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Rated: E · Chapter · Fantasy · #1753202
A lot of action in a little piece
Chapter 1

Suzi stood at the end of a snow covered driveway, looking at a dark-blue farmhouse in the middle of a clearing. Spruce trees, their branches bent with the weight of a recent snowfall surrounded the area. A chickadee sang sweet music somewhere in the distance, a blue jay sat at one of the many bright red bird feeders that hung on cast iron hooks protruding from four and a half feet of snow in the yard.

She was pulled to the house by an unseen force, and as her foot hit the wooden porch she noticed an elderly woman with blue-gray hair sitting in a hand-carved rocking chair. Her mint-green eyes twinkled with a sweet smile. She couldn’t be more than four feet nine inches tall, and she looked as if she were swimming in her down-filled pink coat and grey sweat pants. Suzi watched as the woman sipped from a large purple mug.

"Please, join me for some cocoa." She waved her hand at the little green table with a second cup on it, and the wicker chair next to it.

"This place is beautiful!" Suzi sipped at the steaming liquid, awed by the sight around her. "It all feels so familiar, like this is where I’m supposed to be. Does that make any sense?"

"Yes it does, I see there is much I need to explain my dear grand-daughter." She patted Suzi’s arm.

"What, I don’t understand; mom and dad said I didn’t have any other family." She looked to the trees, blinking back tears. It’s something I have always wanted though. An enormous moving shadow at the edge of the woods caught her attention. She watched as a massive black wolf with violet eyes stepped into the light. “I’ve seen him before in my dreams. Once I could have sworn I saw him in person, but it was gone in a flash. ” She refused to take her eyes off the animal.

"We don’t have time now; I’ll tell you everything soon." The woman looked to the graying skies. "You have to wake up.” She let out a heavy sigh. "But before you go," She stood and gently cupped Suzi’s face in her hands. "Happy Birthday baby girl,” She leaned down kissing her on both cheeks. "I’ll send you a message within the week. We'll be together again, and what was stolen will be returned.”

Suzi's seaweed-green eyes fluttered open, filled with unshed tears. The smell of jasmine
and cocoa lingered in the air. She sat up running her slender fingers through her curly
dark-cherry hair, causing the worn floral quilt to slip revealing her delicate figure to the warm
air in the room. Goose-bumps covered the tanned skin not concealed by her oversized t-shirt.

“That was a weird dream.” She swung her legs off the bed and glanced at the glowing red
numbers on her bedside clock. “Quarter after nine, oh great, I’m gonna be late for work.” She
grabbed her uniform from a hook on the bathroom door. Skipping the shower, she dressed
while brushing her teeth. Knowing there was no time to do her hair she threw it in a ponytail as she ran out the front door.

The big black SUV sat on the corner in its usual parking spot. Suzi jumped in behind the wheel, throwing her purse in the seat next to her. Chug, chug, chug, is all she heard when she turned the key. “Come on beasty, I’m late so no trouble today please.” She pleaded with the truck. On the second try it roared to life. “Thank the heavens.” She pulls out and heads for work, the giant wolf from her dream still fresh in her thoughts.

Fifteen minutes later she turns into a big parking lot next to it sat four three story red brick buildings. A wooden sign was painted green and surrounded by bright multicolored flowers. The words, Welcome to the CRYSTAL RIVER INN, were carved into it. The hotel had seventy-five rooms, a bar and restaurant combination, and all the extras an average tourist could possibly want.

“Suzi, you’re late.” Frank popped his head out of the office door. “I’m docking your pay.”

“I know Frank.” She rushed by rolling her eyes.

“He’s such a creep,” Her best friend and co-worker Jo-Jo said. “Um, before I ruin your day Happy Birthday.”

“Thanks, now what happened?” She hugged Jo-Jo. It was comforting to know her friend of twelve years had to where the same gaudy blue and yellow striped uniform as her.

“Karen and Hanna both called in, so I get stuck doing all the laundry by myself, while you clean the rooms.” She gave Suzi the clipboard holding the daily duties log.

“Great, and go figure jerk face is docking my pay.” She began loading her cleaning cart with towels, toilet paper, and other necessities. “What a wonderful twentieth b-day.” She slammed the bucket of toiletries down too hard causing Frank to glance out of the office.

“You break it, you buy it.” The sound of his door slamming let them know he wasn’t listening to them anymore.

“I’ll see you at lunchtime Jo-Jo.” She waved.

“Hey wait.” Joanne ran after her. “What rooms are you starting with?”

“I’m gonna start with this building of course, but then I’m gonna switch to building four and do those twenty rooms. I figure I might as well do the buildings that have the most first.” She sighed and walked on down the small red hallway.

Building 4 Room 74
11:00 am

“Look mister, I know who you are, but my boss says I can’t give you the money until I see the merchandise.” A mans voice said.

