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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1755126
EU Star Wars Fanfiction
I feel I should explain this one a bit :)
This is another (rather long) piece of writing that I probably started around 3 years ago when I was around 14-15, during my mega Star Wars phase. Since then I have gone back occasionally and tweeked somethings that the older me sees as rather juvenile, but because most of my inspiration and motivation has been lacking in the writing department, I do realise that the overall sound of the story may sound a bit young and inexperienced, which it is. :)
I am posting this now to maybe learn a bit more on story structure, and creative writing technique, which I am wholly untrained about. I am a bit nervous posting this, but I know it is the only way I'll learn!

I believe this story highlights some of my biggest weaknesses in writing, which I hope to learn from and change. One major one is that I have difficulty building up complex/believable storylines, either because of lack of concept or inspiration, or because I'm too focussed on other aspects of the tale. For example, I may have A and D all sussed out, but have no clue how to fill in parts B and C. (I'm sure you'll notice the whole Kashyyyk thing doesn't make sense haha). I know I need to work on structure and that, I'm just realy not sure where to start.. Feel free to skip parts that seem tedious *Smile*

I began the story itself because I felt I needed to tell a tale of redemption and forgiveness, and because of my Star Wars phase, it only seemed natural to place it in that universe. As my ability, then as now, does not really run so much in the creation of worlds (although I would dearly love to change this), the already created realm of the star wars universe with its themes of darkness, redemption and sacrifice suited me perfectly.

This also melded with an thought I had already had. In many of the Star Wars novels, it talks about how Anakin was pretty much screwed up by the women in his life (his mother dying, then his wife etc). I had wondered how Anakin's fall might seem from the viewpoint of someone else close to him, a sister. (This was before Ahsoka came on the scene, and somewhat filled that role *Smile* ). A sister who could be his complete opposite. I also chose to let it be a sister rather than brother (which actually would've been pretty cool), because I felt Obiwan already pretty well filled that role, and I also wanted to have a sort of love/redemption element between her and one of the other characters I created, a Sith apprentice, and actually the story revolves more around him than her. I realise it is not the most original of concepts.....but hey. *Smile*

Ok *phew*, now just a bit of background on the story itself. (Sorry for the really long intro *Smile*) . Bastila (yes, I stole the name from Kotor, cause for some reason it  was the only name that fit her haha), is Anakins' younger sister by 3 years. Whereas Anakin was as Quigon put it, "conceived of the midicholrians", Bastila had a real father, so she is not quite so destined, or powerful as her brother. She and Anakin were both rescued from Tatooine and given to different masters. That's pretty much it *Smile* . Ok, now on with the story! Again forgive me for its' sometimes immature sound..

Any advice on changes to be made or different styles to try etc would be very much appreciated *Smile*
Thank you very much for taking the time to read this!


Bastila Skywalker stood amidst the swirling crowds that characterised a Coruscanti market. She had always been taught to observe every minute detail as it was a vital ability when it came to missions.
But today was not a mission.
No, today was a chance to witness her own backyard instead of planets thousands of lightyears away. A chance to use the detail awareness to soak up interesting, yet completely uselss information for herself instead of the Jedi Order.
Grinning mischieviously, Bastila gazed at the colourfully feathered avians before her, quizzing the shopkeeper for all he was worth about the birds. Bastila returned to her Master, relating all the facts that the shopkeeper had imparted to her.
Ania Nors smiled. Obiwan was right. The girl needed desperately to get out of the temple and the pressures of Jedi study.
Bastila turned her head her eyes locking onto something else in the distance, and her dark eyes lit in wonder.
Ania laughed at the look in her Padawan's eyes. "What is it, young one?"
"There" Bastila pointed, without taking her eyes off of the creature that gripped her attention. "Across the market. What in the three moons is that?" Bastila finally wrenched her eyes from the creature to look her Togruta master in the eyes. "Can I go ahead, Master Ania? I won't be long. And I'll call you on the comlink when I get there." Bastila watched the indecision shift in her Master's eyes to acceptence.
"Alright Bastila. But be careful." Ania wanted to accompany her but knew that at fifteen, Bastila needed independece if she was ever going to become a successful Jedi Knight. Besides, the stall was only at the other end of the market. Ania watched the slender girl, or rather, young woman,  run swiftly and effortlessly through the compressed crowds, her wavy reddish-brown hair streaming behind her. She smiled. Although Ania was Bastila’s third master (the first two having been killed in action), since arriving on Coruscant eight years before, she was Ania’s first Padawan.
She only hoped she would be able to do right by her.
The buzz on Ania’s comlink pulled her out of her reverie. She flicked the talk button. "Bastila?"
"Yes, master, it's me. I'm just in the shop now. This gnorran is really odd!"
"Alright, Bastila, just don't be long."
"Don't worry Master, I wont." Ania switched off her comlink, replacing it to the folds of her Jedi robe, and proceeded to examine sparkling trinkets at one of the vendors. Ania sometimes wished Jedi were allowed to have possessions such as these. She sighed, straightening from her perusal. And suddenly an inexplicable feeling of fear washed over her.


