacher. I wouldn’t mind if it was my mom but as soon as she thinks of her job, she transform into an evil teacher that gives us 20 pages of homework to do. I don’t know what happens to her, but something in her brain changes and not for the best. Besides, nothing like a transportation from hell to change my ideas. If you never took a bus in your life, here’s your chance to understand the science of the places. At the back are the popular/jock kids. If you’re not one of them, don’t even think about sitting there unless you have a death wish or something like it because believe me, that is what you’re going to wish after they’re done with you. Even a small town like mine as his demons and they are definitely the children of Satan. After that are the kids that don’t have a place to sit and most likely where you’re going to sit. Finally at the front are the ones that can’t wait to go to school so they sit at the front to be the first in it. I’m sitting in the middle with my friend George. She has terrible parents because that’s the only reason I thought to explain how they could have named their only daughter George. She doesn’t mind anymore but you should have seen the jokes kids can make when they’re young. Anyway, she’s been my best friends since first grade after a terrible painting accident that separated me from Lisa, my ex-kindergarten best friend. How was I supposed to know she was sitting next to me when I spilled my paint on her? After that I quickly became friends with George and we never separated after that. I’m not going to torture you by telling my day in what I call “Hell”, but I am going to tell you that it was not a piece of cake. And don’t get me started… Do you remember Lisa? Well she’s now a popular teen and what most of you would call an all-American girl and for intimate friends, Satan. You don’t know a person until she destroys your social life and ruin any chances of having one in an immediate future. Speaking of the devil, she just arrived with her hyena pack in the cafeteria. - What are you looking at? George asked - I’m looking at what went wrong with evolution. Some species never fully developed and it’s quite obvious. - Right… Did you hear about the biological bomb that some idiots are building? - You mean the government is building a bomb? - No silly, the teen said with an annoyed look on her face. I’m talking about a group of scientist. Pretty crazy huh? - Yeah sure, if you say so. I’ve never been amazed by bomb and scientific invention unlike George. You should see her in science class. I like to gaze at the stars and galaxies in my telescope. It’s so beautiful and mysterious which brings a certain charm to it. Unfortunately, the bell rang which means I have to go to another mathematic class and listen about algebra and formulas. School has always been a chore for me like most of the kids here in Richtmond High. The smell, the annoying teachers, the never-ending information that will never be put to use when we grow up... These are only a few items on my list of the most irritating things about High school. But, I will not have to endure my unpleasant task a lot longer because of the terrible event that happened a week later. That morning not a bird sang nor a dog barked and if I knew what was going on I would have passed my final moments on earth differently. I wouldn’t have been in school listening to Mr. Terrance on how the atoms form everything. I would probably be eating ice cream and listening to my favourite movie or reading a book. But as I sat there, at the end of the classroom, something weird happened. A noise. A weird humming noise that could be heard in the entire school. At first, everyone thought it was a technical problem of some sort, but it didn’t pass. On the contrary, it accentuated and it was so loud I couldn’t hear myself thinking. That’s how it all began. It started with a noise and it ended with a bang. |