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Rated: 13+ · Other · Research · #1780674
Are We the Product of Brother-Sister Incest?

Below essay is religious based, but reading this essay or my other essays don’t consider me some (blind) religious person. I mean if someone frees his mind to know the world, universe and truth then negating the religion is also as stupid as same negating the science. A free, neutral and impartial person should give heed to each and everything. If he founds some ‘good’ accepts it whether it is from religion, science or other, and if he founds some ‘bad’, hits it to wall whether it is from religion, science, or other.


I am Muslim and we all know Judaism, Christianity and Islam (may be Zoroastrianism also) share same basic themes about the Creator and the Creation.

When I was a kid, I wanted to know deeply who created this universe, why it was created, why I am born, and most importantly how all human beings were born in first place… and when I started to read the books I was told that Almighty God created this universe and He made Adam and Eve. And all humans came to exist from this couple.


So question arose if incest is forbidden then how human beings appeared from single pair? I was told (one theory among others). First time when Cain was born, he was born with his twin sister. And second time when Abel was born, he was born with his twin sister. So (according to that time temporary rule) Cain had to marry with a sister who was born with Abel and Abel had to marry with Cain sister. But Cain was not happy with the decision; he wanted to marry with a girl which was born with himself. And that was the reason of conflict between two. I asked one student scholar (who was my teacher) when I was 12 years old, how brother and sister marriage could be possible, (specially among the children of respected prophet), when it is strictly forbidden in religion. And I was answered that this was temporary helpless decision and it was allowed only once.
(This theory is not certified in Islam, there are some other guesses also. But problem is not perfectly solved. Or may be we are going to solve in this column. :))

We know ‘religiously’ God created the world and he sent prophets one after another to guide the people. Because it’s logical, without the guider/guidance people are not bound to pray and follow the God, but once people got ‘guider’ then people reached at the point when they become liable to get rewarded or punished with reason.


In the Shia sect of Islam, after the last prophet (Muhammad), God did not leave people without any guider. And after the last prophet there is series of 12 Imams (one after another), who are the administrator/executor of prophet, who carry the ultimate knowledge of Prophet Muhammad. First was Ali, IMAM ALI, who were cousin and son-in-law, husband of prophet’s only daughter FATIMA, then eleven Imams...
2. Imam Hasan (son of Imam Ali)
3. Imam Hussain (son of Imam Ali)
4. Imam Zainul Abideen (son of 3rd imam)
5. Imam Muhammad Baqir (son of 4th Imam)
6. Imam Jafar Sadiq (son of 5th Imam)
7. Imam Musa Kazim (son of 6th Imam)
8. Imam Ali Raza (son of 7th Imam)
9. Imam Muhammad Taqi (son of 8th Imam)
10. Imam Ali Naqi (son of 9th Imam)
11. Imam Hasan Askari (son of 10th Imam)
12. Imam Mehdi (son of 11th Imam) [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahdi]

This twelfth Imam is still alive but in invisible/hidden world like Jesus, and it is belief that in end day he will return with Jesus to rule the world. But Jesus will be his companion, Imam will lead. Also it is strictly forbidden to say his name, like Lord Voldemort of HP. Mehdi is his title not name. When 12th Imam was 5 or 6 years old, his father – previous Imam died, and thus he became the Imam. And soon he went in ghaibat-e-sughra - minor invisibility - as God’s order. But however only few people were allowed to meet him, specifically four (one after another), and this way through this four men bridge he remained in touch with people. But after 70 years he went in ghaibat-e-kubra - major invisibility. And no one is allowed to claim now and say one has met him. And he will return/appear in end days, when God will order.

Teachings of Imams:

So there are a vast teachings of these Imams, because From first Imam Ali (born 599 AD) to last Imam Mehdi (disappeared: 941 AD), it covers some 342 years of the crucial period, which are not also so ancient 'religiously'. So latest knowledge means more likely to correct. (More ancient teachings, more likely people changed it or became the victim of tyrants, but more close to your age, means more they are still in good shape.)
Jabir bin Hayan, the father of Chemistry, was actually the student of 6th Imam, Imam Jafar Sadiq, in his ‘academy’.
It is considered, teachings of all Imams are the same teaching of Prophet Muhammad. Teaching of Imams comes from the Prophet.
So below little research is based on some sayings of Imams, and for believer it is very hard to deny or negate any saying of Imams.
(however true sayings are mixed with fake saying with passing of time. Some scholars are there to filter and work on it. But below sayings are taken from very reliable sources, and collector of following sayings Shaikh Sudooq is very respected, he died in 991, you can see he was living in the age of Imam-e-Zaman (12th Imam))

When One Third Population of Human Beings Were Being Killed?