Bastila studied the animals within the store. "We have more specimens out back." the shopkeeper informed her, gesturing towards a door at the back of the dimly lit store. Bastila's eyes lit. "May I see them?"
"Sure, go ahead little Jedi." She strode out to the back of the store, was struck by a menagerie of otherworldy creatures . Bastila stopped at each of them and imparted soothing words to the more restless of them.
"Lovely, aren't they?" came a female voice. Still bent to the animals level, Bastila smiled without turning around.
"Yes, they are." she replied. She felt the woman's presence come closer. Bastila looked up. The stranger was dressed in commoner's garb with a heavy hood covering her head. A common enough sight. But there was something about this person that made Bastila frown. Her warning bells sounded too late though, as the figure stretched out a hand at the speed of light and grabbed Bastila's throat. At the same time, Bastila felt her insides start to burn as though on fire as the stranger injected a needle into her stomach. She uttered a gasp, trying to remember Jedi techniques that would save her from this seemingly impending fate. But her mind was blank but for the exruciating pain in her gut. She stayed conscience just long enough to feel Ania's surprise and fear resonate through the Force.

Chapter One

Ania hurried through the halls of the Jedi temple at an alarming pace, earning her odd looks from her fellow Knights. But she couldn't care less. She felt ready to let the tears of frustration and self beration escape from her stinging eyes, but years of Jedi emotion training would not let her. She had to inform the council of what had occurred. The moment the dark feeling had come upon her, Ania had rushed to the store her Padawan had entered. She searched, and when the shopkeeper couldn't give her anything more than a shrug, she had scanned the streets of Coruscant, searching desperately for a trace of her young apprentice. She felt ready to scream with worry. After a hour and nothing to indicate where Bastila had gone, Ania had raced back to the Jedi Temple. And now she moved with such determined purpose, no one stopped her to ask her trouble until she reached the doors of the Council. The temple worker informed her that the council were in the middle of a discussion, but should be finished soon. Ania paced in front of the doors. She looked at her wrist chrono and glared at it as if daring time to go any slower. All Jedi lessons of patience were thrown to the wind in her worry.
Finally, after what seemed like hours, the giant doors to the council chambers opened. Ania took a deep breath, trying her hardest to calm her turbulent emotions before presenting herself to the masters. She smoothed her cloak and entered the circular room with feigned serenity and bowed before the council.
Windu was the first to speak. "Ania. Tell us what is hindering you."
Ania breathed in deeply, then addressed the Jedi Masters. "It's my fault." she lowered her head, composing herself before saying more.
The members of the council waited patiently, all sensing the turmoil within her. After a minute, the Togruta lifted her head and continued with her tale. "I took Bastila to the market today. She badly needed to get out of the temple. I allowed her to go into a distant store alone, thinking I was helping her by giving her her independence." Her voice broke. "I was wrong, Masters."
"Calm yourself, you must." came Yoda's understanding voice, already sensing what had happened.
"Go on." Mace Windu urged gently.
"I felt a darkness. A presence. I tried my best to find her, any trace of her. She's been kidnapped, I know it Masters! She would never just run off like that. It's just not in her to cause so much worry knowningly." Ania searched the faces around her and read in them concern and sympathy.
"Please, Masters, I have come here to ask for your permission to begin searching for her."
Windu and Yoda looked at each other. "By now, Bastila could've already been taken off-planet."
"All the more reason for me to start looking now. Please. I can't let her down."
Yoda looked thoughtful, not that Yoda ever didn't look thoughtful. "Discuss this matter in private, we will. Until we summon you again, wait for us you must."
Ania swallowed. "Yes, Masters." she took a bow and left the chambers.

"Obiwan?" Ania Nors spoke to the bearded man leaning over a Jedi holocron, studying it intently. Obiwan Kenobi looked up, his smile of greeting morphing into a concerned frown at the look on his colleague's alien face.
"Please, Ania, sit." the man gestured to a seat opposite him. "What's the matter?"
Ania sighed, and related the same story to Obiwan that she had told the council, watching the frown on his gentle features deepen in concern.
"I have come to you with this out of respect for your Padawan. He ought to know what's happened to his sister."
Obiwan wasn't relishing the thought of revealing this information the Anakin. He doubted he would take it rationally.
Ania spoke again."Oh, Obiwan, I don't know what to do. The council has agreed to my request to go on my own and find out what happened to her, but now that my request has been granted, I don't know quite what to do with it. I don't know where to even begin looking for her." Obiwan looked upon the Togruta with compassion. She was still very young, and Bastila had only been her Padawan for two years and she was very inexperienced. He also felt a pang of sadness. He loved little Bastila as he loved Anakin. They were the closest thing to a family he had. He reached out and placed his hand over both her's that were knotted on the table. "I will see what I can do. Maybe the Council will allow Anakin and I to accompany you. I know that Anakin would come without any hesitation."
Ania looked up at him sharply, her eyes glittering with hope. Obiwan smiled. "I'll consult the Council before breaking the news to my Padawan."

