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Rated: GC · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1831665
A rumor of fake Summoners has reached the academy. Gloria must prove she's the real thing.
Gloria opens her eyes and sees nothing but a thick white fog surrounding her. She walks around trying to find her way out however she couldn't tell if she was even going the right way. She stops and closes her eyes to try and figure out how she got here. The last thing she remembers is going to bed. So this must be some sort of dream. Before she could think more of it a voice called out to her.


“Who’s there?” Gloria asked opening her eyes and looking around.

“You must find me.” The voice said.

“Who are you?”

"Gloria it's OK." The voice said.

"Where are you? How do you know my name?" Gloria asked.

“Gloria…it’s me.” Came a voice from directly behind Gloria.

Gloria froze on the spot. This voice was different than the one she heard a while ago. She easily recognized this voice. She turned around to see a woman standing behind her. A woman, Gloria knew well. She had long brown hair which falls directly down her back, gentle dark green eyes and a gentle smile to match. The only thing missing from what Gloria remembers was the hairband with the rainbow flower which Gloria herself now owns.

“A….Aleen?” she said slowly not believing her eyes.

The woman continues to smile and nods at Gloria.

“Surprised to see me?” Aleen asked. “I don't have much time however. I wanted to let you know that you are about to get into a tough battle."

“How do you know this?" Gloria asked.

“There is no time to explain that." Aleen said. "Right now, it's time for you to get up."

"Get up?" Gloria repeated looking confused. "What do you mean? Get up to where?"

"You know what I mean." Aleen said. "GET UP!"

Gloria woke up startled and quickly sat up to find herself face to face with Rose.

“Rose?” Gloria said surprisingly.

“About time.” Rose said. “I’ve been trying to wake you up for the past half-hour."

“I’m sorry.” Gloria said feeling a bit embarrassed. “I was having a dream, and I didn’t realize it was you actually talking to me. So that must have been your voice that called to me.”

“Well yeah, who else could it have been?” Rose asked. “We’re the only two in this dorm room.”

Gloria looked around the room as Rose walked over and began fixing up her own bed. The dorm room was small but it had enough room to fit the two beds and two big desks where students could study or do school work. A meter or more away from the beds where closets which held the students bags and other belongings. Gloria looked back over to Rose who was now opening her own closet and was trying to choose what to wear.

“Why did you call me Summoner?” Gloria asked.

“What are you talking about?” Rose asked peering around her closet door.

“Well if it was you I heard in my dream, you said ‘Summoner, you must find me.’ What’s that all about?”

“I never said anything like that.” Rose said pulling her shirt off to replace it with a fresh clean one. “You may be a Summoner but I know your name, so there is no point in me calling you by your class. Plus, ‘you must find me’? I’m right here, and there really isn’t any place to hide in this dorm so I don’t think I’d say that.”

“I guess you’re right.” Gloria said crossing her arms and legs thinking about it.

“Hey, don’t think too much about it.” Rose said stepping out from behind the closet door after she had gotten dressed. “It was only a dream.”

“Maybe so, but I'm pretty sure it was trying to tell me something.” Gloria said closing her eyes.

“Well you can wonder about it over breakfast.” Rose said. “Hurry up and get dressed or we won't have time to eat before getting your class schedule set up."

“Shit that’s right.” Gloria said jumping out of bed. “I start classes today. I’ll be just a few minutes”

After Gloria had gotten dressed, the girls made their way to the school’s cafeteria. Since they two of them spent the majority of the day yesterday in Aslan's office, Gloria never found the time to select what courses she wanted to take. As they walked through the halls, Gloria had gotten the feeling that all eyes were on her. The feeling had gotten worst when she got to the cafeteria. Everyone had stopped what they were doing just to get a look at Gloria who was trying her best to avoid making eye contact with any of them.

“Try to ignore everyone’s looks for now.” Rose said leading Gloria towards a long table filled with plates, cups and other dining utensils. “They’ll get used to the fact that there’s a Summoner at this school eventually.”

“How did that news get leaked out anyway?" Gloria asked sounding a bit annoyed.

“Duran probably." Rose said handing Gloria a plate. "He would have told the members of his group which would have spread the fact to the rest of the school."

"I've made an enemy already. That's just great." Gloria said.

"You've also made a bunch of fans, if that helps any." Rose said.

The two of them made their way to a long counter which held a variety of different breakfast foods on it. Rose and Gloria grabbed what they wanted and went to sit down at one of the tables in the cafeteria.

"What kind of fans are you talking about?" Gloria asked as she sat down.

