Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1774764-Snow-Falls-Silently-ch-3
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Drama · #1774764
Things start to get interesting when time for breakfast arrives.
Waking up seemed like a very difficult and dangerous task today. I could feel my will quickly draining. Right here was so warm and comfortable that it felt completely fatal if I even moved. There was something wrapped around my stomach and waist and I started to wonder what it was. Realization broke through the fog of fatigue and I opened my eyes quickly only to see May looking directly into them. "You're so cute when you sleep; even cuter when you're all cuddled against me." She grinned and I just sat up and looked at the clock, one to see the time, and two to hide the blush. I blinked, then blinked again.

"That can't be right." I rubbed a fist against my eyes and looked again. It wasn't changing. It still said 11:34 Friday, Jan 23, 2013. Crap. 'Well, I guess I'm not going to school on my birthday.' I thought and turned to May, who was now snickering.

"You're a really deep sleeper when you're tired. I had turned it off twice." I was actually kind of happy that she did, even though she had come over in the first place so that she wouldn't miss or skip school.

"Your mom is going to be pissed at me." I said while grinning and May just shrugged nonchalantly.

"Eh, I'll just say, "No mom, I kidnapped myself' Or ran away here for a few nights." That last part was nothing new. We both got out of bed and went to the downstairs kitchen. Usually there would be a few maids up and about cooking or cleaning but right now they were either away enjoying themselves at a bar or at college. Except for Jarvis. He was starting to put up a few of the decorations. The party was starting today, after all.

"Alrighty then. For breakfast, we could have cereal, apple juice, bacon, french toast, pancakes or go out and get something from somewhere." I said, giving out every option I knew about.

May seemed to think that this option would destroy a small galaxy across the universe and kill millions of innocent people if she said the wrong thing, so she took forever. "Pancakes and... bacon" She seemed satisfied with this answer because she went to one of the cabinets and took out the Bisquick. I went to the fridge and started taking out everything that we would need. When everything was mixed in the bowl, we both stared at it for a second before sticking a finger in and getting just a little of the batter on our fingers and then licking it off. As always, it was delicious. No, better than delicious. Marvelous. Yes. That is the only word that can describe how truly amazing it was. I knew what was going through both of our minds at that point, so I figured I might as well say it. "Shame we have to cook it." May looked thoughful for a moment before she quickly -faster than I thought possible- flung a glop at me. It hit the middle of my chest where the most bare skin was and I let out a small squeak. We both laughed about it. For revenge, I did the same except aimed more for her head, to my displeasure she ducked and avoided the disaster. The wall didn't have such luck. "Oh no you di'int gir!" May said, snapping her fingers in a 'z' formation. We were both laughing and soon we were both splotched with marvelous pancake batter, as was the kitchen.

Now, I know I'm in a junior math class, sophomore chemistry class and in AP Latin, but I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to actual life skills. Not only am I usually oblivious to my surroundings -hence not stopping gthe pancake batter war when the floor first started to get slippery- but I'm also a complete and total klutz. How i didn't see this coming is kind of astonishing to me now.
While going for another glob of batter, I felt just how slippery the tiled marble floor was and attempted to slow, but that only made it worse. My feet began to slide, then I noticed that May was also getting more. In the last second -or millisecond I'm not really sure- the red-head looked up, tried to stop, and then we collided. May fell on top of me and when I finally opened up my eyes, they met bright jade orbs, smooth tan skin and soft pink lips.

She must have heard my breath hitch because her arms went up around my neck and she pulled me forward so we were kissing... again. But there was a difference this time... Okay, many differences.

1. She tasted like pancake batter, not celery 2. we were both covered in deliciousness 3. Sabi and Oktober weren't here 4. A billion guys weren't staring at us, and 5. - the most important- I was actually kissing back.

My heart was racing and all the blood was in my cheeks, but May wasn't satisfied yet. Her tongue traced over my bottom lip and one of her hands was trying to undo my bra. I gasped ever so slightly and she took the opportunity and gained entry. As if to add on top of all that, my bra gave way with a small click. In my mind, I cursed that I had worn a bra that snaps in the front and that May knew I had. For some reason, though my mind screamed for me to stop her, to push away, to show some kind of sign that I didn't want this, my back was arching into her stomach. My tongue was exploring her mouth, arms wrapped lovingly around her neck to pull her impossibly closer to me. I didn't fight back when her hands started to explore my stomach -and higher- giving me chills. My will to fight back, thoughts and all, were quickly exiting my body and I found myself actually helping the other take off my shirt. I slid my hands up her shirt and soon we were in a frenzy to get off each others clothes until I was left nude and all May had on were her panties.

A click made me freeze then another and both May and I whipped our heads to see Jarvis with a camera in his hands. Blush rose so quickly to both our faces that I would have laughed if I was not naked on the kitchen floor covered in pancake mix with my best friend on top of me, and she too, was naked.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you. I am simply to following orders Mistress. My apologies." He said, unable to wipe the smirk off his face. "I will tell Mr. Ford to do the kitchen last." He bowed and I just lay there, my eyes wide as walnuts. The butler left while looking at the camera with the stupid grin.

May got off of me and I quickly grabbed my tank top and slipped it over my head, ignoring the wet and sticky batter all over it. When I looked over, I noticed that May had put on her shirt, but was holding my bra. "I think you're going to have to get a new bra. This stuff doesn't come out easily."

"You would know." I laughed, still blushing brightly, while we were both talking we were trying to get our breath back. There wasn't much to say, well, more like I didn't know what to say. May didn't either from the looks of it, but only I was still blushing.

"Um, you cna use the shower up stairs. I have clothes in the one down here." I said, mostly to break the silence.

She nodded, "Alright. I'll see you when I'm done." I just looked down and slid on the gross shorts. When I looked back up I noticed that May had moved closer and blushed when she held my face in her hands oh-so gently. She grinned and slightly and kissed my forehead the left me still sitting in the kitchen. I felt cold but happy.

Shit I thought while wetting a rag in the sink. What will be different between us now? Are we girlfriends?... Mom seemed to know this would happen... Are May and I really that close? I started to clean us some of the grime off the wall to keep myself from thinking about it much more. About ten minutes later Jarvis walked over taking the rag from my hand. "Go shower. I shall clean the rest of the room." I sighed with a small nod. I was too confused to fight right then.

"Thanks Jacob." I said, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"It's been a very long time since someone's called me that. I've missed it dearly. Your kindness astonishes me, mistress. " He said witha low bow.

I chuckled. "Don't get too used to it, my friend." I said walking to the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, slipped off my clothes, stated the water and got in, welcoming the hot steamy water. I figured May was also enjoying her shower so I turned on the radio and got lost in the Gorillaz singing, telling us not to get lost in heaven.
© Copyright 2011 Wensday (brokenrainbow at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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