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Rated: 13+ · Sample · Fantasy · #1789313
Things are about to change could this be a summer to remember forever?
{}I remember it like it was yesterday. How could I forget.

{/b}}It all began in the year 2011.It was a cold and wet December morning in New York city and I was packing my suitcase for my trip to Aunt Lorna’s. Aunt Lorna was a very wealthy relation of mine. Even though she was very grateful to be as wealthy as she was she was very unfortunate, her husband William(my uncle) died 3 years ago and ever since then she hasn’t been quite the same. Around this time every year she invites my brother Liam and I out to keep her company. My brother wont be joining me on this trip this year as he broke his leg yesterday playing on his skateboard. I now must make my boring and tiresome journey by myself to Aunt Lorna’s in the middle of nowhere in Ireland. “Jude don’t you think you have packed enough clothes for this trip” smirked mum.

"You can never tell with Aunt Lorna” I laughed knowing I didn’t really need all these clothes . “Right lets head then I don’t want you late for your flight now do I” said mum. As we made our way out of our rented apartment and down the 3 flights of stairs I began to feel sick. Every year my brother and I go, it is always the same, Aunt Lorna spends most of her mornings sitting by the fire and playing cards. Come evening she heads down to the pub in the little village dragging us along with her. She also never seems to talk to me as much as she does to Liam. I hate going as I always feel so awkward around her.
This visit was going to be worse now that Liam wasn’t going.
“Here we are” mum smiled. I decided to give her my puppy dog eyes hoping that maybe she just might give in. “Jude Cooper you know that wont work on me” “Do I really have to go” I whinged “Theres never anything to do and besides she doesn’t even like me I don’t know why she even bothers asking me to come I hate the place I hate he..” I stopped bluntly placing my hand over my mouth realising what I was going to say.

Mum looked at me angrily but remained calm and got out of the car and popped open the booth and grabbed my suitcase. I followed behind in silence. She placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled. “Look I know you didn’t mean what you meant back there but don’t be too hard on her she’s been through a lot and she doesn’t ask much of you please try to enjoy her company while you can she has a good heart and your father would be very proud of you” she kissed me on the forehead and handed me my luggage. My father passed away about a year ago it still feels like yesterday I was talking to him. Were a strong family and have coped pretty well with it all. Sometimes I hear My mother crying at night but it would stop as quickly as it started and it would never be spoken about. I on the other hand never ever cried or thought much about it I preferred to just not think about it I didn’t want to feel like the way I felt on the day of his funeral ever again. My mother would get annoyed with me for not showing any emotion but she knew there was no way she could change that.

I gave her a quick hug and wave before I headed in. The flight took - hours to get to Ireland but it felt longer. I hated planes they were so crammed and the thoughts of knowing I was so high up in the air made me feel sick to my stomach. As I stepped off the plane I headed towards the luggage carousel. I had to squeeze myself between a fairly plump small man and a tall woman who couldn’t stand still for two seconds. Once I got my luggage I waited outside of the airport building looking around for Lornas red face and crazy curly hair that made her look like she just got out of bed but there was no sign of her.
It was then I noticed a tall bald headed man holding a sign up with Miss cooper wrote on it. I wasn’t sure if it was me or not but I decided to ask anyway. “Excuse me but do you happen to be looking for a Jude Cooper” I stated. “Why yes welcome to Ireland” said the bald man cheerfully. “My name is Richard its very nice to meet you I am Lornas new Butler now let me take your luggage off you” He took my suitcase and placed it in the bmw outside. I could get used to this I grinned. I hopped in and fastened my seatbelt. We drove out of the airport and onto the main road.

I don’t remember much after that as I fell asleep but soon enough I was awakened by a bang as if the car had went over a medium sized stone. “Damn it will Henry ever learn to put things up after him” shouted Richard. "Hmm who’s Henry" I thought as I looked out the car window sleepily. We had arrived at Lorna’s estate. The plants surrounding the area all looked well after but there were still a few weeds popping up around places. He pulled the car right up outside the house. The house was very old fashioned with ivory creeping up along the walls right up to the top window. There were four floors altogether. 4 bathrooms,1 huge kitchen,2 sitting rooms, a lounge area,6 bedrooms, a library and an empty room for storage.

Once Aunt Lorna heard the car she came running out. “Darling its so good to see you, how are you!” shouted Lorna. “I’m fine” I yawned as I stepped out of the car. “Richard will take care of your luggage darling you just step inside and ill fix you up a nice hot cup of tea and your favourite pork and mash potato” shrieked Lorna with delight. That must be Nialls favourite dinner not mine I said to myself. The long hall in the house was shining as if it had been just polished. There were pictures everywhere and plenty of ornaments. She loved collecting anything like that, the house was full of them.
“Keep going down and turn to your second left and make yourself at home ill be right with you” smiled Lorna as she took the first door on the right. I vainly remembered where most of the rooms were since the house was so big. The room smelt of cinnamon and an old musty smell. I sat down on the chair right beside a lit fire. It started to rain quite heavily outside. I was starting to doze off when I heard Lorna’s steps echoing the hallway. “Now here you go your favourite dinner and we shall have tea afterwards” mumbled Lorna as she placed the tray of food down beside me on the table.