"From what I've heard among the gossip in the halls, you have some fanboys who have fallen for you because of your looks, and then you have some fangirls who are admiring your strength." Rose said. "I've even gotten the stink eye from some of them because we share the same dorm room."

"So I have fans because I'm cute and strong. Not because I'm a Summoner?"

"Well I'm sure being a Summoner helps." Rose pointed out. "Actually, I've been meaning to ask about the hairband and flower."

"You like it?" Gloria asked adjusting her hairband a bit. "It's very important to me. I only take it off to bath and sleep."

"What kind of flower is that?" Rose asked. "I've never seen a rainbow colored one before."

"It's just a small sunflower." Gloria said. "I paid a Wizard to magically change it to the colors it is now he also put a spell on it to keep it from wilting."

"It suits you well. I would want one myself if I didn't like to wear hairbands." Rose said.

"I know what you mean. I had to get use to wearing this one." Gloria said.

"Why wear it if you don't like it?" Rose asked.

"Like I said this hairband is important to me." Gloria said with a sad smile. "I have a reason as to why I must wear it."

"I see..." Rose said feeling bad about asking.

"Anyway I have a question now." Gloria said before lowering her voice to a whisper. "Has anybody heard any news about Summoners?"

"News? Besides you being here, there is nothing else mentioned." Rose said after swallowing a piece of her egg. "What kind of news are you talking about?"

"Apparently there is a group of people going from town to town claiming they're Summoners." Gloria said quietly. "It's the reason I didn't say I was a Summoner immediately. I believed you would have thought of me as a fake."

"That's horrible. Why don't you track them down and teach them a lesson?" Rose asked.

"I would, but finding them is the problem." Gloria said. "Plus, I was instructed by the Head Bishop of the Grand Church not to tell anyone I was a Summoner. It would give too much away if I confronted them in public."

“True.” Rose said. “If you're lucky, we'll get a job that entails getting rid of them."

“Then it was the best decision to apply to this academy." Gloria said smiling. "No wonder the Head Bishop recommended it."

“On that note, you should fill this out." Rose said reaching into her bag and pulling out a piece of paper to hand it to Gloria.

“What is it?” Gloria asked taking the paper.

“It’s a form which lets you state what classes you would like to take.” Rose explained.

“How long will it take to get me into the classes I want?” Gloria asked looking over the paper.

“It just takes a matter of seconds.” Rose said. “Once you fill out that form and finish our breakfast, I’ll take you to the registration room where we can finalize your entry into this school.”

“Sounds great.” Gloria said. “You have a quill?”

Fifteen minutes later Rose led Gloria to the registration room. Gloria was still looking through the different classes she could take, unsure of which ones she wanted. Once they arrived at the registration room, Rose knocked on the door.

“Come in.” said a soft voice on the other side of the door.

“Hello Mrs. Ochala.” Rose said opening the door.

“Why hello there Rose.” Said a short wizard sitting at the desk in the middle of the room. “Please mind the mess. So many students trying to change from one class to another. I can barely keep up. What can I do for you?”

When Gloria entered the room, the first thing she noticed was the amount of paper scattered all over. The odd thing about these pieces of paper was the fact that they were all blank. Apart from that there were rows upon rows of filing cabinets and in the middle was the small wooden desk the Wizard sat in, which was also covered in paper.

“New student needs to get her class schedule made up.” Rose said pointing at Gloria.

Mrs. Ochala looks at Gloria then quickly stands up with a small gasp.

“Oh yes.” She said happily. “I knew you’d be here eventually. I’m Mrs. Ochala; I handle the registration for all students here at D.A.D.S. academy. It will bring me great pleasure to register you my dear.”

“Nice to meet you Mrs. Ochala.” Gloria said smiling. “Um...I’m supposed to give this form to you, right? But...uh...I'm having a hard time deciding on what classes to pick."

“That's ok dear. You take as much time as you need.” Mrs. Ochala said looking through the papers on her desk. “Now I know I had your application form here somewhere...aha! Here we are."

Mrs. Ochala picked up a familiar looking page. It was the application form that Gloria had filled out before. The same one that Aslan had when he asked if she wanted to change it so it would say she was a Summoner rather than a Healer.

"Now I know the Headmaster already asked but, are you sure you don't want to put down that you're a Summoner?" Mrs. Ochala asked.

"I'm sure." Gloria said nodding. "Despite the fact that the whole school knows; my existence is supposed to be kept secret so it's safer if the records state I'm a Healer."

"Alright then. It will only take a second to add you to our system." Mrs. Ochala said.

