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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Gothic · #1807935
This is a book that i started and really hope to get published.
As i walk to the firey gate’s of Hell, i wear nothing but a smile on my face. I pound on the gates as Satan welcom’s me to his world. He take’s my hand and leads me to his house. Once there he turns me and makes me a proposition. “Become mine, and i will return you to earth when i’m done with you.” I stare at him as confusion washes over my face. “What do you mean YOURS?” he smile’s as he whisper’s “my lover” his voice so velvety it’s intoxicating. My head spins as i feel myself falling but yet i don’t hit the floor. Satan catches me and carrie’s me to a bedroom where he than lays me down and leave’s.
I awake in a king size bed, i sit up and look around. The room is what i always wanted mine to look like, black walls, red velvet carpet, lit only with candle’s, a giant bed, and gothic themed. Yet i can’t remember how i got there. I jump out of the bed to find i have clothes on, but their not mine…While i stand there trying to remember where i am, the door starts to open. Startled i jump back in the bed and cover myself up. I listen for foot steps but hear nothing, when suddenly the cocver’s whip off me and i see a young mand standing there. ‘Who is this man?’ i ask myself. “Hello?” he asks “Uh” is all i can manage to get out. I am aw-struck when he lights some candle’s and i am able to see what he looks like. He walks towards me, shirtless with this smile that made my head swirl “Don’t pass out again” he chuckles as he looks at me. I sit up and reach for a glass next to the bed, i take a drink but am suprised to find its not water, but it quenched my thirst better than water ever did. I drink until my head stops spinning, than set the glass back. I turn to look at the man in the room with me, and find that he is sitting just feet away from me on the bed just staring at me. His face is so angelic yet there’s something about him that make’s me think that he’s not from heaven. His eye’s and hair are as black as coal, but his smile is so white and so perfect it makes me weak. I lock eye’s with him yet cant seem to look away. He smirks and softly chuckles to himself. “What?” I ask him wondering what was funny. The smirk leaves his face “Nothing, my father sent me to get you. Come he’s waiting for you.” I turn to get up and in the blink of an eye he is there helping me get out of bed.

He leads me down a long narrow hallway until it open’s up into what looked like a living room. There was an older man there but i could tell he was the young man’s father. The father motion’s his son to leave, than looks at me with an eery smile. “Did you sleep well?” the father asks me as he motions for us to sit down. I walk and sit next to him on the couch unsure of what to expect. The couch was rather long, the back looked like a coffin covered in black leather. I sat down and was suprised at how comfortable it was. After examining the couch i remember he had asked me a question, “um yes” i reply. “You don’t sound very convincing. Are you sure?” he asked, i looked around trying to see if i can triger any memory of where i am but have no success. “Where am i?” I ask him as i start to get up, he grabs my hand and pulls me back down on the couch. “Why you don’t remember babe? Your in hell” he says while he laughs. I smile at him, i decide i’d better lie just so i don’t piss whoever this freak is off. “Oh yah that’s right” i laugh “and you are?” i look away from him and notice his son in the kitchen staring over at us. He grabs my face and turns it to look into his eye’s. “Well i’m Satan of course, You really don’t remeber? Oh well we’ll have to work on that now won’t we.” Hearing this made me uneasy, his son must have been able to sense it, cause he walked over with some drinks for us. He looks at me than his father, and smiles “Dad you must remember when you do your seduction voice some girls can’t handle it. Remember the last girl you used it on?” Satan laughs an evil mischevious laugh “Oh man she about killed herself” satan smiles and laughs. Satan stop’s laughing and looks at me “But still if your going to be my lover you need to learn how to not pass out when i use my seductive voice.” His son goes from smile’s to tense, i can tell he’s gritting his teeth, yet when his father looks at him it seems as if his father doesn’t even notice. “YOUR WHAT?!” i shout, as everything finally sinks in, I’m almost disgusted by the thought, But i hold back from giving it away on my face. “my lover” he whisper’s with a smirk on his face. He stands up and motions his son to leave. He reaches out his hand and waits for mine, i place my hand in his and stand up. We begin to walk back down the long hallway i had just come from minute’s before. We walk toll we reach the very bedroom i had awaken in. I stand in the door way as Satan walks toward the bed, he turns and looks at me “Well? Are you coming?” he asks me, i stand there, i look behind me and see his son sitting on the couch staring at me, i turn my head back towards Satan but am startled to see he is standing inches from my face. He grab’s my arm and pulls me away from the door and slams it shut. He throws me on the bed and jumps on top of me, when suddenly he sits up on his knee’s, he stares at me ‘oh no can he see the fear in my eyes?’ i ask myself. He smiles, leans down and kisses me. He rips open my shirt and bite’s my neck, i freeze, he kisses down my chest, stopping when he finally get’s to my breasts, he rips off the sweats i had on, than his own. He looks at me, and spreads my legs apart,”NO!” i scream, i barely know this guy and he’s trying to have sex with me? He forces himself upon me, as i continue to scream…..