As I picked up the plate she sat down across from me with a big smile on her face. I cut a piece of pork and placed it in my mouth. Once the taste seeped onto my taste buds I started to heave . I have never liked pork it is disgusting. I just had to bear with it and eat as much as I can. “well how is it do you not like it” said Lorna with a puzzled expression on her face. She must of noticed me trying not to throw up. “Oh no its really nice thanks Lorna” I gave her a fake smile of gratitude. It was hard but I managed to eat a good bit of the dinner. We didn’t say much over dinner she just stared into the fire with her hands placed on her boney knees. “That was scrumptious” I smiled. “Great your finished time for some refreshments what shall it be tea or coffee or perhaps something a bit stronger?” teased Lorna. “Just tea thanks” I grinned.

As quick as a flash she ran down the hall. It was then I realised how quiet the room was. Back home the telly would be playing and you would hear the noise of the hustle and bustle outside in the city. all I could hear here was the cracking of the fire and the rain belting against the window. I wondered if it was raining in New York also and pictured all the people of the city rushing around all having important places to go trying to get a taxi out of the rain.
Five minutes later she arrived with a large mug in her hand. “Now I thought to myself tea wasn’t good enough so what’s better than tea you ask?”. Lorna paused for a second while placing the large mug on the table. “Why hot chocolate of course” she laughed. At least it was something I liked I thought to myself. Again she spoke not a word while I sipped on my hot chocolate. As soon as I finished she rang a little bell and along came Richard panting and puffing as if he had ran a marathon. “Richard could you please bring Jude’s mug to the kitchen and wash it.” Richard took a second to get his breathe back and nodded while taking the cup out of my grasp.

It was getting quite dark outside. It made me think of New York except there were no bright lights standing out from the dark. Oh how I missed New York already.” How is Niall doing oh I do hope he is okay” sighed Lorna. “He broke his leg” “Of course your dearest mother explained to me on the phone, is he in much pain” she sighed. She always likes to get straight to the point no time wasting. “Its not too bad he will recover he was so disappointed he didn’t get to see you” I lied knowing how much Liam hated coming here too. “The poor dear I know how much he loves visiting his favourite Aunty”. Lorna paused for a moment and then stretched and got up from her seat.
“You must be tired I shall show you to your room” she yawned. I agreed and followed her down the hall and up three flights of stairs, How she managed to take these stairs everyday was beyond me she was so frail sometimes I wondered if I gave her a little poke would she just keel over, She stopped in front of a large wooden door that let out a little creak as she gently pushed it open. She flicked a switch and led me into my room. “This is one of my most favourite rooms in this house I never allowed you or Liam to enter but seeing as your 20 now I think it is finally the right time to show it too you” her face beaming with excitement.

I wonder what she meant by finally the right time, odd I thought. It was very large with a huge crest fireplace in the middle. The king sized bed had a pure silk duvet with floral patterns on it. Beside the bed was a white locker with a lamp placed on it that looked very expensive. There was also a sliding door in the room. “That door there is a walk in wardrobe I am sure Richard placed your suitcase in there” explained Lorna. “Okay” I smiled. “Goodnight darling” whispered Lorna. “Night” I whispered back. She slowly closed the door and went on her way.
She was right I had never stayed in this room before. I was always placed in a cold and dark box room with the smallest window. I always joked with Niall saying she’s putting me in a prison. I took one more look around the room and then made my way over to the walk in wardrobe. Just as I thought empty bar a few books and papers scattered on the shelves. Even though Lorna had plenty of money she never seemed to spend it on anything to do with the house or buy herself anything expensive. Everything in the house hadn’t changed since I first visited her home.

The furniture was old, the paint on the walls could do with some fresh paint and there was old red carpet everywhere. “Just as I suspected I have a feeling this is going to be a very long Summer” I groaned. I grabbed my suitcase and lifted it onto the bed. As I opened it I just rooted through it for a pyjamas to wear. Once I found one I placed the suitcase back onto the floor. I was too tired to sort out the clothes in my suitcase so I just left them in it for tonight. While I was changing into my pyjamas I noticed something shiny on the floor that caught my eye. I leaned over an picked up what seemed to be a Gold ring. “Must be Lorna’s” I whispered to myself.
The ring was so beautiful. It had a nicely sized emerald on the gold ring. There was something about the ring I couldn’t quite put my finger on. I had seen Lorna’s collection of rings and if you had to choose one, this ring I have as beautiful as it was it would be the last to be picked. Lorna loved very detailed rings that sparkled so bright and were always noticed. If this was among the others it wouldn’t stand out at all. But still I couldn’t stop staring into the mesmerising emerald. I felt like I was in a trance, and a warm feeling started to tingle all over my body. A loud BANG came from the window, I broke free from the trance I was in and ran to the window.

