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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Fanfiction · #1837444
Yuuri and Wolfram find out everything from the elves. A mad man appears.
Disclaimer: I do not own KKM. I just love writing stories about them.

Chapter Five:

The little elf looked up at him. “Whoa, I didn’t realize that you would be so much bigger than me in the transformed state.” He looks down at his small hands. “I look like a child don’t I?”

“But of course you do. Is that how all elves look?” Shinou asks.

The girl elf looked deadly at Shinou. “Quiet down over there mischievous one. Why did you keep this a secret from them?” Yuuri looked over at Wolfram.

“What?” Wolfram asks wondering why Yuuri looked at her so intently. Yuuri points at the girl.

“She reminds me of you, Wolfram.” You can actually hear Wolfram growl in her throat as her face turns furious. Next thing you know you can see Wolfram pounced onto Yuuri. Cheri walked over to lean over the couple squirming on the ground.

“Wolf? You do realize that isn’t very lady like, ne?” Cheri asked then when they stopped to stare up at Cheri her cheeks flared up when she noticed where Yuuri’s hand stopped on her daughter. His hand stopped with a handful of Wolfram’s right breast. Yuuri looked into Wolfram’s eyes and they both blushed. Yuuri dropped his hand and looked down. Someone cleared his or her throat.

Yes we do need to get right down to it, don’t we?” Said the mini Yuuri. He floats up to look at both Yuuri and Wolfram. He stayed more inspecting Wolfram. This brought a jealous frown to Yuuri’s face and a fireball to the back of mini Yuuri’s. “Ow!” He said rubbing the fire out.

“Just because we have to be here doesn’t mean you can flirt with women!” The other said as her body looks as it is lit up with fire. Wolfram does her first girlish laugh but stops and puts a hand over her mouth and hides behind Yuuri while she blushes. Yuuri turns around to help and takes her into his arms.

“So I take it she is jealous like this beautiful one is, he?” Wolfram’s eyes shot open and she looked up into amused eyes. “Don’t worry. I have to little of time on my hands with this one to even think about that.” Wolfram says to her counterpart.

“Good.” She latches onto mini Yuuri.

“What is your names anyway? I think it would be awkward if we called you two mini Yuuri or mini Wolfram.” Yuuri said with a smirk on his lips.

“My name is Wyriel.” Said mini Wolfram bowing her head.

“And my name is Yosuke.” Bowing his head. “And now we will explain what the gift is.”

“Please do.” Yuuri said and since there was only one chair that is unoccupied Yuuri sits in it and places Wolfram in his lap. “Now let’s hear this story of yours. Oh and please do hurry up with it so that I can have my fiancée eat some breakfast when it is done? She has not eaten dinner last night. So I would love to keep her—“ Wolfram kicked his shin to shut him up. “Ow! Why’d you do that, Wolfram?”

“Well, you kept flapping your yap. Now hush up so that they can tell us what is going on? I don’t know if you do but I hate being alone in the dark.” Wolfram raised her hand to motion for the two elves to start talking. They both sat their little bodies on top of the desks cuddling together to make sure that they do not touch the paper work stacked there.

“Okay everyone. As you know there is always a sweet emotion called true love. Well since we have aided Shinou a long time ago or should I say he aided us?” He rubbed his chin deep in thought.

“I aided you when the dark elves attacked. A very short night if I do remember correctly.” Shinou said as he paced the desk. Murata besides him nodded.

“Yeah, that’s right. Well when he helped our first king defeat the dark elf queen our king decided to give your Mazoku Maou’s a gift. The gift does not work unless the Maou is experiencing true love.” Yuuri and Wolfram looked at each other then blush. “When they both are in love the elf king comes to share the experience with the Maou. The thing is that when we do have true love and come. We notice that we change when we do. You guys might not think that we do too, but we aren’t normally this size. The size that we are is your size.” He looks into Yuuri’s eyes. “Another thing. We aren’t the ones who initiate the change. You two are.”

“Hmm.” Wolfram rubs her chin. “Do you know what it is that we do to start it?”

“Well, the thing is that even if we did we cannot tell you. Because the gift is done in a way for us that it has to go through the process. And if you find out what actions cause it then you will stop the proceedings and that will unbalance you and make your lives shorter.”

“Okay.” Wolfram said deep in thought. Then it hit her as she thought of the times that it happened. She looked at Yuuri who noticed her stare at him. He smiles and kisses her forehead. Her cheeks flare up. I don’t mind changing as long as he loves me, Wolfram thinks.

“Are we finished here?” Wyriel asked.

“Hai, love. Anything that they would like to ask about all they have to do is come and ask me later.” Yosuke said as he stood on the desk. He turned to Yuuri. “Heika, if you wouldn’t mind could you have a room prepared for our extended stay?” Yuuri smiled and nodded. Wolfram seemed to be wilting before his eyes anyway.

“It will be done. If you wouldn’t mind would you excuse us for the evening?” He lifted Wolfram’s weight off of his lap and stood up. “Gunter, since it has been a long day for everyone, would you mind in bringing up a tray around dinner time?” He gently grabbed the exhausted Wolfram by her elbow.

