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Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1748103
A added scene for a fan-fiction romeo and Juliet
It is a moot term that nothing is inalienable. Even in literature inalienability rears its ugly head. Such a tragedy of this occurs in the beloved romance of Romeo and Juliet. The star-crossed lovers whose story ended tragically. It is said that their fate was sealed from the first scene of this beloved script but I (being one to think on the bright side) refused to believe this until i read the words THE END. After mourning the loss of my beloved heroes i decided that what if this had turned out differently? What if Romeo had been aware of Juliet's plan? I decided to write out an alternate scene which i believe would lead to quite a different concluding scene.

(after Friar Lawrence and Juliet have discussed their plan)

Fiar lawrence raced through the dark streets of Verona in his hand possibly the most important piece of parchment he ever had held.For on this parchment was possibly the only hope for the possible rejoining of the son of Montague and the daughter of Capulet. Soon the friar came upon a young stable boy finishing his nightly chores. Upon noticing the priest he quickly stopped his work and approached him. "Blessed Father, where must thou be going at such late hours of the night? Surely you must be in dire need of assistants to be wandering the streets at great danger to yourself?" The Friar looked at the boy with kind eyes and in them he found generosity beyond those of many men well beyond his years. "My dear boy, may i ask of you your name?" "Agapito." Answered the boy. "Dear Agapito i am about to ask of thee a great favor for which i will forever owe thee my undying grattitude" "speak now father for i am a servant of a lord and will gladly assist his messenger" "i wish for you take this parchment and ready your horse, ride as fast you can and when you reach the city of Mantua. Once you have arrived seek only the voice of Romeo Montague, for that is to whom this parchment must be sent." After a quick nod of his head Agapito saddled his mounted his horse,took the parchment and turned to the friar and said,"Father I accept this resposibility for i believe the act i commit tonight holds great impportance for which i am grateful yoou have chosen me as messenger." "Bless you my child! May the Lord be with you on this journey and i pray you  a safe return! Now go!" And Agapito went,the friar watched as he left the city and made a silent prayer that his actions wouldn't be for none.

In a one bedroom inn Romeo starred out at the night sky. His heart was filled with pain stricken apathy as he mentally prepared himself for what was action he was about to comit. for one cannot live without his soul, without his heart, his reason for living. So be that Romeo could not live without Juliet. As Romeo left the inn he carried only one thing, a dagger. As Romeo rode his horse down the quiet road to Verona he came acrossed a traveler resting his horse about to indulge in a meal. "My good man, I pray may i join you this fine evening for a cup of wine; for i believe you to have quite a story to share." The man looked up from the ground and said "indeed sir let us share for i wish to know more about you also as fellow travelers will." Romeo dismounted his horse and walked over to the man;who seemed to be no more than a boy; and sat down."tell me young man, what do they call you? and what is your buisness traveling at such a young hour?"  "I am Agapito, a young stable boy in the city of Verona (this is where i come from) and i am delivering a rather important message to a Romeo Motague in the city or Mantua." Romeos eyes quickly widened at the sound of his name. "why let me have said parchment then for i am the man of which you speak! I am Romeo Montague and i am on my way to verona this minuete to venge the lost life of my love." As he read the parchment Agapito had given him His heart filled with joy and he felt complete once again his heart fell victim to a single name, a single person, Juliet. She was alive! Once again romeos life had meaning and he jumped up and mounted his horse. "Forever blessed you may be Agapito for you have just given me a reason to live!" and with that he rode Quickly off toward Verona. Leaving behind Agapito who slid back down onto the soft dirt and sat there for the rest of the night contemplaiting on the very odd evening he had just had.
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