Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1796674-A-Real-Teenage-Love
by RayRay
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1796674
This is a story about teenage love and the trials and tribulations it goes through
We had walked around town all day hand in hand. It was amazing. He was a complete gentleman the whole time. Who says chivilry is dead? He held open doors for me, pulled my chair out, and he always respected me as a woman. Even though it is hard to resist his soft lips we havent even kissed yet. I looked into his deep brown eyes as our conversation continued to flow beautifly. I couldnt remember the last time my laugh was this genuine.
Later, as we walked up and down the beach with our shoes off and our hands perfectly intertwined, I was lost in my deep thinking. All of this was going to end soon. He was going to college in the fall and I was going to stay here and finish my last year of high school. My prince charming was riding off into the sunset without me. I felt my eyes water just thinking of the lonely days and nights without him. I soon feel his concerned gaze fall upon me. I look towards the waves crashing down on the sand leaving behind sediments. I dont want him to remember me like this. An emotional trainwreck isnt a good label to leave with him.
"Whats on your mind?" his smooth voice whispered in my ear. His breath on my ear put chills down my spine as his lips meet with my left temple. I turn to him and take mental pictures of his flawless physique to save for the moments im going to miss him.
"This is all going to end soon." I look down as a single tear runs down my nose dropping down to the sand at our feet. Silence takes over for a moment as I look back up to see his face. He looked overcome with emotions. Was this it? Was he going to dump me right here, right now? I knew this would happen soon but please God not now. I need him. I need his understanding, his listening ear, his protecting arms around me, I need him forever and always. I pushed all feelings aside and i braced myself for the goodbye i expected to escape his lips. But instead he blinks and looks towards his car just up the beach. "I should get you home. Its getting late."
Surprised by his answer I simply nod as he lightly squeezes my hand and smiles his brilliant smile. We walk back to his car the way we walked all day. Hand in hand like nothing had just happened. As we drove to my house we stayed silent. I was now regretting what I had said earlier. I just looked out the passenger window and let tears escape my eyes. As we pulled up to my drive way it started pouring rain. Was God trying to tell me something? I know storms cant mean anything good. I get out of his car before he can look at me. I make sure I slam the door to let him know that Im upset. Im walking up towards my house when i hear him close his car door and follow me. Before he can say or do anything I quickly spin around to face him. The emotions in me took over.
"Come on Joe just call it off already! We were kidding ourseves the whole time! Your leaving in a week to go to university! I know what love looks like as its falling apart. I watched my parents drift apart and divorce. It killed me inside just like it is now!" I scream to him over the loud sounds of the storm getting more intense. Or was that my racing heart? "I cant..." I pause as the rain drenches the both of us. "I cant go on knowing that we cant stay together." I quietly sob trying to gain enough energy to look up at him. With the slight lift of my head he runs over to me and pulls me into a tight embrace. I let him cradle me in his chest like a scared little kid as I cry even more. "I knew it was too good to be true" I whisper into his chest.
"Hey....dont talk like that." He releases me from our hug and cups my face in his hands. "We have something that nothing or no one can take away from us! I love you so much Skylee." And with those words he crashed his lips onto mine. Our lips danced perfectly together. I forgot about the world around us for those few perfect moments. As he pulled away he said the words I had always hoped for. "Im not going anywhere, love."
© Copyright 2011 RayRay (jbforever2177 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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