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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1824999
Petra joins Creedor and her Mother-In-law for dinner
The New Bride

“You can think what you want and say what you like MOTHER, but that girl is dangerous… “

“Are you schooling me on DANGER…. If you are, then save your breath. For half a century I’ve walked with the specter of it hanging over my head…”

“She was raised in the camp of our enemies… Her sympathies for the Confederation run deep…”

“A woman makes her bed in a house with her husband of her children.”

“She’s dangerous.”

“She’s a Simian. We’re sisters, a generation removed. “

“She’s a force…”

“ And I’m not?“

“She’s an incubator for Mercy sakes… Aren’t we moving a little fast with all this family crap?”

“Your life hangs by a thread. How many times have we faced treachery that all but succeeded? A wife, a child of yours is no different. How many times have I heard the wolf snarling at the door?”

“I defer to your judgment, as always…But I don’t trust her…”

“Then you better start treating her with all the respect and tenderness you can muster. Try becoming a devoted husband… and you can start now, she’s coming down the stairs.”

The butler stepped in and rang a small bell. “Lady Kratz…“

Petra walked into the dining room. It was a long mahogany table that could easily have seated sixty guests. At the far end sat Creedor and to the right his mother. Her husband stood, and moving to the left pulled out a chair and stood behind it. He inclined his head, bidding her take a seat.

“So happy you decided to join us My dear… Mariana tells me the two of you had a nice chat this afternoon.”

Petra took her seat and Creedor returned to the head of the table. “Is there anything in particular you’d like My Dear…?”

She ignored him.

“What are you having MOTHER?" she inquired, looking at Mariana…

Creedor winced.

“The Pork tenderloin is quite good.”

“I’ll have that," Petra replied, smiling at the butler.

“…So what did the two of you discuss..? Asked Creedor as he slipped into the edge of her mind, like a stiletto…

“Petra, set her lips and tried to resist, No! No! please not again…" She struggled in her seat, her face a mixture of pain and defiance

“Stop it ! CREED,” his mother snapped… “Eves dropping is rude and unacceptable at the dinner table.”

Petra’s head snapped forward hitting the place setting, cracking the bone china dinner plate. Creedor stood abruptly, face red and eyes steaming…“I’ve have matters to attend,” he muttered and throwing down his napkin stormed out of the dining room. Petra’s head was bleeding slightly and she looked up dazed. Gradually her mind began to clear.

“Thanks Mom,” she uttered and genuinely meant it.

Referring to me as “MOTHER” in that tone and ignoring him in that dismissive manner was a bit over the top, My Dear… He is after all your husband and you must try harder to keep up appearances. This is particularly important in the presence of others, particularly the servants. To all who watch, and the surveillance is constant, the three of us must appear as one. Me, the matriarch, and you, the devoted wife. Anything less is simply not good enough.

Petra struggled to control the fury that raged inside.

“And what about your SON?”

Please don’t refer to him in that manner again…. He’s your HUSBAND… Keep that in mind. It’s important.”

“How thoughtless of me, sorry…”

“Don’t be… Creed behaved poorly and this new arrangement will take a period of adjustment… Still, he's a good boy, even if you find that hard to believe right now. Very principled…plus…”

“Plus what?”

“There’s something about you that doesn’t sit well with him…”

“It wasn’t an ideal courtship…”

“Oh that…Of course not, and I know his treatment was perhaps insensitive and harsh, but there's something about you that is abrading…. Something inexplicable. Something I’ve never felt in him before.”

“He hates me mom. I tremble every time he comes around.”

“There there, I can assure you that things will settle down…”

“I hear you… but Mr. Kratz scares the shit out of me.”

“And that is something we’ll have to work on! Now try and enjoy your meal while we salvage what's left of the evening.”

“What else do you want to talk about?”

“Tell me what happened at Myrocenia.”

“That was a long time ago… but I remember it was awful, simply awful…That night there was a terrible struggle in the corridors outside the Nursery…”

“If it isn’t too upsetting go on…We never got the full story... except to learn the Crisis Action Plan failed.”

“The Golderns knew the children were about to be executed. The nailed the door shut to the kennel. There was carnage outside…Then Confederation troops showed up and pulled the boards off. Bedelia had us all huddled in the corner, and I was right there next to her, looking out. We were spitting and snarling, really getting revved up.”


“My Cousin… She’s really something. “

“Go on…”

“This Captain stepped in, hands held in contrition, just as Bedelia was about to rip his mind out… I was plugged in behind her with the rest and only at the last instant did she pull back on the juice. “

“Oh Dear….”

“Even so Captain Rogotelli got thrown back into the wall…He was really angry, but got things under control. “

“What then..”

“There was a hush…this eerie silence. Bedelia told him to step back and get out of the way. He had this goofy look, head cocked, his eyes filled with awe. She can have that effect on people.”

“I should say so…“

Then we filed outside… It was a real sad time… Two of the husbands were dead up the hall and Our Moms were laying sprawled out in front of the door. We went into mourning and there was a long line of Elves that joined us afterwards in the death song,… they shuffled past for hours tears streaming down their faces.”

