Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1838677-Hot-Shot-Chapters-29-32
by Julia
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1838677
Jennifer must tell Blake goodbye.
Chapter 29-Jennifer

“Look son, I owe you more than I can ever repay.” Jennifer’s father paced around her ruined apartment boxing up her few pitiful belongings. Blake stood in the doorway with his arms crossed his eyebrows pulled together in a scowl that made Jennifer flinch. “But you have to understand I’m taking her back to Ohio and until this trial is over you can’t see her or communicate with her.”

Jennifer held the box of toiletries she had just finished packing and stood in the bathroom doorway. Her gut was in a knot. She was exhausted from lack of sleep and she felt the dread of future heartache.

“Why is that exactly, sir?” Blake asked.

She watched Blake eyes following the movements of her father.

“Someone’s trying to kill her. We will have her in a safe house under constant guard but we can only keep her alive if her location is secret. That means no communication with the outside.”

“We love each other, I think I can keep her safe here.” Blake moved over to where Jennifer stood in the bathroom doorway. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her to him.

Jennifer felt her heart break a little. She knew this was not going to end well. Her father had been talking to the two of them since he got off the plane.

“I’m sorry, but let’s get real about this. It was a few dates.” Her father retorted.

“With all due respect you keep saying that, sir. It doesn’t change how we feel about each other.” Blake looked down at Jennifer and she felt a tear slip from the corner of her eye.

“I am not a callous man but you have to understand that my daughter’s safety outweighs any budding romance. She will be in Ohio until the trial. Follow it and if you still feel the same when this is all over you know where to find us.”

“Dad, I think we’ve got everything.” Jennifer placed her smaller box onto the larger box her father was holding. “If you’ll put these in the car I’ll be down in a minute.”

They both watched her father’s back recede down the stairway.

“You’re leaving.” Blake turned to face her, grief written on his face.

“Oh, come on. It isn’t like we are some star-crossed lovers, we are just two people who got the chance to rub up together and it felt nice.” She hoped her face reflected the nonchalance of her statement. Her heart ached in her chest. She was fighting to keep the tears at bay.

“What are you talking about?” He grabbed her arm and turned her toward him.

“It would never have worked in the long run. If you just look at it closely you’ll see. There are too many strikes against us.” She backed up a few steps and paced over to the table and chairs.

“Strikes, what strikes are you talking about?”

When she turned to confront him she was a little surprised because he had followed her and stood right behind her. She let anger sweep through her. If she kept up her ire the heartache would not overwhelm her. She spoke with the chill that gripped her heart.

“Any children of mine would be predisposed to alcholism. Strike one.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You are a social drinker; a glass of wine with dinner, a beer with your friends while you watch a game or a few drinks at a bar with a first date. My brothers live in constant fear that someday one of their kids is going to decided to sneak out just once and have a beer with his friends.”

“Surely just a couple of beers…”

“See you don’t get it. I watched my father carry my ten-year-old cousin out of our uncle’s house half starved and beaten to unconciousness. My aunt and uncle were what you would call mean drunks.”

“That would never happen…”

“You’re right because you can handle your liquor, I thinks that’s great but in my home and with my kids I will teach abstinence. I would never expect you to make that kind of sacrifice. Find a nice wine sipping girl.”

“I promise…”

“Don’t make me promises.” Icicles hung from each word.  She looked up into his eyes and she felt some of the frost melt. “You are such a handsome man and therein lies strike two. I don’t think I am the jealous type, but a life time of watching women ogle you…I’m not sure if I’m up to it.”

“I’m too handsome you’re using that to end this relationship. Are you insane?”

“No, right now I am feeling totally sane. Listen to me, Blake. All your life you’ve had women chasing after you, throwing themselves at you, falling into your arms. Then along comes a girl who sparks a little interest but instead of the same old scenario she makes you work for it, makes you give chase, you have to blackmail her for a few dates and then she pushes you away at every juncture. You actually get to feel the thrill of the chase, the triumph of breaking down her defenses one by one. On top of all of this you get to be her real life hero.”

“I’m not going to deny that it was a refreshing change from my other dating experiences but it was also terrifying, frustrating, humiliating and confusing. It has been an emotional roller coaster ride and I’ve loved every minute of it. A relationship built on adversity can have a stronger base.”

“It was a few dates like my dad said. In just a few months the people who are trying to kill me will hopefully be in jail. There is a very good chance that at the end of all this I will walk away with a criminal record. Strike Three. Blake, just forget about me. You live in New York City there are a million fish in the sea. There is no one who knows how to troll better than you. Find someone else.”

