Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1807416-Warm-Wax
Rated: GC · Other · Adult · #1807416
A woman fulfills the sexual desires of her male best friend.

They had been friends for years and had even tried dating but it had always come back to friendship. However, through their years of truth or dare games and late night talks they knew each others secrets and desires quite well. Ara wasn't sure whether Michael had sexual thoughts about her but she reasoned that he must. After all, they had dated numerous times and had always been close. All she knew for sure was that she longed to be the first person to fulfill his fantasies. One in particular lay heavily on her mind. He had mentioned it in one of their games of Truth and his words had brought on a fierce longing. She had merely been too timid to try it before but now threw her doubts away. She was ready to be a new woman. One filled with confidence and sexual prowess.

She looked down on the items she had gathered and went through a mental checklist. Scissors, silk ties, blindfold, note, ski mask, candles, and matches. What was she forgetting? Oh yes! Body oil. When she was sure everything was in place she gathered her items into her pack and hoisted it onto her shoulder, ready to set the plan in motion. After all, everybody should get something special on their birthday.


He rubbed his eyes in an effort to wipe away his exhaustion. Another year of life stuck in the same rut. His phone buzzed against his leg and he wearily reached into his pocket to take it out. It was undoubtedly another happy birthday wish. They'd been clogging up his phone all day. He looked at the name and smiled. It was another text message, but from Arabelle this time. She was one of his best friends, if you could call her that. At times he wished it was more, but he'd take what he could get. He slid open his phone to read:

Happy birthday Michaelangelo!!!

*Heart* Ara

He smiled at the pet name she used for him. He felt his mood lighten and sent a quick response.

Do I get to see you today? It is my birthday after all. :)

He sat waiting for her reply. She was normally prompt in her responses. He waited for a moment then moved to put his phone back to his pocket when it buzzed.

No... but I'll see you. xD

He paused at the words trying to decipher what she might mean. Puzzled he put the phone back into his pocket and mulled over her words as he got in his car to drive home.


She lowered the bag to the ground and took out the note she had prepared. With a cursory glance around the room she decided that the computer desk would be the best spot. She kicked some of Michael's clothes out of her way and maneuvered around the mess to reach the desk. She shook her head to herself in amusement. After all the year's they'd been friends you would think he would clean his room at least once yet she had never seen it in a state other than chaos. She placed the note in a folded tent position so that the word Michael glared out into the room.

She turned on her heel and caught sight of herself in the full-length mirror propped against the wall. She felt sneaky and seductive in the black jeans and snug black turtleneck. She quickly pinned up her long black hair into a bun and reached down to pull a ski mask from her pack. She pulled it on over her head and laughed aloud. The scary robber look was lost on her curves and assets. It looked almost comical but she decided that it was necessary, just in case he got a glance of her. She turned and reached down to retrieve the blindfold from her pack. Setting it down beside the note she turned to survey the room once more. This would not do, she thought to herself noting the massive clutter. She looked at the clock on the nightstand and decided she had enough time for a quick cleanup. Most of it was clothes so she just threw those into the hamper, not doubt they were dirty. She straightened the bed and took out the candles. No reason not to go ahead and light them. She positioned two of them by the note to draw more attention and the third beside the bed. As she lit the third candle she heard the front door open and retreated to the closet just in time. Let the game begin.


He walked into the front door and dropped his keys on the counter. He was so glad to be home but the quiet house was somewhat suffocating. With a sigh he trudged toward his bedroom to strip to boxers like he did everyday. However, when he entered the room the cleanliness shocked him. Plus the faint lavender scent of candles. He stopped in the doorway in confusion and took in the change. What in the hell was going on? His gaze was drawn to the note with his name in large cursive letters. He walked to the note cautiously glancing around for any signs of trickery. All was silent so he picked up the note and opened it to read:

Happy birthday Michael.

All will be revealed when you put on the blindfold.

