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Rated: · Script/Play · Comedy · #1780408
Two awkward ladies, one big city, lots of funny stories
White Girls Can Dance Too

Starring: Ali Graves and Jocelyn Brown

Episode 1: Men Will Notice

Scene 1: NYC pickup style bar
Ali and Jocelyn love a night out in the sin city of NYC. Both being single, they always love picking up different men at different bars. Some reason, they have never gone home or have had someone to bring home from these experiences.

Ali walks with a sassy swing side to side up to a tall, dark, handsome man. When he see her standing there (a bit too close but of course) she does an epic hair flip front to back which whips the man in the face, gets caught in Ali's mouth, and looks anything but sexy. She now winks but from winking finds she has hair caught in her eye and it hurts like a bitch. She curses a few times while trying to move this piece of hair. While doing so, the man has disappeared.

Jocelyn scoots towards an all American looking boy who is all clean cut. She stands near him just staring. When he notices her, she doesn't break eye contact and puts her hand out to be shaked. "Hi... I'm Jocelyn and you are very good looking." The man chuckles, says thanks, shakes her hand and notices that Jocelyn has not looked away or blinked yet. The man feeling a bit uncomfortable with this tries to small talk to her with "That's really nice of you thanks." Jocelyn, still hasn't looked away or blinked says "You also smell really nice.... like unicorn smiles or something." The man decides he has put up with enough of this and walks away.

Ali dances over to a smooth, jazzy looking black man. Ali thinks she got moves to impress this man. Instead, she finds herself not being able to stay on beat. In a panic, she tries break dance moves that she obviously has seen from T.V. but has never learned herself. As Ali finds herself finding the beat of the music, she celebrates to herself and turns to the man too show him her success. Sadly, this man is nowhere to be found.

Jocelyn pretends to trip into a well dressed business man. He helps her up and asks if Jocelyn is alright. Jocelyn uses this time to show the man her sexiness. She winks, takes her finger and runs it down the mans face to his where she ends on his lips and whispers "shhhhh." Then Jocelyn moves her finger to her own face, licking it and putting the finger in her mouth. Jocelyn then says "No words, just emotions." Thinking this is a good line, Jocelyn starts to suck on her finger where she gets carried away and ends up gagging herself. She bends over to dry heave a few times and by the time she gets back to normal breathing pattern, the man is off talking to a much prettier, more put together version of herself.

Episode 2: Let's Party!

Scene 1: A Manhattan Diner
Ali and Jocelyn are sitting in a pretty run down, typical diner. Each of them are eating and in there own worlds. Ali is working at getting the cherry that has follow to the bottom of milkshake and Jocelyn is taking large bites out of a pickle. This is a typical picture of Ali and Jocelyn on a Friday morning when they are deciding what they hell they should do with there lives that day. Ali starts with a pondering thought

Ali: I should of ate the cherry first before drinking the milkshake.

Jocelyn: Guess so.

Back into there own spaced out worlds. There is a ding that comes from Ali's phone... she checks it.

Ali: (about to poop herself with excitement) I just got an invite on Facebook!

Jocelyn: What? No you didn't. I'm the only one that invites you to anything.

Ali: Yes I did... SEEE?!?!?

Jocelyn takes the metro PCS phone out of Ali's hand and reads the Facebook invite.

Jocelyn: What's a chic and meet party?

Ali: I don't know but I got invited! Oh my God.... and you should be my date

Jocelyn: Gay

Ali: Well who else am I going to ask?

Jocelyn: Good point

Ali: It says it's an all black and white party where all the chic and stylist people of NYC are coming. Hmm... there is a cover fee though

Jocelyn: Well what kind of invitation is that? You have to pay to go?

Ali: I mean... I get it. Chic and stylist people Jocelyn! That could mean celebrates! Plus, I mean throwing parties is expensive. I mean that's why you and I never do.


Jocelyn: Well.... who invited you to this anyway?

Ali: (struggling to pronounce the name correctly) Shaneka McNally

Jocelyn: Who?

Ali: You know... ugh... she... I swear I know her.

Jocelyn: No you don't.

