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Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1838450
Two friends that meet up again after several years and find themselves falling in love.
         Aubrey walked along the path that ran around pond in Willow Lake Park. She loved coming to the park and watching the ducks and swans swimming on the pond. It also allowed her the much needed time to empty her mind of her long days and of years past. Aubrey tried very hard not to think of the bitter divorce she had gone through two years ago. To this day Aubrey worked very hard at avoid Eddie at all costs. Though the divorce was over and done with, Eddie took great satisfaction in reminding her what a failure and cold woman she was. Aubrey reminded herself daily that she was not a failure, but it was not an easy thing to be sure of. She walked a little further until she reached a bench and sat down. She stretched her feet out in front of her and took a deep breath of the warm spring evening. Aubrey closed her eyes and tried to clear her mind and relax. She was thinking that now was a good time to break away from the protait studio she worked for and open her own place. The man she worked for was very quickly becoming a daily headache and was one pinch away from a black eye and a restraining order. She already had the place picked out and had the inheiritance from her grandmother as start up. She was so lost in thought that she didn't hear the man walking up to her until he spoke.          "Is this seat taken?"          Aubrey opened her eyes and could only stare in shock. Before her stood a man she had went to school with but hadn't seen in at least five years. The shock must have shown on her face because he chuckled then sat down beside her. Aubrey turned to look at him and could only smile.          "Rey, I must say this is quite a surprise. A pleasant one, but a surprise. How have you been?"          "I'm doing good, just moved back to town. How about you?"          "Wow, I don't even know where to begin to answer that question."          They sat in silence for awhile watching the swans float across the pond, both lost in their own thoughts. A soft breeze blew Aubrey's hair into her eyes and the scent of her honeysuckle shampoo straight to Rey's scenses. He inhaled deeply and was instantly taken back in time. He remembered the three brief months when he and Aubrey had dated. Everytime he smelled honeysuckle since those three wonderful months, he instantly thought of Aubrey. To Rey, Aubrey would always be the one that got away.          "Aubrey, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?"          Aubrey didn't answer right away. She thought about the time when they had dated and wondered what would have happened had she not went away to college and met Eddie. She had loved Rey then and still had feelings for him now. Maybe this would give them the chance to answer that question, if she allowed herself to believe in happiness again.          "I would love to have dinner with you, Rey. What do you have in mind?"          "My place, steak, baked potatoes, salad, wine and maybe some apple pie?"          Aubrey smiled and had only one question, "ice cream?"          Rey laughed and stood up. He looked down at Aubrey and held out his hand. That was all the answer she needed. Rey led Aubrey to his truck and opened the door for her before going around and getting behind the wheel. He started the truck but didn't immediately put it in gear. He turned to look at her and waited for her to say what he knew they were both thinking.          "I must say, Rey, this is a major step up from that truck you drove in highschool."          Rey just chuckled and put the truck in gear and headed for his house. It was true, the Dodge he drove now was a vast improvement from the beat up Chevy he once drove all those years ago. He was soon pulling onto a long drive that led up to a two story house with a wrap around porch and flowers bloomimg everywhere. Aubrey was once again shocked at what she saw. Rey had always talked about one day owning a house like this, and now he had it. He pulled up in front of the porch and got out to lead her into his home. Aubrey allowed him to lead her on a quick tour of the lower floor before winding up in the kitchen to help him cook dinner.          They moved together in the kitchen as if they had been doing it for years. As they cooked and then sat down to eat, they talked and laughed and caught each other up on their lives. by the end of the evening, it was as if the years they had been apart had just melted away. Since she had walked to the park from her little rental hose, Rey drove her home. There on Aubrey's small porch, beneath the light of a full moon and the scent of honeysuckle swirling around them, Rey pulled Aubrey into his embrace.          "We've both been through a lot, but I'm asking for a chance. I want a chance to see if what we started all those years ago is still there."          Aubrey looked deep into Rey's eyes and knew she wanted the same thing. She laid a hand on his cheek and whispered, "starting over".          Rey smiled and whispered, "starting over" then leaned down to kiss her. For both of them, the kiss was as sweet and electrifying now as it was that first time so many years ago. With just a look, without any words, this was the beginning of forever, this was starting over.

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