Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1795166-Toyaoi
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1795166
Visiting a friend in Tokyo, Isaac succumbs to his urges
Isaac walked down the bustling street book-ended by towering walls of metal, glass and bright neon signs, nerves ablaze. The sights, smells and sounds of Tokyo nearly had him on sensory overload while he made the short walk from his hotel to the coffee shop where he was to meet his friend, Tatsurou. The air hung close and sticky in the Tokyo summer; further emphasizing the bustling congestion of this beautiful yet foreign city.

He was glad to see the small Starbucks; a familiar idea which seemed to be present all around the world. The cool air caressed his face and neck as he entered. Isaac glanced around the café until Tatsurou waved him over with a cheeky grin on his face. Tatsu wore his jet-black hair in a typical emo cut, short in the back and long in the front, almost completely covering his left eye. Isaac held back a small smile as he looked over the tight jeans clinging to Tatsu’s legs and how his black t-shirt proclaiming a band Isaac had never heard of hugged his sinewy frame almost like a second skin.

Isaac joined Tatsurou, but was unable to meet Tatsu’s friendly, yet mischievous, smile and looked away from him slightly. The sun glowed softly on Tatsu's pale skin and golden flecks lit up his jade green eyes, making almost anyone who looked into them swoon. His rose pink lips parted in a warm smile as he looked Isaac up and down.

Isaac finally mustered the courage to raise his moss green eyes to meet Tatsu's for a brief moment. Before his cheeks flushed and betrayed his excitement, Isaac put on a cool expression and ordered a coffee. Tatsu smirked as he looked over Isaac's broad frame, curly hair, casual fitting T-shirt and baggy jeans. Grinning, Tatsu leaned closer to Isaac and laughed quietly to himself as Isaac shivered slightly when he felt Tatsu's warm breath on his neck, before edging a little closer and whispering in Isaac's ear, "What do you say we get out of here and have a little fun?"

Isaac's breath caught in his throat for a brief moment as his mind spun like a carnival ride. Tatsu laughed quietly as he sat back in his chair and grinned at Isaac while awaiting his answer. Isaac leaned back in his chair and tried to appear casual as the waitress brought over their coffee and pastries. Tatsu smirked making no attempts to hide his gaze as he slowly looked Isaac over again. Tatsu always enjoyed teasing his friend and was truly enjoying teasing him face-to-face. Isaac ran his hand through his thick brown hair fighting to keep his expression blank as he tried to ignore the obvious effect Tatsu was having on him. Trying to bring his mind back to reality he asked, "What did you have in mind?"

Tatsu’s eyes lit up as a mischievous smirk worked its way across his angular face, "We're going to have some fun."

Isaac pursed his lips as he fidgeted in his seat; he wasn't sure what to think. His mind kept skipping over to the way the faded denim pressed against Tat's thighs and how his fringe fell just right so it framed his beautiful eyes. Tatsu watched Isaac closely as he casually sipped his coffee, his gaze didn't falter even for a moment; he was enjoying every second of discomfort his friend felt under his unwavering gaze, he loved being in control and drawing such attention from him.

The conversation picked up a little as they talked about recent music and favorite films. Isaac tried to be subtle as he watched the sun shine through the window make Tatsu's eyes dance as if they were their own entity. Every beam seemed to fall around Tatsu perfectly, highlighting each graceful movement his friend made. Once they'd finished, Isaac looked around for a waitress to pay. Tatsu reached a seemingly delicate, but surprisingly strong hand across the table onto Isaac's wrist leaning in close to him. Isaac frowned a little trying to maintain the façade of calm, cool aloofness. Tatsu whispered quietly in Isaac’s ear "Follow me. Don't make a fuss; just act casual."

Isaac frowned and moved to look at Tatsu's face, when he suddenly became very aware of just how close Tatsu’s soft pale skin was to his own. For a brief moment, Isaac almost acted on the urge to kiss him; instead, he looked down and tried not to smile. Tatsu laughed and leaned back in his chair, running his tongue over his lips as he watched Isaac’s expression as he tried to pretend that it never happened.

Tatsu gave a small nod and stood, Isaac followed suit, though he had a sinking feeling that he knew what Tatsu was up to. Tatsu turned and started to move towards the exit, checking over his shoulder to see if Isaac was still with him. Tatsu’s confidence made Isaac forget his inhibitions and he walked briskly behind Tatsu out of the coffee shop. They laughed as they ran away when a waitress shouted behind them.

