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by kemp
Rated: E · Campfire Creative · Non-fiction · Dark · #1780257
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"The wizards protector"
There was once a infant boy who was like any other,so they thought.His name was Percival louie,parented by Akaras and Ellena louie.They lived in the middle of downtown london in a appartment next to a errie man who nobody assosiated with,his name was Valkoor Amadaus Gelging. He was a dark evil person,a wizard...but,he had a son who robbed the louies,and Ellena louie knew who had robbed her familly so she hirred a man to kill the son.Well Valkoor overhered Akaras and Ellena arguing over the death of his son and how she put the familly in jeperdy by hiring the man to kill his son.Valkoor was enraged by what he had hered he knew what he was going to do that night.At twelve o'clock midnight valkoor picked up his wand and went to the appartment of the louies pointed his wand at the door,mumbled a spell witha bang the door flew open akaras and ellena were on the couch watching a program on television,before they could move valkoor pointed his wand and said "meurent instantanément" the curse hit both of them simultaneosly.He walked over to them and looked at the two dead faces staring back at him,he felt no regret so he took a turn down a hall and seen a door labeled "percival".He opened the door and walked in and seen the slepping infant in his crib he reached down and picked up the child and raped him in a blanket and held him in his arms,there was a "woosh" and they were gone.They reappered miles and miles away from london in a castle room, there was a long table with many develish looking people sitting arrond it, and at the very end of the table was an empty seat which was soon taken up by valkoor and for about five seconds every one was silent untill a dark haired girl said "why do you have a child?" valkoor said "tis none of your buissnes,but if you must know i did not kill the child because it is not the childs fault that my son is dead, not that tonoi was worth a damn any way."Assiria...take the child to my room and put him in the bed... for now he needs to rest. -THIRTEEN YEARS LATER- "come on Percival youve got to mean it now try it again, percival pointed his new [black oak & unicorn blood] wand and said "tormenta" a jet of black shot from the wand and Percivals opponient screamed with shrieks of fear and friet."Thats the way its done said valkoor","you show great power...hell all of my followers could not have casted a curse of that power at your age"."Now i want all of you hell dogs to respect your future master...my son at that."Go upstairs to your room Percival theres a gift awaiting your arival"."master"said assiria "When are going to induct him into the clan"."I have dreaded the day that i would have to because i do not want him to be like me"."Master you know he is the most talented out of all of us including you"."HOW DARE YOU!!! you insulit girl before Valkoor ran his thoughts through his head he had armed him self with his wand and screeched the curse "meurent instantanément".Assiria dropped to the ground as many others who had died at the hand of valkoor.All of the hell dogs looked at valkoor in shok."Derange"said valkoor "ye-ye-yes ma-ma-mas-ter" "Dump the body off the cliff"."wr-wr-wright awa-awa-away master" "Take her wand and destroy it,I want know trace of her left"."Cer-cer-certainly master".Derange pulled out his wand and pointed it at assirias and said "détruire" her wand was suddenly gone with the wind in millions of pices."As for the rest of you...to the metting room.When Valkoor and all of the hell dogs made it to the meeting room Percival was allready waiting.He said "I saw the prisoners in the dungeons"talking to valkoor "Why were you in the dungeons,you know thats off limits to you"."I also know that your not my father" said percival "YOU KILLED MY PARENNTS THIRTEEN YEARS AGO!!". "And now i must kill you" Valkoor said "i'd like to see you try" percival quikly raised his wand and screemed "tormenta" Valkoor raised his and said "spreuk blok" and percivals curse was elimanated.Valkoor continued to block all of percials curses and then Valkoor raised his wand and pointed it at percival and cried "meurent instantanément" the curse hit percival and he flew across the room and hit the floor.The room was in aww...valkoor had a smile ear to ear untill Percival stood up.It was evident in that point in time that Valkoors death curse had not killed Percival.For about five seconds Percival stood there staring into Valkoor's eyes until he pointed his wand at himself and said "andarsene",there was a whoosh and percival was gone.He reapered at and odd place,but he saw manyu people reapering so he figured that he was at a wizards place.He started walking and he seen an odd lokking bloke and he asked him,"Where are we?"and he replied "Why were at the problems in magical arts department" "just go up to some body at the desks and tell them your problem" so Percival walked up to a lady in a desk and she said "your name please" and percival said "Percival Sevrun Louie" and the lady said "yes Mr.Louie weve been expecting i'll send you write up " "wha- sned me where"whoosh and percival was gone once more.He reapered in front of a door that was labled "Velecence Escabior,head of magical problems deparment.Before percival could knok on the door it creeked open, then he saw a man sitting at a desk writting something and he looked up and said "aw Mr.Louie come have a seat" "well lets get write to it" "you can call me Escabior" "Now you've been living unknowingly with the darkest wizard of all time...Valkoor" Percival said "yes and he taught me every thing he knew"escabior said"in that case you will not need to go to wizard school,i can ofer you a job in the department of capturing dark wizards do you accept" perciva did not even get to input "yes well we will get you started asap is that how you say it yes well,your first job will be to get as much info about what Valkoor is up to, create a stake out and when we have everything we need,Then we will enter the perimises of his "house" from all directions and do what we can to capture Valkoor and his hell dogs.Percival said "theres no need to have a stake out because i have all the information we need to invade his house."Well then" said escabior "we will do it tonight".Percival looked at him and said "yes... but you must promise me one thing,I must be the one to kill Valkoor Gelging.Escabor said "thats a done deal Mr.Louie" and after that a line of 50 dark wizard catchers flooded Escabiors office.Escabior said "Alkon...you will be the one to stay beside Mr.Louie "Certainly" now grab hands,all of the wizards did as told and percival grabed Alkons hand and pointed his wand at himself and said "andarsene" and one by one all of the wizards were gone.They reapered [of couse] at the castel de Valkoor.They surounded the castle and they all casted the andarsene charm and reapered in side the castle as soon as that happend curses were flying every where and percival seen Valkoor and they started dueling untill Percival pointed his wand at Valkoor's and cried "désarmer" and Valkoors wand flew through the air straight to Percival.Percival looked at Valkoor and calmly pointed his wand at him and said "meurent instantanément" a jet of purple shot from the wand and hit Valkoor directly in the chest and he fell to the floor and as did the hell dogs.Percival said "he's dead","unless someone brings him back" said Alkon "thats why his body will be put in a protective tomb with curses all over it only a department official could get in.And that was the end...for now.:].

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