“Hai, Heika, as you wish.” Gunter said as he bowed formally. Yuuri escorted Wolfram to their room as Gunter showed the guests to their room.

“So I take it that you don’t want me to let them know that Wolfram is pregnant, right?” Gisela asked, then she wished she had kept her mouth shut because she has forgotten about Cheri being in the room. Gwendal covered his eyes when Cheri’s face lit up.

“A baby? How cute!!” She said as her emerald eyes shined.


“Let’s get some sleep, Wolfram.” Yuuri said as he sat Wolfram down on the edge of the bed. He walks over to the cubberd and opened the top drawer. In the drawer was both Yuuri’s and Wolfram’s nightclothes. He walked over and set both sets of pajamas onto the bed. He turned and saw Wolfram about to fall asleep. His face broke out in a soft smile. He kneeled down and gently started unbuttoning Wolfram’s blue Jacket.

“Yuuri…” Wolfram said drowsily.

“Hai?” Still concentrating on getting Wolfram’s jacket off.

“Do I repulse you now that I am a woman?” Yuuri paused in the middle of taking the jacket off of the princess’ shoulders. His eyes wide in shock. Then they softened and looked into the others eyes.

“I realize what you must be feeling right now, Wolf. And now that I think of it the thing that comes to mind for me is that there is no difference to me if you’re a man or a woman.” His eyes shined up at her he grabs her chin in his hand to hold her steady so that the Maou could give his fiancée a kiss. When he felt the tears he pulled away and saw Wolfram’s lip quivering. “Ne, Wolf? What’s wrong?”

“Yuuri, I…” She stopped and her face turned a little green. “Oh, no…” She ran into the washroom that joined the royal chamber’s. Yuuri’s brow furrowed and he followed his fiancée into the room. When he saw that Wolfram was on her knees throwing up in the toilet he rushed over to hold her beautiful hair out of the way so that she doesn’t throw up in it. He rubbed Wolfram’s back up and down her slender spine until she was finished. He walked over to the sink and grabbed a cup and a cloth on the shelf right besides it. He filled the cup up with water and wet the cloth. He turned to see Wolfram have her face in her hands.

“Wolf, drink this.” He said as he held out the cup to her. Wolfram raised her head and looked into Yuuri’s eyes.

“Yuuri, why do I feel so pathetic right now?” She said with her eyes full of tears. “I feel so sick right now.” She grabbed the glass from him and swallowed the whole glass in desperate gulps. Her tears started pouring down her cheeks. Yuuri kneeled down and quickly grabbed her to his chest in a hug.

“Ne, Wolf?” Wolf pushed against his chest to look him in the eyes. “Are you unhappy?” Yuuri asked with a sad look on his face.

“No, Yuuri. In fact I’m really happy. It is just that I don’t know what your feelings for me are.” She said as another tear ran down her right cheek. Yuuri smiled softly at Wolfram. He cupped her face in his hands and looked deeply in Wolfram’s emerald eyes. His thumb wiped the warm tear off of her cheek.

“That’s the only thing besides this gift that has been going through my head. When I was in my world the only thing that I was thinking of is you. I was walking around trying to figure out the reason why I’m feeling this way about you. And then me and Murata got into an argument about you. I ran off hurt because he didn’t want me to confide in him. So I went to a cliff and stayed there for two days straight.” He looked down then linked his fingers with hers. “I saw the sunset twice and I really wanted you to be there and see it with me. I fell asleep on the second day. The dream that I had surprised me.” He stopped talking and as impatient as Wolfram always is she griped their fingers together and that brought his eyes to hers.

“And?” Wolfram said trying to coax Yuuri to tell her about what was in his dream.

“And in this dream I kissed you. I wasn’t forced nor was it an accident. I wanted to kiss you. And no you weren’t a girl in this dream. How I felt when I kissed you in the dream is how I feel when I kiss you everytime. It’s love, Wolf. I love you from the bottom of my heart. It has just taken me this long to actually notice exactly what I feel.” He brought her hand up so that he could kiss their linked fingers. “It was my plan on coming here the day after I found out but I ran into Murata and he decided to push me into the pond on the way home.” Wolfram’s face had a huge smile on it. They heard a lot of commotion out in the halls and Yuuri ran to see what’s happening. One of the soldiers turned to him and Wolfram saw them talk. The next minute the Maou’s spine stiffened, which made Wolfram, gets up to walk towards the other two. As he got closer the soldier ran off down the hallway.

“Yuuri, what is it? What happened?” Wolfram asked and touched him on the shoulder. Yuuri’s shoulder relaxed under her hand. He turned and the worried expression on his face made Wolfram’s brow furrow.

“Someone attacked a carriage of guest’s that were on the way to the castle. The carriage was almost destroyed but fortunately only the driver and one of the horses were killed.” His brows came down turning his eyes into a glare. “The question here is who did it?”

“Let’s go find out, Wimp.” Wolfram said as she pulled him along with her.