Hours go by, i stopped screaming after the first hour, the second hour consist of me trying to get him off, and the third consist of me trying to get out of the restraints he put me in. Hours go by, four, five, and i kayed there and cried, and finally hour five draws to an end. He finally gets off me and puts a pair of pants on “You better not be like tgis next time” he tells me as he walks over to me, i turn my face away from him, when suddenly i feel a sharp pain in my ribs, i lay there dazed i look down and see his fist still sitting on my ribs. He leave’s the room, with me still restrained. I hear arguing than the door open’s again only to reveal Satan’s son standing there, “She’s yours to do with what you want, I’ve had my fun for now.” Satan tells him. His son walks in and close’s the door, he stands there just staring at me. I close my eye’s and wait for him to do what his father had done, but he doesn’t. He is by my side ina flash and unties my restraints. He finish’s untieing my ankles and just stands at the bottom of the bed. I pull my legs up to my chest and pull the cover’s over me. He walks around the bottom of the bed and towards me, i scoot as far away from him as possible as tears start to fall down my face. “I’m not going to hurt you” he whisper’s. He sits down on the edge of the bed and just stare’s at me, with hurt in his eye’s. “I’m Aiden. I’m so sorry about my father” he tells me as he gets up. He walks into the closet and come’s back with clothes in his hands. He hands me a pair of grey baggy sweats and a white tank top. I grab the clothes and put them on as fast as i can. “I’m Kasheek” i whisper, Aiden looks at me and smile’s, i scoot closer to him to shake his hand, my hand touches his and i notice his skin is warm. I suddenly feel a wave of incredible pain, i double over screaming. “What?! What happened?!” Aiden asks me in panic, “Your father busted atleast 3 of my ribs” I say trying to Keep from screaming again. He disappears into what i assume is the bathroom and then he is back at my side, “Take this” he says as he hands me two little pills. I grab them and shove them in my mouth not worrying about what they could be. Within minute’s my body started to go numb “What did you givee me?” I slur. “A little something special i created myself. It numb’s your body and helps your body heal in less than 1 day” he tells me.
I lay there head spinning, body numb, Aiden sitting next to me, just watching me, He eye’s are so dark they almost look black, his hair is just as dark. His smile so white it reminds me of fresh snow. His voice, so intoxicating and soothing. I close my eye’s to stop the spinning, when i open my eye’s Aiden is gone. Yet i feel like someone is watching me. As i sit up i look over and see Aiden sitting on the couch in the corner of the room, i freeze unsure how to react. “You fell asleep” He tells me, “How long was i out?” I ask him. I start to stand up but my legs give out, before i can hit the floor Aiden is there holding me up. Our eye’s meet and i am trapped in his gaze. He lets go of me and steps back. “My father is waiting for you in the kitchen” he says before leaving the room. I walk into the bathroom for the first time since i’ve been there, i find a black leather corset,a pair of dark denim jeans and some black and crimson lace covered stilleto’s, and a small note on them, “For you my dear” There was no signature so i figured it was from Satan. So i put on the clothes, did my hair, put on some make up and headed to the kitchen.
“WOW” is the first thing i hear from Satan, he gets up and show’s me to my seat. “You look amazing, where did you find those?” I look at Satan confused, than i look at his son who is sitting infront of me, Aiden look’s at me with anticipation in his face, “I found them in the closet in my room” I tell Satan unsure of where they had actually come from. As we sit there waiting for our food, i look at Aiden who was already staring at me, startled i look away. “So Satan you said you want me to be your lover? What exactly does that include?” I ask deciding i might as well make him happy if i wanted ti stay alive. He smile’s, eye’s beaming with joy, “Well it include’s anything i want you to do. You are mine, and i may do what i wish to you and with you. That is if you can handle that.” He chuckles “The last lover i had couldn’t take it, she tried to leave so i had to kill her. We don’t want to have to kill you now do we?” I could tell the question is retorical so i smile “Well it all sounds great, I’ll gladly take your deal” i answer, i look up from my plate and look at Aiden, once again his jaw is clenched. “Wonderful, i am so glad, i would have hated to have had to kill you if you denied.” Satan replies. I snap to look at Satan, smiling i reach over and grab his hand, “I won’t let you down” I tell him, as worry and fear set in. “If you would excuse me i must use the little girls room, i will be right back” I say as i get up. I walk towards my room, letting the fear set in. I close the door and walk to the bathroom and let the tears fall.
© Copyright 2011 Natures_Divine_Nightmare (alice91 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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