Mrs. Ochala places her hand down on the form and immediately the form glows. Gloria looks in amazement as the words on the form slide off the paper. Mrs. Ochala lifts her hand up and the words followed her hand like moths to flames.

“Whoa. That’s amazing!” Gloria said watching the words fly around in the air.

“This? Amazing? Nah.” Mrs. Ochala chuckled. “This is just a basic Wizard spell that was taught to first timers to help them keep their notes in order.”

“You’ll actually see it a lot.” Rose said. “With so many Wizards in training here, you see them flinging their notes in the air like it’s a damned competition.”

“Rose, please watch what you say in my office.” Mrs. Ochala said spinning the words around in circles before gently pushing them towards a filing cabinet.

“S-sorry Mrs. Ochala.” Rose said feeling embarrassed.

Mrs. Ochala opened a cabinet door and guided the words into it. Once the last word had found its way in she shut the cabinet and clapped her hands.

“There. Done.” She said. “You are now the first Summoner to be enrolled at this academy.”

“Too bad it's not really official.” Gloria said smiling a bit. “I thank you.”

“Nonsense. It was my pleasure.” Mrs. Ochala said opening another cabinet and pulling out another sheet of paper. “Here take this temporary schedule pass.”

“Temporary schedule pass?” Gloria repeated. “What’s that?”

“It’s a pass that allows you to enter any class that’s about to begin.” Rose said. “It’s usually given when your own schedule is being made or is being revised.”

“Any class? You mean I could take any class that I want no questions asked?” Gloria asked taking the sheet from Mrs. Ochala.

“The only question that will be asked is to see that pass.” Rose said. “It also prevents you from getting any homework for the time being too.

“I love this place already.” Gloria said hugging her pass.

“Don’t get too attached to it.” Mrs. Ochala said. “You’ll be getting your own schedule pretty soon and I’ll have to take the pass from you.”

“I can at least enjoy it for the day” Gloria said placing the pass in her robe pocket. “When should I come get my schedule?”

“Whenever you finish choosing what classes you would like to take just bring me that sheet and I’ll send your schedule up to your dorm room when it is ready.” Mrs. Ochala said. “I assume you and Rose are sharing a room. Correct?”

Both Gloria and Rose nod simultaneously then looked at each other and giggled at how silly they might have looked. Mrs. Ochala sighs

“I thought as much. You two seem to be good friends already.” She said. “You two had best run along now. Classes are about to start and you wouldn’t want to be late for one.”

“I wonder what class I should try first.” Gloria said turning towards the door.

“I think heading to TAP class would be a good choice for you.” Mrs. Ochala said opening the door for the girls to pass through.

“TAP class?” Gloria repeated looking at Rose. “What do we do in TAP class? The dishes?”

“Dishes? How’d you come up with...oh.” Rose said picturing the tap of a kitchen sink. “No, no. TAP stands for ‘Teams and Parties’. It’s pretty much a class where you learn about the value of teamwork.”

“Unless I’m mistaken, you have that class next. Don’t you Rose?” Mrs. Ochala said smiling.

“Oh so that’s what you’re playing at.” Rose said glaring at Mrs. Ochala a bit. “Keep the new student with me and not let her go off on her own to figure things out.”

“Well, you two get along so well.” Mrs. Ochala said. “I figured, since the incident with you and Mick, you would like the company.”

Rose froze on the spot blocking the doorway. Gloria looks confused but stays quiet not wanting to get involved in this conversation.

“Mrs. Ochala.” Rose said a little annoyed. “I respect you, being a member of the faculty and all, but if you don’t butt out of my personal life, I’ll report you to the Headmaster.”

“I’m sorry.” Mrs. Ochala said sounding a little afraid. “It’s just the last time I saw you this happy was…..”

“It doesn’t mean anything.” Rose said cutting off Mrs. Ochala’s sentence. “I’ve decided to move on in my life and I can find my own happiness without your help. Now if you excuse us, we have a class to get to. Come on Gloria.”

Rose stepped out of the room but Gloria stood on the spot. She looked at Mrs. Ochala who sighed and sat back down at her desk.

“Um…..Who's Mick?” Gloria asked quietly hopping Rose doesn't hear her.

“Maybe you should ask Rose about it.” Mrs. Ochala said. “I’ve already said too much and I don’t want to upset her any further.”

“I guess I’ll wait on that one then.” Gloria said. “I wouldn’t want to upset her even more myself.”

“Gloria?” Rose called out from outside the room. “If we don’t go now we’re going to be late for class.”

“Oh right. TAP class.” Gloria said running out the door. “Nice meeting you Mrs. Ochala. Thanks for everything.”