“Well, it seems to me that we are at an impasse. You see I can not and will not hand over the merchandise until I see the cash.” This voice was much deeper than the first.

“How bout this?” He unzipped a gym bag revealing twenty million in cash. “You see I have the money, now show me the stuff.”

“Are you sure it’s all there?”

“What do you think I am a con-artist? Of course it’s there.”

“Fine here you go.” A second gym bag, this one left zipped, was tossed on the bed.

“Is it good this time?” His voice changed to a dark dangerous tone. “Last time it had gone bad.”

“It’s good don’t worry. I insulated the bag to keep it at the right temperature.” He grabbed the bag filled with cash. “I’m outta here.”

“Not so fast.” The first man pulled out a pistol and pointed it at the other guys’ heart. “You see, we have a problem,” He said placing a silencer on the tip of the gun. “My boss also told me I wasn’t allowed to let you leave here alive.” Three rounds went off.

The man watched as a red stain blossomed over his white dress shirt. His eyes filled with shock and horror, he fell onto the queen size bed, his blood seeping into the dark brown comforter.

“That should teach you to screw with Travis.” He stashed the .44 in the waist of his blue jeans, covering it with his grey sports coat. Grabbing both bags he started for the door just as it opened.

“Oh, I’m sorry. The roster said you had checked out,” Suzi stumbled backwards before she ran into the man. Looking past him she noticed the male figure laying face down on the bed.

“That’s okay. Come on in I was just heading out.” He swung the door open to let her through. “Allen is still passed out from last night’s party.”

“Uh… I can come back after you guys are gone.” Suzi turned around to see the man aiming a gun at her. Fear froze her to the spot she stood.

“Yeah well, there’s just one problem with that. He’s not leavin here and neither are you.” He pulled the trigger before he remembered he had taken the silencer off again. “Damn, I always screw up somehow.” He ran out the door and down the steps, hoping to make his get away prior to the cops showing up.

Suzi clutched at her left shoulder where the bullet hit, blood gushed over her right hand. Her vision started blurring from the pain. “God please let me get to the phone.” She felt the hand set brush the fingers of her right hand just as she passed out.

Once again Suzi was at the big farmhouse surrounded by snow. This time the old woman stood in the doorway, wearing the same grey sweatpants, but instead of the fluffy pink coat she wore a soft violet sweatshirt with Santa and Mrs. Clause standing under the mistletoe. Her curly grey-blue hair was cut short, accenting her high cheek bones. Everything about her said she was a gentle woman with a heart big enough for everyone.

“Suzi, please come in. I didn’t expect to see you again so soon.”

“I don’t know how I got here. The last thing I remember was a man lying on a bed, and another one pointing a gun at me. Then there was a lot of pain, and I was here. What is going on?” She sat in the blue plush recliner offered to her.

“Are you saying you were shot,” she asked her voice thick with concern.

“I think so. Am I…dead?” Her voice shook on the last word.

“No, you’re not gone from this world. You are in a dream state right now, probably brought on by pain. There are many things we need to discuss, however we must first get you to Michigan where I can look after you.” Her eyes were clouded with concern.

“No offence lady, but I don’t even know your name or if all this is real. No matter how right this place feels, it is just a dream.” Suzi got up to walk around.

They sat in a little room; a fire place took up one wall, while the others were covered with books from floor to ceiling. An old area rug protected the hardwood flooring from three chairs and two small end stands. A tiny desk littered with papers sat in one corner, while the others were filled with more books.

“My name is Mary Suzanne Holloway. I am seventy-eight years old, and I live just outside Dublin Michigan. I will send you a letter giving you directions on how to get here. The choice will be yours, however I must tell you that things are going to happen whether you come or not.”

“What do you mean things will happen? What things?” She turned to look at Mary, but a man standing in the door caught her attention.

“Mary, I’m back from town with your groceries.” He stopped as her green eyes full of fear and confusion met his. “I see you have company, I’m sorry I would have waited in the kitchen had I known.”

“Don’t be silly Cameron. This is Suzi, the grand-daughter I’ve been telling you about. Unfortunately she will be leaving very soon.”

“That is too bad, but I shall extend the same offer to you, Suzanne, that I have extended to your grandmother. If ever you need me just call and I will come for you.” He stepped forward taking her hand in his, and laid a gentle kiss on her palm.

Fountain Memorial
Room 214
4:00 pm

White lights, to bright to look at, strange beeping sounds, people’s hushed voices. Suzi knew there was only one place she could be, the hospital. Her mouth seemed to be as dry as the dessert, and her brain felt like mush. She tried to move her arm, but a searing pain shot through her entire body causing her to groan, and the day’s events to come flooding back to her like a movie in fast forward.

“Suzi-Beth,” Jo-Jo’s worried voice came from beside her. “Hey sis, I’m here.”

