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This is the first chapter of my new story LirpaYam, which is filled with pirates galore! |
Isadora Nyxon had never seen such a beautiful night sky than the one she saw on the tropical island of Capricornius. As she basked in the light of the full moon, her toes covered in the beautiful, salty waters of the vast ocean, the stars twinkled and shimmered above her head, lighting up the night like a candle. The countess mapped out legendary constellations she had memorized after countless winter days in her father's study, where she had read books on myth and lore, science, history, and geography. Those books had taught her everything she knew. Well, those books, and her father, that is. Count William Harold Nyxon was not only a man for his literature, but he himself was like a book; filled with knowledge of things long dead and forgotten. And he was a miraculously talented and witty storyteller. Whether it was a tale of courtly love, or betrayal and war, Count Nyzon could tell it with poetic flow and beauty, and no matter how many times you heard him tell it, he never failed to make it exciting. But, Isa was 15 now. She was too old for bedtime stories. And her father was busy as always, being the haed of a trading company and having a reputation to worry about. Things had changed since she was young. The once uncharted islands south of her homeland, LirpaYam, had been thoroughly mapped out and sketched. The majestic mysteries of lands had been uncovered, and they were tampered by the filthy hands of men. Isadora had never pictured her world changing, she had to admit. But, it did, and there was nothing that could stop it from happening. "Isa." The countess sat up shaking the sand from her hair and turning, seeing her father walking towards her from the rocky hill he and the trading company had set up camp on. His spiky blond hair had faint strands of grey in it, and his hands looked arthritic and painful. His daughter shifted towards him. "Father," she acknowledged, patting a bare spot of sand next to her for him to sit on. "Care to join me? I do hope your men can bear me stealing you for a quick chat." Isadora tied her hair up in a scarlet bandana, stretching her bare, pale legs. She wore an explorer, not a countess's outfit; brown shorts, a striped tank top, and a long, black camisole, with bracelets dangling from her wrists and an owl spiral pendant resting comfortably in between her collarbones. "They're all drunk now," the count replied, shrugging. "The natives offered them some 'divine juices', and of course, to get to know the people, they accepted. Well, they're acting like absolute clowns." He chuckled. Isadora gave him a small smile. In the background she could heard drunk singing and dancing over a crackling fire. "They seem occupied. So no reason that you can't join your daughter for some stargazing, eh?" SIa tugged at her father's pant leg, pulling him down beside her. He laughed heartily, something he hadn't done in many years. "Alright, alright, but what about...a story?" William suggested, flipping open to a dog-eared page in his book. "I think tonight seems like a swell evening for a good tale." "But, daddy, you never read me stories anymore. Aren't I too old for that?" she inquired. The count tried not to look hurt. "Only if you think you are, Isadora. Do you think you're too old for it, Isa?" She smiled. "Of course not. Let's see if you're still up to par with your storytelling skills." He laughed. "Are you challenging me?"" Will asked with a smirk. "Perhaps." Isadora tried to keep a straight face. Her father cleared her throat. "Alright, then challenge accepted!" He flipped to a page. "Now, milady, tonight it shall be about the dancing bear!" Isadora grimaced. "Not to your liking, Countess?" She shook her head. "I see. Then, how about the talking rabbit?" The girl did not show any satisfaction. Her father mused over his next choice, and then clapped his hands in triumph. "The pirates! That's what you want, aren't I right?" His daughter smiled. "It's always been my favorite." "Well, my bonny lass, give me a second ter get me pirate talk in bloom, savvy?" He coughed a little, and then, with her laying on his chest and back in hand, he began to tell his story. "Now, milady, it all began when the most wretched of all pirates, the most treacherous scurvy dog in the sea, was without a crew, without a ship, and, most tragically, without a damn bit of rum. And, as he stumbled into the bar of the pirate town 'e was in, well, 'e just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time." Isadora gasped. "Oh dear!" It was just like when she was young. Her father played along willingly. "Ah, but fear not, my young lass! I can assure yeh, the bloody pirate still walks the shores of the blasted islands today! But, anywho, back ter my story! "Now, the reason our pirate came at the wrong time to the ol' pub was because none other than the notorious