Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1824337-Go-Away
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Rated: E · In & Out · Drama · #1824337
I am your voice
Go away, you cannot see her! She has no voice only tears. Only shadows fill her heart. For it is all used up and spent. She sits in a dark room, with her empty soul and tears alone. For she cannot be seen! She is an estranged soul. Now, GO AWAY!

The wind grew loud and the light grew bright. The wind is roaring like a mighty lion. Suddenly, a luminous voice can be the only words heard. For those with no voice, I am the voice! You may hold her captive, but you will hear her voice! For those with no voice, I am the voice! Those are NOT shadows that fill her heart. She has a heart full of love! Those are places to be filled. But yet you cast her to the side. For what, so nothing but empty shadows can roam her soul. So you can sit back in your pool of pity. You venomous soul sucking snake! YOU STAND DOWN! May your ears bleed with every tone of her voice! I am her voice! Those are not tears of cowardness, or evil. She is as mighty as the wings on my back. Her voice is one of power!

“Why?” you may ask, because she offers the greatest gift of LOVE!

Copyright Kim Cox

: Godsgrace Author IconMail Icon
: 11-07-11 @ 5:21am
: just a rough draft...new to site

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/handler/item_id/1824337-Go-Away