"Abducted?" Anakin Skywalker's blue eyes shifted between anger and worry. "I knew something wasn't right!" Obiwan stood calmly, hands clasped behind his back, watching his Padawan pace the room anxiously. "But, you say the council has agreed to let us go find her?" Anakin finally said, spinning around to face his master.
"Yes. I suppose they know that you, more than anyone will be able to locate her." Obiwan confirmed. Anakin nodded solemnly and collapsed into a seat raking a hand back through his short ash-blonde hair. He looked up at his master. "When do we start?"

Sith Academy-Korriban

Bastila groaned as she felt herself ascend from the darkness of oblivion and immediatley wanted to return to it as a wave of nausea swept over her. She took deep breaths, trying to calm herself down and figure out where she was. She tried to move her hands and groaned at the uselessness of the action. Her hands were clamped down by some cold manacles, as were her feet. She knew that without having to move them. She heard a harsh laugh, and then a familiar voice. The woman! The one who did this to her!
"It would seem, Master Tyrannus, that our little Skywalker rat is awakening." Skywalker? How did this woman know who she was?
Bastila opened her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the dimly lit room. They told me they were taking me to Kashyyyk. But this can't be it! "Where am I?" she asked meekly.
"Far away from your Jedi friends... and your brother." The woman said it like a curse. Bastila's fear began to gnaw at her. The woman before her wore a black intimidating robe with a high collar. She had a bald, tatooed head, and chalk white skin. She winked evily with her one cybernetic eye. Bastila didn't think she had ever seen anything so beautiful and equally terrifying.
"Now, come Asajj, we don't want to frighten the child too much." Asajj? Bastila thought, searching her memory, then gasped. Asajj Ventress? She had heard Obiwan speak of her.
The owner of the deep educated male voice laughed and stepped into her line of sight. The man was tall with white hair, dark eyes, and a commanding presence. Bastila shrank back as far as she could. The man bent over her. "Do you know who I am, little one?" When she didn't answer, he grinned, which didn't make her feel anymore at ease. She squinted, then cried out in recognition and turned her head away. Dooku. Qui-Gon's former master. Dooku smiled and straightened, elegant and terrifying.
Ventress laughed. "Should we tell her where she now resides, Master?" Bastila opened her eyes and looked at the frightening woman in question. "You’re in the old Sith Academy. How exciting for you, a little Jedi’s first walk on Korriban.” The planet's name didn't ring any bells with Bastila, but she felt the dark power behind the name, and knew that she was on a planet of great evil.
She summoned her voice. "Why did you bring me here?"
It was Dooku who answered her. "The Skywalker children are well renowned for their affinity to the Force. An affinity that could prove incredibly usefull." And suddenly, realisation hit Bastila like a swarm of mynoks.
"No." she whispered. Then more loudly "No!"
The woman named Ventress smiled with malicious delight. "Shall I persuade her, my lord?"
Dooku looked at Bastila thoughtfully. "No. I will deal with this one."
"Very well, Master." Ventress conceded, but Bastila could tell she was disappointed. The tatooed figure moved gracefully out of the dark room, shutting the heavy stone door behind her.
The man came close and looked down on Bastila again. "Now, little one. Will you concede to your training? Will you embrace the power of the dark side and it's various techniques?"
Bastila wanted to cry out for her brother. For Ania, Obiwan, anyone who might hear her. But she refused to allow herself that embarrassment. Dooku read what was in her eyes. "I thought as much." his eyes hardened. "Young Skywalker, you have left me no choice."
"There is always a choice." she responded softly. She might've saved her breath for all the attention he paid her. He moved to a control console on the other end of the room.
Without turning around he said. "One more chance, Bastila."
Tyranus inputted a code into the console and hit execute. He first heard the girl gasp in surprise, and then her agonized screams tore through the chamber as the forks of lightning racked her small body.
Peace is a lie; there is only passion
Through passion I gain strength
Through strength I gain power
Through power I gain victory
Through victory my chains are broken