“No problem dear. Good luck in your classes.” Mrs. Ochala said closing the door behind Gloria with a wave of her hand. “Such a sweet girl. I hope those two get along well for a long time."

Gloria followed Rose through a series of hallways. With turn after turn she began to wonder if she’ll ever figure out how to navigate these halls on her own.

“So many rooms. So many halls, so many turns. I’m getting dizzy.” Gloria said

“You get used to it.” Rose said as she kept on walking.

Gloria could hear by the sound of her voice that Rose was still very upset about what Mrs. Ochala had said. Any thoughts about asking who Mick was had just left her as Rose opened a door to the outside and walked through.

“Why are we going outside?” Gloria asked. “Aren’t we supposed to go to TAP class?”

“Mr. Floran, the TAP teacher, wanted to meet everyone outside today.” Rose said. “He usually just gives boring lectures about how to be better teammates I guess this time he wants to put us to sleep outside.”

“Great first class being a boring one.” Gloria said. “Why’d Mrs. Ochala recommend the boring class?”

“You think you have it bad?” Rose said. “It’s not only boring to me, but HE’S in that class too.”

“He? You mean that Mick person that Mrs. Ochala mentioned?” Gloria asked since they were on the subject. “Is there something you don’t like about him?”

Rose quickly slammed her fist into the tree they were walking by. It was obvious she was aiming for the tree however she had almost hit Gloria square in the face.

“That! Is none of your business! Summoner!” Rose said angrily.

Gloria looked into Rose’s eyes and could see how furious she was. Gloria was scared seeing Rose like this, yet she could understand all the same.

“I...I’m sorry…..Rose.” Gloria said nervously. “I…..was just curious…..I...I...I didn’t mean to butt into your personal life.”

Rose sighed and pulled her fist away from the tree. She took a few steps away from Gloria shaking her head in the process.

“You didn't really want to talk about what had happened to your Sanctuary and we never forced you to.” Rose said. "Mick is the part of my life I don’t really want to talk about right now.”

“That’s all I wanted to know.” Gloria said smiling even though Rose couldn't see it. “I think I understand how you feel. I also have someone I hate so much that I’d lose control of my anger if he was ever mentioned.”

“Sorry about that." Rose said blushing slightly. "I guess I was kind of scary looking, huh?"

“Don't worry about it." Gloria said. “Now I know never to mention it again. How can I claim to be your friend if I don't avoid the things that make you tick?"

“Thanks." Rose said smiling at Gloria. "Now come on we're already late for class as it is."

Rose led Gloria past a big rock formation where a group of students and a teacher were waiting. They all turned their heads to look at Gloria when she arrived.

“Good of you to finally join us Rose. Maybe now I can start class if that's alright with you?” the teacher said.

“Ah, Mr. Floran!” Rose said. “I’m sorry I’m late I had to help the new student get set up.”

Rose pointed at Gloria who had gotten the feeling that Rose was avoiding trouble by putting everything on her. Mr. Floran simply shook his head.

“Yes, yes. I know what you were doing.” he said. “Word travels quickly through this school. She must be the ‘Summoner’ everyone is talking about.”

Gloria had gotten the feeling that Mr. Floran didn’t trust her. He wasn’t as happy or excited as the other members of the faculty were when they saw her, he was glaring at her the whole time he spoke, plus he made quotation mark gestures with his fingers when he said the word ‘Summoner'.

“Excuse me, Mr. Floran right?” she said. “Did I do something to offend you?"

“Well of course you did. You may have Rose and the Headmaster fooled but it’s obvious you’re a fake and a liar.” Said one of the other students.

The student who spoke stepped forward in front of the group of students that had already gathered outside. Gloria recognized him as one of the Warriors that was at the outside arena when she knocked that brute down yesterday. Rose made a sort of growl and was clenching her fists tight as if she was trying to hold back her anger. Gloria looked from Rose to the student making a guess as to what’s going on.

“Could this guy be Mick?” Gloria thought. “It has to be. Otherwise Rose wouldn’t be so angry and I can already see why she hates him.”

Mick smirked as he turned his head to look at Rose who immediately looked away from him. Gloria moved to the side to block Mick’s view of Rose.

“Fake and a liar? You think that I’m just pretending to be a Summoner just to get attention?” Gloria asked.

“Most of us heard about it from friends and family in those villages who fell for your trickery.” Mick said. “Mr. Floran and I went and warned the Headmaster, but apparently he didn’t listen.”