“Wa...” She tried clearing her throat. “Water please.” The dryness caused her to sound raspy.

Jo-Jo placed the tip of a straw on her lips. “Here you go. Take small sips.”

“Thanks.” She brought her right hand to her face only to realize it was still fisted around his kiss. She put it back down without releasing it. “Jo-Jo you would not believe the dreams I’ve been having.”

“With the drugs they’ve been pumping into you, I’m surprised you can even remember them. Hang on; I have to get the nurse they asked to be notified when you woke up.” She walked out of the room leaving Suzi alone with her thoughts.

She brought her hand back to her face, as she uncurled her fingers she saw that her palm was emitting a faint jade light. She rubbed her left shoulder where gauze covered the wound that the bullet created. A slight throbbing she had been feeling was replaced by a tingling sensation.

She closed her eyes in an attempt to focus on the man in her dream. His eyes were the first thing to come back to her, the icy blue with specs of amethyst, making her feel as though he could see into her soul. His black hair had silver streaks causing him to look older, his face tanned by the sun, and his body was well built. The sound of her name on his lips sent a shiver of pleasure down her spine. When his hand caressed hers it was as if a bolt of lightning joined them in that one moment.

“Suzanne,” A male voice said.

“Cameron, am I dreaming again?” She opened her eyes hoping to see him, only to realize it was the doctor.

“I’m sorry, I’m Dr. Graff. I removed the debris from your shoulder, and stitched you up.” He smiled. “How are you feeling, any pain?”

“Actually, I don’t feel anything.” She said a little embarrassed by her mistake. “It was hurting a little, but when I started rubbing it the pain stopped.” She pushed a strand of dark hair out of her face so she could see the physician.

Dr. Graff had salt and pepper hair he kept cut short, his wire rimmed glasses magnified his brown eyes. He was on the heavy side, but he made her wish she had a grandpa. He had on his white coat and a stethoscope around his neck. The badge clipped to his pocket said Fountain Memorial Hospital Head Surgeon. A picture of him was in the left hand corner with his name right underneath it.

“Well let’s have a look.” He helped her sit up, and began to unwrap it. “Huh, that’s unusual. I could have sworn there were two wounds one right here.” He pointed to the front of her shoulder where there were stitches but no other sign of injury. “And one back here, this one is doing fine a little seeping, but nothing serious. Hang on just a moment please. I need to consult with the nurse.” He shook his head as he walked out of the room.

“Okay confession time. Who’s Cameron?” Jo-Jo sat down in the chair next to her bed.

Suzi looked at her best friend, her familiar brown hair, and baby blue eyes. They had been through a lot together over the last twelve years, being the new kid in third grade would have been hell if Jo-Jo hadn’t offered her a seat at lunch. Since then they had been inseparable throughout middle school and high school they were not the most popular girls, but they still had their fun. How was she supposed to tell her friend about someone she had only dreamed about without sounding altogether crazy? Then again when Suzi’s parents died in a plane crash two years ago, and she kept seeing the black wolf in her dreams Jo-Jo always supported her.

“I don’t know who he is Jo. I just keep dreaming about him and a little old lady named Mary. She says she’s my long lost Grandmother, and he is the sexiest man I have ever seen.”

“Well at least if you ever meet him you will literally have the man of your dreams,” Jo-Jo laughed. “Do you know anything else about these people?”

“No.” There was no reason for her to explain everything in her dreams since she couldn’t understand half of it herself. “Do you know if they caught the shooter and what about the dead guy in the room?” She changed the subject.

“First off no one saw which way the guy went. All they know is 911 got a call from a woman in Michigan saying there had been a shooting at the Inn. At first they thought it was a prank, I mean how could someone thousands of miles away know that. They sent an officer out to check, and that’s when they found you. There wasn’t anyone else in the room though.” Jo-Jo gave her a look of remorse.

“What do you mean? There was a dead man on the bed, I know what I saw.”

“There was a lot of blood on the bed, but no body. They assumed the blood was from you. A detective is supposed to be here in an hour or so, maybe you should tell him.”

The doctor and a nurse came through the door before Suzi could say anything else. It was obvious the nurse was pregnant she looked like she was about to burst.

“Hey sweetie, how are you doing?” She had the same brown eyes as the doctor. One look at her badge told the reason.

“I’m fine. Is Dr. Graff your father,” Suzi asked.

“Grandfather actually.” She walked across the room to wash her hands in the sink. “He says one of your lacerations seems to have healed miraculously. I think he just did such a good job he can’t see it.” She laughed. “Now let’s help this old man out.”

“You can see the stitches, but the incision is gone,” Dr. Graff stated. “I don’t understand it. Her back is doing normal, but there is no entrance wound at all.” He watched as the nurse examined his patient.

“Pappy, I mean Dr. Graff you need to see this.” She had a look of bewilderment in her eyes. “There is some kind of green light covering her back.”