--Sith Code

Lorccan Juda sat on the hard, cold stone floor, repairing a kink in his lightsaber. He heard the girl's screams and tried to blot them from his mind. She needed to learn, as he had learnt. He looked up and frowned as the screaming didn't cease.
Stupid girl. All she had to say was that she would accept Dooku as her master, and everything would be fine.
But of course she wouldn't. She was a Jedi. A Jedi with their typical stubborn will and pathetic morality. Dooku may have tortured him when he disobeyed but he was strong. He was powerful. So he knew he should be grateful to have such a teacher to teach him the dark arts. Not that Lorccan knew or remembered anything else. Just the cold bitterness and hard pride beaten into him.
But the Jedi?
Oh, now the Jedi were too confident in their phantom abilities, in their "peace-for-all" attitude. Peace was an illusion. A huge big stinking joke of an illusion. When was there ever peace?
Lorccan finished fixing his lightsaber and replaced the crystal. They fought for something that could never exist. Better to fight for something that did exist.
Lorccan stood and brushed the dust from himself, placing his lightsaber in his belt. He heard the giant door to the torture chamber open as the screaming finally stopped. Instead it was replaced by a quiet sobbing, once again stifled as the door closed again. Dooku's footsteps echoed along the stone empty corridor.
Lorccan met his master in the corridor. "Ah, Lorccan." Dooku smiled, though it never reached his dark eyes.
"My lord.” Lorccan nodded, then gestured half-heartedly at the chamber behind him. “The girl has a strong will."
“I will that will prove quite futile.” Dooku replied in his deep resonant voice.
“How long before the other Skywalker comes do you think, my lord?" Lorccan asked.
Tyrannus nodded again. "I would'nt doubt that he's already begun searching. It wont be long before he's here. Of, course, we'll have to deal with Kenobi, but Ventress has been awaiting that privilege for some time."
Lorccan nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, Master, why didn't you just capture Skywalker in the first place instead taking his sister?"
Dooku  gestured for Lorccan to walk with him. ‘Two reasons. One, Anakin is older, stronger and more attuned to the Force than even she, meaning it would be far more difficult to capture him. Also, the two are known to have a powerful Force bond. By confusing her about where she's going, where she is, and what she's doing, we in turn confuse her brother. Anakin Skywalker is an impatient, easily angered boy. It wont be long before his frustration gets the better of him. But by then we would've turned Bastila, with him not far behind."
Lorccan grinned and nodded his head. "Very cunning, my lord." Someday the haughty Jedi would be brought to their knees by this group of people they had believed extinct.

Jedi Shuttle, Mid Rim, 18 standard hours from Kashyyyk System

Anakin Skywalker sat bolt upright in his bunk and groaned, raking his hands through his hair. The dream had been so vivid, so real. His sister, alone in the darkness, screaming for him. He searched and searched but couldn't find her. Her screams tormented him, but when they eventually disappeared, enveloped by the heavy darkness, he panicked even more. Shaking his head, he fell heavily back onto his bed, but knew he wouldn't go back to sleep now. He couldn't face the world of his dreams.
He had been eager to begin searching for Bastila. He, Obiwan and Ania had begun the questioning where his sister had first disappeared. Once there, Anakin had felt his sister's lingering presence, like a mental holocam, replaying her thoughts and situation to him. He had felt her surprise and fear, and after following the Force trail, he had found a lingering message. Ani...help!..Kashyy... The echoes of Bastila's thoughts had begun to fade after so many hours, but Anakin still understood. They were taking her to the Wookie planet. Anakin had wondered why in all the worlds anyone would want to take a Padawan prisoner on Kashyyyk, but accepted it uneasily.
Now, here they were, ten hours into travel and Anakin didn't feel any closer to his sister. In fact, he felt even further away. But they would learn what they could at Kashyyyk. Just thinking that he may never see Bastila again cut through his heart. He dared not think on that possibilty, lest he lose himself. He swore, and got to his feet, pulling a lightwieght shirt over his torso and walked through the corridor of the small ship into the cargo hold. There was the starfighter they had loaded. Anakin sat down by it roughly, reached for a toolbox, and began tinkering with it's engine. He wanted it as fast as possible. One never knew when such a feature could prove vitally useful.
Suddenly, he felt a familiar presence in the room with him. Anakin didn't look up as his master came and sat beside him, watching him working on the fighter. Anakin knew why he was here. He wanted to talk. About Bastila. But he couldn't talk about his sister. Not now, when she was in so much danger. He sensed something dark was attacking her, but couldn't be exactly sure what.
After another minute of Obiwan's seemingly endless patience, Anakin swore again, throwing the hydrospanner to the ground. He put his head in his hands.
"I dream, Obiwan. I dream of a darkness so heavy it drowns out sight and sound. All sound but for Bastila's screams. But eventually they too fade away." he shook his head in frustration. "But I don't know what it means! What will I do if something happens to her? What will I do?" When he eventually looked at his master, Obiwan saw it was with tears in his eyes. Obiwan sighed.
"I worry for her too, Anakin. Ania worries. But we will find her. And," he took a deep breath. "If we don't for some reason, then we will honour her memory and remember how she was." He saw his words did not please his Padawan.
Anakin stood shakily. "But it's not fair, Master." he shook his head. "She’s only fifteen! Who would want to hurt her? Why? Why have all these things happened to her? She has lost two masters already, three including Qui-Gon. She is a far better person than I, yet all curses seem to fall upon her head!" he sat down abruptly. "It's not right. It's not just."
Obiwan smiled sadly. "I know it isn't, Anakin. But we all have our share of curses. You, included."
Anakin looked at him. "But Obiwan, I deserve my curses. I have done terrible things, I make decisions without thinking, and I know I'm not the best apprentice one could hope for." Obiwan said nothing, stunned at this confession from his Padawan. Anakin looked at Obiwan sharply. "Obiwan,"' he asked softly , "Do you ever regret promising Qui-Gon to train me?"
"No." Obiwan answered without hesitation. "There were often times when I felt myself not yet up to the task of mentoring you, and I sometimes wondered if Qui-Gon had been mad, thinking I was ready for such a burden." he looked Anakin square in the eyes. "But I'm glad for the burden." he smiled. "You have taught me a lot about myself." he put a hand firmly on Anakin's shoulder. "And you have been a good friend. You have shown great humility in your confession, which is something to be admired."
Anakin smiled, wanting to hug his brother-for-a-master like he always had as a child, but decided against it as Obiwan picked up the hydrospanner from the floor. Waving the tool in front of Anakin's face, he grinned. "Let's see if we can upgrade this hunk of junk better than the mechanics at Coruscanti spaceport."
Anakin laughed, taking the offered tool. "Shouldn't be too hard."