“Just listen to me carefully.” Gloria said. “The reason I was accepted into this academy was because I put down that I was a Healer on the application form. I knew I wouldn't be accepted if I had really put down that I was a Summoner."

“But as soon as you got accepted you wasted no time in claiming that you’re a Summoner.” Mick said. “Everyone knows what happened up at the Eastern tower.”

“She’s telling the truth.” Rose said. “You may have heard what happened up there but I saw what happened. I’ve seen her skills first hand."

“So what?” Mick said. “So she’s a skilled Mercenary. That doesn’t give her the right to claim she’s a Summoner.”

“You talked to Duran didn't you!?" Rose snapped. "He would have told you that she is no Mercenary."

“Duran said she only used a single weapon that he's never seen before. A weapon she created out of thin air. Sounds like a Mercenary to me.” Mick said.

"But Mercenary weapons are created out of pure magical energy." Gloria said. "My weapon was as real as his daggers were."

"That proves that you are in league with those fakes." Mick said pointing at Gloria. "They're weapons look real as well but when they cause damage it causes energy burns. The same kind of burn that a Mercenary causes with their weapons. The same kind of burn that was inflicted on Duran by you."

Gloria stayed silent. Usually Mercenaries wield energy weapons made of magical energy. This was the first time Gloria had heard that the fake Summoners were using real weapons that cause the same burns as an energy weapon. Plus the reason Duran had gotten those energy burns was because she fired a bullet of energy at him with her Gunblade. However since her Gunblade is the only one of its kind, she doubted anyone would believe her if she tried to explain. Rose turned to look at Gloria. It pained Gloria to see the doubt that was shown all over Rose's face.

"Is what he said true?" Rose asked. "Does the fake Summoners use real weapons that burn like energy weapons?"

"This was the first I've heard of it myself." Gloria said truthfully. "However, you saw exactly how Duran received those energy burns."

"It's true I did, but...that still doesn't prove that you aren't with those fakes." Rose said shaking her head. “Not that I don’t believe you, I’m just stating that’s what things look like at the moment.”

"There is no way for her to prove that she isn't." Mick said with a slight smirk.

“Actually there may be a way.” Said a familiar voice behind Rose and Gloria.

Everyone turned to see Headmaster Aslan walking towards the class. He seemed to have been listening in on the conversation for a while.

“Headmaster!?” Mr. Floran said surprised. “What can I do for you?”

“You can start by apologizing to this young lady.” Aslan said making a gesture towards Gloria with his hand. “Summoner or not, she is still a student at this school and you are still a teacher. Don’t make me change that.”

Mr. Floran didn't speak up again.. He knew the power Aslan had over him and wasn’t keen on seeing it being used. Aslan turned to Gloria and smiled.

“I’m sorry Gloria, but even though I believe what you say is true, I’m going to have to agree with what they are saying as well.” He said.

“I understand why.” Gloria said. “It seems the fakes use real weapons like I do and can inflict energy burns like I did to Duran. The evidence is against me here."

“That it is. However, like I said, there may be a way for you to prove that you're the real thing.” Aslan said.

“How? Even a first-hand explanation from the two who saw my skills didn't prove anything."

Aslan simply smiled as if asking Gloria to trust him. He looked over the heads of all the students at Mr. Floran who was pretending not to listen.

“Mr. Floran, If I’m not mistaken you were going to run the students through the dungeon today weren’t you?” Aslan asked.

“Why yes.” Mr. Floran said a bit surprised. “It was going to be a test to see if they actually listen to my lectures.”

“Very well then. Instead, how about we all go in together?" Aslan suggested.

"Together!? What will that accomplish? How will the students learn anything that way?" Mr. Floran asked angrily.

“You are right about that." Aslan said nodding. "Then how about everyone gathers into teams of three and goes through the dungeon as planned. Gloria, Rose and Mick, you three will wait until everyone else has entered the dungeon and will be the last team to enter."

“WHAT!?” Both Rose and Mick yelled simultaneously.

“Headmaster, I’m sorry, but I can’t work with him.” Rose said pointing at Mick.

“Why am I being dragged into this!?” Mick asked. “I’m not on a team with them. Nor do I want to be teamed up with a Healer and a faker."

“I know of the history between you two, and I find this is a great way to teach you that you’ll not always be teamed up with someone you like.” Aslan said. “That and I’m pretty sure Mr. Floran here could have spoken for himself earlier without your help. Mick.”

Mick swore under his breath as Aslan smiled and the turned to Gloria who had a look of confusion on her face.

“You look like you have some questions.” Aslan said to her.