“So what became of you?”

“We were divided up among the three tribes and the dwarves. I went to the Tristonians and became a beacon. When the Empire swept in to steal the Sword of Orwald,... you know the one we had discovered below the gorge? I was taken along with Cracious the king’s son. They brought me here and I got bonded to Creedor. “

“What happened to the Sword?”

“It was given to an elf named Morgolic and he fled with it.”

The door opened and Creedor returned, trying to appear casual.

“Forgive the distraction,” he said inclining his head to Mariana… “There was a matter hat required my attention.”

He stopped behind Petra and taking a diamond necklace from his pocket, placed it about her neck. “I apologize My Dear, for my ineptitude and bad manners.”

“Petra’s eyes were wide and she didn‘t respond well.

Thank you Darling, was all she could think to say…

He took a napkin dipped it in a water glass and dabbed the dried blood from her forehead.

“There! Much better," he said and took his seat once more. “I do hope you had a pleasant conversation while I was away…”

“It was most informative,” replied Mariana…“This wife of yours is an amazing woman… but then she’s a Simian…

“I would expect no less.”

Mariana stretched and put her gloves back on. Creedor stood and walked over pulling out her chair. She arose, looking pensively, smiling at Petra…

“I do hope you’ll be joining us for breakfast My Dear..“

“Yes, ma’am,” her daughter-in-law answered, getting to her feet.

Creedor took his mother's hand and placed it on his arm. He looked at Petra and their eyes locked… Sparks flew between them as he donned a pasty smile and escorted his Mariana into the Library.

When they were gone Petra dug into her meal. It was absolutely delicious. The serving girl stepped up and arranged the food platters about Petra’s plate. The Young Elf was ravenous and began spearing the roast pork and piling on the string beans and carrots. The wine was a sweet Chablis and she poured her water glass full. It was half an hour later when she finished, stuffed beyond belief. She belched and stood her belly full.

“Ahhem, ahem,” came a voice from the doorway. She turned and saw Hilda. She was dressed in a maid’s uniform that was a size too small. Her knees and thighs just didn’t seem to fit the image of a domestic servant. Petra began to giggle and Hilda hammed it up with an exaggerated curtsy.

“Is My Lady, ready fro her bath?” she asked grinning broadly.

“Lady Prissy Bottoms, at your disposal," Petra replied with a flair.

They both laughted and went upstairs.

In the Library Creedor sat drinking a brandy as his mother crocheted in front of the fire.

“I behaved badly,” said Creedor…

“You certainly did that…I hope you know that Petra will never carry a son to term if you continue with this obstinance.

“I’ll try hard to become a more dutiful husband… the role is new and that woman is a bitch… She’s been needling me all day… first at the wedding, correcting me in front of everybody and tonight with that “Mother” tone and smirk. She’s playing a winning hand and snapping the cards… She’s really pissing me off.

“You might as well get used to it… She’s no longer a wild animal you can keep locked up in a cage… she’s your wife and what you sew is what you reap.”

“WIFE! She’s no more a wife than I’m a husband… We should have left her a concubine…. But I listened to you…“

Mariana bit her lip and took a deep breath.

“That was a very nice gesture Dear, with the necklace… A first step towards a marriage that can only be described as a shipwreck.”

“Jeeze! “ Creedor flashed back, cringing at the recollection of Petra’s forehead crashing into the plate.

Mariana continued unruffled. “Trust me son, we are all going to need her help down the road…, and I despair that you’re ever going to rise to the challenge.”


She cut him off. “I see two paths converging in the future. The junction is not that far ahead…Are you listening, Oh Son of Mine?”

“I hear you Mother... I really do…” Creedor hung his head. “I really made a mess of things…”

“A disappointing first step… but nothing that can’t be repaired."

He muttered an explective, wringing his hands and hating himself.

Upstairs Petra frolicked in the tub…The Bath Matron from earlier in the day with her staff of maids, waited in attendance…Petra stood in the wash tub… Her body was awesome, and the effect of seeing it up close, sent a ripple of excitement through the air.

“Do Hilda next ,“she ordered playfully, “just like this morning…”

Hilda looked about self consciously… She was after all just another domestic servant.

“Strip naked Chubs and get those gorgeous gluts of yours into the water…”

The staff looked at one another in dismay as Hilda undressed. Her breasts were huge and sagging, and her buttocks were an axe handle broad. Her face was round, her cheeks chubby and her complexion dotted with pimples. As the she finished undressing her face was flushed with embarrassment. Petra stepped out as Hilda stepped up.

“You’re the best friend a girl ever had,” she proclaimed and slapped Hilda hard of the fanny. There was a resounding “SMACK!“ Then she skipped over to the rinse tub and vaulted into the water sending spray flying everywhere. A zestful happiness spread about the room and everyone felt the effect. The Young Simian was aglow and the joy of her mood was contagious and intoxicating. Petra belched loud and stomach effulent rose into hr throat. She swallowed got to enjoy the chablis all over again.
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