Sith Academy-Korriban

Bastila screamed as the agonizing bolts licked through her weary body. She couldn't take this anymore. Two days of seemingly endless tortures, and she simply couldn't stand it anymore! But she must not break. She mustn't. Dooku and Asajj seemed to take turns at her torture. They usually stopped just before she passed out from the pain. And today they were being even more relentless, giving breaks of just over five minutes before starting up again. She wanted to die. She just wanted to die and have all this pain leave her.
After hours of torture and torment, Dooku said to her again. "Are you ready now, Bastila? Are you ready to learn? One word from you, one word and all the pain will stop."
The words were tempting, so terrifyingly tempting. But Bastila hardened her resolve and shook her head.
On the third day she was asked the same question. The pain was so excruciating, Bastila's face was wet with her tears, and she could taste the saltiness of them trickle into her mouth. "Well?" Dooku questioned. "Are you ready?" Stifling one last sob, Bastila couldn't look the horrid man in the face as she meekly whispered, "Yes."

"Ah, Lorccan." Tyranus greeted Juda in his deep voice that resonated of the empty stone corridors of Dreshdae Academy.
"Yes, my lord?"
"Skywalker has been broken. Release her, and take her to the empty room at the end of the corridor. She must regain some of her strength before she starts training tomorrow."
"Yes, master." Lorccan made his way over to the torture chamber. Tomorrow? He thought as he made his way down the corridor. She's just been through three days of endless torture, and he want's her to train tomorrow? He shook his head, then grinned mirthlessly. Wonder if the Jedi prepared her for that.
Lorccan found himself feeling moderately irritated by his new position as Tyranus' lackey. But he knew that until he passed the trials to prove himself a full Acolyte like the rest of the Academy's students, he knew that it was a position he would have to accept.
Entering the torture chamber, he stopped to take in the sight before him. The girl strapped to the platform was barely a year or two younger than himself, but she was so slight, he found it a wonder she had even survived at all.
As he began unshackling the girl, he heard her shallow breath coming faster, more panicked. Her eyes shot open, then stared at him in fear. "Don't worry." he said. "I've been sent to take you to one of the rooms. You won't be in pain anymore." he leaned closer to her tear drenched face. "If you listen and obey, that is." she shrank back from him, but then suddenly her dark eyes seemed to accept her situation, and her body relaxed.
"Can you move?" he asked gruffly. She tried meekly to lift her arm, but it simply flopped back uselessly onto the table. He frowned. He lifted her into his arms roughly and heard her short gasp of pain. He realised his fault and tried to be more gentle with her. As he carried her weight down the corridor, he felt her head lean into his shoulder. He looked down at her closed eyes, and suddenly feared that she had died there in his arms, but then felt her steady heartbeat and relaxed. She had just fallen asleep.
He carried her into her assigned dorm, and placed her as gently as he could onto the crude bunk. It wasn't all that comfortable but it was worlds better than the torture table. He looked into her worn and tired face, and pushed the sweat drenched tendrils of hair back from her forehead. He pulled his hand away and stood up, glaring at the sleeping girl, angry that he allowed any such feelings of tenderness enter his mind. Ventress would've killed herself laughing. He gave a harsh laugh himself, leaving the dorm and pushing shut the heavy door behind him.

