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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1768431
This has no happy ending

"Everything's going to be alright" he said. 4 hours ago when he was first infected he said "Everything's going to be alright" Now I'm watching him writher in pain, changing into the very thing he worked so hard to destroy. Mickey’s father started the Death Valley Zombie Control Center two years ago when the out break first began. I met Mickey a year ago when I turned 17 and started working with the company. The company was started to kill all the zombies in the area, now there was so many of them we focused on keeping the population under control. There were only about 150 of us. We were sent out in teams in the middle of the night to kill our quota. Sometimes not all of us returned. We weren’t specially trained, or handpicked we all just shared two things in common, a hate of zombies and we were the only humans in a 3 thousand mile radius. I think Mickey hated them the most out of all of us and now he was turning into one. None of us has ever been affected by the virus we all took the proper safety precautions, but this time he didn't. It was my fault. I told him to leave after a heated fight. He was so pissed he just left base, without a gun. A team of 6 including me went out looking for him. We found him passed out in an alley with a bite on his leg. "Mickey!" I screamed and knelt down bedside him. His blonde hair was matted down with sweat, I put his head in my lap and pushed the hair away from his forehead.
"We have to leave him here" Shaun the crew leader said to me, sadness sprinkled in voice.
"If you leave him you leave me"
"Cam, you know we can't take him with us!" He tried to reason with me.
"I'm not going back to the base without him" I said still stubborn.
"Cam, are you out of your mind?" Maria asked "We can't bring him back"
"well I’m staying here then"
"Fine" Shaun said "Come here help me with his body" He gestured to the 3 other boys in the group. They all stood there, reproaching looks in each of their eyes.
"Are you kidding me? Help him!" I yelled at them. "Help him"
By the time we got to the bases infirmary Mickey managed to regain consciousness. We had him strapped down to the gurney. I lied down next to him, head on his chest
"Mickey" I whispered his name.
"Cam" he responded weakly. Crying, I began to unstrap his arms, he put them around me. "Sshh" he cooed, and held me tight.
"You can’t leave me!" I wailed "please" he brought my face up to his I could see the tears rolling down his face, he brought a hand up to mine I looked into his big green eyes
"I’m sorry" he said softly. I shook my head
"no, no this is my fault" I turned my face I couldn't look him in the eyes.
"Look at me" he said, I didn't. "Cam, look at me" something in his voice made my head turn towards him, he took my face in his hands, "I love you" he said. Then his body convulsed I got off of the gurney and the others hurried into the room to strap him back down. "What did you do?!" someone yelled "why did you unstrapped him?!" I didn't answer. I didn't notice the chaos happening around me as people rushed to get him secure, all I could see was him. His convulsions continued when he was still, I let out the breath of air I realized I had been holding in but then he arched his back, tossed his head back and let out a scream that could not have come from a human. Mickey turned his head and looked at me, but when his eyes found mine it wasn't Mickey looking at me it was someone else. His eyes were no longer green, they were black soulless holes, set into his now ashen face.
"You need to leave now" someone said and pushed me out of the infirmary. They found me in my room late that night, told me they let him go out side of they base, thought that not killing him would please me, it didn't. Being the undead was a fate worse than death.
2 Years Later
"Ready to go?" Rae asked excitedly, it was her first time zombie hunting. I loaded my gun
"yeah, come on" As soon as we were out of base her excitement diminished. I couldn't blame her, you could feel the despair heavy hanging in the air. "Keep your gun raised and finger on the trigger, move quickly" I told her, she nodded. She was scared. I walked a little closer to her hoping it would comfort her. As we walked past an alley I heard something banging around. "Stay here" I told Rae
"Stay here!" I lifted my gun and walked cautiously towards the back of the alley. I walked a little more until I reached the back it was blocked off by a fence. I turned to walk out and noticed Rae wasn't where I left her, in her place stood a zombie. I lifted my gun but then I saw its face. Its empty black eyes were remnants of what I knew had once been stunning green, I knew who it was. Mickey. By the time I figured out it was him two others appeared beside him. I closed my eyes dropped the gun and fell to my knees. I heard their heavy breathing around me. Everything's going to be alright he said. I felt the first bite on my arm. Everything's going to be alright. Everything's going to be alright.
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