“There is no one else.” He growled.

“Blake, I’m just a short, rather plain, totally screwed up, girl. Take the things you like best about me and find them in another package. Go to weddings, which is how my sister met her husband, get involved with some community project, that’s how my parents met, take a vacation. I’m talking to a dating professional. Trust me you will find someone else.”

“There is no one else.”

“Don’t try to call me or contact me or my family do you understand?”


Nothing she said was getting through to him her greatest fear welled up inside her. He had to see reason he had to understand that it would destroy her if he was caught up and tainted by this. She grabbed two handfuls of his tshirt and pressed her forehead against his chest.

“Please, Blake, it will destroy me if one particle of this filth taints your life. Please, you have to let me go.”


She pushed away to stare up into his face.

“You impossible man! It’s over! Do understand me? Over!”

“Never, now shut up and let me kiss you goodbye.”

The world stopped, her heart stopped with this heartbreaking kiss. Soon her arms were wrapped around his neck as she tried to pull him closer. The taste of salt invaded the kiss as mingled tears coursed down their cheeks. Just as the world had been held in suspension it shuddered once again on its axis as a horn honked below.

“I will always love you,” he whispered in her ear before he let her go.

She pushed both hands against his chest before she ran down the stairs.

Chapter 30 – Blake

Love sucked. Why did he ever think he wanted to fall in love? The ache in chest immobilized him. He never wanted to feel another thing in his life if there was even the smallest chance he would ever have to go through this pain again. He closed his eyes and the memory of her washed over him; the sweetness of her lips, the clean light floral scent of her hair, the feel of her soft curves pressed against him. He drew his hands to his chest. She was made for him. She filled his arms like no other woman could. He pushed aside the pain of their parting and filled the ache in his chest with resolve.

He looked around at her apartment one last time. He pulled the few photos off the wall, grabbed the lone oven mitt hanging from the magnetic hook on the side of the fridge and pocketed her slightly singed cell phone which was peeking out from under the stove. The toe of his shoe knocked against a packing tube leaning against the far side of her couch. He chuckled as he unrolled the poster and saw his own face looking back at him. He knew who he would call first. His fellow conspirator would be her own mother.

He entered her number as he bounced down the stairs for the last time. The next time Jennifer came to New York he would make sure she would be living under his roof if not in his bed.

“Hello, Blake.”

“Mrs. Warren.” He stood outside his car.

“Have we thanked you properly for saving Jennifer’s life?”

“My reasons for saving her were purely selfish. I have come to realize I can’t live without your daughter.” He slipped into the driver’s seat deposited his treasure on the passenger seat and started the engine.

“Oh my.”

“I sent Mr. Warren and Jennifer off just now. They are headed your way. I have strict instruction not to make contact with Jen. I am hoping you will help me circumvent those orders.” He looked behind him as he pulled out into traffic.

“I’ll do whatever I can,” she said.

“You can’t breathe a word of this to Jen or Mr. Warren because they’ll try to stop us. Are you willing to do that? Lie to your husband?” He took the corner that would lead him to the bridge.

“Oh, I won’t lie to my husband, but I am very good at keeping secrets.”

“Good enough. I’ll be in contact.”

He pulled into his garage, gathered up his treasures and headed up the elevator to his loft. He spread the phone, oven mitt, picture tube and pictures across his kitchen counter. He turned on his computer and started the slide show of the pictures of their first date.

Next Blake called his security company to have them recommend a qualified PI. He needed someone to find out all they could about this Peter character and his whole operation. Blake had a sneaking suspicion that if Peter and his gang were trying to kill Jennifer then there must be money involved but he wasn’t sure how. He also wanted a man in Ohio tracking the movements of the Warrens to make sure they stayed safe.

Finally he called his sister for some moral support. He needed someone to tell him he was not in the same league as Monica as a stalker.

He hung up the phone with Nancy a little bit shaken. Monica had ramped up her game. She had called Blake’s sister and suggested that they get together for lunch identifying herself as Blake’s girlfriend. Nancy was upset and a little frightened. It was time to call his lawyer and get a restraining order.

