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by Har11 Author IconMail Icon
Rated: · Chapter · Other · #1771421
Just was thinking bout fb and came up with this.
Six months ago Alex was sitting in front of her computer and texting her friend Amy. Amy was trying to help her make her first facebook account. Before Alex's mom and dad found out what she was doing. Alex was making the account because she wanted one and because her mom and dad promised her that at the begining of the school year she could get a facebook account. Alex got so mad that she made it by herself not thinking about how much trouble she could get in.

The next day when Alex woke up she got on facebook and found her other friend Miranda. Miranda and Alex were a lot better friends then either of them were with Amy. They always talked at school and walk around the hallway together and would eventually somewhere a long the line get to class. They had two classes together and always passed notes in the classes.

When she got to school the next day Alex went to her locker and got her school supplies and books together for her fist and second block classes. After Alex got all of her things together she went to find Miranda and Amy. They walked around the hallway and talked about a lot of different things. They eventually made it to their first block class.

Finally when Alex got off the bus she went straight to her house and found her mom and little sister Emily waiting for her. After she was done with her homework she got on her computer and got on facebook. When Alex got on she saw a friend request from Brian a guy in her first block class. Alex kept putting the mouse over the accept button. Accidentally she pressed accept.

After she had pressed accept Alex found out Brian was on, so Alex texted and Amy and asked her to get on. When Amy did get on Brian said "Hey" to Alex. After a while of convincing Amy finally told Brian it was Alex and not another girl in their first block class. Biran and Alex were talking all night pretty much all the way up until Brian asked Alex out.
" I'll give you your anewser tomorrow" Alex said

Then Alex made sure that Brian couldn't see that she was still on line but she was still talking to Amy. Alex told Amy that Brian had asked her out. Alex then asked Amy for advice and Amy told Alex what she would suspect if she went out with Brian.

That night Alex thought about what she would tell Brian tomorrow long and hard. Finally at 12:00 a.m Alex fell asleep.
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