When they were satisfied that they had lost the waitress, they stopped to rest on a bench in a quad. Tatsu ran his hand over Isaac's arm; he brushed his fingers over Isaac's hand with a feather-light touch. Isaac shivered slightly and moved his fingers to touch Tatsu's, he wasn't even fully aware of doing it. The movement was enough to make Tatsu grin darkly and move his hand over Isaac's back. Isaac pursed his lips and brushed it off, he intended on maintaining the appearance of aloof nonchalance for as long as he could. Tatsu knew he was in complete control of the situation, he knew exactly which little touches would get the reactions he desired from his friend. He loved teasing him, watching the faint blush of pink creep across his cheeks as his moss green eyes sparked and he tried to hide the pleasure he felt in it.

Tatsu nodded and gently guided Isaac to turn down a narrow alleyway. Isaac was completely lost as he had only been in Tokyo for a few hours. Tatsu waited until they were lost in the dense shadows between the towering buildings on either side of the alleyway. He pushed Isaac against the wall, pressing his body tight to his. Isaac tensed, he could feel his heart beginning to race and his breathing was becoming ragged. Isaac tried to push the great pleasure he felt from his mind, Tatsu was just a friend after all. However, Isaac couldn't help fantasizing about Tatsu’s wiry frame pressed close to his. He couldn’t ignore Tatsu's hot breath moving over his neck, giving him goose bumps. He couldn’t concentrate on anything other than the proximity of Tatsu’s lips to his own and how concealed this alleyway kept them. Isaac fleetingly thought of how much ‘fun’ they could have here.

Tatsu grinned, he could feel how torn his friend was, how badly he wanted everything but he was too shy to reach up and take it. He leaned in closer to Isaac, his lips only a fraction away from Isaac's. He held Isaac's gaze as he said "So, dear friend, how about some more adventurous fun?"

Isaac's breath caught in his throat, he felt his eyes go slightly wide as his mind raced over the delicious concepts it was creating. Tatsu grazed Isaac's neck with his teeth drawing a faint sigh from Isaac. He grinned once more and stepped back before striding away down the alleyway as if nothing had happened. Isaac groaned to himself, running his fingers through his hair to relieve some of his frustration; the close humid air felt even heavier than it had done before he had met Tatsu earlier. He tugged at the bottom of his T-shirt considering taking it off completely to get some relief from the heat and oppressive humidity. He muttered dejectedly to himself before he decided to jog and catch up with Tatsu, leaving the T-shirt on for now.

Tatsu paused at the corner of the alley looking back to be sure his friend had caught up. The cheeky grin was back on his face as he looked Isaac up and down licking his lips. Isaac, slightly flushed by the attention, stood next to him waiting for him to continue on. Tatsu laughed quietly to himself before striding back out onto the busy pavement heading purposefully towards a particularly brightly colored shop. Isaac stayed close to Tatsu as he was quite sure that he would easily get lost in this strange place amidst all the strange faces.

They walked into the welcome cool of the shop; it was full of sweet and unusual scented products in an array of brightly colored containers. Tatsu strode directly to a center shelf; Isaac got the impression that Tatsu knew exactly what he was looking for. Isaac paused next to him, eventually plucking up the courage to brush his hand over Tatsu's arm as he asked what on earth he was looking for. Tatsu pressed his leg against Isaac's playing up to the small show of bravery before saying in an excited tone "Bubble bath. C’mon, this’ll be fun!”

Isaac pushed the flurry of images that suddenly appeared from his mind, before raising an eyebrow questioningly. Tatsu grinned and shrugged while picking up a few bottles of bubble bath, encouraging Isaac to do the same. The petite little woman standing at the counter gave the boys a matronly stern look and asked them what they were up to. Tatsu simply wrapped his arm tight around Isaac's waist pulling him close and winked at the woman. She gave a coy giggle and nodded in understanding. Isaac bit his bottom lip, he knew Tatsu was just teasing him but he couldn't help the surge of electricity he felt as his friend suddenly held him close.

The cheeky grin remained on Tatsu's face as he kept his arm around Isaac and lead him back out onto the pavement. Isaac sighed and tried vainly to remain relaxed in his friend's embrace. He changed the topic in the hope of focusing his mind "You haven't told me what you've planned, Tatsu."

Tatsu looked at him running his hand down over Isaac's hip and over his buttocks while licking his lips. Isaac looked away trying his best not to blush. Tatsu led him away from the busy streets into a pedestrianized square. In front of them stood a large water feature carved from pure white glistening marble. The water cascaded from a shallow bowl on the top of a pedestal some 10 feet high down into the main pool below. The sides of the pool formed benches where people were sat reading their newspapers enjoying the sunshine during the few brief moments they had away from work. Isaac suddenly realized what Tatsu had planned and laughed to himself.