His own motives became suspect. Jennifer loved him that was the difference. She may fight him every step of the way but it was because she wanted to protect him, to keep him untainted by her troubles. He wanted to talk to her, to hear her voice late into the night as they both became languid fighting sleep. He wanted to hear her laugh, to see her eyes light with excitement, to touch her silky skin and to press her to his heart. He wanted to start planning their future, their honeymoon, their wedding night. He felt his heart beating with such power that if felt as if it was trying to escape his chest. In love, he never understood that it could be such a powerful emotion, so overwhelming and all consuming. How do people recover from such feelings, fall out of love? It didn’t seem possible.

He was about to woo this woman like no woman had been wooed before. All in secret and from a distance.

Chapter 31-Jennifer

The trip back to Ohio was spent in a semi-somnolent state intermingled with bouts of silent tears. Jennifer’s father was wise enough to pass the trip in relative silence.

Her mother’s ebullient greeting was lost on Jennifer. She claimed exhaustion as she slipped out of her mother’s embrace to slog up the stairs to her room. The sight of her bright floral bed spread decorated with a mountain of purely pointless pillows sent a sharp a pain through her chest. The room reflected all the hopes and dreams of someone young and idealistic. A pendant from college hung above her nightstand. Her college diploma hung next to the framed letter of acceptance from Pryne Inc. She pulled the letter off the wall and threw it in the waste basket. The photo collage from her photo journalist class covered the space between her closet door and her dresser mirror. She touched the photos as she moved toward the window seat.

This had always been her oasis. She let the curtains loose from their tiebacks and was about to crawl onto the cushion, the space was just big enough for her to curl up in. A gentle tap sounded on her door.

“Can I come in, Jen?”

“Mom, I’m really tired.”

“Just for a minute.”

Jennifer walked across her room and opened the door. Her mother stood out in the hall with a tray of food balanced on one hand. Jen’s mom was a short, soft, comfortable woman with a knowing twinkle in her eye. 

“Your dad called while you were on the road and said I may have to tempt you to eat. I made all your favorites.”

Jennifer took the tray from her mother and walked it over to her desk. Homemade macaroni and cheese, home canned green beans, tossed salad with honey mustard dressing, Grandma Jensen’s crescent rolls and raspberry tarts.

“It all looks great, mom. You’re the best.”

“You’ll eat and we’ll talk.” Her mother sat on the edge of the bed.

“I’m just so tired.” Jen looked down at her sweet-faced mother willing her to leave.

“You’ll have time enough to sleep over at that safe house,” her mother said.

A groan escaped Jennifer as she sat down on her desk chair. Her stomach gave a tiny rumble as she looked at the tray of food. She took a forkful of mac-n-cheese and closed her eyes as she tasted the creamy goodness. She downed half of the glass of cold milk and then ate a bite of the green beans.

“Okay, I ate.”

“I’m so worried for you, Jennifer. How are you dealing with all of this?”

“I really haven’t let myself think about it too much. I’m afraid it will overwhelm me. Mom, how could I have been so totally blind when it came to Peter?”

Her mother reached forward and took Jennifer’s hands in hers.

“He is a professional liar. He is very good at what he does. He reads people and like a chameleon becomes what that person expects him to be. It serves his purposes. You were trusting and that’s not a crime.”

“But I don’t understand why he wants me dead. I don’t know anything that isn’t already on record at the FBI.” Jennifer pondered.

Jennifer’s mom came off the bed, knelt in front of Jen and pulled her daughter into her arms.

“I was so scared when your Dad threw down the phone after your line went dead and then he couldn’t get a hold of you. Those few minutes were terror for us both before Blake called. All I could think was you were safe and I wanted to kiss that boy for acting so quickly.”

“I can’t talk about it right now, please, Mom.” Jennifer said into her mother’s neck.

Her mother pulled back and looked her hard in the eyes.

“Then eat, your dad is sending someone to take you to the safe house in an hour.”

“I don’t get to spend one night here.”

“Your dad won’t risk it.”

Jennifer’s mother struggled to stand. Jennifer grabbed her mother’s hand before she left the room.

“I had such hopes, mom.”

“I know, sweetie.”

“It all turned to dust.”

“Endings are usually scary, beginnings are sad…”

Jennifer burst out laughing.

“Oh mom, I do love you, but you mixed up that movie line. ‘It’s beginnings are scary, endings are usually sad’.”

“But remember she said ‘you have to give hope a chance to float up’. You have a world of possibilities to choose from ahead of you. We’ll get through this and it will be a cautionary story we tell your kids someday. I promise, sweetie, you will get through this and perhaps that handsome firefighter will be waiting for you when you do.”