“Wolf, aren’t you still feeling sick?” Yuuri asked with a worried look on his face.

“I’m fine now Wimp. Now let’s go find out what happened.


“What a disaster.” The longhaired man said in his luxurious carriage. “You were only supposed to scare her and kill that fiancé of hers. I don’t want anyone in my way when I make her mine.”

“Sorry, sire.” Said the small red skinned man sitting on the sill of the window. “It looks like more reinforcements have arrived though.” He said as more horses appeared in their view. No one saw the carriage that is behind the damaged one. There is a maryoku spell put on it so that it is invisible to the eyes of others. They saw the riders when they neared.

“That’s the Maou?” The man inside the carriage asks. Another two spirits pop up on the sill. They gasped when they saw the double black. They looked at each other.

‘What are we going to do?’ The blue sent a telepathic message to the others. ‘He is our father.’ The red eyes widened with joy and tears shone in them. ‘No, don’t let the fool see anything. We cannot show anything until father notices us.’ He closed his eyes. ‘This fool. I can’t believe he found us in the tomb. He really thinks he can order us around? We were born from the legendary Maou. And now we have finally found our father after he has been reborn.’

‘Hush, Light. Before the fool thinks something is up. We will act later when Father notices that he is over here. Remember, this spell doesn’t last long from father’s eyes.’ They stared out at the group. Their eyes never leaving the figure of the Maou.

“By the way you three. Where is Dark, Grava, and Aero?” The king asks as he looks at them with an angry glance.

“They were fooling around earlier, Sire.” Nova said. ‘Why does my heart pound as I watch father. Then when the fool says something it beats an angry tone?’ He asks the others.

‘That is because you don’t like answering to a fool like him. Why can’t we ditch him already, Aero?’ Asked the one with black hair that is hiding with two others on the roof of the carriage.

‘That is because we needed him to find Father.’ Aero sent running hands through his white hair.

‘Should we weaken the spell so he will see us?’ Grava asked with a smile on her face as she smiled while watching their father.

‘No he will see us in good time.’ Light answered. He looked behind at the king. The king’s eyes lightened as he saw something pleasurable draw his attention. Light turned and saw what the king is looking at. The Maou lifted a beautiful blonde woman from the horse they came on.

‘Looks like we have a new mother.’ Aqua said with a smile on her face. Light looked closely at the blonde. Then he looked at the king. His smile turned into a frown as he saw the evil smirk on the king’s face.

‘No!’ He exclaimed. All the others stiffened when they hear the tone of it. This went unnoticed by the king, as his eyes stayed glued to the blonde. ‘He is going to go after her!’


The group all wore strained looks on their faces as they opened the carriage. Everyone gasped as they saw Elizabeth unconscious in there while a man covered her protecting her. He lifted his head and lifted grateful eyes to theirs. “Thank goodness you have arrived.” Then the demon fell unconscious.

“Hurry and get them out of there this instant.” Yuuri said as he took charge. Everyone was shocked at every command that came from the Maou. It was as if he has always been Maou. He moved aside as he watched Gisela and her men taking the couple to the castle. He heard a sound behind him. His shoulders stiffened while his ultra sensitive ears picked out the voices coming from a close distance. He turned toward the voices. Wolfram stepped away from Elizabeth’s gurney when she noticed Yuuri wasn’t following. She looked at his back and noticed how stiff it is. She opened her mouth to call out to him but he raised his hand to silence her. Her brow dipped as she glared at his back. He popped up four water dragons, which made her face go from angry to shock. He held up one finger and one of the dragons sprayed water toward the voices. It hit a barrier.

“I thought so.” He started walking slowly towards the barrier and lifted two fingers to make two dragons spray water. The barrier wavered a little. “I want to know who you are.” He held up three fingers and the barrier rippled like someone dropping a stone in a pond. “I won’t hurt you if you tell me but I cannot promise what I might do if you stay silent for too long.” He held four fingers up and then heard a shout.

“No, Father, don’t.” He stopped the dragons before they sprayed more water. A blue figure appeared before him. A beautiful girl with a blue hair and eyes that looked full of water. “We weren’t the ones at fault for hurting them, Father.” Wolfram’s mouth opened to protest and call Yuuri a cheater when the girl smiled at her. “You look beautiful today, Mother.”

“I suggest you start talking. I will ask later about why you are saying we are your parents. But we want to know what happened to Elizabeth.” Five others appeared. They part to show the carriage that the other king is hiding in.

“The one who caused the pair so much trouble is in the carriage, Father.” The red one said as he bowed his head. Yuuri started walking toward the carriage and didn’t notice that his dragons took on a solid form.


“Damn traitorous elementals. Thankfully I still have mine. Hard to believe that he made that many.” He raises his hand and a mini woman popped up into his hand. “Eve, you know what I want.”

“Hai, Heika. What about the other one?” She asks with a rough voice.

“I will have you come for her later on tonight. Just grab green eyes and hurry and get us out of here.” He says while he notices the water dragons taking on a solid form.

“Hai, Heika.” She disappears.

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