He looked down and sure enough there was a blindfold. Weighing his options he thought it couldn't be something bad, right? After all whoever had done this had cleaned his room. He chuckled to himself at that last thought and decided he was ready to be surprised. He found the blindfold to be soft, silky and impossible to see through. He placed it in front of his eyes and tied the back securely. He stood there for a minute then tossed his hands up.

"Hello?" he asked, "Is this it?" At his words he heard his closet open and steps muted by the carpet work toward him. His pulse quickened and he was beginning to question his decision when the lightest of touches skimmed over his back. He stiffened and waited patiently for what was to follow. Soft, feminine hands grazed his neck, then tested the blindfold.

"Good enough?" he questioned jokingly. When he recieved no reply he ventured another, "Who are you?" An index finger smoothed itself over his lips. He felt the hand glide down his body and felt oddly aroused as she merely toured his chest. He found himself being pushed backward but was stopped by the bed which he fell back onto. Hands guided him to lay the right way and he moved without complaint. He was starting to feel comforted in this submissive role. He felt a silk tie being wrapped around his left wrist and tied to the bed post. Serenity washed over him as hands seemed to expertly tie his other hand, then his feet. Exposed and vulnerable in his new position, chills raced up his spine. Letting himself revel in the feel of being dominated, he relaxed and let a sigh escape. Images flashed before his mind and what could happen and he felt himself begin to harden. Embarrassment washed over him and he tried to think other thoughts but found it near impossible. He could only pray that she wouldn't notice or that it was her intention. He fervently hoped this was her intention.


The ties seemed secure enough and she sat back to watch him for a moment. Left to his own devices she could see him grow more excited by the minute. With a salacious grin she pulled off the now useless ski mask and reached into her pack for the scissors. She only hoped that he didn't like the shirt he was wearing too much. She climbed on the bed and straddled his hips holding herself only inches above his growing erection. With deft movements she slid the scissors in place and begin to cut. His body stiffened beneath hers but to his credit he made not a peep. First cutting to the neckline and then each armhole she then pulled the shirt out from under his torso. His pale chest seemed to glow under the light of the candle by the bed and she spread her hands over his lean muscles. Soft and smooth she couldn't help but rake her nails over him. Not nearly strong enough to draw blood but it left red lines that swept over his chest rather artfully. He hissed between clenched teeth and rocked his hips up silently begging for contact. She grinned in silent glee and tossed the scissors to the floor. She leaned over him and picked up the purple candle on his nightstand. She tilted it to the left and let a drop splash onto her arm. Air hissed out between her clenched teeth and she lowered herself fully onto his excitement as pain and pleasure coursed through her veins. He gladly rubbed back against her until she lifted her hips once more, breaking their contact. She moved the candle to hover over the center of his chest and slightly tilted the jar letting the hot wax drip in a line down his chest. A shout escaped his lips as his back arched off the bed. She lowered herself back onto him and rubbed over his lengthy erection matching his pain with pleasure. She was awarded with a groan as he stretched his bonds in an attempt to reach her.


Oh god, he thought to himself. He never believed his fantasy would be brought to life and it was better than he could have dreamed. His body shuddered as she blew cool air on the fast drying wax. When her tongue smoothed over the slight burn and cracked the wax all he wanted was to bury himself inside her. But he knew she wasn't finished with him yet. He could hear her set the candle back on his nightstand and wanted to cry out victoriously when he felt her fingers begin to undo the fly on his jeans. He lifted his hips as she pulled down his pants which she left right under his butt. He felt his erection freed and knew that his boxers must be raised in a perfect tent. When he felt her lift her legs up and over to move off of him he found a whimper escape his lips. A throaty laugh teased him and he bucked against his restraints. When he found that freeing himself wasn't going to happen he stilled and worked to hear what she was doing. However, all he found that he could hear was her calm, relaxed breathing. It made his own sound even heavier in his ears.