Tatsu strode up to the water feature and sat down on the edge, gesturing for Isaac to sit closer to him. Tatsu was thoroughly enjoying watching Isaac struggle to maintain his cool façade. Tatsu looked around them completely unsubtly before pulling out a couple of large bright orange bottles and handed one to Isaac. Isaac grinned and lowered the bottle down to the water opening it and pouring the thick orange fluid into the water. The bubbles soon began to form, the strong smell of peaches wafted up around them. They had to act quickly if they were going to do this properly. They poured another 2 bottles at a time each into the water. The bubbles quickly filled the lower bowl and then filtered up through the system gushing down with the waterfall.

There was a mix of horror and laughter as the bubbles overflowed and filled the water feature. The boys laughed like hyenas as the bubbles flowed out into the square. Grinning, Tatsu pushed an unsuspecting Isaac backwards into the water. The water was so cool that Isaac yelped in shock, but it felt so refreshing in the humid heat. However, Isaac was now soaking wet; he leaned forward and pulled a still-laughing Tatsu down into the water with him.

Isaac's mind flitted back to far less innocent thoughts as he saw how Tatsu’s already skin-tight T-shirt suctioned to his taught body now that it was soaking wet. He licked his lips before looking away. Isaac still didn't have the nerve to do anything about his feelings for his friend. Tatsu grinned and went to pull Isaac close to him but a shout rang out above the others. The boys turned to look as a number of people were pointing them out to the officers that had just arrived. Tatsu and Isaac jumped out of the water and ran as fast as they could through the alleys, slipping and sliding in and out of small stores and open eateries as they made their second escape of the day.

They finally stopped a few blocks away in an alley behind some shops panting and covered in mud. They both burst out laughing as they looked at each other, adrenaline still running high. A devilish grin graced Tatsu’s face and pushed Isaac up against the wall and pressed his body against Isaac's.; Tatsu laughed as Isaac gasped in surprise. He took Isaac's hands and held them against the wall above his head as he licked Isaac's neck from clavicle to jaw line before gently biting his lip. A soft moan escaped Isaac’s lips before he realized it was coming. Isaac was really beginning to heat up; Tatsurou had always had such an amazing effect on him. Even just chatting online was enough to wind the normally conservative Isaac up to the point of having to perpetually catch his breath. The first time Isaac had heard Tatsu’s voice on the phone, he was immensely glad that he was sitting as his knees had gone weak and the butterflies in his stomach nearly knocked him off balance. It had taken a tremendous amount of mental preparation on Isaac’s part every single day since the day they decided to meet face-to-face so that he didn’t turn completely to jelly upon seeing Tatsu in person. Now, as Tatsu was holding him against a wall in an alley, kissing him passionately, Isaac finally let go and allowed himself to be swept away.

Isaac’s blood was burning and fueling the fire in his loins. Isaac moaned into Tatsu’s mouth as he became fully erect and his erection pressed against Tatsu’s. Even Tatsu was starting to slowly lose his control over the moment. Tatsu was the first to break the embrace, eliciting a sigh from Isaac.

“Not here. Not for your first time. Let’s go back to your hotel and have some REAL fun.”

Isaac looked longingly at the bulge in the front of Tatsu’s jeans and wondered what it would be like to hold it, to have it in his mouth… Isaac shivered as more thoughts flooded his imagination. With a mix of anxiety and intense anticipation, Isaac followed a grinning Tatsu back to his hotel. Once there, it was Tatsu’s turn to follow Isaac back to his room. Isaac felt strangely empowered at the slight reversal as they crossed the lobby, but as soon as the elevator closed, Tatsu reasserted who was in charge by roughly grabbing the back of Isaac’s head and kissing him deeply. Just before the doors opened on the 23rd floor, Tatsu had taken Isaac’s left hand and rubbed it against the bulge in his jeans. Isaac could not recall ever having been so turned on in his life and hurried down the hall to his room with Tatsu close behind.

While Isaac fumbled for his card key, Tatsu noticed that there was a steam room and gym around the corner. Isaac opened the door and let Tatsu inside first. After shutting the door, Isaac moved to undress but Tatsu stopped him. “I just had the best idea!” They grabbed some bath robes and headed to the steam room. Isaac signed them in and they went to the locker room, stripped while admiring each other’s bodies, put on some towels, and Isaac dropped off their soiled clothes to be laundered on their way to the steam room. Upon entering, a man and a woman were leaving. The man advised them to stay away from one of the corners and finally Isaac and Tatsu were alone.

