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Rated: · Short Story · Children's · #1775746
About a young man that broke the pattern and followed his own heart to live out his dream.

Michael always felt that something was missing in his life. He didn't know what it was.

He had most of things that he wanted. His father was a doctor and his mother was an

attorney, it was not the lack of money that was missing.

His parent didn't have time to spend with him, but they made sure that he had the

thing that he wanted. He was seventeen now getting ready to come out of high school.

They had already planned his future. He was going to be a doctor like his father.

One day a truck pulled up to his door full of big boxes, they took them all inside

His mother was on her way out, she told him that he could open up the boxes that his

father had sent him .He went in and started to open up the boxes, there were sweaters,

jackets and gym shoes, and there was another long box he wondered what could it be.

he open it up it was a saxophone, he started to blow it. he played around with it

at school and he loved it,so he started to blow and he kept blowing all day.there was

no one home but him. Every day after then ,he would spend all of his time blowing his

sax it made him fell alive. he felt like he had found the part of him that was missing.

He didn't bother to tell his parent about his new found love, they were so busy.

He went back to music school, his instructor told him that he already sounded like a

professional. He enjoyed his music classes. They had a big school band, sometime

they would play other school. They would be gone for weeks at a time.

one day his music teacher call him in and ask him would he like to play with the band

Michael told him he didn't think that he was good enough.The teacher said to him

''you might not think so but I know so'', he told him they were going on tour

for about a week, his sax player had been in accident and was in the hospital and he

needed him to fill in for him. He told him he would have to talk it over with his parents

he went home and told his parents. They said it was ok but they didn't know if he was

able to play or not play or not.

So off Michael went on the tour with the band ,it was the most exciting thing ever

happen to him. After one performance, one of the band leaders came up

to him and offered him a job with his band. He couldn't believe his ears. He told

him that he couldn't give him an answer right then, so the man gave him

a card. another ask him about signing a contract, he told him the same as the

other, now he had two cards in his pocket.He thought about how he was going to

tell his parent that he had found the part of him that was missing.

he decided to take one of those jobs. When he got home they both was home for

a change. They ask him how was his trip? He told them that he had found a new

love, his father started to laugh, his mother was looking all pleased, until he told

them that he was in love with his music, his saxophone. He told him the story about the

sax that he gave him and how he taught his self to blow. They thought that he had

fell in love with a girl . His father got up and stomped out of the room, his mother

started to cry .He went over and kissed her on the cheek ,and went to his room.

He sat down at his desk and wrote his father a letter, telling him how sorry he was

and how much he loved him, but this was something he had to do to make his life

complete.He packed his bag along with his sax .He handed the letter to his mother

He took her into his arms and told her how much he loved her, and walked out of the

door.His father and mother was hart broken, because they wanted him to be a doctor

Michael went out and made a name for his self.His father have every album his son

ever made. Some time you have to fellow your dream.

© Copyright 2011 alice/storey (alice75 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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