pirate bounty hunter, Laurence Rex, was at the very place, scouting for him!" "Did they fight? Did they, daddy?" "Haha, no, lass! You see, they made a bargain, and a bloody good one at that!" Isa grinned. "Well that sounds awfully boring!" she whined childishly like she would have done when she was eight or nine. Count Nyxon's heart warmed up a little. So much time had passed since they had shared a story. He missed the experience, the bonding. "Well, you 'aven't even let me get ter the good part yet! Now, their bargain, 'twas over a secret passion they both nursed; a passion for a countess. This countess that they loved, she craved fer strong, dominant men, such as yer own father, bonny lass." Isa chuckled at her father. "Will hidden self-esteem booster, Dad." "Thank ye. But, what 'ey bargained on was a plan: a plan of trickery and danger. Ya see, they planned on presentin' the blasted pirate ter the countess, offering the award money to her that was placed on is head. But, the bugger would break free from 'is chains and fight the pirate hunter to the death-a!" "Oooh," Isa murmured sleepily. She yawned, exhausted from their voyage to the island. "Don't drift off yet, Isa!" The waves crashed upon the rocks off the shore, and the cool water was now submerging the father and daughter's feet. Will splashed water in Isadora's face. "Ok! I'm up, I'm up!" "Good! Now, here's the best part...oof!" Just as thecount was about to continue, pebbles from the hillside's rocky face pelted his head, and a large 'boom' sound echoed behind them. "What in the bloody 'ell was that?" "PIRATES! THEY'RE INVADING THE ISLAND!" Isa's wide was open, her eyes wide. On the hilltop, she saw a lone, black silhouette, wearing a tricorne pirate hat, who raised a gun. He shouted something inaudible before shooting the gun up into the air, and then, like a swarm of bees, a mob of pirates came running to the hill, and towards the beach. Running towards William and Isadora. "Daddy, what should we do?" the girl cried in dismay. "RUN!" Scooping up his daughter and leaving his book on the beach, Count Vyxon ran towards a secret cave he had found while exploring the island, dodging bullet and dagger and poison dart. But, sometimes people's luck runs out. "Hey, Willy! Good to see yah!" The pirate with the hat at the front of the posse gave them a wicked grin, and pulled his gun, aiming quickly and pulling the trigger, and the bullet hit William's chest, just as it was supposed to be. Slowly, he fell to the ground, Isa quickly collecting herself and cradling her father in her arms. "Dad! Come on, stay with me here!" Isadora ripped off her bandana, using it to dab away the blood. "It's ok, I'll go get help, just stay awake! Please!" "There's no use, dahlin." The pirate accent her father had used before was now an actual reality to her ears, and the countess ran into the pirate that had shot her father. "He's too far gone. I'm sorry." "NO!" Isadora scartched at him ferociously, making him shout out in pain. "OW! BLOODY HELL WHAT IS THE MATTER WITH YOU?" "Isa, stop!" The countess turned as she heard her father shout out the words in a raspy voice. "Daddy!" He turned his head towards the pirate. "Captain Zimmer, I see you came and fulfilled your promise." "What promise, Dad? What are you talking about?" The pirate, Captain Zimmer, apparently, put a finger to her lips. "Sh, darling, not now." He smiled. "Yes. As you know, I am not a dishonest man, Count Nyxon." "You ass." It made Zimmer laugh. "Not as much as you, Will." "Take care of Isa, please?" "Of course, of course. It was part of the bargain. Now, Countess, go and say goodbye." He pushed her to William, and she kneeled down in tears. "Dad, I-" "Please, Isa, no tears. You'll understand everything soon enough." "But, but I don't want you to leave!" she sobbed. Will grimaced. "Yes, but I'll never leave your heart. Just look there and you'll...you'll...find me." The light escaped his eyes, and there he was; William Nyxon, the count, was dead. Isa couldn't believe it. She couldn't move. Couldn't breathe. "Dear, I'm afraid it is how it is," cooed the pirate in a surprisingly soothing tone. He embraced her, his long, dirty blonde hair brushing against her cheek. "Come on, luv. I need to take you to where your heart longs to be; to the ship." He picked up Isadora carefully with surprising balance and coordination for a pirate. "The body, Sir?" A young boy came behind Captain Zimmer. Zimmer turned around. "Bury him accordingly. He was a valiant pirate." Pirate? Isa wouldn't believe a word. Her father was no savage thief that a pirate was. he couldn't be. The fact that she truly was not sure made her sob even harder. "Sleep, sleep, my Isadora. Sleep my child; all shall reveal itself to you in time." The captain moved his rough, calloused fingers over her eyelids, and Isa felt herself drift off into a reluctant, dreamless slumber, where she swam in a pool of sadness, darkness, and unanswered questions. |