Tatsu motioned for Isaac to sit down and stood in front of him. Isaac looked expectantly up at Tatsu, occasionally glancing at newly forming bulge in Tatsu’s towel. “You know what you want. Reach out and take it.” Isaac swallowed hard and tentatively reached a hand towards Tatsu’s towel. The bulge was more prominent now and Isaac’s mouth began to water. He reached the towel and after a fumbling moment, Tatsu’s fully erect member was pointing directly at Isaac’s face. Isaac noticed that it wasn’t as long or as thick as his own, but Tatsu had an impressive set of balls. Tatsu slightly thrust his hips, causing his cock to bounce up and down, bringing Isaac out of his trance. Isaac wrapped his hand around Tatsu’s cock and started stroking it. Tatsu sighed in approval and the first drops of precum formed at the eye. Curiosity got the better of Isaac and he leaned forward and licked it. It was sweet. Isaac kept his face close to Tatsu’s groin and held his cock against his stomach so he could marvel at Tatsu’s heavy balls. Tatsu thrust his hips again and Isaac took a deep breath and sucked Tatsu’s left ball into his mouth. Tatsu gasped and pulled Isaac’s face closer against him. Isaac groaned lustily at the way Tatsu was handling him, giving Tatsu even more pleasure. Tatsu pulled Isaac’s head away until his dick flopped onto his cheek; Tatsu then turned Isaac’s head and began pulling him closer again. Isaac opened his mouth and took Tatsu’s cock to the base. It felt like sucking on a smooth finger. Tatsu held Isaac’s head close for a few moments and then slowly started fucking his face. Each time Tatsu put his entire length into Isaac’s mouth, his balls would bounce against Isaac’s chin. Isaac was getting more turned on with each passing moment and had removed his own towel, letting his cock bob in time with his ministrations of Tatsu’s. After a few short minutes, Tatsu pulled his cock from Isaac’s mouth and jerked a huge load all over Isaac’s face and chest. Isaac had never seen so much cum outside of a porn movie and jerked himself off to his own powerful orgasm.

After regaining their breath, they both decided to hit the showers before going back to Isaac’s room. Due to the late hour, they had the showers to themselves as well. Out of habit, Isaac moved to a shower that positioned his back to Tatsu. Tatsu grinned as he washed the debris away from the afternoon and soaped up his hardening cock while he watched Isaac clean himself off. Not wanting to wait anymore, Tatsu quietly padded behind Isaac and slid his slick cock right into Isaac’s unsuspecting ass as he reached around and started stroking his much larger cock. Isaac was so surprised he almost came immediately. Once he became accustomed to the pressure of Tatsu’s dick in his ass, Isaac began to thoroughly enjoy the treatment and braced himself against the shower wall to give Tatsu a better angle. Tatsu released Isaac’s cock and held onto his hips so he could fuck his friend for all he was worth. Tatsu was proud of Isaac and his ability to ‘take it like a pro’. Tatsu positioned the shower head so that the warm water cascaded onto both of them as they fucked.  Isaac reached between his legs so he could fondle Tatsu’s mighty balls as they slapped into his own. Suddenly, Tatsu stiffened and Isaac pulled on his friend’s sack as he unleashed another huge load right up into his bowels. The feeling of Tatsu’s seed splashing against his insides drove Isaac wild with pleasure.

When he was finally done filling his friend up with his sperm, Tatsu panted, and walked over to the soap dispenser where he loaded up and then walked over to the benches in the changing area. As he kneeled down, he motioned for Isaac to follow. “You’ve got the biggest dick I’ve ever seen in person. I want you to fuck me with it.” With that, Tatsu took some of the soap and rubbed it on Isaac’s throbbing flesh and the rest he massaged on and into his ass for lube. “Don’t be gentle, just give me that fucking cock. NOW!” As Tatsu screamed, Isaac plunged the length of his cock deep into Tatsu. “Fuck! Yes! C’mon, fuck me with it!” Without another word, Isaac fucked his friend for all he was worth, the sounds of their slapping flesh echoed off the walls almost as loud as Tatsu’s lewd screams and groans. The feeling of Tatsu’s tight ass gripping and milking Isaac’s cock was almost too much to bear and Isaac found himself on the verge of another powerful orgasm. Isaac redoubled his hold on Tatsu’s waist and after several more deep and powerful strokes; Isaac was dumping his load into his friend’s ass. His cock made a ‘pop’ as it deflated and fell from Tatsu’s gaping hole and was followed by a few strands of cum which puddled on the floor between Tatsu’s knees.

When he finally came to his senses, Tatsu looked at Isaac and told him that they would not be leaving the hotel until it was time for Isaac to go back home. Isaac looked up at his friend, his cock still in his mouth and smiled.
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