"Skywalker." Bastila felt her mind dragged from her dreamless sleep. "Skywalker!" Bastila opened her eyes to see the dark figure standing over her. She tried to sit up, and winced at the stiffness in her joints, the weakness of her muscles. The boy looked at her and frowned. "Tyrannus says you are to begin your training today." he informed her as he helped her sit up.
Training? Bastila wanted to cry out in frustration, remembering the previous days, and what she had agreed to do in her weakness."I can't believe how pathetic I am." she murmured. "I gave in. I gave in to torture."
The boy snorted. "And a good thing too! One more day and I'd say you wouldn't be alive right now."
She grimaced. "Then I should've stayed one more day." The figure's moss green looked at her strangely.
"Come." he said. "The master will not be happy to be kept waiting." Bastila stood, relying on all Jedi techniques to build her strength. The boy began to lead the way out the door, but Bastila grabbed his arm. He turned is head in question, annoyed. "What is it?"
"What is your name?" she asked, after a moment's pause
He looked at her strangely again. Then he replied, "Lorccan. Lorccan Juda." Then she thought she heard him say under his breath, "Like it matters."

Bastila followed Lorccan into a large circular hall, as dimly lit as the rest of the old academy. It was clearly the centre of the building with all of the corridors leading to it. In the middle was a dueling ring and against the wall a massive locker filled with various types of ancient Sith weapons. Bastila grimaced at the sight of the evil looking devices. A few students passed by them, looking at her strangely, and she could feel their animosity towards her. She was after all, a Jedi.
Bastila and Lorccan stood in the middle of the duelling circle.
Neither said a word as Dooku entered the hall from one of the linking corridors. He gazed sagely at Bastila.
"Ah, young Skywalker, it is good to see you able to stand. The Skywalker reputation is not unfounded." Bastila did not reply, but simply glared at the man who had been a Jedi turncloak.
Dooku stepped closer. "Today is your first day of training, apprentice." He looked at her thoughtfully. "I take it you have not yet built your own lightsaber. You have trained with training sabers, yes?"
Bastila tipped her chin. "Yes."
"Yes, Master." he smiled. "Well today you study the construction of the Sith saber. Similiar to the Jedi's, but there are subtle differences." he ceremoniously handed her a holocron."Study this, because your life depends on it. Obey my commands, and you will be fine. Defy, and...you already know."
Bastila felt ready to spit at the man as she took the holocron. But she controlled her temper and inclined her head. "Yes." she stopped and gritted her teeth. "Master."
Dooku nodded approvingly. "You are learning already. Feed your anger young one. It will serve you well. You are dismissed."
Lorccan and Bastila turned and exited back through the South corridor.
The next day, Bastila was summoned again.
"Have you completed your studies?" Dooku asked her. Bastila lifted her head, with a slightly defiant tip to her chin.
"No." she said in her soft voice, but there was a quiet power behind her words. "I wont betray the Jedi, and I wont have my first lightsaber crafted from a Sith technique." Lorccan was mildly surprised that such a small thing could have such confident defiance, but didn't allow himself a look at her face.
Dooku nodded, almost solemnly. "I thought as much. But remember what I warned you about before." he gave a sharp whistle. Bastila frowned, but noticed that Lorccan didn't even flinch. "Now," Tyranus continued ,"you will face the penalty for defiance."
Bastila couldn't help herself from looking down the east corridor as the sound of footsteps could be heard resounding into the hall.
Then she gasped.
There came Ventress, and trailing behind her in iron shackles were two weary looking Rodians. She lined the men against the wall, then walked over to the Padawan and Sith with an unsettling smirk on her pale face.
Ventress walked right up to Bastila and whipped out a vicious looking vibrosword. She handed the weapon to the openly confused girl. "Now," she said with a hiss, "kill them." Bastila's dark eyes widened.
"What?" she choked, all her defiance evaporating.
Ventress seemed to relish her answer. "Kill them, or I will."
"No." Bastila whispered. Lorccan looked at her and thought he saw the glint of a tear in one eye. When had he last seen anyone cry in such a situation? It put an unsettling feeling in the pit of his stomach.
"Little, Skywalker, either you kill them with one swift stroke, or I will kill them. And I swear to you, I will be far less merciful."
Bastila looked over at the two men. They looked beaten, but one looked up at her. She cried out.
"No! These men are helpless!"
Ventress smirked. "So, what is your answer?"
Kill them, or I will Ventress had said. She knew that the woman meant what she said, but could she bring herself to kill anyone so helpless? She looked at the brutal instrument, then at the two prisoners. Crying out, she dropped the vibrosword, and it fell heavily to the stone floor with a clatter. She couldn't do it. She couldn't!
"Very well." Ventress said to the troubled girl. "Juda, make sure she doesn't move. I want her to watch this."
Bastila's huge eyes looked at Lorccan in fear as he stood behind her, lest she try to escape. Ventress moved closer to the Rodians. She lifted her hand, and a storm seemed to flee her outstretched fingers. The Rodians fell to the ground and began writhing on the floor like things possessed.
"No." Bastila whispered brokenly. "No!" she struggled, wanting to flee the room, but Lorccan's strong hands held her firmly in place. She closed her eyes, but the lack of sight only intensified the screams of the agonized beings. It seemed to last forever, but when the screams finally subsided, Bastila opened her blurry eyes. Ventress strode toward her, grinning. She grabbed her chin roughly, and made her look into her eyes, in order to witness the torment she had inflicted. She laughed, then looked up at Lorccan. "Alright, Juda. I think she's got the point." With a rough shove, she let go of Bastila and sauntered out the hall.