Ali: WHO CARES THAT'S NOT THE POINT... We have the invite, WE ARE IN! Come on Joce, we have a lot of getting ready to do for tonight.

Jocelyn: We ACTUALLY are going?

Ali: Yes we are going! I mean Jocey.... it is Facebook invite! I means you better go or you're a nobody and we are not nobodies. I'm going to reply with attending now.

Lights Dim

Scene 2
Ali and Jocelyn are dressed in an awkward mix and texture of black and white. The two of them think its chic and put together... the rest of the world does not agree. Ali and Jocelyn show up at the address that was listed on the facebook invite, which is at an underground lounge in the East Village. When they arrive at the door, a big muscular man that is the bouncer of the place greets them.

The bouncer scans the two girls and has a very confused face on on why they are here.
Bouncer: Names?

Ali: Ali Graves and Jocelyn Brown

Bouncer checks.

Bouncer: Sorry ladies, your names not on the list, I can't be letting you in

Ali: What? But we said we are attending on the Facebook invitation

Bouncer stares at the two ladies in disbelief.

Bouncer: You mean... you two ladies are here because you got some Facebook event invite?

Ali and Jocelyn both nod proudly.

Bouncer: (to himself) Ohhhh man this is to good to be true. Alright ladies... I mean if you are Facebook invited you get right in.

Ali and Jocelyn: Thanks!

Ali and Jocelyn are giggling like school girls with such excitement that you are in a party that had a bouncer... and they got passed! The two ladies are playing the fee to get into the chic and greet party. Still being so proud of themselves for getting in, neither have taken the time to look around. As they enter into the main lounge area... they start to notice. Everyone is any ethnicity BUT white. Ali and Jocelyn both stop in there tracks and pull closer together. They take in there surroundings which is full of loud hip hop beats, sexy fierce black and Latino ladies. Both Ali and Jocelyn are not sure how to react to this situation. The two ladies start to bop to the music hoping this will help with them fitting in. They are pulling in more attention so they stop.

Jocelyn: Maybe.... we should get some drinks.

Ali: Yea good call

Ali and Jocelyn try to make there way through the crowd but because of the fierce dancing and chic traffic going on, neither of them our able to make it to the bar. All of a sudden both of them hear this high voice

Brittany: BITCHES!!!!!!!

A white woman dressed in too tight black leather pants, a tube top, and hood ears has showed up. She is greeting her friends with inside joke hive fives and kisses. Ali and Jocelyn are both secretly relieved they are now not the only two white people.

Brittany: Hold the phone... I'm the token one. Who the hell invited you?

Jocelyn unsure of the answer looks at Ali for the "friend's" name. Ali tries to remember but can't so she reaches for her metro PCS phone to recheck the Facebook invite.

Brittany: (chuckles) White girl. ( She is commenting on the phone.)

Ali finds the name and struggles with the pronouncement....again.

Ali: Shen....na....kaka....a?

Brittany: Who the hell??? Well I know it's not.... (Brittany starts listing off names that Ali and Jocelyn for sure have never heard of.)

Jocelyn: Well... we have had enough fun for one evening. Have a good night

Jocelyn grabs Ali's arm to start heading for the stairs to leave but Ali pulls away.

Ali: What are you doing?!?!?!

Jocelyn: We are clearly not wanted here so we should... just.... go.

Ali: Jocelyn, pleaseeeeeee for once be cool. It's a chic and greet party. How awesome, right! We just have to fall into this new culture around us.

Jocelyn: (puzzled) New culture?

Ali: Yea like this... (To Brittany) Yo girl snowflake, we here cause we cool al'right? So you can calm on down frost face.

The whole club has stopped. The music, the dancing, everything. Brittany is staring at Ali that screams "I'm going to kill you. Jocelyn and Ali slowly end up looking at each other with faces that say "Let's get the hell out of here." Both of the ladies start there bopping dancing again and slowly making there way to the stairs. Jocelyn reaches the stairs first but doesn't realize it and ends up falling up the stairs. Ali falls on the fallen Jocelyn. It is one hot mess of the two ladies trying to get up and sorted out. Once up, Jocelyn and Ali run up the stairs and out the door and continue running down the street. The bouncer is at the door laughing.

