Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1750529-Apocalyptic-Beginning-Ch-6
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1750529
Why do all good things end? So that better things can begin.
         He reached the wall and new that he had to help stop these monsters or everyone could die. Panting and out of breath he leaned against the wall and waited for the swarm to come. As he waited he heard an explosion then a buzz. " Yes." Some soldier was answering a call on radio.
" The infected are throwing barrels and there exploding watch out."
" Understood, thanks." Just as he put down his radio another explosion occurred and shook the walls. They were getting closer thought Rob. Then he caught a glimpse of the first set of zombies. He could see that all of the were seriously injured. Missing limbs and huge holes in them. If they were strategical this would be there first wave of many and there only point would be to wear them down, but they weren't that smart. Were they? There was no time to think about this as the zombies were in firing distance and the order to shoot was given. He grabbed his .30 .30, took aim, and fired at a zombies' head. It didn't stand back up. He saw that There were thousands and now he knew for sure that this is all there was for them. He started to go to town, picking off zombies left and right. They reached the wall and started to tear at it. He heard a scream to his right and looked over. A man was fighting a zombie off of the wall and it had grabbed his arm was wrestling him over it. He ran over there and grabbed the guy and started to pull.He heard a sickening tear then his hands felt hot, wet, and sticky. He and the man fell backwards and the mans' other arm went up to his injured one as blood welled from it like a fountain. Rob realized that that was what was on his hands. Two doctors came over and grabbed the man and Rob took a second to catch his breath, saw an arm tearing down part of the wall ran over there and shot its' owner in the face. He could see that the wall was being torn to pieces and realized that though this was all of the zombies here, the zombies weren't going down without taking this wall.
         After about half an hour of the fighting at this wall Rob started to see signs of the humans losing ground. Chunks of wall were missing, zombies are getting inside the wall before being shot and guys are falling fast now. He saw a soldier on the ground with a hole the size of his fist in his neck. He grabbed his radio and pushed the button." Hello? Is any body there?"
" Yeah I hear you. What's going on over there?"
" We are over run on the east side and need to drop back to the second wall."
" We are all going to in about five minutes. Just hold till then. When you see the flare get out of there fast."
" OK, we will. Bye." He ran to all the people he could reach and told them to spread the message. As everyone started backing up the flare reached the height of its arc and everyone ran for the other wall. Rob thought that they were to fast for the zombies, but that didn't matter since some of the people tripped or were shoved as they ran.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1750529-Apocalyptic-Beginning-Ch-6