Bastila wrenched herself from Lorccan's arms, but this time she felt no resistance. She looked up at him once in disgust, then took off at a run down the South corridor.
"Skywalker!" Lorccan called after, taking chase. Bastila ran into her dorm. Lorccan followed her and found her hunched against the wall, her head resting against the surface as tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She spoke without looking at him. "I'll kill them both. Give me half a chance, and I'll kill them." She looked up at him, and the anger in her eyes was louder than if she had walked up to him and stabbed him in the gut. "Why did you keep me there? Why? Why would you listen to that witch? How can you be so cruel?"
He sat gruffly on his haunches beside her. He grabbed her chin and wrenched her face to look him square in the eyes. "If I had disobeyed, what do you think they would've done? Next time, you would've seen four helpless people awaiting their fate against that wall!" he glared at her. "And the number will double every time!" Bastila pulled her face away and covered it with her hands.
"It would've been more merciful for you to have killed them with the vibrosword! At least it would've been faster and less painful than minutes worth of electrocution!" The girls shoulders were shaking violently now. Lorccan's face softened. He felt an unfamiliar inclination to put his arms around her. Instead he pushed the feeling away and glared. He stood abruptly and loomed over the quivering Padawan.
"Remember this, Skywalker," he growled ,"The Sith will break you. If you obey their commands you may yet live with an ounce of your mind left." he picked up the Sith holocron Tyranus had given her and let it fall to the ground beside her.
"I suggest you start studying." With that, he turned tail and slammed the door shut behind him.
That night, Bastila tossed and turned, unable to relax for the unsettling anger in her heart. As much as she fought the sleep, eventually exhaustion set in and she sank into a fitful slumber.
She dreamed. She was surrounded by darkness so heavy it felt like she was drowning in it. She heard her brother calling her name and saw glimpses of him in the distance. She called out to him, to let him know where she was, that she would come to him soon.
But in the darkness was retribution, justice, power.
Justice for the murdered prisoners. So she stayed as Anakin came running towards her. "Bastila!" he called. "Come away from there! Don't be a fool!" The light he was bringing with him was so wonderful she forgot all anger. She tried her hardest to release her self from the black sea, but found she couldn't move. Anakin grabbed her hand, but the darkness was too strong. It sucked her down into it's depths, and her brother down with her.
Bastila woke shaking.
The next morning, Lorccan came to her with Dooku's summons. Bastila smiled up at the boy but he looked away. Frowning, she followed him into the great hall. Lorccan was surprised to hear Bastila speak first. "I have finished my studies, my lord. I believe I am ready for the construction of my lightsaber." Lorccan looked at her in thinly veiled shock.
Dooku raised an eyebrow at her. "You learn quickly, Skywalker. Do you truly believe you are ready to build your first lightsaber?" he leaned forward slightly. "Even one of Sith design?"
Bastila nodded solemnly. "Yes."
Dooku straightened. "Very well. Lorccan, take Bastila to the workstation." he looked at her again. "And I look forward to the finished product." They left him and started down the West corridor.
Lorccan couldn't keep quiet any longer. "Well. It didn't take you long to fall into servitude. Yesterday you were angry and bent on killing us, and today you look as serene as a sleeping suubatar! What happened?" he smirked slightly.
Bastila paused a moment, not sure if she could trust this boy. He was Sith wasn't he? But she detected no malice in his question.
"I had a dream. I can't explain. Not now anyway. I just don't want to fall to the dark side."
Lorccan scowled at her. "You do realise who you're talking to right? I follow the Sith, little Sky. I'm not your Yoda. I don't care if you "fall" to the dark side. Maybe it's better if you join us. Then no more battle is necessary."
Bastila shook her head. "Have they taken all fight out of you? I will listen to their teachings, I will learn your techniques, but it doesn't mean I ever have to use them."
"Oh, you will. Don't doubt that."
"They can have my obedience, but they can't take my soul." she continued and looked up at him. "Just like they haven't taken yours."
Lorccan laughed bitterly. "Oh, I beg to differ. You know nothing of the Sith or me. I have no soul. No one here does. And don't try to pretend you know better."
Bastila lowered her head. He truly believed that he was nothing? Did he have no hope?
"How long have you been here, Lorccan?"
He squinted again. "Here? About three years. I've been trained as an Acolyte though, since I was five or six. On different planets. Travelling with Tyrannus and the rest of them." he gestured at a workbench as they entered a small room. "There's your station. May the Dark Lords inspire you."
May the Dark Lords inspire you? Bastila thought. Now, thats a distrubing new take on "May the Force be with you." She wanted to talk to him more, find out where his bitterness truly lay, but as she turned round, she just glimpsed the end of a black robe as he exited the room. She sighed, filled with compassion for him. She somehow didn't believe that he had the heart of a Sith. Since he was five or six? He probably hadn't even had chance to find out if he had a heart of anything else. She sat down at the workbench with a sigh. Lightsaber parts were spread across it's surface. She sat there, examining them, before closing her eyes, and casting her mind back to her studies. Crystal, lens, refracter, input switch...