“I’m not pinning my hopes on it.”

Chapter 32-Blake

If Blake had been paying attention to the whispers at the Fire Station he would have realized that being compared to a grizzly bear just out of hibernation was one of the kinder things being said. He had been snapping at everyone who crossed his path since he arrived at six am.

He had gotten a full report last night from Mrs. Warren about Jennifer’s arrival and subsequent removal to the safe house. He was hurting because she was hurting and he wasn’t there for her. He wouldn’t be able to take any action until tomorrow and it was driving him crazy.

The weight room became the best outlet for his frustration. He was pounding out his third rep of curls when Lt came up to glower over him.

“What crawled up your butt, Hudson?” Lt demanded.

“Did I hurt someone’s tender feelings?” He laid the weights back in their brackets grabbed a towel to mop his face and arms.

“All anyone wants to know is if Jennifer is okay?”

“Lt, I pulled that girl out of an apartment fire just a few weeks ago and then again two nights ago. Someone is trying to kill that little slip of a girl. Her father has her locked away in a safe house in Toledo. She is scared and confused and I can’t get to her. I want to rip someone’s head off but that guy is in prison.” Blake twisted the towel in his hands to assuage his frustration. “Apparently his wife is just as deadly and still on the loose. So yes I’m a little testy.”

“What did that sweet little thing do that pissed off someone bad enough to want to kill her?”

“A con artist used her to get access to accounts at the company they were working at. He drained 20 million dollars before he split.”

“Holy shit.” Lt slapped his forehead.

“The only thing that would motivate these people to kill is money. Now I just have to figure why Jennifer’s death would mean a payoff for them.”

Lt reached over and patted Blake on the shoulder.

“We all want to help. I know there’s not much we can do but keep us in the loop.”

“Yes, sir.”

Lt walked toward the door of the workout room but turned at the last minute.

“Oh by the way, Randy wants to know if that brunette, what’s her name…..Monica, is still off limits?”

“You can tell him for me he’s welcome to her, but she’s trouble with a capital T.”

“They hooked up over at O’Malley’s.”

“Like I said, I wish him luck.”

Vincent was waiting for Blake when he got out of the shower. Vincent was not a small man but Blake topped him by three inches. They had come to this station together from Station 45 three years ago. Vin’s Italian ancestry showed in his dark complexion, dark beard shadow and thick brows.

“Hey are doing okay, man?” Vincent asked.

“Not my best day,” Blake replied.

“Sorry about Jen.”

“She’s safe that’s all that counts.”

“Still it sucks.”

“Big time.” Blake stood in front of his locker pulling out his clothes.

“I wanted to give you a heads up about something.”

“Shoot,” he said as he pulled his t-shirt over his head.

“I don’t want to add to your troubles, but a few days ago that Monica chick hits me up at O’Malley’s.”

“She and I are history, Vin. So you don’t have to worry about stepping on my toes. Although I think Randy is staking a claim.” Blake finished up and shut his locker.

“No, I didn’t get a good vibe from her. You must have let her down pretty hard because she was trying her hardest to disrespect you; making comments on the size of your manhood and its inability to rise to the job.”

“She bet her girlfriend she could get me in the sack and when I wouldn't she was pissed. She’s been calling me, harassing me and even called my sister.”

“Do you think she will go ‘Fatal Attraction’ on you?”

“I hope not and I hope she’s not using Randy to get to me somehow. He will give her all the sack time she could want if that’s all she’s after.”

They had talked and walked their way into the kitchen where lunch was being served. Miguel was cooking up some of his famous chicken fajitas and the smell of seasoned grilled chicken, sautéed peppers, onions and cilantro filled the air. Pete peeked his head in the door.

“Did someone call for a messenger?” Pete asked.

“Yes, yes.” Blake jumped up from the table, ran to his locker and pulled the tube out of the bottom. He met the messenger in the bay by the engine. A fair-haired miss stood waiting with her bicycle resting against her hip. He handed the young woman the tube and a hundred dollar bill. “I need this over-nighted to this address. Keep the change but bring me back the receipt.”

“Done,” was her succinct answer. She put the tube in her backpack, slung it over her shoulders and was gone.

Blake let the smile play across his lips. He was sending the picture to Jennifer’s mom and he knew she would get the picture to Jen. He wished he could be there when she opened it. He wished he could be there period. Curse it all, he missed her lips, her smile, her hands on his chest.

© Copyright 2012 Julia (estuleen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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