Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1772940-Eternal-Lover
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1772940
The man she has dreamed of her whole life finally arrives. Who is he?
Eternal Lover

She’d seen him in her dreams since she was a child. The same dream, never changing in any form or fashion. She was in a garden on a dark starry night. The angel shaped fountain spouted crystal clear water from its top. The carved ivory benches were clean, just waiting for someone to sit on them. The flowers were beautiful and blooming in the moonlight’s serene glow. Violets, roses, marigolds, daisies, tulips, dandelions, begonias and gardenias filled the garden creating a sweet aromatic smell. She stood there; her silky red dress billowed about her ankles by the gently shifting wind. The diamonds in her hair and at her throat twinkled wickedly in the moonlight. She knew he would come, he always did. He wouldn’t hurt her. He was coming to ease her pain, to put an end to her loneliness.
Suddenly the sky went pitch black, all moonlight fading from the sky, leaving her cloaked in darkness. Anyone else would be deathly afraid of the night’s oppressiveness, but not her. She knew what would happen next. The moon was suddenly uncovered in the sky seemingly brighter than it was before. The wind blew stronger making her dress rise up to her knees. As she fought to keep her dress down, she heard footsteps crunching the graveled sidewalk. She turned around and there he was. The moonlight seemed to have better illuminated his features. His face was inexpressive, almost like a mask. His grey eyes caught hers, making her unable to pull away. His will was stronger than her own. Possessed by an accord not her own, she slowly glided towards him.
She knew that he was powerful and could easily crush her if he chose to. She looked into his silver grey eyes and felt her first shudder of fear. Anyone looking at him could tell that he was more than an ordinary man. He radiated a certain compelling mystical glow. Without thinking she raised her right hand to run her fingers through his curly black hair, but with a speed the eye couldn’t measure, he caught her wrist. She gasped looking into his mocha colored face. He saw her alarm and instead raised her hand to his mouth for a kiss. Just the touch of his lips on her hand made her feel hot and flushed. He could feel her reaction and instead he dropped her hand and slid his to just below her waistline. He could sense her heart beating faster, the blood flowing in her veins, the way her breath quickened. She opened her mouth as if to say something but she was forced to keep silent by some unseen force.
He could tell that she was beginning to become frightened and he had no wish to alarm her. He also knew that she had many questions and now was the time to explain things to her and ease her mind. “My love, I have waited an eternity for you and not the eternity of any mortal man, but a man meant to live forever. I think you know what I am,” he said. His voice was mesmerizing to her, utterly captivating. She knew what he was, but it didn’t matter. He was the man that had haunted her dreams since she was a child. She could feel his intense loneliness and the pleasure he felt at finally finding the one his heart desired. “I know what you are. I think I’ve always known. After all, no ordinary man could haunt my dreams for twenty one years. I always dreamed that you’d come for me,” she told him. He allowed a seductive smile to play across his lips as he gazed at her hard.
“And now I have. Do you know why you have such a love for the night and all its pleasures or why you have always received me in your dreams?” he asked. She shook her head slowly, puzzled by his question. “In your veins flows the same blood as mine. The blood of the vampire. One of your ancestors was bitten by one of mine and as a result the vampire gene became a recessive trait passed down in your family. Only in you my love, that gene is threatening to come alive. You need only a slight nudge,” he said flashing his fangs before continuing, “Our kind is now few in number. Hunters have depleted our numbers, exterminating us like we are heartless monsters. The gift of sight showed me you in a vision. Our union is destiny, my heart.” She pulled out of his embrace and distanced herself from him. She turned her back to him and exhaled a breath. This was so much to take in, so much to believe. The man of her dreams was a vampire and trying to convince her that she was meant to be his undead bride! Even scarier was the fact that he probably was right.
The night had always appealed to her, beckoning her, mesmerizing her. And then there was this emptiness. A void that felt that it could never be filled. Now she knew what it was. It was him. She turned to face him and was surprised that his body was brushing hers. She hadn’t even heard him move. He looked incredibly sad.
“Is this too much for you my Nubian princess?” he asked quietly. She couldn’t help but be touched by his vulnerability. She came closer to him and looped her arms around his neck. “Nothing matters but us. I love you, Marcellus,” she told him before softly kissing his lips. When she stopped kissing him, Marcellus couldn’t help but regard her with pleased amazement. “Caeasaria, beloved I love you. Will you allow me to make you my bride in every sense of the world?” he asked, eyeing her like a predator stalking cornered prey.
“Yes, Caeasaria,”said favoring him with a hot look of her own. It was enough to make a bead of sweat form on Marcellus’ brow. He nearly crushed her as he grabbed her tightly and ravenously kissed her. She was a tantalizing mix of innocence and raw sexuality. Effortlessly Marcellus began to levitate them from the ground. Nothing could contain his hunger for Caeasaria but bringing her into his world tonight.
When Marcellus began levitating them from the ground, Caeasaria gave a gasp of fright. He eased her fear by holding her tighter as they rose into the night air. “Nothing will harm you love,” he promised her. She knew he spoke the truth and as they flew through the air she studied her surroundings. The night was so beautiful. In no time at all it seemed, they landed on the balcony of a large mansion. When Marcellus released her she asked, “Where are we? I don’t recognize this place at all.” He chuckled, “I wouldn’t expect you to know where we are. We’re quite a ways from the city. This is my home and now yours if you’d like.”
“My home too?” Caeasaria said a little uncertain.
“Yes, if you decide my dear. Now come. You have much to learn and I much to teach you,” he said with a seductive stare as he took her hand and lead her through the balcony doors. Once inside Caeasaria noticed that they were in a very large bedroom. The décor was black. Black silk curtains, furniture, satin sheets, everything. The centerpiece of the room was golden sleigh bed centered on a dais with steps leading up the sides. It was obvious that Marcellus preferred the finer things in life. Caeasaria walked deeper into the room and up to the bed. She caressed the gold sleigh bed with reverent fingertips. Behind her the balcony doors slammed shut startling her. Marcellus hadn’t moved and his mesmerizing eyes glowed silver.
“To have you caress me like that would make me the happiest man in the world.” Caeasaria blushed at his bold comment. It was obvious that he wanted her with a fierce intensity. Feeling bolder because of his obvious desire for her she crawled onto the huge bed and moved to lie back against the plush pillows. Before her head hit the pillow Marcellus was at her side. Caeasaria hadn’t seen or felt him move. “I guess I’ll have to get used to you doing that,” she said nervously. He smiled from above her and put his finger to her lips. “No more talk my sweet. Trust me and become mine in every way,” he begged. Just his voice sent shivers of aching want between her legs. No way could she resist him, nor did she want to. She knew in her heart that she already belonged to him. He was her destiny and she was his.
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