“Someone asked Imam Baqir (as): When one third population of human beings were killed? Imam said: It happened never, but you ask when one fourth of humans perished. I am telling you it happened when Cain killed Abel. At that time there were four people Adam, Eve, Cain, Abel.”
[ref: Book, Imam Baqir aur Mazahib-e-Ajam, page. 66]

QUESTION arose in my head some years back when I read above dictum of Imam Baqir. If it is true then where to put the theory of sisters of Cain and Abel and their conflict upon their marriage and reason of Cain to kill his brother. If it was the reason then there would be total 6 people not 4. But if above dictum is true then sister conflict will not the reason between two and actually no any girl was born at that time.
So If it is not the case then we resumed to our first question How Adam’s progeny started?

After few years I came to across the following saying of Imam Jafar Sadid (as).
It is pretty long hadith/saying, I try to translate from Urdu, and only useful portion.

“Imam Jafar Sadiq was asked how the progeny of Adam started? Because some people among us say that God sent revelation to Adam to marry his daughters with his sons, thus whole offspring of Adam is product of twin brothers and sisters.
(it seems as someone asked this question on behalf of me!)
Hazrat Imam Jafar Sadiq said: Allah is far more pious and great. The person who is saying this so he is believing that Allah produce all lineage and generation of His chosen ones, His friends, His prophets, His messengers, His hujjat (proofs), His all momineen o mominaat, muslimeen o muslimat (all believers men women) from the unlawful act, and He has no power to create the people from 'hilal' legitimate way. Though He Himself took the oath from the believers to remain pious. Surely you also know that sometimes when some animal did sex with their sister accidentally and later knew it then they drew their sexual organ, cut it with their teeth and threw it away and died. Same, some other animals when it came in their knowledge that they had sex with their mothers accidentally, they did the same. Then how humans, those are not animals, God has bestowed them with knowledge and erudition, this could be lawful to them. Listen carefully, the truth is, as you also know, there are some group of people who have turned their backs to the knowledge of prophet and ‘ahle-bait’ (family of prophet/imams), and they get the knowledge from, where it is prohibited. That’s why they have reached at inferiority and as you see they are wandering in ignorance and aberrance.
Then they started to tell that how progeny of Adam began. He said that offspring of Adam was produced from the 70 bellies. From each belly one boy and one girl born till Abel was killed. And when Cain killed the Abel, Adam felt a great grief of Abel’s death. And due to this grief he abandoned to go to woman. And he kept away himself from Eve 500 years. Then when grief faded away, he sexed with Eve and God bestowed him Seth (Shees), and no any other was born with him. Seth is also called Hubbatullah, he is the first executor among humans. After Seth, (Eve) conceived second time and Yafas was born, and he born alone as well, no any other was born with him. And when these two grew and became adult, Allah wanted to expand their lineage, and as it is written with Pen of Authority on the Looh-e-Mehfooz (divine tablet) that sister is illegal on brother, so Allah descended a 'hourie' (nymph of the paradise) on Wednesday afternoon whose name was Nazelah. Allah ordered to Adam to marry her with Seth and then next day afternoon God descended another hourie whose name was Munzelah. Allah ordered Adam to marry her with Yafas. Now a boy was born from Seth and a girl was born from Yafas, when both became adult God ordered to marry between boy of Seth and girl of Yafas. Adam did same. And from this couple different prophets and messengers were born.

[ref: Book, Illalul Share (Reasoning of the Causes) by Shaikh Sudook, died 991 CE]

So… in the light of above hadith/saying, a hoor/houri – a beautiful woman of paradise – God sent for the two sons of Adam, and from both couples a boy and a girl were born, and in all abrahamic religions, marriage between cousins are permissible.