“Push the red call button Patricia; I need all available staff in here. Someone has to know something. Two serious wounds can not just disappear without a trace.” He rushed to the intercom by the door. “Code blue I repeat code blue room 214 anyone not operating on a patient report to room 214 immediately.”

Over the next six hours Suzi was subjected to all kinds of test. She was poked, prodded, x-rayed; she went through an MRI, CAT scan and any other thing they decided to do to her. By the time she was done she was in more pain then when it had begun. At last they left her alone to get some sleep.


Undisclosed Location
Northern California
10:30 pm

“What the fuck do you mean you shot an innocent woman? I knew I should have sent Hank instead of your ignorant ass. Damn Josh you can’t even do something as simple as killing the delivery boy.”

“Wait master, I did kill Allen, but this cleaning woman came in before I could get away. What was I supposed to do let her call the police while I stood there?” The terror in Josh’s eyes fed his masters anger.

“You are wrong Josh. Allen is alive and well, he is looking for the stuff. If he finds you he will kill you. Not to worry though Hank is on his way to clean that mess up. Tell me about this woman.” The Master never moved from the shadows. “Do you know anything of her?”

“I’ve seen her a few times at the inn. Her name is Suzanne Decarter, today was her twentieth birthday.” Josh took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves. He had always been a disappointment to his family, and now it seemed he was destined to fail Master.

“Come closer my pet. I must see for myself who she is.” A revolting grey hand came out of the dark, one long boney finger curled into a hook beckoning him.

“Please Master I can tell you what she looks like,” Josh pleaded.

“But it is so much more entertaining to see it all for myself.” Two glowing red lights could be seen in the shadow. Come it will only hurt for a moment.” A deep cackling laughed echoed through the large brick room, bouncing off every wall making it impossible to tell where it began.

Josh knew he had no choice. If he didn’t do as Master told him he would feel pain no man should ever feel. He took three slow unsteady steps towards the disturbing hand. Why didn’t I listen to mom and go to college? Why did I have to try and prove that I could make thousands of dollars without an education? His palms were sweaty, his heart racing, with the dread of what was coming to much to handle he passed out an arms length away.

“I knew you were a pussy.” He grabbed Josh by the foot and pulled him into the shadows. The sound of flesh ripping could be heard in the silence, followed by the smell of sulfuric acid. “NO, it can’t be.” Master screamed.

A door opened allowing a small amount of light into the dismal room. Master was no longer in shadows. His body was covered in a blood red robe leaving his vile head exposed. The veins could be seen through the rotting tissue, a few strands of blood caked hair hung over his ruby eyes and his mouth was full of pointy yellow teeth. The only other thing in the area with him was a pile of bones where Josh had just been.

“Are you okay Master?”

“Kennith, I have a mission for you. It will not be easy, but it must be done. You have been with me longer than any. If you can not do this we are all doomed. The woman must die!”


Fountain Memorial
Room 214

Suzi didn’t even bother to open her eyes when she heard the door open again. Visiting hours were over long ago, and Jo-Jo was sent home to get some sleep along with the things Suzi would need when she was discharged. She knew it would be a nurse coming in to check her vital for the umpteenth time tonight. She hadn’t been able to fall asleep since the whole place started freaking out about her miraculous healing. Sure it was weird, but at least she was all better right.

The jerk of a detective didn’t help matters any, calling her a liar about the dead guy on the bed. He said the blood on the bed had tested positive as hers. He told her that the pain had caused her to hallucinate. He could not explain why she had been shot or anything else he just wanted to get a description of the shooter, and then told her he didn’t know if it would help considering how delirious she was from the pain.

“Open your eyes Suzi.” She heard Mary’s voice in her head. “You’re in danger.”

“Who are you?” She asked the man standing next to her bed.

“I am the last thing you will ever see witch.” Kennith seized her wrists in a death grip, holding her to the bed. “What the hell.” He gasped as a jade light exploded from her entire body, blasting him across the room.

She pushed the call button on her remote. “I need help right now, there’s a man in here trying to kill me.”

Two seconds later a nurse and three security guards burst into the room. They went after the man, but he threw a chair at the window to break the glass.

“I will find you again, and next time you will die,” he said and then he flew out into the moonlit sky.

“Tell me you saw him too.” The alarm in Suzi’s eyes matched that of everyone else.

“We will move you into another room right away, and one of these guys will be stationed at your door. I will notify the police of what just happened as for the man growing wings and flying I think maybe we should keep that to ourselves. No one would believe us anyway.” The nurses’ voice shook like the rest of her body. “I will talk to the doctor about releasing you tomorrow. Do you have anywhere you can go where you will be safe?”

“I’m not sure.” Suzi slurred and passed out from exhaustion.

© Copyright 2011 mimiloveswritin (mimilovewritin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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