I slowly slid a part of the curtain away from the window. BANG. It happened again!! “Aaaah” I screamed and backed away from the window. I took a deep breath and started to laugh. I had seen that the latch wasn’t shut right an was hitting the window pane due to the wind outside. “ I may start getting used to the country side” I smirked as I closed the latch on the window. I glanced at the ring once more, I felt nothing. I blamed it on being tired and letting my imagination run away with me. I put it away in the old-fashioned locker and went to sleep.

“Cockadoodledoo”,”Cockadoodle doooooo”. “Oh no” I moaned. I had forgotten about that stupid bird or Larry my aunty liked to call him. I stretched my arm out to try and reach my phone off the dresser. I squinted as I tried to read the time on it, it read 9:00am. Larry was always right on que. “What a great start to the morning” I mumbled still trying to adjust to the light in the room.
As soon as Larry quietened down I cuddled up to the covers and was just about too close my eyes when I heard a light knock on the door. “Jude darling good morning breakfast will be served in 15 minutes Richard has put a great deal into making it for you so please be on time” she sounded so cheerful. “Okay il be down in a few minutes” I croaked. “Oh and I want you dressed and ready for the day a lady is always dressed appropriately at the table” she shouted as I heard her walking away from the door.

I rolled my eyes and staggered up out of the bed and did a stretch. Since I was out in the middle of nowhere I decided to throw on my grey tracksuit bottoms and hoody to match with a white t-shirt that had the black eyed peas on the front I had gotten at their concert for my 18th birthday. It was one of my favourite outfits I liked to wear around the house it was so comfy.
I threw my hair up into a messy bun and straightened my fringe. It was nice to be able to wear something like this for once and not worrying what you had to look like. In New York if you didn’t have a suit, dress or any fashionable clothes on along with the high stilettos that I have finally mastered to walk in you just didn’t seem to fit in. I let out a loud yawn and made my way downstairs. Richard was hovering over the countertop chopping away. “Good morning Jude did you have a good sleep?” smiled Richard. Well I did until that damn bird started screeching that’s what i wanted to say but I just nodded and sat down at the table. “I hope you like omelettes my speciality” he smirked.

He also had a bowl of fruit placed on the table along with cereal some juice and pancakes with maple syrup. I didn’t know where to start. “I didn’t know what you liked so I found myself making all sorts” he laughed. “Oh it looks very tasty I just hope I can fit it all in my stomach” I laughed back. I grabbed a plate and offered Richard to join me for breakfast knowing how hungry he looked by the noises of his stomach and also because there was no way I could eat all that food. We talked about the weather and somehow we managed to get talking about golf one of Richards favourite hobbies.
“Jude” squeaked Lorna looking at me disgusted. “Do you dress like this normally I was expecting a bit more lady-like but I suppose you get this from your father” she tutted and sat down across from me. How dare she sometimes id love to give her a piece of my mind she could be so blunt sometimes. “Well I guess that’s a good thing” I spat back. “Oh don’t be so moody it doesn’t suit your pretty face my dear now we have a lot of things to do today, we will have to take a trip to the store the fridge is quiet empty” she looked up at Richard as if it was his fault.

“Richard there is a young gentleman named Henry waiting for you outside he said he’s hear to help you with the garden?” she said eying him carefully. “Yes m`am that would be the young chap from down the road that I hired to help me” Richard said wearily. “Well you best be on your way then shouldn’t you” “Yes m`am right away” smiled Richard as he got up and hurried away. I took a sip of my coffee afraid to make eye contact. “One other thing Jude I hired Richard as my butler he does not sit down with us at breakfast hes hear to work not too be apart of the family understood”. I nodded and forced a smile.
She could be so cruel sometimes my father was nothing like her he was the total opposite I don’t know how my mother thinks Lorna has a kind heart I have yet too see it. We sat in silence for a few minutes which seemed forever when Lorna eventually told me to get my jacket as we will be leaving for town now. I picked my warmest jacket it was a Juicy Couture jacket with a fur hoof and fur inside of the jacket.

Richard and Lorna were waiting in the car as I stepped outside. I hopped into the back and nearly jumped back out with shock. Across from me there was a brown haired guy with green eyes staring back at me. He had a fair complexion and was medium built with broad shoulders.
He grinned at me, I couldn’t help but smile back he had the nicest smile I had ever seen. “Hi” he said still looking at me. “Um hi” I said shakily. What was wrong with me why was I shaking its not as if I never seen a really good looking guy before but he was well he was gorgeous and I was not expecting this at all. “Henry this is Jude she will be staying with us for the summer, Jude this is Henry my helper” Teased Richard.
We both just smiled at each other and looked away. I was so embarrassed I looked dreadful and was so annoyed he had to see me like this. I secretly smiled looking out the window just seeing Henry made me feel more optimistic about staying here
Well thast a part of my story any feedback would be great as im thinking of scrapping this story and starting a new one :/:D also comments on how to improve my writing would be great as im not very good :( thank you .
© Copyright 2011 Hayls2011 (hayls2011 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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