“I don't get how this will prove anything." Gloria said. "The only people who will see my skills as we go through are these two. How does that prove things to everyone else?"

“I trust you Gloria. I allowed you to stay in my school even after I’ve heard about the fake Summoners.” Aslan said. “Now I ask that you trust me. You’ll see that there is a method to my madness.”

Gloria looked into Aslan’s eyes. He seemed confident that this would work. Gloria nodded showing that she understands and that she is willing to give it a try.

“Right then. Mr. Floran and I will be waiting at the end. Everyone wait here for ten minutes and then start heading in. Gloria, your team is to head in five minutes after everyone else has entered. Now remember to stay on your guard. We do not keep any demons in here, but this dungeon is home to many wild animals that will do anything to protect it. So choose your teams wisely." Aslan said to the whole class. "I wish you all good luck."

Gloria, Rose and Mick watched as Aslan and Mr. Floran walked into the dungeon. The rest of the students started talking amongst themselves. Some were excited to go in the dungeon others were nervous. Mick however turned around and started making his way back to the school.

“Where are you going?” Gloria asked him.

“I don’t have to take part in this.” Mick said not even turning his back. “I don’t care what the Headmaster thinks; it doesn’t have anything to do with me.”

“But he said we had to be a team. You’re just going to disobey just like that?”

“Yup. I’ll do a hundred detentions before I team up with a wanabe Healer and Summoner like you two.” Mick said still walking away.

“Why you…” Gloria said taking a step toward Mick but Rose held her back. “Rose?”

“Let him go. He’s not worth it.” Rose said. “Besides, I’d rather not be teamed up with him either.”


“Relax, the Headmaster will only growl at him for leaving us.” Rose said. “Let’s just focus on the task that he gave us.”

“Alright.” Gloria said turning her back on Mick. "So what is this dungeon anyway?"

“It's just a series of caves that the school uses every now and then to train its students. Rumour has it that this dungeon is the reason they had the academy built here in the first place." Rose explained.

"Don't you feel bad about having to kill the animals in here?" Gloria asked. "I mean they're just trying to protect their home."

"We don't actually kill them." Rose said. "This dungeon is still in the Life Barrier's radius. We sort of, knock them out instead."

"I still feel bad about it." Gloria said looking over at the dungeon entrance sadly.

"You ever kill anybody?" Rose asked suddenly.

"No. Never." Gloria said shaking her head. "I've wounded some people enough to stop them from fighting but I've never had to kill. Why do you ask?"

"Do you know what D.A.D.S. stands for?" Rose asked.

"The academy's name? I have wondered about it."

"It stands for Defense Against Demon Spawn." Rose said. "This academy focuses on training its students to fight against the demons that have been appearing more often. However, if the need arises, I guess you can say we're trained to go to war as well."

Gloria looked at Rose who was sadly staring at the ground. The other students had already started entering the dungeon causing the area to quiet down. Gloria gave Rose a worried smile.

"But, there hasn't been a war for centuries." She said. "Besides, everyone is more concerned about the demons than anything else."

"There hasn't been a war for so long because of the Summoners." Rose said. "Now that they're gone, who is stopping another war from starting up again?"

Gloria was speechless. Every other student had already entered the dungeon now. Her and Rose were the only two standing outside. Rose shook her head and forced a smile.

"Anyway, there is no time to be thinking of that. It's almost time for us to enter the dungeon." She said. "You ever been on a team before?"

“Several times……”Gloria said. “But it’s been with the same person every time.”

“I see. Alright then. Let’s make a plan first before we do this.” Rose said. “You OK with me being team leader?”

“Yup. I was never any good at being leader anyway.” Gloria said.

“Really? Well here’s how we’ll make our way through this dungeon.” Rose said picking up a stick and starting to draw in the dirt. “I’ve only seen you fight once so I can’t really judge what your skills are like at the moment, although from what I’ve seen of you so far, you've upstaged me in both combat and healing. That being said, I'd feel safer behind you. That way you can deal with anything that may come at us from the front and if need be you can also attack anything behind us with that Gunblade of yours."

“So pretty much, I do all the fighting..” Gloria said watching Rose make little stick men in the dirt and writing the letters ‘R’ and ‘G’ over them. "I suppose you are to be in charge of healing."

“Right, but I'll fight as well.” Rose said. “I’m not as good of a fighter as I was back when I was a Warrior, but I can still hold my own for a while. Next is how we'll be going through the dungeon. As I said before the Life Barrier is still in effect around here. So if we do encounter and wild animals and defeat them we must move on no matter how tired we are. If we stay to catch our breath we'll be caught fighting the same animals over and over again."