Lorccan Juda stood over the man who had betrayed them. The man was cowering in a corner, holding his hands to his head. "Kill him." Ventress ordered. Lorccan glared at the man. In his anger, he lifted him to his feet as the victim clutched at his throat, gasping for breath, eyes wide in fear.
"You should know better," Lorccan told him with an icy voice ,"than to double cross the Sith." with that he turned his hand, snapping the man's neck. As the darkness closed in around him, he thought he heard Ventress' delighted laughter fading into the backround.
He was suddenly in a hall, much like the one on Korriban. In it were the people he had killed.
The guilty and the innocent. The young and the old. Men and women. They all looked at him with haunted eyes and he suddenly felt sick. All the memories of those murders came flooding back to him now. Like an ocean at full tide, he was drowning in the evil of his own deeds. He wanted to cry out. He suddenly felt an inexplicable fear, nearly turned his killing blade back on himself.
Something stopped him.
He screamed in frustration, as the nightmare refused to stop

Bastila opened her eyes and cringed as another scream tore through the night. She couldn't ignore it. She got to her feet, left her room, and hurried in the direction of the noise. It came from a room a few doors down. Lorccan's room. She pushed open the heavy door and stepped lightly into the darkness. She could just make out Lorccan's shape on his bunk. The screams had subsided now, replaced by short breaths and occasional groans of pain. Bastila sat on the edge of the bunk and placed her hand lightly on his messy brown hair.
Lorccan groaned again in waking. He opened his eyes, and looked at her, startled. He sat up and glowered at her. "What are you doing here?" he growled. "Come to kill me in the night?" he smirked. "Guess your little speech today was just a ruse."
"No, no, Lorccan!" she looked at him in concern. "You were having a nightmare. I-I heard you screaming. You sounded like you were in pain." The young man seemed taken aback by her answer.
By the Force! Bastila thought, exasperated. Has he never known someone to show a simple kindness?
Lorccan turned his head away. Bastila reached and switched on the glowlamp. She blushed and immediately averted her eyes as she saw he wore nothing on his torso. "Do-do you have many nightmares?" she stammered. He didn't answer or even look at her.
"What was it about? Lorccan?"
He shrugged. "They were memories." he replied. "Just...memories."
Her dark eyes filled with compassion. "They must be dreadful. Are all your memories so terrible?" He turned to her, glaring, and she could've kicked herself. She thought she might've got through his walls. But she clearly just ruined it. But she needed to know.
"What happened to your family? You said that Dooku found you. Where's your homeworld?"
His eyes didn't lose their hardness, but maybe he thought that if he told her, she'd leave. "You ask far too many questions Skywalker. I was born on Seadhan. My family abandoned me." he spoke without emotion.
Bastila frowned, sensing that something was somehow wrong. "Is that what you remember, or only what Dooku told you?"
Lorccan scowled. "He has no reason to lie to me."
"Doesn't he?"
Lorccan snorted angrily. "Go back to sleep, girl." Bastila looked at him long and hard. Giving up, she sighed, and switched off the glowlamp.

Lorccan didn't go back to sleep. Instead, he lay awake, thinking about Bastila and the things she had said. He was unaccustomed to any kindness, and the fact that it came from one of the hated Jedi made it even more unsettling.
He had never really thought that Tyranus would lie to him about what happened to his family. Why should he? The thought troubled him. The truth was, he couldn't remember much of life outside the Sith. He remembered fleetingly of an expansive ocean and the eerie call of an aquatic animal, but that was all. He had never travelled to that memory very often, or searched for others more deeply rooted in his subconscious, for after all, what was the point? He knew what had happened. Or rather, he thought he had. Now he wasn't so sure. Blast that brown eyed Jedi!

Frustrated, he stood and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. He hated uncertainty. It grated on him like a raw nerve. He sighed angrily. This wasn't really going to help with his trials tomorrow. Tyranus had finally deemed him worthy to undertake the trials that he had been brought to this planet to train for. The Valley of the Dark Lords lay just outside the academy, and Lorccan had awaited his time to enter the dangerous tombs for three years now. Now he suddenly wasn't sure if he was ready. Bastila was really confusing him. He felt strange when she looked at him. He gave an angry snort, and pushed her from his mind. He was glad Ventress was on another mission from Tyranus, for he didn't want her irritating presence in the premath of his trials. He shoved all doubts and uncertainties from his conscience, and readied his mind for the day that had been years worth of waiting.
Tomorrow, he would prove himself worthy of the rank of full Dark Acolyte.

© Copyright 2011 BoadiceaHaru (boadiceaharu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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