In worldly terms I can say this houries were simply a girls/women from another planet.
And to me till now this explanation is pretty good, instead of brother-sister incest (if it was legal at that time then it must should be legal now too, religiously), but on other hand ‘scientifically’ we all don’t deny the presence of another life on some other planet plus ‘religiously’ I have mentioned in my previous column (Sajdah and Forehead), one saying of one Imam who said God has created one million Adams and one million cosmos. (i copy paste here)

“Jabir bin Yazeed asked Imam Baqir about this Quran Verse::
15. Were We then worn out by the first creation? Yet they are in doubt about a new creation. (Quran, Qaf 50, 15)
He (Imam Baqir) said, “O Jabir, the explanation of that verse is that when Allah Az o Jal will diminished this creation and this world/cosmos, and dwelled/settled the elysium in paradise and damned in hell then Allah Az o Jal will create a new cosmos from beginning, and will create a new creature without male or female that will worship Him and accept the oneness of Him. Further He will create a new earth without this earth for that creature, which will carry the burden of it. And will create a new sky/heaven without this sky that will stand up of them (like roof).
Perhaps you think God has created only one universe and you think God has not created any man except you.
Yes by Allah Tabarak o Tala has created one million universes and one millioin Adams, and you are in the last world and offspring of last Adam.
[Khisal, Last Chapter 23, Last Hadith 20]


But then, some other questions arose, What Happened to These Houries?
Did They Live a Normal Human Life on Earth and Died and Buried in Earth?
If Yes then Why These two houries are not mentioned in those hadith which tell us the number of beings who were not born from their mothers).

“Hazrat Imam Hussain bin Ali said that once Hazrat Ali was sitting in the mosque of Koofa, a Syrian asked Imam “What are six things who have not seen the womb of mother?” He said: 1. Adam, 2. Eve, 3. Sheep of Abraham, 4. Serpent of Moses, 5. Dromedary of Saleh, 6. Bat, which Jesus made from mud and it flew by order of God.
[ref: Khisal, Ch.6, H.6, by Shaikh Sudooq]

“Imam Hasan said that once with the long discussion of King of Rome, he asked to Imam about those seven things which God created but did not come form mother’s womb. Imam said, Adam, Eve, sheep of Abraham, dromedary of Saleh, snake of paradise, crow which God sent (to guide the Cain), and Lucifer.”
[ref: Khisal, Ch. 7, H. 26, by Shaikh Sudooq]

In these two hidith/saying of Imams, all those beings are mentioned which God created or came to this Earth anyway but were not born from the mother’s womb. But those two houries (Nazelah and Munzelah) are not mentioned here.
So there are two possibilities either they were born from mother’s womb (not here but in their own home planet) or other possibility is they returned back to their planet after giving one child. (in this way may be they are not being count in among above mentioned beings.)

I think later hypothesis is right, otherwise I desperately wanted to see their graves, and also question arises what happened to them (our heavenly mothers) in later life, did they not give some other children? (surely not otherwise it should be mentioned)
If they didn't return back, then surely they were born from mothers.

Yes Evolution:

BUT DO YOU KNOW: in above last two hadith/dictums, which tell us those beings who did not see mother’s womb, also confirm the theory of Evolution. Otherwise each and every first pair of living being should be mentioned (because they did not see the womb of mother). But surprisingly in above sayings out of those (not born from mother) beings , Adam and Eve are also mentioned.
So we came to conclusion that every living creature evolved, but Adam and Eve were made separately.
Scientifically we know different Homos were lived and then died/perished totally. May be this was the meaning of One Million Adams, (Neanderthals were the descendants of one Adam, Cro-Magnon were descendants or another Adam), And We are the Offspring of Last Adam, which is called Homo Sapiens.
OR may be this God-Created-Adam also did sex with other worldly ‘evolved’ homos, and this could be the fine explanation of ‘offspring of Adam came from the 70 bellies”.

It is also possible that 'Adam' which is mentioned in sacred books also evolved, but when God say, We created the Adam, He meant that the Adam reached at the point of evolution where now he should be called Adam (or proper human), before to reach this evolution point he was just a being not a human being (or homo sapiens scientifically). But science has to work on it to prove yet scientifically. they say and proved through genome sequence that when Homo Sapens reached at Europe, they did not interbred with Neanderthals. (ref: Incredible Human Journey, Dr. Alice Roberts, part.3 Europe) So every human branch seems to evolve separately, they appear on Earth suddenly and they disappear from Earth suddenly...

This Essay ends here, but curiosity is not, if I found more confirmations or explanations from science, religions, or other.. then InshaAllah I’ll try to post here.
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