Gloria looks at Rose's drawing again and sees the G stick man was standing in front of the R stick man. She nodded to say that she understood everything up to this point.

“I got it.” she said. “Even though they're just animals, the Life Barrier makes it seem like we're fighting demons. Perfect practice."

“Exactly.” Rose said kicking the dirt around erasing her drawing.

“Awww, why’d you do that?” Gloria asked.

“There is no need to leave our plans just lying around for anyone to see.” Rose said.

“Eh? I would have thought it was so that nobody would see your horrible drawing.” Gloria said trying to contain her giggles.

“So I’m not a very good artist.” Rose said kicking the dirt faster. “That’s why I came here and not to an art school.”

“Right, right, let’s just get through this.” Gloria said gripping her staff. “The Headmaster is probably waiting at the end already.”

Gloria and Rose nodded and ran into the dungeon. At the first turn a few bats flew above them. The bats didn't seem to interested in fighting so the girls carried on. They traveled through a series of tunnels bumping into a few snakes and spiders which were easily dispatched. After about five minutes they found themselves in a big room branching off in four different directions.

“This place seems safe for now.” Gloria said. “We can rest here for a little.”

“Hey Gloria?” Rose asked sitting down on the floor. “I’ve noticed you are just using your staff when you fight this time. You’re a Summoner; shouldn’t you summon more weapons to fight with? Like that Gunblade for instance."

“Summoning a weapon uses some of my magical energy.” Gloria said. “Not only that but using those weapons special abilities uses energy too. I won't use another weapon unless I feel it's needed."

“Makes sense I guess.” Rose said. “You definitely have plenty of experience in fighting battles."

“I’ve been in a few too many.” Gloria said looking down each of the paths. “So which way should we go now?”

“Well we came out from the south path so that just leaves three paths to choose from.” Rose said standing up. “This dungeon is a small maze so it wouldn’t surprise me if one of these paths comes back here.”

“Sounds to me like this is your first time in here too.” Gloria said.

“It’s that obvious huh?” Rose said blushing.

“No wonder he told you to come with me.” Gloria said smiling. “Alright we’ll go west.”

“What? Why west?”

“Think about it.” Gloria said. “The correct path being north is just too plain and simple. Going west will help us in several ways. If it’s the right path it will take us to the end, if it’s not the right path it will either be a dead end or it will take us back to this room. If it is a dead end we’ll just come back and there will be only two paths to choose from. If it takes us back to this room then we’ll know which paths are wrong and which one is the right path.”

“But we could figure all that out by going east. So why choose west?” Rose asked.

“I just chose at random. Come on let’s not waste any more time.” Gloria said heading towards the west path.

Rose and Gloria walked down the path which was dimly lit. There were no wild animals in sight and they believed they could hear voices up ahead.

“Is that the end?” Gloria asked.

“It sounds like it. Lucky guess. Come on.” Rose said running ahead.

They ran out into a large stone room lit up by hundreds of torches. Unlike the rest of the dungeon, this room seemed to be man-made. Pillars stood on the sides holding up the ceiling and a big circle was drawn in the middle of the room. Gloria looked at the other end of the room and saw a giant statue of what looked like wolf walking on its hind legs, but it seem to have the balance of a human. At the foot of the statue stood Aslan along with Mr. Floran and the rest of the students.

“You made it.” Aslan said smiling. “Congratulations.”

“Where’s Mick?” Mr. Floran asked. “He was supposed to do the dungeon with you.”

“He walked away before we even started the dungeon.” Gloria said. “He didn’t feel he had to do this.”

“That boy…” Mr. Floran said placing a hand on his forehead. “This is how he deals with teaming up with someone he doesn’t like?”

“Calm down Tusdar.” Aslan said. “I already believed he was going to ditch them even before I told him to team up with the girls. We’ll talk to him later right now let’s focus on the here and now.”

“I don’t see how this proves anything Headmaster.” Mr. Floran said. “So she made it through the dungeon, so what? They all did. She’s not the first, and she won’t be the last.”

“Just be quiet and watch.” Aslan said. “Rose? Could you please step into the circle in the middle of the room?”

“Alright.” Rose said unsure as to what would happen.

Rose walked towards the circle and stepped into it. She stood there looking around waiting for something to happen.

“Nothing. Just like everyone else.” Aslan said. "As expected."

“Like everyone else? And what do you mean by 'as expected'?” Rose asked a little annoyed at the statement.

“I knew nothing would happen if you were to step into the circle. It was the same for everyone else here, myself included.” Aslan said. “Now please step out and come over here. Gloria? Your turn to step in the circle.”