Episode 3: Let's Chew

Ali and Jocelyn are at a Duane Reade, standing in front of the gum selection. Jocelyn is dying for the right gum but she can't decide which gum that would be. Trusting Ali, she starts asking for her opinion.

Jocelyn: If we were going to make out, what should my breath taste like?

Long pause.

Ali: My personal favourite is DoubleMint. Wanna try?

Ali starts going through her big purse and finds the gum at the bottom of her bag. Ali pulls out an already open pack of DoubleMint. She hands a piece over to Jocelyn.

Jocelyn: Thanks

With neither of them looking away from the gum selection, they both unwrapped a piece of gum. The two ladies are chewing.

Jocelyn: Yea this gum is a little too thin for my liking. Hmmm... have you tried this sweet mint Orbit before?

Ali: Yea. (Pause) You want a piece?

Ali goes back into her big purse and pulls out an already open pack of sweet mint Orbit. The same routine happens with this gum.

Jocelyn: A bit to sweet for my liking. How about Trident peppermint... have you tried that? It says it also whitest your teeth.

Ali: Yea. (Pause) You want a piece?

Ali goes back into her big purse and takes a bit longer to fish out the right gum. The same routine happens here.

Jocelyn: Interesting, but I'm annoyed I can't feel the gum whiting. How about Spermint?

Without saying anything, Ali was already with the same gum Jocelyn named. The same routine of trying the gum happened.

Jocelyn: Hmm... too strong too strong.

The two ladies stare at the endless choices of gum. Jocelyn finally decides

Jocelyn: I'll get watermelon.

Ali: Why did you try all mint flavors if you were going to get a fruity gum?

Jocelyn: Well I wanted a piece of gum right now and I know mint base is all you ever have.

Lesson learn: Trick your friends into giving you gum is the best way for gum right away.

Episode 4: Lets Share Where We Went To School.

Ali and Jocelyn are enjoying a subway ride with a new friend. This new friend is asking questions to get to know his new friends better.

Friend: So, how do you guys know each other?

Ali: Oh well we went to school together

Friend: Oh great, what school?

Ali: Acting School

Friend: Which one though?

Jocelyn: The Acting School.

Friend: Umm... Was the school here in New York City?

Both ladies nod.

Friend: Great so what was your majors? Just acting or did you do directing, set work, lighting?

Jocelyn: Just acting.

Friend: Well that's great. Where in the city is this school?

Ali: Just... the city?

Jocelyn: Yes in the city.

Friend: Okay... yes, off of what train?

Ali: I don't remember/ Jocelyn: The 1 train

Friend: Oh... ugh okay. What stop?

Both ladies look dumbfounded.

Friend: What stop off the 1 train?

Jocelyn: What do you mean stop?

Friend: The 1 train goes all the way from the Bronx into Brooklyn, so what stop.

Ali and Jocelyn look at each other to discuss what the new friend is talking about.

Friend: Maybe we will come back to that. How about... how many people were in your class?

Both Ali and Jocelyn start counting on there fingers ending on the same number. Neither of them say anything.

Friend: So there was 14 in your class?

Jocelyn: No one said anything about 14... where are you getting this?

Friend: Okay..... how do you two not know this basic knowledge about where you went to school? Did you guys go to school?

Ali and Jocelyn: UGH YES

Jocelyn: I'm really offended you don't think we got education. We are highly intelligent young ladies that went to The Acting School in the city off the 1 train.... What are YOU not getting?

Long pause.

Ali: You are being a pretty rude friend

Friend: I'm sorry, I guess I'm a little confused. Anyways, this is my stop. We will talk soon yes?

Both ladies: Yes, yes.... if you can handle our intelligences.

Friend gets off the train. The door closes and the ladies look at each other.

Ali: Do you think he picked up on we didn't go to school?

Jocelyn: I don't think so. Good work

They high five.

© Copyright 2011 Jocelyn B. (josstheboss at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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