She merely stood still as he thrashed then when he stilled. She wanted him anxious and needy. She let her gaze travel down his body and drank in the erotic site before her eyes. After a long five minutes passed she decided to gather one of the other candles. Warm to the touch it was full of hot, purple wax. Both candles in hand she moved to his side and lifted the candles directly over his chest. Tipping them ever so slightly she allowed the wax to pour onto his nipples. Excitement coursed through her nerves from his shout of surprise and his eager pelvic thrusts. Quickly setting aside one of the candles, she grabbed the waistband of his boxers and pulled them up and over his hard erection. Then she tipped the lone candle and let the wax trail down the center of his stomach towards his center before she righted the jar. His breath had become loud and panting and she set the candle on the nightstand and moved to her bag for the body oil.


Desire and terror had washed over him as she had grown so near to pouring hot wax onto his rigid phallus. The wax on his chest and stomach had hardened but was still warm on his body. His need had never been greater than this moment and he let a growl of impatience pass his lips. When he felt her return his hold on his release was almost lost when he felt the coarse denim of her jeans slide over his length. She slid into place over him and rubbed him tortuously. He rocked his hips up and moaned into the open air. He felt her bend over slightly and gasped when he felt her mouth on his nipple. His eyes rolled back as she nibbled and licked away the hardened wax. She repeated the same to his other nipple then followed the trail down his chest and stomach. As she went down further he held his breath in anticipation.


Teasing Michael had become the most fun she had ever had. As she trailed down his stomach removing the wax she felt his muscles tighten and his inhalation of breath. However, when the wax ended so did she, much to his obvious dismay. His release of air and the push of his hips into the air said it all. It seemed that his embarrassment had vanished and that he was exactly in the mindset she wanted him in. She moved off of him and the bed once more, and began to strip off her clothing. First she pulled off her turtleneck and unclasped her bra, letting them fall to the floor. Then came her jeans and panties. When she was completely nude she grabbed the body oil by the nightstand and poured it over herself, smoothing it over her entire body. She made sure to entirely soak her breasts and when she was done she admired the glow of her oil slicked body in the candlelight. Michael's groans and growls on the bed drew her back to him and she slowly, sensually slid herself over him.


He felt ready to scream when she left him and didn't know how much longer he could hold up to this torture. The rustling of clothes and movement to the side kept him somewhat appeased because he knew she was preparing something else. When he felt her naked oily skin slide over his he knew he would find release soon. She straddled him once more but her nude body and the slick oil made the experience new. As she leaned down and rubbed her bare breasts over his chest, he longed to be free of his bindings. He thrust his hard member between her slick legs but she moved to prevent him from entering her. He felt her mouth meet his and opened himself to her. She explored his mouth licking and nibbling all the while. She took his tongue into her own and lightly sucked it running her own tongue up and down it's length. The sensations seemed to be almost to much to bear for him but he marveled in how skillful she seemed.


She loved the taste of him and moaned against his open mouth. She knew her control was crumbling and longed to feel him deep inside her. Breaking the kiss she moved a hand down to guide him into her warm entrance. When she pushed herself fully on top of him she cried out and he gave an answering shout. She felt his hips buck up and felt him even deeper inside her. Shudders raced down her body as she ground her hips against his. Slowly she lifted herself up only to quickly thrust down on him again. They're wanton moans and pants filled the air as she rode him hard, bringing herself closer to completion. When climax hit she dug her nails into his chest and screamed.


He'd never felt anything so exquisite as her heat enveloped him and he struggled to make it last. He moved his hips in synchronization with hers but could feel his tentative hold loosen. When her nails raked his chest and her scream filled the air everything shattered and a mind numbing orgasm shook him. He threw his hips upwards and rode the waves of pleasure. When at last he had emptied himself he let himself sag back onto the bed and felt as boneless as a rag doll. He had just had the most incredible experience in his life and didn't even know her name. He felt her slide off of him and settle into his side making herself comfortable. Her warmth and presence became a lulling effect and he felt sleep begin to overcome him. The last thing he heard before he drifted off was her warm whisper in his ear, "Happy birthday Michaelangelo."
© Copyright 2011 EspritduLouve (espritdulouve at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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