Rose stepped out and walked over next to Aslan as Gloria walked towards the circle. Before she even made it to the circle a voice appeared causing her to stop in her tracks.

“You’re finally here.”

“Who was that?” Gloria thought. “That voice sounds familiar.”

“Yes, you remember my voice. That’s good.” The voice said.

“It knows what I’m thinking?

“Of course I know what you’re thinking. I’ve been calling out to your mind ever since I sensed your presence here at D.A.D.S. academy.”

“Calling out to my mind?” Gloria thought. “You must be the voice I heard in my dream.”

“Gloria? Is everything alright?” Aslan’s voice came.

Gloria realized that she had been standing in front of the circle for some time now. She nodded and took a few more steps and stood right in the middle……but nothing happened.

“Now this is interesting.” Aslan said. “Nothing happened when you stepped in the circle either. This means only one of two things. Either this room has nothing to do with Summoners as I was told it did, or…..”

“…..or she’s a fake.” Mr. Floran said grinning with satisfaction. “Looks like the truth is finally out.”

“But…..we still can’t know for sure right?” Rose asked. “I mean, the Headmaster said this room might not have anything to do with Summoners.”

“I’m afraid it’s not that easy Rose.” Aslan said. “You see, the reason the academy was built next to this dungeon was so that I could keep an eye on this place for the Summoners. Head Summoner Calden gave to order himself and supplied the funds to be able to build the academy."

"You mean that statue on the academy grounds is..." Rose started.

"Yes. It's of me and Head Summoner Calden." Aslan said. "My orders were to lead his son to this place when he was old enough, but they all disappeared before that could happen."

"So why lead Gloria here?" Rose asked.

"If what she said was true, then she is Head Summoner Calden's daughter. She does indeed have his eyes plus I do remember him saying he had a daughter by the name of Gloria." Aslan said. "However, this room doesn't seem to recognize her as a...wait what is she doing?

Gloria seemed to be speaking to herself, yet what she was saying wasn't making much sense. It seemed like some else was answering her.

“I heard you, but I didn’t know who you were, or where I should look.” Gloria said.

She paused for a second.

“Who are you?”

Another pause.

“Summoner Gloria. High Priestess of the Grand Church and daughter to Summoner Calden and Summoner Sanala.” she said as if introducing herself to someone.

She paused again.

“Challenge? What challenge?” Gloria asked.

She paused again before nodding.

“I know what you are now.” she said. “I accept your challenge.”

Just then the circle on the floor lit up and a circular beam of light shot out of it and touched the ceiling completely surrounding Gloria. Everyone jumped in surprise.

“What’s going on?” Rose asked.

“Looks like the circle has actually recognized Gloria as a Summoner.” Aslan said. “She was telling the truth.”

“And to think I almost doubted her.” Rose said sadly.

“This can’t be.” Mr. Floran said. “This must be some trick on her part.”

“We’ll just have to watch what happens.” Aslan said. “After all seeing is believing.”

Gloria backs up as the circle continues to glow. The wolf statue then starts to shake causing Aslan, Rose and the others to back away from it. The statue begins moving and slowly walks into the circle. Once it did, the statue began to crumble away and fly into the air. Now standing in the circle was a live version of the statue. The beast seemed old with its grey fur however it seemed well built and dangerous with its razor sharp claws and a jaw full of sharp teeth. The only thing that made it seem remotely human was the robe like pants it wore.

“What is that thing?” Mr. Floran asked.

“I’ve heard about these creatures.” Aslan said. “They’re said to be half man half beast. I believe they’re called Werewolves. However, I thought they went extinct long before the EverWar started."

“What was this one doing inside that statue?” Rose asked.

“Looks like he was waiting for a Summoner.” Aslan said. “And now he’s found one.”

“What!? Gloria! You have to get away from it!” Rose yelled out.

“So, you are Zakarn.” Gloria said smiling. “Who would have thought an Ospar like you would be hidden here?”

“Yes. I am the Ospar Zakarn, last of the Werewolf clan." The beast said. "I have been waiting for a Summoner for two decades."

“20 years huh? Sorry to inform you of this now, but every other Summoner disappeared 15 years ago." Gloria said.

“So you are the last of your kind as well." Zakarn said cracking his knuckles. "This will be a fight to remember then."

"I agree. I'm actually excited about it." Gloria said gripping her staff tightly.

“As am I." Zakarn said. "Now come. Show me your power as the Last Summoner."
© Copyright 2011 Cory Shaddick-Hoyt (lutus at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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