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Rated: · Interactive · Action/Adventure · #1758143
pick from three lovely girls and send them through one hell of a wild ride.

pick from three lovely girls and send them through one hell of a wild ride.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
based off one of the most missed stories to me on writing.com, the masterpiece, Tales of a tigress.

in this story, you follow the many adventures of three anthro girls in the city(and possibly out of as well) Miami Florida.

Mell, the wolfess kick-boxer with an attitude;
An officer for the Miami PD, Mell grew up in a rough part of town, and as such, had to learn to survive by herself, she has beautiful, clean silver fur, dyed scarlet hair, and yellow eyes that burn with a fiery determination, the right half of her body is covered in tribal tattoos and a few piercings in her left ear. She acts as the defender of her two weaker friends, making sure that they are alright, especially with Lea, who she treats as a little sister. Mell is 19 years old, single and sharing a flat with Rin and Lea. Mell is a lithe, well toned girl with a decent c cup chest, usually preferring to wear tank tops and mesh shirts with ripped jeans when not on active duty, always keeping a small firearm strapped to her belt, as well as her badge.

Rin , the black cat girl, who loves to shop, but cares for her friend's well beings as well.
A budding fashion designer in Miami, Rin does her best to balance college, her job at the clothes store she works at, and her social life with her friends, sometimes failing in that regard and having to work at home to compensate. She has a deep care and respect for her two friends, treating them both as sisters, and doing her best to help Lea try to lose her embarrassing weight.
Rin has a very good figure, due to long hours at the gym, and a healthy diet, which she does her best to help Lea follow too, as well as shining black fur and bubblegum pink hair that is tied in a ponytail, with a few stray bangs here and there, that hang over her green cat eyes. her d cup boobs and matching rear are usually dressed up in a pair of jeans and t-shirt when she's working, and the same at home most of the time. has an annoying habit of using her friends as models for her work.

Lea, the shy, overweight Orca girl who wouldn't hurt a fly.
Having been bullied most of her life for her greater than average weight, the chubby young Orca resorted to comfort food during high-school, leading her to balloon out into a downright fat 300 pounds, now emotionally stifled and 'ugly' she secludes herself, only speaking to her two dearest friends, trusting them more than her own family. she is big in all regions, with ocean blue eyes and white flowing hair, carrying typical Orca coloration, she usually dresses in very conservative clothing, hesitant to even let people see her fat neck, let alone any of her other flesh. she is a college student, and relies on her friends for support financially, in exchange for doing all the house chores while the others are out, finding the cleaning soothing release.

the rules are, no scat, no vore, no toilet humor, no death, and sex is allowed, but keep it discreet.

Unbirth is allowed, as is age regression, but no progression, and shrinking and GTS are a definate no no, aside from those and feet, go ahead, and if you have any questions, ask.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1758143-Anthro-girl-Adventures